IRC Log for #openid on 2007-01-02

Timestamps are in UTC.

  1. [00:49:45] * hikari_esblogger ( Quit (
  2. [00:49:45] * don-o (n=donp@ Quit (
  3. [00:49:45] * GabeW (i=gwachob@pdpc/supporter/professional/GabeW) Quit (
  4. [00:49:50] * don-o (n=donp@ has joined #openid
  5. [00:49:50] * GabeW ( has joined #openid
  6. [00:50:30] * hikari_esblogger ( has joined #openid
  7. [02:05:51] * hikari_esblogger ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  8. [02:05:53] * GabeWE61 ( has joined #openid
  9. [02:13:06] * GabeWE61 ( Quit ("jmIrc destroyed by the OS")
  10. [02:16:14] * Skwid_ ( Quit ("Quitte")
  11. [02:44:20] * Skwid_ ( has joined #openid
  12. [03:11:43] * SamRose ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  13. [06:10:47] * Skwid_ ( Quit ("Quitte")
  14. [06:17:35] * hober (n=ted@unaffiliated/hober) Quit ("ERC Version 5.1.3 (IRC client for Emacs)")
  15. [06:32:29] * mtearle ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  16. [08:55:04] * lucasvo ( has joined #openid
  17. [08:55:09] <lucasvo> hi
  18. [08:56:21] <lucasvo> someone can help me with my openid implementation in python?
  19. [09:07:01] * nightfreak ( has joined #openid
  20. [09:17:32] <lucasvo> I've been using this:
  21. [09:17:59] <lucasvo> but I get the error that req.token does not exist
  22. [09:18:23] <lucasvo> req = consumer.Consumer( store= getStore(), session = get_session(request)).begin(openid_url)
  23. [09:29:32] * nightfreak_ ( has joined #openid
  24. [09:46:52] * nightfreak ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  25. [09:49:49] * nightfreak_ ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  26. [09:50:33] * nightfreak ( has joined #openid
  27. [14:17:54] * Skwid_ (n=Skwid___@ has joined #openid
  28. [15:11:42] * nightfreak ( Quit ("Ex-Chat")
  29. [16:10:29] * hikari_esblogger ( has joined #openid
  30. [16:48:04] * PatF ( has joined #openid
  31. [16:53:43] * Skwid_ (n=Skwid___@ Quit ("Quitte")
  32. [17:02:26] * PatF ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  33. [17:17:31] * Skwid_ ( has joined #openid
  34. [17:34:52] * PatF ( has joined #openid
  35. [18:33:07] * cygnus ( has joined #openid
  36. [18:33:08] <jibot> cygnus is WorkerBee(name="Jonathan Daugherty", company="JanRain, Inc.")
  37. [18:37:04] <don-o> for an identity provider, does it make sense to sore just the 'username' portion of the openid
  38. [18:37:41] <don-o> so that if the url ever changed, say to, the database doesnt have to change.
  39. [18:38:35] <don-o> s/database/contents of the database/
  40. [18:38:49] <don-o> s/sore/store
  41. [18:44:51] * PatF ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  42. [19:02:27] * PatF ( has joined #openid
  43. [19:12:32] * aconbere|work ( has left #openid
  44. [19:41:59] <GabeW> don-o: there is no concept of a "username"
  45. [19:42:10] <cygnus> well, that's an implementation detail.
  46. [19:42:17] <GabeW> you can make no assumption about the form of a openid URL or XRI
  47. [19:42:18] <chowells79> Also, that doesn't really make sense.
  48. [19:42:25] <cygnus> I don't think you *should* anticipate your domain name changing, as that is going to hurt a lot of users, no?
  49. [19:42:30] <GabeW> well
  50. [19:42:32] <GabeW> hehe
  51. [19:42:38] <chowells79> Who's to say that is
  52. [19:42:53] <GabeW> if your domain name changes, you lose your identity
  53. [19:42:56] <chowells79> Well, my name is perhaps too unique...
  54. [19:43:15] <chowells79> Even worse... why would you assume is
  55. [19:43:36] <chowells79> There's likely more than one person name jsmith out there.
  56. [19:43:51] <GabeW> unless you use an iname - where if someone else gets your iname, they won't get your inumber..
  57. [19:44:45] <don-o> the implementation that im looking for is if the server is started on a different port, it will auth the URL ID for http://localhost:current_port/openid/username
  58. [19:45:19] <don-o> i agree that could be a bad design strictly speaking as now the server will 'okay' a whole range of URLs
  59. [19:45:34] <cygnus> don-o: I think it's best to just infer the username from the URL, based on a well-defined pattern for your application. and of course, you won't respond to just *any* URL pattern.
  60. [19:47:35] <don-o> right. although id go with comparing fully constructed urls rather than deconstructing the given url.
