IRC Log for #microformats on 2006-06-26

Timestamps are in UTC.

Show: JOIN's QUIT's/PART's MODE's jibot mfbot
  1. [00:13:03] <pnhChris> enjoy my fugly url announcing v1.0 of my textpattern plugin... now with hReview support:
  2. [00:13:10] <pnhChris> :)
  3. [00:15:58] <mfbot> [[hreview]] * ChrisCasciano * (+263) Implementations - textpattern plugin -
  4. [00:20:25] * tantek ( has joined #microformats
  5. [00:20:56] * ChanServ sets mode +o tantek
  6. [00:23:32] * vant ( Quit ("Leaving...")
  7. [00:33:10] * bpt ( Quit ()
  8. [00:34:29] * vant ( has joined #microformats
  9. [00:56:15] * briansuda ( has joined #microformats
  10. [00:59:31] * brianoberkirch ( Quit ()
  11. [01:00:32] * ryanlowe ( has joined #microformats
  12. [01:07:59] * briansuda ( Quit ()
  13. [01:15:41] * ajturner ( Quit ()
  14. [01:24:41] * jakedahn ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  15. [01:28:12] * dc__ ( Quit ()
  16. [01:36:47] * ajturner ( has joined #microformats
  17. [01:45:14] * brianoberkirch ( has joined #microformats
  18. [01:48:58] * tantek ( Quit ()
  19. [02:00:55] * bpt ( has joined #microformats
  20. [02:01:07] * tantek ( has joined #microformats
  21. [02:01:38] * ChanServ sets mode +o tantek
  22. [02:22:53] * PhilipAshlock ( has joined #microformats
  23. [02:26:53] * tantek ( Quit ()
  24. [02:27:46] * Remi ( Quit ()
  25. [02:38:32] * brianoberkirch ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  26. [03:06:12] * ajturner ( Quit ()
  27. [03:23:33] * bookwyrm ( has joined #microformats
  28. [03:34:23] * Jonnay ( has joined #microformats
  29. [03:52:58] * schepers_ ( has joined #microformats
  30. [03:56:20] <mfbot> [[Main Page-fr]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (+6) Discussions Exploratoires -
  31. [04:05:52] * amette_3 ( has joined #microformats
  32. [04:07:10] * amette__ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  33. [04:09:42] * schepers ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  34. [04:10:11] * schepers_ is now known as schepers
  35. [04:18:59] * bookwyrm ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  36. [04:38:38] <mfbot> [[hcard-fr]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (-16) typo
  37. [04:41:29] <mfbot> [[hreview-fr]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (+294) Implémentations - sync with hreview (add translation of TP plugin)
  38. [04:54:35] * Enric ( has joined #microformats
  39. [04:55:28] * Enric ( Quit (Client Quit)
  40. [05:03:55] <mfbot> [[hcard-examples-fr]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (+837) hcard-examples translation / to be reviewed
  41. [05:14:11] * izo_ ( has joined #microformats
  42. [05:15:52] * kisu ( has joined #microformats
  43. [05:30:32] <mfbot> [[hash-examples]] M * Ant * (+12) Proposal -
  44. [05:47:42] * izo_ ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  45. [05:52:03] * izo_ ( has joined #microformats
  46. [06:10:06] * natea|sf ( has joined #microformats
  47. [06:43:10] <mfbot> [[hcard-profile-fr]] N * ChristopheDucamp * (+6945) French translation of hcard-profile
  48. [06:45:46] <mfbot> [[hcard-fr]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (-2) Optimisation implicite du "nickname" - typo
  49. [06:47:32] <mfbot> [[hcard-fr]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (+1) Plus d'Exemples - typo
  50. [07:00:04] <mfbot> [[hcard-parsing-fr]] N * ChristopheDucamp * (+23984) hcard-parsing : structure translated - to be done
  51. [07:11:21] * natea|sf ( Quit ()
  52. [07:15:40] <mfbot> [[hcard-parsing-fr]] * ChristopheDucamp * (+465) nom classe racine -> à relire
  53. [07:15:57] * rohit__ ( has joined #microformats
  54. [07:18:28] * tantek ( has joined #microformats
  55. [07:18:59] * ChanServ sets mode +o tantek
  56. [07:24:51] <mfbot> [[hcard-parsing-fr]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (+136) trouver des hCards - in progress draft translation to be reviewed
  57. [07:40:16] * rohit__ ( Quit ()
  58. [07:45:48] <mfbot> [[hcard-parsing-fr]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (+616) propriétés hCard - in progress
  59. [07:46:24] <mfbot> [[hcard-parsing-fr]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (+1) typo
  60. [07:52:25] <mfbot> [[Microformats:Recherche]] N * ChristopheDucamp * (+202) Page difficult to understand / appearing via a search with french Preferences / This page could be completed with a future search engine on a french microformats web site ?
