IRC Log for #openid on 2007-03-29
Timestamps are in UTC.
- [00:06:50] * bricas ( has joined #openid
- [00:07:48] * j3h ( Quit ("Leaving.")
- [00:18:50] * hober (n=ted@unaffiliated/hober) Quit ("ERC Version 5.1.3 (IRC client for Emacs)")
- [00:19:12] * KevinMarks (i=KevinMar@conference/etech2k7/x-42383b706cebece7) Quit ("The computer fell asleep")
- [00:21:51] * tav_ (n=tav@ has joined #openid
- [00:24:49] * KevinMarks (i=KevinMar@conference/etech2k7/x-dbff0c909689ab55) has joined #openid
- [00:28:00] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
- [00:29:35] * tav (n=tav@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [00:35:36] * KevinMarks (i=KevinMar@conference/etech2k7/x-dbff0c909689ab55) Quit ("The computer fell asleep")
- [00:39:37] * KevinMarks (i=KevinMar@conference/etech2k7/x-e854230ef928e8c5) has joined #openid
- [01:28:21] * KevinMarks (i=KevinMar@conference/etech2k7/x-e854230ef928e8c5) Quit ("The computer fell asleep")
- [01:55:19] * bricas ( Quit ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]")
- [02:14:06] <GabeW>
i just built an openid consumer with sxip's openid4java and got it working pretty easily (getting past a couple of issues with their codebase)
- [02:14:13] <GabeW>
its not doing XRI resolution for some reason
- [02:14:14] <GabeW>
- [02:14:33] <GabeW>
the API is very easy -- (not) surprisingly similar to the janrain libs
- [02:47:15] <VxJasonxV>
- [02:47:25] <VxJasonxV>
don't suppose anyone here would know what to do when you ...
- [02:47:28] <VxJasonxV>
err, never mind
- [02:48:23] <VxJasonxV>
errr, well, yeah
- [02:48:28] <VxJasonxV>
I'm uploading a photo, and it's disappearing
- [02:49:46] <VxJasonxV>
- [02:55:47] * tav_ (n=tav@ Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
- [02:57:01] * tav (n=tav@ has joined #openid
- [02:58:01] <VxJasonxV>
When I use jUploadr, it says "General Upload Failure". When I use the web interface, it says "Yay!" and I get redirected over to a 404
- [02:58:04] <VxJasonxV>
I'm so confused ;_;
- [02:58:58] <VxJasonxV>
anyone know how I can get in touch with a zooomr person? I don't feel like commenting in the blog for support
- [02:59:01] <VxJasonxV>
that's a really bad way
- [02:59:09] <VxJasonxV>
considering though that there's no other apparent method of support?
- [03:44:28] * hober (i=ted@conference/etech2k7/x-0a78427046a41453) has joined #openid
- [03:46:56] * fajro_ is now known as fajro
- [03:48:40] * cote ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [04:05:24] * tav (n=tav@ Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
- [04:08:25] * tav (n=tav@ has joined #openid
- [04:10:10] * hober (i=ted@conference/etech2k7/x-0a78427046a41453) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [04:10:44] <fajro>
- [04:12:03] * hober (i=ted@conference/etech2k7/x-edd36136ea27b98e) has joined #openid
- [04:26:54] * KevinMarks (i=KevinMar@conference/etech2k7/x-842663de8fcf5732) has joined #openid
- [04:26:54] <jibot>
KevinMarks is a writer of code, limericks, weblogs & syllepses & his blog is at & he explains how to get Creators paid at & originally from London, UK & living in Willow Glen, San Jose, CA & is WikipediaWorthy & part of & PST (UTC-8) & the Podfather & begoogled
- [04:44:18] * aconbere|mobile ( has joined #openid
- [05:08:06] <bignose>
jibot's anouncement of KevinMarks would be far less annoying if KevinMarks wasn't constantly coming in and out :-/
- [05:08:23] <KevinMarks>
sorry about that
- [05:08:28] <KevinMarks>
I can sod off for a bit
- [05:08:37] <bignose>
better: change what jibot says about you
- [05:08:50] <KevinMarks>
you cna change it
- [05:08:54] * KevinMarks (i=KevinMar@conference/etech2k7/x-842663de8fcf5732) has left #openid
- [05:09:29] <bignose>
well, since jibot has never responded to anything I say (in /query or otherwise) I don't see how I can.
