IRC Log for #openid on 2007-02-15
Timestamps are in UTC.
- [00:33:30] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
- [00:58:56] * cygnus ( Quit ("Download Gaim:")
- [00:59:10] * aconbere|mobile ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [01:08:50] * xlarrydrebes ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [01:26:05] * j3h ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
- [01:53:26] * xlarrydrebes ( has joined #openid
- [04:15:03] * j3h ( has joined #openid
- [04:20:23] * aconbere|mobile ( has joined #openid
- [04:49:09] * Osurac (i=mikeg@ has joined #openid
- [05:39:30] * chowells79 ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [05:40:50] * _keturn (n=acapnoti@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [05:41:17] * rorek ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [05:50:53] * chowells79 ( has joined #openid
- [05:50:56] * rorek ( has joined #openid
- [05:50:58] * _keturn (n=acapnoti@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn) has joined #openid
- [06:02:45] * aconbere|mobile ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [07:21:57] * Osurac (i=mikeg@ Quit ()
- [11:23:22] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ Quit ("Leaving...")
- [13:18:31] * xlarrydrebes_ ( has joined #openid
- [13:18:51] * xlarrydrebes ( Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
- [13:23:09] * tango_ ( Quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
- [13:40:14] * tango_ ( has joined #openid
- [14:59:35] * xlarrydrebes_ ( Quit ()
- [15:02:28] * xlarrydrebes ( has joined #openid
- [15:02:51] * _keturn (n=acapnoti@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [15:04:08] * chowells79 ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [15:05:34] * rorek ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [15:09:18] * rorek ( has joined #openid
- [15:09:19] * chowells79 ( has joined #openid
- [15:09:27] * _keturn (n=acapnoti@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn) has joined #openid
- [15:11:51] * daveman692 (n=daveman6@ has joined #openid
- [15:12:14] <daveman692>
if you guys haven't seen it yet...go digg!
- [15:12:32] <daveman692>
other entries are on as well
- [15:22:21] * xlarrydrebes_ ( has joined #openid
- [15:24:18] * aconbere|mobile ( has joined #openid
- [15:28:06] * daveman692 (n=daveman6@ Quit ()
- [15:29:46] * xlarrydrebes ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [15:30:48] * robertj ( has joined #openid
- [15:31:01] <robertj>
egad! AOL & Microsoft within what, a week?
- [15:41:22] * xlarrydrebes ( has joined #openid
- [15:41:53] * xlarrydrebes_ ( Quit (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
- [15:48:00] * xlarrydrebes_ ( has joined #openid
- [15:51:01] <keturn>
hmm. so much for the "wait for a break in the rain" approach to commuting
- [15:51:24] <keturn>
we have a 100% chance of rain _all day_ today.
- [15:53:04] <keturn>
but I guess it's much better than the iceopocalypse on the other coast, so I'm gonna stop complaining now
- [15:55:04] * xlarrydrebes ( Quit (Read error: 148 (No route to host))
- [15:58:49] * xlarrydrebes ( has joined #openid
- [15:58:51] * xlarrydrebes_ ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- [16:12:46] <don-o>
omg. that AOL news is fantastic.
- [16:13:19] <don-o>
my jyte profile icon was lost :(
- [16:13:54] <don-o>
as was my non-primary openid urls :(
- [16:15:00] <don-o>
i just added to jyte and verified it. cool.
- [16:27:11] * aconbere|mobile ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [16:28:49] * j3h ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [16:35:58] * xlarrydrebes_ ( has joined #openid
- [16:35:58] * xlarrydrebes ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- [17:40:29] * hikari_esblogger ( has joined #openid
- [17:53:03] <wcdevel>
so, Google and Yahoo... me thinks they might never jump on board...
- [17:53:30] <wcdevel>
"why would you want to go anywhere else in the Internet, we offer everything you need anyways"
- [17:54:13] <aconbere|work>
if there was overwhelming customer demand they would ;-)
- [17:54:23] <aconbere|work>
(an unlikely scenario but whatever)
- [17:58:57] <don-o>
id be happy if digg and youtube start accepting openids.
- [17:59:28] <gregh>
and wikipedia
- [18:00:00] <GabeW>
of coure
- [18:00:13] * _keturn (n=acapnoti@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn) Quit ("moving")
- [18:00:19] <GabeW>
you guys are such downers!
- [18:04:47] <wcdevel>
well, who says we need Google or Yahoo?
- [18:04:48] <wcdevel>
- [18:05:12] <wcdevel>
I'm all about this "killing of the father" stuff
- [18:05:38] <wcdevel>
it's like Futurism, or de Stijl, or some other manifesto driven modernist art movement
- [18:05:41] <wcdevel>
- [18:10:31] * Osurac (i=mikeg@ has joined #openid
- [18:15:41] * j3h ( has joined #openid
- [18:17:25] * j3h ( Quit (Client Quit)
- [18:17:37] * j3h ( has joined #openid
- [18:35:38] * _keturn (n=acapnoti@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn) has joined #openid
- [18:35:56] <wcdevel>
man, that AOL thing is pretty nuts...
- [18:36:01] <wcdevel>
EVERYONE has an AIM account
- [18:48:08] <wizard545>
i don't
- [18:48:10] <wizard545>
i use skype
- [19:02:44] <don-o>
i avoid AIM like the plague but i still have a login :)
- [19:05:20] <wcdevel>
that's the thing, everyone at one point signed up
- [19:06:03] <wcdevel>
hey, what's up with jyte's version of OpenID
- [19:06:05] <wcdevel>
- [19:07:56] <wcdevel>
they're adhearing to some openid 2.0 stuff... like i-names... nice
- [19:15:44] * hober2 (n=ted@unaffiliated/hober) has joined #openid
- [19:17:26] * hober2 is now known as hober
- [19:47:55] * KevinMarks (n=Snak@pdpc/supporter/active/kevinmarks) Quit (Nick collision from services.)
- [19:50:41] <myren>
what the fuck is XRI
- [19:50:50] <myren>
it looks like something someone pulled out of their ass
- [19:50:59] <myren>
i liek the duality of i-names and i-numbers
- [19:51:24] <myren>
but its basically yet another totally indecypherable completely unrelated naming scheme to add to the internets 10 quadrillion naming systems
- [19:58:13] * don-o shouts out an amen
- [19:58:43] <robertj>
don-o: do you realize you used and cool in the same sentenc today?
- [19:58:54] * don-o boggles
- [19:59:09] <robertj>
dan-O: "i just added to jyte and verified it. cool."
- [19:59:12] <robertj>
the end is nigh!