  61. [07:52:46] <mfbot> [[Microformats:Recherche]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (+1) typo
  62. [07:53:20] * trovster ( has joined #microformats
  63. [07:58:28] * izo ( has joined #microformats
  64. [07:58:28] * izo_ ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  65. [08:01:44] * izo ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  66. [08:01:53] * izo ( has joined #microformats
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  68. [08:25:31] * izo ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
  69. [08:27:37] * lisppaste4 ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  70. [08:30:47] * lisppaste4 ( has joined #microformats
  71. [08:43:13] * PhilipAshlock ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  72. [08:54:59] <trovster> <p class="date published" title="2006-06-22T14:23:19+01:00">Posted on Thursday, June 22nd, 2006</p> -- is this correct? Or does the published need only to go around the date?
  73. [09:33:11] <trovster> I get 'Could not parse sourcetree.' from
  74. [10:18:57] * amette_3 is now known as amette
  75. [10:20:46] * izo_ ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  76. [10:22:12] * izo_ ( has joined #microformats
  77. [11:01:18] * LTjake ( has joined #microformats
  78. [11:21:36] * Enric ( has joined #microformats
  79. [11:25:04] * jakedahn ( has joined #microformats
  80. [12:10:04] * trovster ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  81. [12:38:54] * imajes (n=imajes@growl/imajes) Quit (Connection timed out)
  82. [12:43:11] * Enric ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  83. [12:45:27] * imajes (n=imajes@growl/imajes) has joined #microformats
  84. [12:54:02] * bigswift ( has joined #microformats
  85. [12:58:05] <mfbot> [[hcard-parsing-fr]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (+89) gestion espace blanc -
  86. [13:03:16] <mfbot> [[hcard-parsing-fr]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (+98) sous-propriétés hCard -
  87. [13:08:43] <mfbot> [[hcard-parsing-fr]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (+62) paramètres proprités hCard -
  88. [13:09:09] <mfbot> [[hcard-parsing-fr]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (+1) paramètres propriétés hCard - typo
  89. [13:10:30] * amette ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  90. [13:11:40] * amette__ ( has joined #microformats
  91. [13:13:19] * xtof ( has joined #microformats
  92. [13:17:19] <xtof> bonjour currently trying to understand :
  93. [13:19:09] <xtof> is there any french people with good expertise to localize any french address accordin to "la poste"'s nomenclature ?
  94. [13:21:20] * dglazkov ( has joined #microformats
  95. [13:22:51] <xtof> let's say I don't feel a ease with this defintion type ADR
  96. [13:27:14] * bigswift ( has left #microformats
  97. [13:45:50] * markp ( has joined #microformats
  98. [13:54:04] * termie (i=andy@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/termie) has joined #microformats
  99. [13:54:54] * termie (i=andy@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/termie) Quit (Client Quit)
  100. [13:57:07] * termie (i=andy@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/termie) has joined #microformats
  101. [14:00:24] * schepers ( Quit ("Free at last!")