- [05:11:38] * hober (i=ted@conference/etech2k7/x-edd36136ea27b98e) Quit ("ERC Version 5.1.3 (IRC client for Emacs)")
- [05:12:57] <marcusramberg>
hmm, I'm having trouble with claimd users getting into a redirect loop when trying to auth on
- [05:13:06] <marcusramberg>
claimid even
- [05:15:32] <trel1023>
hey marcus
- [05:15:35] <trel1023>
fancy seeing you here
- [05:15:45] <marcusramberg>
hey trel.
- [05:16:00] <marcusramberg>
I've been lurking here since I added openid support to iut.
- [05:16:34] <trel1023>
i've been thinking about the redirects - have you authed against any other ruby/rails sites using janrain's libs?
- [05:17:16] <marcusramberg>
hmm, what other janrain providers are there? :)
- [05:17:27] <trel1023>
our use is very simple - out of the box really.
- [05:17:50] <marcusramberg>
- [05:18:12] <marcusramberg>
I'm using the perl Net::OpenID library from livejournal.
- [05:18:21] <trel1023>
doesn't preclude the box being broken of course :P
- [05:18:52] <keturn>
the only other provider I know of using that particular box is some of the i-brokers, and theirs is not quite the same box 'cuz it's tweaked for i-numbers
- [05:18:54] <marcusramberg>
There's a perl janrain implementation as well, I've been considering writing a catalyst auth plugin for it as well.
- [05:19:34] <marcusramberg>
myopenid uses janrain too?
- [05:19:43] <GabeW>
myopenid *is* janrain
- [05:19:46] <trel1023>
- [05:19:48] <trel1023>
- [05:20:02] <marcusramberg>
is it running under rails?
- [05:20:04] <keturn>
myopenid is running Python though, not Rails
- [05:20:09] <GabeW>
oh really?
- [05:20:11] <GabeW>
right on
- [05:20:12] <marcusramberg>
right. Those accounts work.
- [05:20:50] <GabeW>
keturn: is built with any framework?
- [05:22:05] <keturn>
GabeW: not particularly. I mean, we use some template system or another, but for the most part janrain's web development has roots in code that came before any of the python frameworks were really convincing.
- [05:22:12] <GabeW>
- [05:22:13] <GabeW>
- [05:22:19] <GabeW>
i built an openid consumer with pylons
- [05:22:25] <GabeW>
but its not that hard to work with any one of them
- [05:22:38] <marcusramberg>
my main motivation for switching to the perl janrain library is yadis support.
- [05:22:52] <GabeW>
from what?
- [05:22:54] <marcusramberg>
there is a Net::OpenID extension to support yado too, but it fails tests.
- [05:23:17] <marcusramberg>
GabeW: Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Credential::OpenID, which is Net::OpenID based
- [05:23:36] <GabeW>
thats perl ?
- [05:23:42] <marcusramberg>
- [05:24:22] <marcusramberg>
Catalyst is a perl MVC framework.
- [05:24:26] <GabeW>
i don't do perl anymore
- [05:25:04] <marcusramberg>
I'm one of the core developers of Catalyst :)
- [05:25:08] <GabeW>
- [05:25:09] <GabeW>
- [05:25:10] <GabeW>
- [05:25:19] <marcusramberg>
so it seemed a natural choice when building
- [05:27:24] <marcusramberg>
I think a lot of people still think 'bunch of CGI scripts', when they are thinking about perl web development.
- [05:38:15] <marcusramberg>
but you know what they say. Give him enough rope, and he will run away with it.
- [05:41:14] <marcusramberg>
and, Rome wasn't built on good intentions alone.
- [05:41:28] <bignose>
Too many Indians spoil the golden egg.
- [05:43:00] <bignose>
A fool and his dog gang aft agly.
- [05:44:14] <marcusramberg>
Anyways, I have other cats to fry.
- [05:53:50] * aconbere|mobile ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [07:38:18] * idnar (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) Quit (Nick collision from services.)