- [20:10:02] * cote ( Quit ()
- [20:11:25] <wcdevel>
yeah, everything is crazy
- [20:12:06] <wcdevel>
myren: well, XRI is part of the openID 2.0 specs...
- [20:12:26] <wcdevel>
and with MS and AOL giving the thumbs up to openID 2.0...
- [20:12:39] <wcdevel>
looks like i-names are in
- [20:13:45] <don-o>
is reading the 2.0 spec the best way tolearn about i-names?
- [20:13:56] <myren>
thats was one of my major XRI qualms
- [20:14:05] <myren>
i never found a good source for explaining it
- [20:14:30] <myren>
"names can be anything, and they have prefixes hosts can interpret however they want" was basically the best explanation i saw
- [20:15:04] <don-o>
strings! the new identifier.
- [20:15:19] <wcdevel>
I know a little bit about XRI/i-names...
- [20:16:04] <wcdevel>
alright, right now, is the primary resolver... it'll spit out XRDS files
- [20:16:31] <wcdevel>
XRDS files contain a bunch of services that you and your i-broker offer
- [20:17:16] <wcdevel>
openID 1.1 already supports that kind of stuff, but unfortunately makes you put the link to an XRDS in an HTML Head tag
- [20:17:44] <wcdevel>
so, there's a bunch of i-brokers out there
- [20:18:28] <wcdevel> is a popular one... it lets you mess around with your XRD file
- [20:18:56] <wcdevel>
so like, =william.cotton is my i-name
- [20:19:03] <wcdevel>
by i-broker is
- [20:19:05] <wcdevel>
er, my
- [20:19:46] <myren>
are all i-names are associated with an i-broker?
- [20:19:47] <don-o>
how is a globally unique iname expressed?
- [20:19:49] <wcdevel>
so, will resolve to my i-name brokered by
- [20:20:01] <wcdevel>
yeah, all i-names are associated with an i-broker
- [20:20:17] <wcdevel>
well, all of the current i-brokers all work through
- [20:20:49] <myren>
that sounds.... centralized
- [20:20:53] <wcdevel>
it is
- [20:20:56] <wcdevel>
that's the point
- [20:21:05] <myren>
- [20:21:13] <wcdevel>
BUT, it's optional in the whole openID thing
- [20:21:14] <myren>
openids arent centralized whatsoever
- [20:21:26] <myren>
aside from dns
- [20:21:47] <wcdevel>
XRI is supposed to be an extension of DNS, to deal with certain things
- [20:21:56] <wcdevel>
like, domain names can expire
- [20:22:06] <wcdevel>
thatand be snatched up again
- [20:22:15] <wcdevel>
er, and
- [20:22:33] <wcdevel>
when you register an i-name you also get an i-number
- [20:22:44] <wcdevel>
i-numbers will never expire even if your i-name does
- [20:24:45] <wcdevel>
basically, openID 2.0 will support a number of options...
- [20:25:02] <wcdevel>
login with a URI or login with an i-name
- [20:25:15] * cote ( has joined #openid
- [20:25:34] <wcdevel>
openid 2.0 will just prefix to an i-name
- [20:25:39] <myren>
i just pray the docs get a bit better on what exactly xri's are
- [20:25:54] <wcdevel>
yeah, I know, they're a bit sketchy
- [20:26:04] <wcdevel>
but here's the thing, ALL of these protocols are still evolving
- [20:26:16] <myren>
thats the idea
- [20:26:22] <wcdevel>
and this openID/CardSpace thing... boy, is that up in the air still
- [20:26:26] <myren>
but its hard to monitor whether its evolving or devolving if no one has any idea what it is
- [20:26:41] <myren>
thats a bit harsh/cruel a statement on my part
- [20:26:47] <wcdevel>
too true
- [20:26:50] <_keturn>
wcdevel: eh, no, that's not quite right
- [20:26:59] <wcdevel>
what part?
- [20:27:09] <robertj>
I'm confused, and if I'm confused, there is no way I can explain it to my boss, even if I wasn't
- [20:27:22] <_keturn>
openid2.0 asks you to do resolution on the i-name for the OpenID service type
- [20:27:31] <myren>
wait what? if i'm confused theres no way to explain, even if i wasnt?
- [20:27:38] <_keturn>
(which, in practice, amounts to prefixing the i-name with and adding an argument about what that type is)
- [20:28:02] <wcdevel>
alright, well close enough :)
- [20:28:06] <robertj>
myren: anything that I can hear people talking about on my blogroll for months and still not somewhat grok, is not trivial to explain
- [20:28:08] <wcdevel>
(for now)
- [20:28:13] <wcdevel>
but I see your point
- [20:28:25] <wcdevel>
when there is a system for resolution that's less of a "hack", it'll be used
- [20:29:37] <wcdevel>
here's the thing with CardSpace... it has it's OWN system... you can have CardSpace enabled sites
- [20:30:09] <wcdevel>
now, Kim, the guy who heads up the whole identity thing at MS, is really in to OpenID
- [20:30:22] <wcdevel>
but, I don't think anyone has figured out how they're going to interect
- [20:30:32] <wcdevel>
right now it seems like there's 2 ways to go about it
- [20:30:59] <wcdevel>
one, you login at a CardSpace enabled site, and the info cards themselves work with the openID protocol
- [20:31:00] <myren>
if i understood XRI at all
- [20:31:00] <robertj>
wcdevel: you understand that saying that makes you contractually obligated to diagram each way right?
- [20:31:09] <myren>
i'd hack up some shit to mux cardspace and openid
- [20:31:32] <myren>
but i've tried a number of times to decypher xri and its role in openid 2.0
- [20:31:39] <myren>
and failed horrendously every time
- [20:31:52] <wcdevel>
two, you login via openID... and when you're asked to authenticate at your Identity Provider, you give them an info card via CardSpace
- [20:32:13] <myren>
two is the model that makes sense to me
- [20:32:19] <wcdevel>
me too
- [20:32:29] <myren>
openid is the web protocol
- [20:32:34] <myren>
cardspace is just your auth tokens
- [20:32:41] <wcdevel>
that way, sites/relying parties only need to worry about implementing openid2.0
- [20:32:41] <myren>
at your identity provider
- [20:32:46] <wcdevel>
- [20:32:49] <wcdevel>
that would be ideal
- [20:32:59] <myren>
and it would be great anti phishing
- [20:33:02] <myren>
you log in via open id
- [20:33:02] <wcdevel>
now, I haven't heard Kim say anything about that
- [20:33:14] <robertj>
It sounds like both models have their place
- [20:33:16] <wcdevel>
yeah, that's the benefit :)
- [20:33:18] <myren>
your idp signals some software on your system that
- [20:33:24] <myren>
and that software shows your cardspace cards
- [20:33:30] <wcdevel>
uh huh
- [20:33:45] <wcdevel>
and this Higgins project is CardSpace compatable, or so they claim
- [20:33:50] <myren>
with notice for whom the service provider requesting auth is and what creds they think you're trying to use
- [20:34:05] <wcdevel>
- [20:34:09] <myren>
has higgins written any source? i saw them ~6 months ago or something and it looked like vapor
- [20:34:19] <robertj>
they sure do lots of conference calls
- [20:34:19] <terrell>
it works now
- [20:34:24] <myren>
honestly i dont really remember what they were trying to do, at the time
- [20:34:39] <don-o>
dont forget that YADIS is the meta-protocol which lets you know what website provides what auth systems etc (at least thats my understanding)
- [20:34:55] <wcdevel>
YADIS and XRDS are basically the same thing now
- [20:34:55] <myren>
i gotta say, writing an openid server was easy as dirt. major congrads for making something that can fit in standard fucking web architecture.