  102. [14:07:13] * trovster ( has joined #microformats
  103. [14:29:53] * schepers ( has joined #microformats
  104. [14:44:19] * cgriego ( has joined #Microformats
  105. [14:47:46] * termie (i=andy@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/termie) Quit ("Lost terminal")
  106. [15:00:03] <mfbot> [[events/2006-03-13-sxsw-microformats-transcript]] M * Tantek * (+162) added headings, intro, backlink
  107. [15:01:26] * DanC ( has joined #microformats
  108. [15:05:34] <mfbot> [[events/2006-03-13-sxsw-microformats-transcript]] M * Tantek * (+101)
  109. [15:07:38] * KevinMarks (n=Snak@pdpc/supporter/active/kevinmarks) Quit ("The computer fell asleep")
  110. [15:09:10] * pnhChris ( Quit ()
  111. [15:09:32] * RobertBachmann ( has joined #microformats
  112. [15:11:52] * tantek sets mode +o RobertBachmann
  113. [15:14:42] * bear_afk is now known as bear
  114. [15:24:01] * lisppaste4 ( Quit (Connection reset by peer)
  115. [15:29:32] * lisppaste4 ( has joined #microformats
  116. [15:42:48] * jakedahn ( Quit ()
  117. [15:44:37] * imajes (n=imajes@growl/imajes) Quit ()
  118. [15:52:54] * vant_ ( has joined #microformats
  119. [15:53:11] * vant ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  120. [15:58:59] <trovster> Hello?
  121. [16:01:36] <evanpro> lo lo lo lo lo
  122. [16:01:46] * evanpro does his best imitation of a long echo
  123. [16:02:20] * natea|sf ( has joined #microformats
  124. [16:03:16] <trovster> I get 'Could not parse sourcetree.' from
  125. [16:31:43] * valmont (n=chrishol@pdpc/supporter/silver/valmont) Quit ()
  126. [16:38:35] <RobertBachmann> trovster:
  127. [16:39:28] <trovster> You just added #
  128. [16:39:28] <trovster> <div xmlns="">
  129. [16:40:26] * natea|sf ( Quit ()
  130. [16:41:02] <RobertBachmann> yes. XML documents must have one root element, thus the DIV.
  131. [16:41:48] <RobertBachmann> the xmlns is here because hAtom2Atom.xsl only works with XHTML documents. (You can use ``tidy -asxml`` for plain old HTML)
  132. [16:42:50] <trovster> Should I add xmlns="" to the html ?
  133. [16:43:51] <RobertBachmann> yes
  134. [16:45:17] <RobertBachmann> <html xmlns="">...</html>
  135. [16:45:23] <trovster> Well, you see, I already had it (obviously that wasn't my FULL code!) ->
  136. [16:47:28] <trovster> Also, all the other tools/links for hentry, on the wiki, are down/missing/gone
  137. [16:49:20] * bewest (n=ben@httpcraft/bewest) has joined #microformats
  138. [16:50:55] * tantek ( Quit ()
  139. [16:52:46] <RobertBachmann> which links?
  140. [16:57:30] <trovster> The oneson the wiki!
  141. [17:00:26] <RobertBachmann> which page? <>?
  142. [17:03:16] <trovster> those
  143. [17:08:12] * pnhChris ( has joined #microformats
  144. [17:13:21] <RobertBachmann> ah seems to be down
  145. [17:19:40] <trovster> Any ideas of the translation?