  61. [19:48:38] * brianellin ( has joined #openid
  62. [19:48:39] * don-o goes to lunch
  63. [19:51:44] * Skwid_ ( Quit ("Quitte")
  64. [20:00:52] * Skwid_ ( has joined #openid
  65. [20:17:26] <_keturn> woahey
  66. [20:18:05] <_keturn> somehow I either never knew or completely forgot about @freeid. Which is odd, because I've been keeping my eyes open for someone to do that for a while now
  67. [20:18:09] <_keturn> and apparently it happened several months ago
  68. [20:22:45] <cygnus> _keturn: what is that?
  69. [20:23:20] <_keturn> , linksafe is giving away @freeid*blah i-names
  70. [20:24:00] <GabeW> really>
  71. [20:24:02] <GabeW> really?
  72. [20:24:08] <GabeW> you guys didn't know about that?
  73. [20:25:18] * _keturn consults his external memory
  74. [20:25:43] <GabeW> wow
  75. [20:25:49] <GabeW> yes, thats the first one
  76. [20:26:10] <_keturn> Aug 15 10:29:52 <_keturn> huh. Anyone heard of, aka @freeid? Kaliya and google's cache seem to suggest that they're handing out free i-names under the @freeid community, but they don't seem to be much online at the moment.
  77. [20:26:13] <GabeW> I'd expect more - its really easy to give away free inames if you don't care about getting iservices from a delegator as well
  78. [20:26:21] <GabeW> heh
  79. [20:26:36] <GabeW> i'm not sure has anything to do with @freeid
  80. [20:26:55] <GabeW> oh apparently it may
  81. [20:27:43] <don-o> are iNames getting any traction on the intarwebs?
  82. [20:28:11] * don-o understands very little about i-names
  83. [20:28:50] <cygnus> the internet is a series of tubes.
  84. [20:29:10] <don-o> poker chips clog the tubes
  85. [20:29:25] <cygnus> quite often, yes.
  86. [20:30:11] <_keturn> I know it should be pretty easy, which is why I've been waiting for someone to do it to steal attention from the "man $20 you guys have got to be kidding" complaint
  87. [20:30:45] <GabeW> well, the issue is that the expectation has been set up that all inames come with iservices
  88. [20:31:01] <GabeW> and so you've got to provide SSO, contact, and forwarding at the "global" level
  89. [20:31:34] <GabeW> but there's no requirement to do that beyond the "global" (top) level
  90. [20:32:23] <GabeW> we're going to release an open source iservices package in java (using python for the openid SSO/Auth because there hasn't been a java OP until very recently)
  91. [20:32:31] <GabeW> we (amsoft)
  92. [20:32:59] <GabeW> but you don't need to set up anything other than an openid auth service endpoint to use with openid
  93. [20:39:39] * GabeW writes for the openid irc log ;-)
  94. [20:57:25] <lucasvo> hi
  95. [20:57:34] <lucasvo> someone familiar to the python library for openid?
  96. [20:58:24] <lucasvo> I try to get it to work with django
  97. [21:00:49] * nasum ( has joined #openid
  98. [21:01:17] * nasum ( Quit ("Leaving")
  99. [21:04:21] <GabeW> i am not terribly famliar with it, but the janrain guys are - cygnus, _keturn?
  100. [21:04:33] * Skwid_ ( Quit ("Quitte")
  101. [21:05:29] <_keturn> sure. what's up?
  102. [21:08:59] <lucasvo> keturn: I am trying to adapt this code to my software:
  103. [21:12:58] * hikari_esblogger ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  104. [21:13:11] * hikari_esblogger ( has joined #openid
  105. [21:13:53] <lucasvo> _keturn: on line 79 it calls req.token
  106. [21:13:56] <lucasvo> which doesn't exist
  107. [21:14:10] <sanedragon> aha, old code.
  108. [21:14:46] <lucasvo> sanedragon: my openid library is old or the django implementation?
  109. [21:15:08] <sanedragon> no, the implementation is for an old lib version
  110. [21:15:13] <lucasvo> oh, ok
  111. [21:15:32] <lucasvo> I am talking about
  112. [21:15:36] <lucasvo> *
  113. [21:15:40] <lucasvo> sanedragon: what do I have to change?
  114. [21:15:45] <sanedragon> cygnus should be able to help you with some better django openid code
  115. [21:15:56] <sanedragon> I'm a rails guy myself
  116. [21:16:04] <lucasvo> oh, ok thanks anyway!
  117. [21:16:25] <lucasvo> cygnus: sanedragon told me that you have good django openid code? can I use it?
  118. [21:17:08] * cygnus returns and reads scrollback
  119. [21:17:32] <lucasvo> there's not much to scroll back :)
  120. [21:18:34] <cygnus> lucasvo: check out, see the "login" function, about 2/3 down.
  121. [21:19:07] <lucasvo> cygnus: can I put this into the wiki article about openid in django?
  122. [21:19:20] <cygnus> the URL?
  123. [21:19:48] <lucasvo> yes
  124. [21:19:54] <cygnus> hmm, I'd rather not. it might change, or go away, or I might decide the code is ugly. :)
  125. [21:20:16] <cygnus> lucasvo: I recommend you extract the bits that you need, clean them up as you see fit, and include that instead.