- [20:35:00] <wcdevel>
if not exactly the same
- [20:35:07] <myren>
its seriously like < 100 lines of code
- [20:36:04] <wcdevel>
terrell: you're right, you could just add CardSpace support to an existing Identity Provider
- [20:36:29] <wcdevel>
but, unfortunately the extensibility of openID 1.1 isn't that great...
- [20:36:34] <terrell>
higgins code -
- [20:36:40] <myren>
you talking to me wcdevel?
- [20:36:54] <wcdevel>
- [20:37:06] <wcdevel>
well, I thought terrell was talking about something else :)
- [20:37:32] <myren>
where do you work wcdevel? just ooc.
- [20:37:49] <wcdevel>
uhm, what city? Brooklyn
- [20:37:57] <myren>
- [20:37:59] <myren>
or field
- [20:38:13] <myren>
mainly curious if you are paid to do any identity work
- [20:38:18] <wcdevel>
- [20:38:19] <wcdevel>
not paid
- [20:38:36] <wcdevel>
I do freelance web dev and consulting
- [20:38:44] * myren nods.
- [20:39:07] <myren>
i'm part of a 6 person company that does similar
- [20:39:19] <wcdevel>
but, I did start a company that is identity related about a month ago
- [20:39:22] * robertj is a full time sysadmin & part-time LAMP-monkey
- [20:39:23] <myren>
pay the bills to hack the real issues
- [20:40:05] <_keturn>
have you looked at the code for any of the relying party implementations that support XRI?
- [20:40:20] <wcdevel>
- [20:40:41] <wcdevel>
I didn't know there was any out there
- [20:41:50] <wcdevel>
_keturn: got any links for me? :)
- [20:42:06] <_keturn>
the current releases on for python, php, and ruby should have XRI support
- [20:42:40] <wcdevel>
so like, my current gem of ruby-openid?
- [20:43:20] <terrell>
the ruby-openid gem will resolve i-names, yes
- [20:43:33] <wcdevel>
- [20:43:40] * SamRose ( has joined #openid
- [20:43:43] <wcdevel>
didn't know that :)
- [20:44:14] <wcdevel>
so, does anyone know of anyone who is actually WORKING on the CardSpace/openID marrriage?
- [20:44:27] <wcdevel>
or it still in the courtship phase
- [20:45:13] <myren>
still in the let kim kameron think hes the only one relevant phase
- [20:46:47] <myren>
i need to see what cardspace stuff is available for mono
- [20:48:53] <wcdevel>
man, I always end up with like 35 tabs open in FF when I'm thinking/figuring out identity stuff
- [20:49:01] <myren>
i use opera
- [20:49:12] <myren>
if i have less than 100 tabs open at any given time, something is f-d
- [20:49:32] <robertj>
wcdevel: the Firefox plugin written in Java will let you log into an Infocard site using OpenID
- [20:49:33] <myren>
but yeah, identity is one of those things i open a ocuple new windows for, because i know it's going to expand quickly
- [20:50:07] <wcdevel>
robertj: which one is that, the one from perpetual motion?
- [20:50:13] <robertj>
wcdevel: from
- [20:50:32] <robertj>
I've gotten it to work on OS X & Ubuntu 6.10
- [20:51:37] <myren>
cardspace is mostly saml 1.0/1.1 right? :/
- [20:51:45] <myren>
not 2.0
- [20:52:29] <wcdevel>
well, it is supposed to work with any number of protocols
- [20:52:43] <myren>
- [20:52:59] <myren>
just wondering what most of the work so far has gone into
- [20:53:09] <wcdevel>
man, one of the big problems with this identity stuff is how open it is... it's like trying to get 4 hippies to decide on something :)
- [20:53:20] <myren>
saml2.0 has some stuff pulled from Liberty Alliance thats actually damned useful, especially for federated cases.
- [20:53:40] <myren>
lacking that in the standard implementation would kinda suck
- [20:53:47] <wcdevel>
"uh, well, I really want a tofuburger, but I might want some fries once it comes, uhhh.." hehe
- [20:54:11] <wcdevel>
right now, if things can just talk to each other, that's a really good start...
- [20:55:14] <wcdevel>
all of the current web protocols weren't this tough to get going... there are SO many players right now
- [20:55:27] <myren>
then again
- [20:55:33] <myren>
humanity in general sucks a dong
- [20:55:41] <wcdevel>
I mean, when Netscape introduced JavaScript, cookies, SSL support... they were the only game in town
- [20:55:56] <myren>
i mean honestly, rigging up an openid idp that auth's through some client side cardspace is dirt fucking easy
- [20:56:10] <myren>
and requires nothing at all magic or in the way of new specs
- [20:56:17] <myren>
its common sense
- [20:56:48] <wcdevel>
yeah, the only issue is getting RPs and IPs to be able to send communicate what attributes are needed and available
- [20:56:56] <wcdevel>
sreq is garbage
- [20:57:26] <myren>
i can _never_ get used to RP
- [20:57:26] <wcdevel>
I'm typing way faster than my brain can operate
- [20:57:33] <myren>
service provider.
- [20:57:52] <wcdevel>
good point
- [20:57:54] <myren>
third parties consuming identities provide services with those identities
- [20:58:02] <myren>
they dont "relay" identities
- [20:58:17] <wcdevel>
service provider/consumer/relying party... it's a mess of terminology
- [20:58:27] <wcdevel>
well, they "rely" on an identity
- [20:59:17] <robertj>
myren: also see
- [20:59:56] <myren>
oh jyte
- [21:00:05] <myren>
theres another spec i need to investigate the fuck out of
- [21:00:15] <myren>
their initial somantics seem likei could roll with it
- [21:00:29] <wcdevel>
what, info cards?