  146. [17:20:20] * tantek ( has joined #microformats
  147. [17:20:48] * ChanServ sets mode +o tantek
  148. [17:26:55] * imajes (n=imajes@growl/imajes) has joined #microformats
  149. [17:26:58] <RobertBachmann> trovster: <p class="date published" title="2006-06-22T09:23:19-04:00">Posted on Thursday, June 22nd, 2006</p> must be replaced with
  150. [17:26:58] <RobertBachmann> <p class="date">Posted on <abbr class="published" title="2006-06-22T09:23:19-04:00">Thursday, June 22nd, 2006</abbr></p>
  151. [17:26:58] <RobertBachmann> The title attribute will only be used if the element with class="published" is an <ABBR>
  152. [17:27:50] <trovster> [09:54:59] <trovster> <p class="date published" title="2006-06-22T14:23:19+01:00">Posted on Thursday, June 22nd, 2006</p> -- is this correct? Or does the published need only to go around the date? -- was my first question
  153. [17:32:19] <trovster> OK then, RobertBachmann,
  154. [17:40:00] * trovster ( Quit ()
  155. [17:44:07] * valmont ( has joined #microformats
  156. [17:44:54] <RobertBachmann> trovster: 1229 looks good
  157. [17:45:11] <RobertBachmann> ah he's not here anymore
  158. [17:51:02] * mipadi ( has joined #microformats
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  161. [17:56:35] * cgriego ( Quit ()
  162. [18:08:35] * bear is now known as bear_afk
  163. [18:18:45] * KevinMarks ( has joined #microformats
  164. [18:20:35] * RobertBachmann ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  165. [18:27:29] * natea|sf ( Quit ()
  166. [18:31:49] * amette__ ( Quit ("keep havin' fun")
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  169. [18:37:27] * ChanServ sets mode +o kingryan
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  174. [18:45:17] * termie (i=andy@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/termie) Quit ("leaving")
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  177. [18:49:41] * amette__ is now known as amette
  178. [18:51:20] * pnhChris ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  179. [18:51:44] * pnhChris ( has joined #microformats
  180. [18:53:49] * bear_afk is now known as bear
  181. [18:58:00] * cgriego ( has joined #Microformats
  182. [19:03:52] * drewinthehead ( has joined #microformats
  183. [19:04:04] <dglazkov> off topic question
  184. [19:04:18] <dglazkov> is there a flickr for mp3s?
  185. [19:08:18] <bewest> used to be kind of like that
  186. [19:08:38] <kingryan> there may not be a "flickr of" mp3's
  187. [19:08:46] <kingryan> but there is an "iPod of" mp3's
  188. [19:09:15] <dglazkov> ok, I have a bunch of music of my old bands that I want to upload somewhere
  189. [19:09:21] <dglazkov> where?
  190. [19:09:49] <bewest> used to be a community based mp3 sharing place....
  191. [19:09:54] <bewest> upload mp3's of your band or whatever
  192. [19:09:55] <bewest> and share
  193. [19:10:16] <kingryan> dglazkov: the iPod
  194. [19:10:17] <bewest> it also had free mp3's of independent artists and whatnot
  195. [19:11:07] <mfbot> [[hcard-faq]] * DrewMcLellan * (+441) Q&A -
  196. [19:11:20] * zirpu ( has left #microformats
  197. [19:14:44] * bpt ( has left #microformats
  198. [19:21:47] * natea|sf ( has joined #microformats
  199. [19:22:44] * dglazkov is checking out mp3
  200. [19:23:08] <dglazkov> kingryan: the iPod? How do I get myself on iTunes? :)
  201. [19:23:21] <kingryan> get signed to a label
  202. [19:23:27] <kingryan> or start a podcast
  203. [19:26:54] * Jonna1 ( has joined #microformats
  204. [19:26:55] * Jonnay ( Quit (Connection reset by peer)
  205. [19:27:34] * pnhChris ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  206. [19:27:42] * pnhChris ( has joined #microformats
  207. [19:28:02] <bewest> kingryan: I brought up that graphing bug with a guy here
  208. [19:28:41] <dglazkov> oh.. thanks guys
  209. [19:32:24] <dglazkov> what about
  210. [19:32:45] * LTjake_ ( has joined #microformats
  211. [19:34:49] * termie (i=andy@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/termie) Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  212. [19:34:53] * amette ( Quit ("keep havin' fun")
  213. [19:34:54] * termie (i=andy@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/termie) has joined #microformats
  214. [19:49:32] * amette__ ( has joined #microformats
  215. [19:49:36] * LTjake ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  216. [19:53:39] <larryhalff> dglazkov: Check out You can get an iTunes distribution deal through them without having to sign to a traditional label.