- [07:38:28] * idnar_ (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) has joined #openid
- [09:27:36] * tav_ (n=tav@ has joined #openid
- [09:37:53] * Prometheus^ ( has joined #openid
- [09:38:40] * tav (n=tav@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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- [11:09:25] * bricas ( has joined #openid
- [11:21:54] * Prometheus^ ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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- [12:10:56] * fajro ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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- [12:19:58] * tav (n=tav@ Quit (Success)
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- [13:10:10] * fajro ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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- [13:30:32] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ Quit ("Leaving...")
- [13:32:41] * fajro ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- [14:31:22] * aconbere|mobile ( has joined #openid
- [15:02:01] * Brylie ( has joined #openid
- [15:08:55] * m3nt0r ( has joined #openid
- [15:14:03] * Brylie ( Quit ("Bye.")
- [15:22:04] * aconbere|mobile ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
- [15:22:43] * bortzmeyer ( has left #openid
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- [16:56:19] * Prometheus^ ( Quit ()
- [17:00:38] * rgl (n=Rui@ has joined #openid
- [17:08:26] * factoryjoe ( Quit ()
- [17:25:38] * cygnus ( has joined #openid
- [17:25:38] <jibot>
cygnus is WorkerBee(name="Jonathan Daugherty", company="JanRain, Inc.")
- [17:30:53] * m3nt0r^ ( has joined #openid
- [17:47:30] * m3nt0r ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [17:48:07] * rgl_ (n=Rui@ has joined #openid
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- [18:11:20] * SamRose ( Quit ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]")
- [18:26:30] * j3h ( has joined #openid
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- [18:33:33] * SamRose ( has joined #openid
- [18:42:02] * m3nt0r ( has joined #openid
- [18:57:58] * Prometheus^ ( has joined #openid
- [18:58:32] * m3nt0r^ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [19:09:41] * rgl_ is now known as rgl
- [19:13:09] * factoryjoe (i=factoryj@conference/etech2k7/x-b790798f4f71553a) has joined #openid
- [19:27:41] * factoryjoe (i=factoryj@conference/etech2k7/x-b790798f4f71553a) Quit ()
- [19:32:43] <rgl>
in a Key-Value form, the Value can be empty?
- [19:34:25] <j3h>
sure, it could be an empty string.
- [19:40:26] <rgl>
how about repeated keys?
- [19:42:07] <j3h>
It's specifically forbidden in OpenID 2, and probably most OpenID 1 implementations would choke on it. why?
- [19:42:55] <rgl>
I'm implementing a provider. and I'm doing the unit tests for this.
- [19:43:44] <rgl>
thou, where is says its forbidden? at it doesnot seem to say that
- [19:47:43] <j3h>
have you considered using an existing library (what language are you using?)
- [19:48:11] <j3h>
- [19:48:27] <j3h>
"Messages MUST NOT contain multiple parameters with the same name."
- [19:49:00] <rgl>
ah thx :)
- [19:49:18] <rgl>
I have to implement one from scratch. I'm using PHP5.
- [19:51:14] <cygnus>
- [19:51:38] <cygnus>
sorry, rephrase: why from scratch?
- [19:55:05] <rgl>
my final project is understanding and implementing an openid provider. and doing it from scracth forces me to understand every aspect of openid.
- [19:58:08] <cygnus>
I suspect you can implement a provider using a preexisting library and come to understand the protocol fairly well without having to implement the protocol itself.
- [20:01:38] <rgl>
I could. but I wont. /me is going to reeinvent a square wheel *G*
- [20:14:11] * idnar_ is now known as idnar
- [20:15:51] * bricas ( Quit ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]")
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- [22:14:35] * rgl (n=Rui@ Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
- [22:27:40] <GabeW>
any sxippers here?
- [22:30:09] * rgl (n=Rui@ has joined #openid
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- [23:35:04] * tav_ is now known as tav
- [23:38:55] * tango_ (n=tex_vim@ has left #openid
- [23:47:31] * PatF (i=Patrick@nat/novell/x-a9cea48048840d73) has joined #openid
- [23:48:05] * rgl (n=Rui@ Quit ("Leaving")
- [23:58:39] * cygnus ( Quit ("Leaving.")
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