- [21:00:38] <myren>
no, their p2p credentials stuff
- [21:00:47] <wcdevel>
- [21:00:55] <myren>
- [21:01:05] <myren>
claims creds groups
- [21:01:12] <wcdevel>
- [21:01:26] <wcdevel>
yeah, interesting concept... what do you mean by spec?
- [21:01:52] <myren>
i dont really know. i'm presuming theres some p2p system in place, that its not all just a hosted jyte service.
- [21:01:56] <myren>
in which case it can go to tell
- [21:02:09] <myren>
err, h-e-double hockeystick
- [21:02:34] <myren>
i've been looking at providing a similar system with atom and atom publishing protocols
- [21:05:46] <wcdevel>
- [21:06:20] <robertj>
wcdevel: from what I can tell, Infocard scenario #1 provides a better user experience to users who already have cardspace installed while #2 really needs an additional helper to avoid having to submit two infocards
- [21:06:52] <robertj>
myren: I think you are going to be dissapointed
- [21:07:29] <wcdevel>
robertj: well, that would mean that every website is going to need to support CardSpace logins
- [21:07:38] <wcdevel>
and guess what, that ain't happen'
- [21:08:10] <myren>
robertj: Cred API: A full API for interacting with live cred data is on the way.
- [21:08:20] <myren>
once thats out i'll see whether i give it a thumbs up or thumbs down
- [21:08:27] <myren>
thats like the only piece relevant
- [21:09:02] <wcdevel>
and I don't see how having an openID Identity Provider ask for a CardSpace infocard results in two infocards being submitted
- [21:09:25] <myren>
well, presumably you'd log in to your IdP with a infocard. :)
- [21:09:34] <wcdevel>
- [21:10:17] <myren>
ok that still doesnt stipulate a demand for two infocards, much less two infocard submissions. so i have no idea.
- [21:10:29] <wcdevel>
here's the thing... nobody is just going to use the MS approach
- [21:10:46] <wcdevel>
CardSpace will end up like Passport
- [21:11:08] <robertj>
wcdevel: I'm not sure
- [21:11:14] <myren>
i was not aware cardspace is different from infocard
- [21:11:28] <myren>
well, cardspace i thought was just the api about infocards
- [21:11:29] <wcdevel>
myren: they're not, I just use them interchangably
- [21:11:44] <myren>
infocards being a particular object instance
- [21:11:45] <robertj>
Cardspace = MS' branded implementation of infocard
- [21:12:31] <robertj>
comparing CardsSpace to Passport is just dirty
- [21:13:14] <wcdevel>
you might not be able to compare apples and oranges, but they all end up rotting away at some point :)
- [21:13:16] <robertj>
- [21:13:30] <wcdevel>
I didn't compare them at all
- [21:13:36] <myren>
the api will almost certainly survive
- [21:13:45] <myren>
i believe mono is just re-implementing or some such
- [21:13:59] <myren>
mono will be the primary 3rd party adopter
- [21:14:19] <robertj>
myren: ehhh, Mozilla is going to adopt it and they sure aren't going to ship a Mono stack so I'd say no
- [21:14:39] <myren>
ok point
- [21:14:47] <myren>
for the record,i was not aware of that though
- [21:14:53] <wcdevel>
FF 3.0
- [21:15:07] * myren is actually not a fan of FF
- [21:15:10] <myren>
like one of the four people
- [21:15:25] <wcdevel>
they mentioned some vague support for openID and CardSpace
- [21:15:36] <myren>
they eat way too much of their own dogfood in that disgusting engine/application
- [21:15:54] <wcdevel>
it IS a freaking resource hog
- [21:16:01] <robertj>
myren: I like FF, but I know anything out of Mozilla has major integration problems, and not just with the UI. For the reason you stated above, everything in there is a monster to package and maintain.
- [21:16:30] <myren>
FF is emacs.
- [21:16:49] <wcdevel>
see, I just can't use browsers from companies that sell operating systems as well
- [21:16:51] <myren>
actually i really have no idea how the internals of emacs work
- [21:17:05] <myren>
that scratches opera. :(
- [21:17:24] <myren>
theres way too many devices that have literally just opera running on them
- [21:17:37] <wcdevel>
they always have "cool new ideas" about how to integrate the web in to their proprietary standards
- [21:17:45] <myren>
- [21:17:50] <myren>
they usually leave the web untouched
- [21:17:53] <wcdevel>
no, MS and Apple
- [21:18:02] <myren>
ah, pardon, yes, of course
- [21:18:07] <wcdevel>
well, Apple is nowhere as bad as MS
- [21:18:10] <myren>
well netscape was pulling the exact same shit
- [21:18:14] <robertj>
Apple deserves a special beat-down for not updating their browser for OS 10.3 customers
- [21:18:19] <myren>
FF does the same muscling around
- [21:18:22] <wcdevel>
IE makes me want to shoot bunnies
- [21:18:33] <myren>
IE is just a monster
- [21:18:44] <robertj>
IE is a monster that works, I think it is rather good all things considered
- [21:19:04] <wcdevel>
yeah, it also disregards standards
- [21:19:21] <wcdevel>
if EVERYONE just stuck to the freaking standards, there would be no problems
- [21:19:35] <wcdevel>
actually, I don't really care
- [21:19:37] <robertj>
IE6 came out a long time ago
- [21:19:55] <wcdevel>
and does IE7 pass Acid 2? no
- [21:20:08] <wcdevel>
do most browsers? no :)
- [21:20:30] <robertj>
I mean, It's not like I haven't spent a week debugging javascript to work properly in IE too
- [21:20:36] <wcdevel>
see, there will always be stuff like prototype/scriptaculous
- [21:20:56] <wcdevel>
I haven't owned a PC in years
- [21:21:20] <robertj>
wcdevel: Mac-fanboy?
- [21:21:28] <wcdevel>
not really
- [21:21:31] <wcdevel>
anything *nix
- [21:21:52] <wcdevel>
I mean, I do own a Mac
- [21:22:17] <wcdevel>
no protools for linux ;)
- [21:22:43] <robertj>
wcdevel: I work at a Music School, so I've got a Dual Proc G5, but I'm not really digging it all that much
- [21:23:04] <wcdevel>
why not?
- [21:23:05] <myren>
os's are basically all homogenous
- [21:23:17] <wcdevel>
Core Audio is the shit
- [21:23:18] <myren>
osx/gnome/kde/windows are really no different from one another in any appreciable sense
- [21:23:24] <robertj>
wcdevel: Directory Services has lots of little undocumented gotchas in closed-source places :(
- [21:24:02] <wcdevel>
- [21:24:30] <myren>
ah, DS. its the definition of clusterfuck central, no matter the implementation.