  217. [19:54:32] <dglazkov> thanks, larryhalff
  218. [19:56:47] * LTjake_ is now known as LTjake
  219. [19:57:29] * KevinMarks (n=Snak@pdpc/supporter/active/kevinmarks) Quit ("bye")
  220. [19:58:33] * KevinMarks ( has joined #microformats
  221. [20:02:51] * markp_ ( has joined #microformats
  222. [20:05:54] * markp ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  223. [20:05:58] * markp_ is now known as markp
  224. [20:07:57] * LTjake ( Quit ("Chatzilla 0.9.73 [Firefox]")
  225. [20:15:06] * amette__ ( Quit ("keep havin' fun")
  226. [20:31:18] * xtof ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  227. [20:36:34] * amette__ ( has joined #microformats
  228. [20:38:00] * larryhalff ( Quit ()
  229. [20:39:04] <kingryan> hey bewest
  230. [20:39:07] <kingryan> thanks
  231. [20:39:09] <bewest> sure
  232. [20:39:12] <kingryan> he have anything to say?
  233. [20:39:24] <bewest> there's a lively discussion in #web on the value of extending semantics using the class attribute
  234. [20:39:28] <bewest> most people are very against it
  235. [20:39:31] <bewest> I could use some help :-)
  236. [20:39:47] <kingryan> I don't know if we can take on the whole web
  237. [20:40:26] <cgriego> that's the whole purpose of the class attribute... free-form semantics
  238. [20:40:35] <bewest> it's just a chatroom :-)
  239. [20:40:46] <bewest> #web not "web"
  240. [20:40:57] <cgriego> are they arguing that it's only for css hooks?
  241. [20:41:04] <bewest> yes
  242. [20:41:22] <bewest> and that it's a bad idea to shift the semantics away from elements to attributes
  243. [20:41:37] <kingryan> tell them that shift has already happened
  244. [20:41:47] <kingryan> we're just taking it to the logical extreme
  245. [20:42:19] <bewest> I argued there's no shift though
  246. [20:42:29] <bewest> since we haven't changed the semantics of elements, only extended them
  247. [20:43:19] <qid> you could point out to them that according to the spec, class is for more than just CSS hooks
  248. [20:44:28] * KevinMarks (n=Snak@pdpc/supporter/active/kevinmarks) Quit ("bye")
  249. [20:44:55] <qid> and if they're going to argue for a position not supported by the W3C spec, then it's impossible to them to claim that they're "right", only that we have a difference of opinion
  250. [20:46:03] <_fil_> point them to
  251. [20:46:15] <_fil_> The class attribute has several roles in HTML:
  252. [20:46:15] <_fil_> As a style sheet selector (when an author wishes to assign style information to a set of elements).
  253. [20:46:18] <_fil_> For general purpose processing by user agents.
  254. [20:47:25] <bewest> they just argue that genearl purpose excludes semantic purpose
  255. [20:47:28] <bewest> by definition
  256. [20:47:37] <_fil_> ok
  257. [20:47:41] <bewest> they see general in opposite to semantic
  258. [20:47:43] <kingryan> "general purpose" doesn't include everything?
  259. [20:47:52] <_fil_> then just /window close
  260. [20:48:10] <qid> I believe they just said something roughly equating to "microformats are a hack job"
  261. [20:48:13] <qid> :-\
  262. [20:48:30] <_fil_> well... it's a free country
  263. [20:48:41] <_fil_> Sweden, I mean :)
  264. [20:49:37] <dglazkov> yeah. I couldn't bear that
  265. [20:52:29] * dbaron ( has joined #microformats
  266. [20:52:51] <tantek> qid, and that's supposed to be an insult? ;)
  267. [20:53:07] <qid> heh
  268. [20:54:00] <bewest> meh they are ignoring me now
  269. [20:54:11] <tantek> bewest, perhaps return the favor?
  270. [20:54:25] <bewest> why is it "class" is ok to add semantics in every domain except html?
  271. [20:56:10] <tantek> you may also drop this in that channel and see what happens:
  272. [20:56:31] <tantek> bewest, I don't understand the question
  273. [20:56:39] <tantek> (nice to meet you at BarCampSF BTW!)