  126. [21:20:36] <cygnus> I intend to keep that source up to date with the latest python openid library, but at any rate, the code might not live there forever.
  127. [21:20:59] <lucasvo> ok
  128. [21:21:14] <lucasvo> cygnus: what's responseWrapper()?
  129. [21:21:17] <cygnus> lucasvo: ... it's also worth pointing out that that code is for 0.91.
  130. [21:21:40] <cygnus> lucasvo: a big decorator to make django views nicer. it basically just lets you return ("template_name", {template_context: ...}) from your views.
  131. [21:21:55] <cygnus> rather than messing with template rendering directly.
  132. [21:22:11] <cygnus> but responseWrapper lives in that module, too.
  133. [21:22:38] <cygnus> lucasvo: and furthermore, I'm confident that with a little diligence, the openid bits could be ripped out, generalized, and made into a nice little app mixin.
  134. [21:23:34] <lucasvo> cygnus: I am not that familiar with django and python and have a hard time reading your code, because I never used 0.91
  135. [21:23:51] <cygnus> it's not much different. it mostly differs in how the ORM works (how database stuff is done).
  136. [21:24:30] <lucasvo> can you take a look at: ?
  137. [21:24:36] <lucasvo> how much would I have to change?
  138. [21:24:41] <cygnus> my point is just that if you want to post that code to a public forum, just be sure to tell people that it's for 0.91, or update it if it needs updating.
  139. [21:24:58] * cygnus looks
  140. [21:28:22] <cygnus> lucasvo: Consumer(session, store) (not Consumer(store, session)). remove usage of req.token (as mentioned before.) -- so, use an ordinary return_to, since state is maintained in the session. update process() so the session is passed to Consumer(), too, and remove usage of 'token'. otherwise, I think it's basically done.
  141. [21:31:27] * hikari_esblogger ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  142. [21:40:26] <lucasvo> cygnus: you mean this: info = oidconsumer.complete(request.GET,get_session(request) )
  143. [21:40:40] <lucasvo> on line 125?
  144. [21:44:02] <lucasvo> cygnus: the problem is, get_session(request) returns: id:'none'
  145. [21:44:11] <lucasvo> s/returns/is/g
  146. [21:47:34] <cygnus> no, you only pass the request to .complete() (not the session).
  147. [21:47:58] <cygnus> pass the session to the constructor: oidconsumer = consumer.Consumer(request.session, store)
  148. [21:51:06] <lucasvo> complete() takes exactly 3 arguments (2 given)
  149. [21:51:59] <cygnus> lucasvo: what version of the python openid library are you using?
  150. [21:53:30] * cygnus inspects your
  151. [21:53:44] <cygnus> looks like you are using an older library
  152. [21:53:52] <cygnus> (judging by the error.)
  153. [21:54:08] <cygnus> you should get version 1.2.0 at
  154. [21:57:04] <lucasvo> cygnus: where can I find out the version?
  155. [22:00:21] <cygnus> I think you can find it in the that came with the original tarball.
  156. [22:00:42] <cygnus> but at any rate, that call signature indicates your lib is old.
  157. [22:04:36] <lucasvo> cygnus: ok, I'll tell my isp
  158. [22:06:13] <_keturn> at some point along the line we added a openid.__version__ attribute
  159. [22:06:23] <cygnus> lucasvo: they might not be able or willing to upgrade, if others are relying on it
  160. [22:06:45] <cygnus> lucasvo: you can install the package in your own account and adjust the python search path, if you want
  161. [22:17:24] <lucasvo> cygnus: I requested it, so I guess the will upgrade
  162. [22:19:01] * Skwid_ ( has joined #openid
  163. [22:19:16] <lucasvo> _keturn: you were right: complete() takes exactly 3 arguments (2 given)
  164. [22:19:27] <lucasvo> oh, wrong pastebuffer
  165. [22:19:32] <lucasvo> __version__ = '[library version:1.2.0]'[17:-1]
  166. [22:19:54] <lucasvo> cygnus: so it is up to date
  167. [22:21:47] <cygnus> then, either 1) you have an old lib that is getting loaded first or 2) somehow you are calling complete() on the GenericConsumer object
  168. [22:21:59] <cygnus> lucasvo: is the code at up to date?
  169. [22:22:21] <cygnus> brb
  170. [22:22:50] <lucasvo> cygnus: this is actually not my code, I copied it from there
  171. [22:22:57] <lucasvo> I will paste my code somewhere
  172. [22:23:49] <lucasvo> cygnus: you have bzr?
  173. [22:24:01] <lucasvo> cygnus:
  174. [23:15:33] * hober (n=ted@unaffiliated/hober) has joined #openid
  175. [23:42:08] * brianellin ( Quit ("Leaving")
  176. [23:43:12] * Skwid_ ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  177. [23:48:00] * SamRose ( has joined #openid
  178. [23:50:24] * Skwid_ ( has joined #openid
  179. [23:57:47] * whateley ( has joined #openid

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