- [21:24:36] <robertj>
wcdevel: unless your into Kerberos & Ldap stuff it is fairly non-interesting
- [21:24:43] <myren>
i am
- [21:24:53] <myren>
any particularly egregious fuckups in their implementation?
- [21:25:04] <myren>
juicky disgusting gotchas?
- [21:25:09] <robertj>
myren: ok, when you use a services plugin it mounts it somewhere on their internal registry-like thing
- [21:25:42] <robertj>
do a fresh install and run it and it appears in /Active Directory/All Domains, everyone happy, matches the docs, all is well
- [21:25:51] <robertj>
reboot it and it changes to /Active Directory/LABS.AD.UGA.EDU, also sane
- [21:25:52] <wcdevel>
see, I don't really USE a lot of Mac software... the great thing about OS X is that it's *nix... just go download some open source tarball, automake/conf... and you're off!
- [21:26:02] <robertj>
if it didn't change, and was the default, that would be cool
- [21:26:18] <robertj>
if you could change the search path in the GUI, it would be less of a trouble
- [21:26:53] <robertj>
instead you have to dig around in /Library/Preferences/DirectoryServices and mess around with the various .plist files which are like ini files put into xml for no good reason
- [21:26:59] <wcdevel>
for me, if MS made a project that sat on top of *nix, I'd probably use it
- [21:27:12] <wcdevel>
er, an OS, not project
- [21:27:28] <wcdevel>
Mac OS was garbage until X
- [21:27:37] <wcdevel>
literal trash
- [21:27:39] <robertj>
I don't dislike XP, if it was FOSS I'd advocate dumping everything and moving it to immediately
- [21:28:05] <robertj>
the technical underpinnings are nothing that can't be fixed trivially if you are willing to break backwards compatability
- [21:28:23] <wcdevel>
.dlls? the registry?
- [21:28:44] * hikari_esblogger ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- [21:28:48] <myren>
its such a fucking crime linux hackers never got together some standard tooling for kerb/ldap intergration. it should have enough tooling support development-effort that every distro could run a ldap/kerb variant andfeel confident doing so. instead linux SUCKS as a network platform. scuks a god damned lot.
- [21:28:52] * hober (n=ted@unaffiliated/hober) has left #openid
- [21:29:18] <myren>
instead its a 34-step process and every single app requires custom tailoring to work
- [21:29:37] <wcdevel>
yeah... that is one of the downsides
- [21:29:50] <robertj>
wcdevel: I haven't had problems with .dlls or the registry in years
- [21:30:04] <wcdevel>
I just don't like the concepts
- [21:30:11] <myren>
it just astounds me how poor the management for linux networks are
- [21:30:30] <wcdevel>
like, the registry? just put that stuff on the file system
- [21:30:34] <robertj>
myren: #ubuntu-directory has been a major go-nowhere
- [21:30:55] <myren>
i am jacks lack of suprise
- [21:30:59] * SamRose ( Quit ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]")
- [21:31:10] <myren>
its so unfortunate :(
- [21:31:26] <wcdevel>
I'm really out of the LDAP/Directory services loop
- [21:31:46] <wcdevel>
I mean, I know what it is, but never really had to think much about it
- [21:31:53] <myren>
you and everyone else. dont worry, we'll let you know if directory services ever get into first gear.
- [21:32:35] <myren>
hopefully there'll be a transmission left at that point (word play on us grinding gears tryingt o get into first)
- [21:33:26] * hikari_esblogger ( has joined #openid
- [21:34:33] <wcdevel>
you know, I liked Windows 3.1
- [21:34:36] <wcdevel>
especially the icons
- [21:34:42] <wcdevel>
32x32, 16 colors
- [21:37:02] <robertj>
but anyway, I look forward to infocard + openid logins
- [21:37:09] <wcdevel>
yeah :)
- [21:37:16] <wcdevel>
however it ends up working
- [21:37:53] <wcdevel>
see, I have no vested interest in any of these protocols
- [21:38:23] <wcdevel>
all I see is what is being used now, what people are getting excited about, and what the benefits of each system are
- [21:38:45] <wcdevel>
openID 1.1 is the most used system right now
- [21:38:59] <wcdevel>
openID 2.0 is what everyone is getting excited about
- [21:39:11] <wcdevel>
(especially with pledges from MS and AOL)
- [21:39:28] <wcdevel>
and, openID 2.0 needs some kind of infocard selector
- [21:40:12] <robertj>
wcdevel: i'd be suprised id we go 30 days without a standard for infocards interacting with MyID
- [21:40:35] <robertj>
if you were a small startup, saw the missing link, and had attention from Microsoft and AOL, how many people would _you_ put on it?
- [21:41:00] <wcdevel>
as many as I could
- [21:41:08] * fo0bar_ ( has joined #openid
- [21:41:12] <wcdevel>
*cough* janrain *cough*
- [21:42:45] <wcdevel>
although, where's the business?
- [21:43:05] <wcdevel>
this is standards development we're talking about
- [21:43:15] <wcdevel>
not really the next youtube :)
- [21:43:23] <robertj>
it doesn't matter, it's a .com 2.0! crazy-alternate reality rules apply!
- [21:43:46] <wcdevel>
I hate that crap
- [21:44:14] <wcdevel>
thank god it doesn't exist in NYC... this city learned it's lesson from the bubble years
- [21:44:40] <wcdevel>
but the Bay Area? holy crap, there's a bunch of TERRIBLE business ideas getting money
- [21:45:19] <robertj>
wcdevel: ehh, I'm trying to go expat, hopefully I will get into Oxford & can bow out for a while ;)
- [21:45:22] <wcdevel>
here's an idea: wait until a web site can actually turn a profit before you invest in it
- [21:45:46] <robertj>
I'll be safe, there are no small startups there to capture me and hold me prisoner with 60+ hr workweeks!
- [21:45:48] <wcdevel>
what do websites need all this money for?
- [21:45:59] <wcdevel>
hosting? domain name registration?
- [21:46:00] <myren>
we need more network symbiants
- [21:46:03] <myren>
people like google
- [21:46:09] <robertj>
wcdevel: caffeine dependency programs
- [21:46:12] <myren>
whose lives depend on the network existing
- [21:46:18] <myren>
v. microsofts who depend on their products
- [21:46:23] <wcdevel>
you can start a web company while working at mcdonalds
- [21:47:11] * wcdevel ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
- [21:47:21] * wcdevel ( has joined #openid
- [21:47:57] <wcdevel>
as I was saying... you could start a web company while working at mcdonalds
- [21:48:36] <wcdevel>
if you're going to go out and get millions of dollars of investment money for no good reason, what kind of businessman are you?