  274. [20:56:53] <bewest> yeah :-)
  275. [20:57:13] <bewest> I just asked: name another domain in which an application of a value of class does not extend semantic information?
  276. [20:58:04] <tantek> good one.
  277. [20:58:14] <bewest> they conveniently ignore it hough
  278. [20:59:25] * tantek has some coding to do right now, otherwise he might enjoy a few minutes of distraction in an otherwise hostile irc channel.
  279. [20:59:54] <tantek> does #web have public logs?
  280. [21:00:03] <bewest> dunno
  281. [21:00:10] <bewest> I think I"m logging though
  282. [21:00:34] * KevinMarks ( has joined #microformats
  283. [21:00:47] <tantek> good. might be worth keeping a catalog of their arguments for later dissection / refutation on the wiki.
  284. [21:01:57] * pnhChris ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  285. [21:04:45] * pnhChris ( has joined #microformats
  286. [21:06:59] <gsnedders> suddenly it all stops…
  287. [21:07:17] <bewest> maybe cause my points are bullet proof
  288. [21:07:36] <bewest> meh
  289. [21:07:38] <bewest> they are silly
  290. [21:07:48] <gsnedders> very.
  291. [21:07:51] <tantek> silliness is one response to frustration
  292. [21:08:08] <gsnedders> I really should be coding, not wasting my time
  293. [21:08:11] <bewest> they attack people who say they want to use xhtml
  294. [21:08:12] * bewest too
  295. [21:08:17] <tantek> wow
  296. [21:08:20] * natea|sf ( Quit ()
  297. [21:09:04] <bewest> very fundamentalist
  298. [21:09:09] <gsnedders> my reply to whether we should use something no browser supports was simple: "if you went back to the beginning of the web, why should you use HTML? What supports it? Almost nothing. Did people use it? Yes."
  299. [21:09:48] <gsnedders> and I got smacked down for saying that.
  300. [21:10:05] <bewest> qid: you almost got banned lol
  301. [21:10:09] <bewest> I might get banned
  302. [21:10:12] <qid> haha
  303. [21:10:17] <bewest> name another domain in which an application of a value of class does not extend semantic information?
  304. [21:10:33] <bewest> try this google seach: "* is a class of *" and see what happens :-)
  305. [21:10:34] <gsnedders> huh?
  306. [21:10:38] <bewest> just logging :-)
  307. [21:10:57] <bewest> mcc: bewest: So your argument is currently that since class means a certain thing elsewhere, it must also mean that same thing in HTML.
  308. [21:10:59] <qid> as I said, it became apparent that we were in a religious argument, not a logical debate
  309. [21:11:02] <qid> so I left
  310. [21:11:05] <bewest> mcc: I'm pretty sure there's a name for that falacy.
  311. [21:11:14] <bewest> FAE?
  312. [21:11:36] <bewest> only it's the model we commonly use for naming and defining all kinds of things
  313. [21:11:43] <qid> religious arguments never go anywhere, they just make everyone angrier
  314. [21:11:43] <bewest> and so is no fallacy in this case
  315. [21:11:58] <bewest> se: bewest: but it /isn't/, in this case. Please mention one SGML-based language which uses this method?
  316. [21:12:20] <kingryan> bewest: tell them "HTML"
  317. [21:12:35] * gsnedders gets back to coding, after that fun
  318. [21:12:35] <bewest> I'm logging
  319. [21:12:37] <bewest> and next:
  320. [21:12:48] <bewest> html!?
  321. [21:12:54] <bewest> <title>....
  322. [21:13:01] <bewest> se: bewest: ... which uses microformats?
  323. [21:13:12] <bewest> on: "no, it's a namespace!"
  324. [21:13:21] <bewest> se: bewest: ... HTML uses microformats?
  325. [21:13:22] <mfbot> [[events]] M * RyanKing * (+0) past events are no longer "upcoming"
  326. [21:13:31] <bewest> no... I'm talking about what the class attribute means.. since that is seems to be our prinicple disagreement
  327. [21:13:41] <bewest> mcc: Well, that's an easy disagreement to settle. What's the spec say? :P
  328. [21:13:49] <bewest> se: bewest: no, it isn't. The /principal/ disagreement is that microformats is breaking with a principle that has been with us since 1968 or thereabouts - WHY? That's all I ask.