- [21:48:47] <wcdevel>
that's not your money
- [21:48:55] <wcdevel>
you're spending WAY more than you're making
- [21:49:15] <wcdevel>
ie, breaks the first rule of business
- [21:49:17] <myren>
good for you!
- [21:49:42] <wcdevel>
you know what, it's probably tied in to some hedge fund or something
- [21:49:50] <myren>
a fool and his money are easily parted, and i have little pity for that fool
- [21:50:06] <robertj>
if you can spend more than your making, and that spending includes paying yourself a stupidly large salary, then you are a good business man :)
- [21:50:31] <wcdevel>
robertj: no, you're good at getting yourself money, and really great at tanking your business
- [21:50:43] <myren>
isnt taht the point of the internet?
- [21:50:48] <myren>
to profit off of what should be free?
- [21:50:57] <wcdevel>
bank robbers are good of that kind of stuff as well
- [21:51:00] <myren>
to create artificial demand for what should be humanitarian service
- [21:51:24] <wcdevel>
- [21:51:26] <myren>
SOA is basically a codeword for raping customers inthe butt repeatedly, v. only once
- [21:51:39] <myren>
(service oriented architecture)
- [21:51:42] <wcdevel>
see, here's the thing
- [21:51:54] <wcdevel>
old school ideas about economics have not gone away
- [21:52:07] <wcdevel>
I don't care what the hell is going on in San Jose
- [21:52:23] <wcdevel>
when people provide services for others they should make a profit
- [21:52:46] <wcdevel>
now, just having the ability, or potential, to provide services, doesn't really mean anything
- [21:52:52] <myren>
i think most of what is provided is a disservice
- [21:53:00] <robertj>
wcdevel: so umm, what about insurance?
- [21:53:05] <wcdevel>
you've got to be working with actual customers
- [21:53:20] <robertj>
wcdevel: there is the potential that your house could burn down and you would be glad you have it, but the reality is it probably wont and you will be out your cash
- [21:53:39] <wcdevel>
how does that apply?
- [21:53:59] <robertj>
it's a speculative investment, just like venture capital
- [21:54:10] <wcdevel>
oh, I'm not dissing VCs
- [21:54:15] <myren>
insurance is a service
- [21:54:17] <wcdevel>
just bad business ideas
- [21:54:27] * fo0bar ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [21:54:48] <wcdevel>
- [21:55:08] <wcdevel>
it could be that all these VCs going ape-shit about web2.0 are just all in on a hedge fund
- [21:55:27] <wcdevel>
and they stand to make a lot more money off of the hype they are building than they are actually spending on these companies
- [21:55:57] <wcdevel>
we may not have Google offices over here in NY, but we do have Goldman Sachs ;)
- [21:56:05] <wcdevel>
we, there are Google offices
- [21:56:09] <wcdevel>
you get my point, hehe
- [21:57:37] <wcdevel>
Buffet... see he knows how to invest
- [21:57:52] <wcdevel>
find a company that actually has the ability to make money and then work with it until it does
- [21:58:05] <wcdevel>
it's got to be a good, solid idea
- [21:58:10] <wcdevel>
Amazon... solid
- [21:58:15] <wcdevel> retarded
- [21:58:31] <myren>
i really like google actually
- [21:58:35] <wcdevel>
I do to
- [21:58:37] <myren>
they exist because of the network
- [21:58:47] <wcdevel>
and they are making a boatload of actual money
- [21:58:51] <wcdevel>
- [21:59:00] <don-o>
due to adsense
- [21:59:05] <myren>
- [21:59:07] <wcdevel>
see, advertising the key
- [21:59:07] <wcdevel>
- [21:59:09] <myren>
100% nothing but adsense
- [21:59:15] <don-o>
- [21:59:24] <wcdevel>
and advertising links the virtual to ACTUAL products in the REAL world
- [21:59:36] <wcdevel>
hence, why old school economics ain't going anywhere
- [21:59:42] <don-o>
yeah like pron and music downloads.
- [21:59:53] <don-o>
- [21:59:53] <myren>
i'm honestly kind of suprised larry & serge dont just shut the shit down and build a 500 ft tall Scrooge McDuck vault filled with gold coins
- [21:59:53] <wcdevel>
well, there are obvious issues with that
- [22:00:17] <myren>
fire everyone and just go into operations mode
- [22:00:28] <wcdevel>
part of the reason the MPAA and RIAA are freaking out is because they were just sellers of plastic, vinyl, and metallic tape
- [22:00:32] <don-o>
myren: its more fun to fly around in the google 747 and drop fine china on convertibles
- [22:00:55] <myren>
drop fine china? i must've missed that post
- [22:01:09] <myren>
sounds like a drug reference actully. :)
- [22:01:16] <don-o>
- [22:01:29] <wcdevel>
don-o: the thing is, artists aren't making any money off of music sales on the internet
- [22:01:40] <myren>
- [22:01:44] <myren>
we need micropayments really bad
- [22:01:51] <wcdevel>
could work
- [22:01:57] <don-o>
micropayments would be great
- [22:02:03] <myren>
i'd toss out $2 a day in micropayments
- [22:02:12] <myren>
to artists and bloggers
- [22:02:15] <wcdevel>
I think most people would
- [22:02:20] <don-o>
i just read steve job's no-DRM letter today. good stuff.
- [22:02:20] <myren>
i do too
- [22:02:39] <wcdevel>
see, but the banks are in control
- [22:02:40] <myren>
micropayments are the only model that CAN work when information is free
- [22:02:42] <wcdevel>
and they don't like it
- [22:02:45] <myren>
when exists
- [22:03:31] <myren>
its not really a bank issue. its just a service issue. you ahve to aggregate payments to make it bank-scale, so you need to sign up for accounts, and then only the people with accounts can make payments. somehow it has to get into first gear, get critical mass.
- [22:03:47] <wcdevel>
yeah, and good luck with that
- [22:04:00] <wcdevel>
it is up to the banks
- [22:04:01] <myren>
yup. the trail of dead micropyament comapnies is very long and bloody.
- [22:04:17] <myren>
using google accounts is viable
- [22:04:23] <wcdevel>
federal credit unions
- [22:04:48] <wcdevel>
it's got to be something at least grounded in reality
- [22:05:06] <myren>
the hard part is making it convenient for the people paying
- [22:05:19] <wcdevel>
I mean, I love the net, but all this hippie nonsense is why I live in a city where there's snow and ice covering the streets right now :)
- [22:05:56] <myren>
you could use paypal or google accounts, huge saturation rate, but theres a 15c deductable and four pages of click through for a 50c donation
- [22:06:04] <wcdevel>
uh huh
- [22:06:24] <wcdevel>
I'm telling you, it's the banks
- [22:06:36] <myren>
its a possibility, i cant deny that
- [22:06:54] <wcdevel>
in NZ you can send any body money for free from an ATM
- [22:07:14] <wcdevel>
owe someone $5? got their bank account number? you can do it from an ATM
- [22:07:31] <myren>
is giving out your bank acct # safe?
- [22:07:42] <wcdevel>
sure, why not
- [22:07:55] <myren>
you'd be hard pressed to get me to enter my bank account # anywhere on the web
- [22:08:11] <wcdevel>
it's a different system...
- [22:08:30] <wcdevel>
you know, I haven't lived there in like, 4 years, lemme login to kiwibank and see how it all works again
- [22:08:47] <myren>
i wanted to live in NZ once
- [22:08:52] <myren>
i still kind of do
- [22:09:07] <wcdevel>
it's nice
- [22:09:10] <wcdevel>
I was born there
- [22:09:16] <wcdevel>
but, it's tiny
- [22:09:18] <wcdevel>
and not on the cutting edge
- [22:09:25] <wcdevel>
and no money :)
- [22:09:28] <myren>
expatriating from ye olde united states of america has been on my todo list
- [22:09:55] <myren>
yeah, internet connection & having a couple major urban centers is on my requirements for expatriation. :/
- [22:09:58] <wcdevel>
yeah, it's just account numbers
- [22:10:05] <wcdevel>
I love this country :)
- [22:10:10] <wcdevel>
I'm here for good
- [22:10:17] <wcdevel>
try starting a business somewhere else...
- [22:10:29] <wcdevel>
I love this cowboy stuff
- [22:10:41] <wcdevel>
you can just start making money!
- [22:10:58] <myren>
EU hasnt gotten any better about all that?
- [22:11:03] <wcdevel>
- [22:11:11] <wcdevel>
they're socialists
- [22:11:18] <myren>
that is unfortunate
- [22:11:24] <wcdevel>
tell me about it
- [22:11:33] <myren>
socialist nations still require GDP
- [22:11:37] <wcdevel>
I'd rather deal with rednecks than redtape
- [22:11:47] <myren>
not allowing peole to make companies is a surefire way to fuck over your GDP
- [22:12:04] <wcdevel>
well, you can start companies, but it's such a "boys club"
- [22:13:23] <wcdevel>
like, in Sweden, the biggest companies were all started around 35 years ago at the eariest, most older
- [22:13:49] <wcdevel>
Google wasn't even on the radar 6 years ago!
- [22:14:13] <myren>
but how much of that is due to red tape
- [22:14:29] <wcdevel>
- [22:14:32] <myren>
if you can find talent, theres a world audience that'll buy from you wherever you are based
- [22:14:43] <wcdevel>
then why does it ALL happen here?
- [22:14:46] <myren>
so the issue is really, how are these countries preventing good buisnesses from getting off the ground
- [22:14:54] <Osurac>
in the US it is somewhat of a "good ol' boy network" but mostly it is how much money do you have
- [22:15:02] <myren>
wcdev, i'd propose some of it is "finding talent"
- [22:15:24] <wcdevel>
dude, there are TONS of talented hackers in Europe
- [22:15:35] <myren>
where do they work?
- [22:15:48] <wcdevel>
a lot have government jobs
- [22:16:12] <myren>
that makes only too mcuh sense, but unfortunately its wasted talent as far as GDP goes
- [22:16:13] <wcdevel>
I don't think you realize the scope of government employment in most European countries
- [22:16:25] <myren>
i'll admit to that right off the bt
- [22:16:27] <myren>
- [22:16:42] <wcdevel>
quasi-governmental... etc
- [22:16:58] <wcdevel>
see, like, in NYC, even our PUBLIC transport is owned by a private company :)
- [22:17:12] <wcdevel>
well, the MTA is owned by the mob, but ;)
- [22:17:21] <myren>
i think thats what we should do with monopoloies
- [22:17:31] <myren>
if you're found guilty of creating a monopoly
- [22:17:32] <wcdevel>
give them to the mob? hehe
- [22:17:48] <myren>
uh, no, make them government run
- [22:17:58] <wcdevel>
ooh boy
- [22:18:03] <wcdevel>
- [22:18:10] <wcdevel>
it pretty much happens like that already
- [22:18:28] <myren>
you've crushed all competition and are now providing a service at overinflated value to your customers. since we represent those customers, we're taking your buisness from you and going to serve those customers.
- [22:18:36] <wcdevel>
I mean, when the government broke up Bell... that's a LOT of involvement from the Feds
- [22:19:05] <myren>
they "de-monopolize" but permit each independent agency to continue raping its customers. they dont enforce competition.
- [22:19:24] <wcdevel>
it's tough with stuff like phone lines, though
- [22:19:42] <wcdevel>
because it is become public infrastructure
- [22:19:54] <myren>
right. so i figure, rather than force legislate/create competition, just let hte government take them over and stop trying to make money.
- [22:19:57] <wcdevel>
but, it was funded by some dude
- [22:20:21] <wcdevel>
it's an issue that really still hasn't been worked out in the US
- [22:20:43] <wcdevel>
but, the government is really bad at things
- [22:20:45] <wcdevel>
- [22:20:54] <myren>
- [22:21:09] <wcdevel>
see, the solution kind of happened on its own, re: telecoms
- [22:21:22] <wcdevel>
cable line and phone lines...
- [22:21:49] <myren>
well, it turned into monopoly v. monopoly
- [22:21:58] <wcdevel>
better than nothing, hehe
- [22:22:01] <myren>
just because of the way the tech went
- [22:22:08] <myren>
i guess its more the nature of capitalism
- [22:22:32] <myren>
you get to the top by taking the place of all the lower forms of life on the food chain
- [22:22:56] <wcdevel>
well, see there's the big issue
- [22:23:03] <myren>
to continue doing so dictates fewer and fewer winners as the pyramid continues getting smaller & agencies cover bigger territories
- [22:23:09] <wcdevel>
people who want to "get to the top"
- [22:23:19] <myren>
you mean "make money"
- [22:23:31] <wcdevel>
- [22:23:36] <myren>
- [22:24:00] <wcdevel>
you can still make money without being the richest guy in the world
- [22:24:22] <myren>
but thats not how corps work
- [22:24:31] <myren>
corps are run by executive officers and shareholders
- [22:24:35] <wcdevel>
corps aren't people, that's a problem
- [22:24:44] <myren>
with executive officers beholden to making the most money possible for their shareholders
- [22:24:48] <wcdevel>
- [22:24:50] <myren>
the goal is to get to the top
- [22:24:57] <wcdevel>
ie, to "act like total maniacs"
- [22:25:05] <myren>
suffer complete tunnel vision
- [22:25:07] <myren>
- [22:25:19] <wcdevel>
"I will become the most rich and powerful person on the planet!!!"