  329. [21:13:59] <bewest> gsnedders: mattmcc: "For general purpose processing by user agents (e.g. for identifying fields when extracting data from HTML pages into a database, translating HTML documents into other formats, etc.)."
  330. [21:14:06] <bewest> we are discussing what the general useage of an attribute of class might mean... since in most domains the type of class something is extends its semantic value, I'm arguing the same applies here
  331. [21:14:23] <bewest> mcc: There's that fallacy again.
  332. [21:14:33] <bewest> we used the same "fallacy" to name namespaces
  333. [21:14:59] <bewest> ose: bewest: actually ... we're not.
  334. [21:15:10] <bewest> that was the end
  335. [21:16:44] <bewest> maybe a new t-shirt could say: Microformats: in a class of its own.
  336. [21:16:45] <gsnedders> you missed somethings out
  337. [21:16:46] <tantek> yeah, you cornered them into confronting a belief/assumption, and that tends to be the response
  338. [21:17:07] <bewest> gsnedders: yes, I did I'm biased for my own arguments
  339. [21:17:15] <gsnedders> :)
  340. [21:17:27] <bewest> I apologized a bit
  341. [21:17:47] <bewest> I mean I apologize for being biased gsnedders
  342. [21:17:54] <gsnedders> :)
  343. [21:18:25] <gsnedders> you got most of the important parts, though
  344. [21:18:47] <bewest> that was my intention I left out some of my own statements and some of theirs as well
  345. [21:18:56] <bewest> I hope I got the principle issuesssssss
  346. [21:19:02] <gsnedders> I added just before Windrose's last statement: "so the question is are we extending a language, or are we adding data for processing by user agents?"
  347. [21:19:07] <gsnedders> that went unanswered.
  348. [21:19:10] <bewest> ye
  349. [21:19:11] <bewest> yes
  350. [21:19:13] <gsnedders> bewest: yeah, you did.
  351. [21:20:33] <gsnedders> most of what you missed out was replying to other related questions, like pointing out that Tasman supports application/xhtml+xml to "work is being done in teh IE camp to support xhtml+xml", then having to explain what Tasman is.
  352. [21:20:41] * dglazkov ( Quit ()
  353. [21:22:05] <gsnedders> knowing what the rendering engines are called seems a rather basic thing to know.
  354. [21:24:14] <bewest> meh. they are smart folks but very very rigidly fundamentalist
  355. [21:24:41] <bewest> the funny thing is they complain just as bitterly about TBL's Semantic Web that /does/ use namespaces
  356. [21:27:25] <qid> maybe they're just anti-semantic
  357. [21:27:38] <qid> >_>
  358. [21:33:04] * Enric ( has joined #microformats
  359. [21:33:49] <tantek> maybe they're just anti
  360. [21:37:37] <kingryan> "anti-semantic"- that sounds very evocative
  361. [21:39:47] * gsnedders yawns good night… ME isn't a nice disease to have :\
  362. [21:40:16] <tantek> indeed
  363. [21:40:54] <tantek> one wonders how widespread this kind of antisemanticism is.
  364. [21:41:26] * jibot ( has joined #microformats
  365. [21:41:31] * gsnedders tries to pronounce antisemanticism…
  366. [21:41:40] * gsnedders fails.
  367. [21:42:02] * gsnedders ( Quit ("I dropped dead…")
  368. [21:42:41] <kingryan> 18k hits:
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  381. [22:48:50] * Remi ( has joined #microformats
  382. [22:48:50] <jibot> Remi is Remi Prevost, a web developper (yeah, that's how we spell "developer" in french) from Quebec and blogs about web stuff at <>
  383. [22:58:21] * tantek ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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  385. [23:22:46] * tantek ( has joined #microformats
  386. [23:22:47] <jibot> tantek is Tantek <> and works on Technorati and develops microformats <>
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