- [22:25:30] <wcdevel>
that's what a crazy person would say
- [22:26:07] <wcdevel>
see... it's tough
- [22:26:49] <wcdevel>
do you make shareholders responsible for their companies? no, you can't really, that breaks the whole system of limited-liability that makes investment work
- [22:27:12] <wcdevel>
and it DOES work
- [22:27:12] <myren>
just assume innocence until proven guilty
- [22:27:29] <myren>
as soon as a company is proven a maniac, let the government run time
- [22:27:31] <myren>
run them
- [22:27:38] <wcdevel>
but again, for a publicly traded company, a lot of the shareholders are just looking at numbers
- [22:27:54] <wcdevel>
- [22:27:58] <wcdevel>
but, that's the thing
- [22:28:01] <wcdevel>
- [22:28:04] <myren>
as long as you behave like a reasonable citizen you can keep your limited liability agency
- [22:28:07] <wcdevel>
"personal responsiblilty"
- [22:28:32] <myren>
as soon as you go insane, you are an enemy of the state, your companies social contract is shredded and we take your punk ass over as a new public service instead.
- [22:28:57] <myren>
it promotes responsible investment. :)
- [22:29:09] <myren>
lesson: dont invest in sociopaths.
- [22:29:13] <wcdevel>
sure does
- [22:29:34] <wcdevel>
but, the government is full of sociopaths
- [22:29:37] <myren>
we shouldnt encourage people to do prospective investment in sociopaths anyways. :)
- [22:29:44] <myren>
true true. :)
- [22:29:46] <wcdevel>
"look at me, I'm in charge of all you ants!"
- [22:30:21] <wcdevel>
see... the internet could be used to change our complete system of democracy
- [22:30:34] <wcdevel>
the way we elect representatives...
- [22:30:43] <myren>
it could permit accountability
- [22:31:02] <wcdevel>
you know, I'm saving a lot of that thought for when I'm a bit older :)
- [22:31:25] <myren>
hey if you got ideas, we could use em now. ;)
- [22:31:49] <wcdevel>
- [22:31:52] <myren>
leave the implementation for others. ;)
- [22:31:59] <wcdevel>
they're very malformed ideas :)
- [22:32:03] <myren>
ok i will stop putting :) after every sentance.
- [22:32:14] <wcdevel>
I'd need flush them out a bit
- [22:32:31] <myren>
i know exactly what you're talking about
- [22:32:34] <wcdevel>
and right now i'm all about fried chicken and pretty girls
- [22:32:50] <myren>
welcome to america. and you know what? :)
- [22:32:57] <wcdevel>
no time for some benjamin franklin type shit
- [22:33:02] <myren>
- [22:33:09] <myren>
BF was a HUGE fan of the friend chicken & ladies
- [22:33:17] <wcdevel>
i know, i know
- [22:33:26] * hikari_esblogger ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
- [22:33:28] <myren>
he spent a quarter of his life in france rocking the friend chicken & fine ladies
- [22:33:32] * myren nods
- [22:33:35] <wcdevel>
all that I'm saying is that he became a thinker and statesmen outside of his 20s
- [22:33:57] <wcdevel>
dude, I'm 25, wtf do I know?
- [22:34:29] * myren is about to turn 25. quarter life crisis, here i come!
- [22:34:35] <wcdevel>
I mean, making money is one thing... but philosophies that affect systems of ethics and governance... whoa
- [22:34:37] <myren>
seriously, i feel it. :(
- [22:34:48] * hikari_esblogger ( has joined #openid
- [22:35:08] <myren>
right nwo the tail is wagging the dog, shit is clearly and obviously fucked up.
- [22:35:23] <wcdevel>
it's always been messed up ;)
- [22:35:49] <myren>
ugg i normally liek chat logs but this random thursday diatribe could do without being preserved in the anals of internet history
- [22:35:49] <wcdevel>
nobody listens to someone in their 20s
- [22:36:00] <wcdevel>
- [22:36:13] <myren>
^-- indeed
- [22:37:01] <wcdevel>
it's good to be wild-eyed and willing to change things
- [22:37:15] <wcdevel>
anyways, I need to go eat something
- [22:37:22] <wcdevel>
I skipped lunch today
- [22:37:31] <myren>
honestly i just pray that some day p2p changes how we interact with information and each other
- [22:37:57] <myren>
that i and others can help craft better information architectures for people
- [22:38:14] <myren>
given that i'm only going to live a hundred years, thats the best i can hope for at this stage
- [22:38:19] <wcdevel>
- [22:38:30] <wcdevel>
and that you don't get the clap
- [22:38:33] <myren>
what are you doing for lunch?
- [22:38:36] <myren>
- [22:38:50] <myren>
i'm thinking maybe a burger for myself.
- [22:39:03] <wcdevel>
lunch will be turkey sandwich from the deli
- [22:39:12] <wcdevel>
actually, fuck it, I'm going straight to dinner
- [22:39:23] <wcdevel>
French restaurant, I know the owners, they give me free wine :)
- [22:39:25] <myren>
turkey sandwich dinner?
- [22:39:30] <myren>
hmm groovy
- [22:39:51] <wcdevel>
alright, I'll see you around
- [22:39:58] <wcdevel>
good chat
- [22:40:02] <myren>
have a good one. thanks for the chat.
- [22:42:01] * hikari_esblogger ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
- [22:42:11] * hikari_esblogger ( has joined #openid
- [22:49:07] <myren>
i'm always /win 5
- [22:49:24] <myren>
botching my irc commands
- [22:55:41] * hikari_esblogger ( Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
- [23:35:17] <SvenDowideit>
hello guys&girls,
- [23:35:28] <SvenDowideit>
is anything happening with the openid bounty?
- [23:35:50] <SvenDowideit>
i sent an email a few days ago, and the silence is disconcerting
- [23:41:54] * _keturn pokes someone about that
- [23:43:12] <SvenDowideit>
in a good way i hope :)
- [23:52:25] <jirwin>
so what is this i-name stuff?
- [23:53:38] <_keturn>
SvenDowideit: ok, there's some non-silence
- [23:53:48] <SvenDowideit>
- [23:54:06] <SvenDowideit>
thanks :)
- [23:54:17] <SvenDowideit>
though the 200,000 registered users is a problem
- [23:54:50] <SvenDowideit>
i think there are only 25,000 ish, but thats because we've never really pushed people to register :/
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