IRC Log for #openid on 2007-03-31

Timestamps are in UTC.

  1. [00:06:08] * j3h ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  2. [00:11:12] <GabeW> i have to tell someone, but YAY, i got my stupid openid provider & openid consumer (based on sxip openid4java code) working with both http urls and inames (global inames only for now)
  3. [00:11:23] * aconbere ( Quit ("Lost terminal")
  4. [00:11:48] <GabeW> built with 5 jsp's ONLY
  5. [00:11:48] <GabeW> hehe
  6. [00:12:45] * GabeW squints and pretends he's writing php
  7. [00:13:44] <cygnus> heh
  8. [00:13:50] <cygnus> I'm not sure that's an improvement. :)
  9. [00:13:57] <GabeW> well
  10. [00:14:21] <GabeW> its been a while since I've been a 'professional' java develoer
  11. [00:14:34] <GabeW> and man, is it painful getting back up to speed on best practices, tools, etc
  12. [00:14:40] <GabeW> unlike python
  13. [00:14:52] <chowells79> There are parts of the J2EE system that are best thrown out completely...
  14. [00:15:01] <chowells79> Container-managed security, for instance, is garbage.
  15. [00:15:27] <GabeW> i'm not even talking about anything beyond plain ole jsp/servlets here!
  16. [00:15:29] <GabeW> not even any db
  17. [00:15:39] <chowells79> But.. Overall, it's a really pretty straight-forward.
  18. [00:15:57] <GabeW> well
  19. [00:16:09] <GabeW> anyway, i got to know the sxip code a lot better than I was hoping
  20. [00:16:15] <chowells79> Heh.
  21. [00:16:19] <cygnus> :)
  22. [00:16:23] <GabeW> they've done good
  23. [00:16:34] <GabeW> i wish they were here
  24. [00:16:37] <chowells79> Going to submit what you've done as an example?
  25. [00:16:48] <GabeW> chowells79: probably
  26. [00:17:00] <chowells79> If you could make an ant task to build a .war, it'd *really* simplify testing an learning their library.
  27. [00:17:05] <GabeW> its kind of rough
  28. [00:17:16] <GabeW> well, there's nothing war to build
  29. [00:17:26] <GabeW> i mean, i'm using ant to build the jar
  30. [00:17:35] <chowells79> Heh. A rough example would be far better than the *no* working example it comes with.
  31. [00:17:38] <GabeW> and then i have a simple maven-generated project with 5 jsps
  32. [00:17:43] <GabeW> ah
  33. [00:17:46] <GabeW> yes
  34. [00:18:06] <chowells79> Eh? A War file is just a jar file of the webapp's dir.
  35. [00:18:08] <GabeW> i've got a lot of stuff hardcoded that I need to un hardcodde
  36. [00:18:09] <GabeW> yah
  37. [00:18:12] <GabeW> of course
  38. [00:18:15] <GabeW> in fact
  39. [00:18:22] <GabeW> i do generate a war with maven
  40. [00:18:22] <chowells79> Easy enough to get ant to build.
  41. [00:18:22] <GabeW> DOH
  42. [00:18:29] <chowells79> Ah, there you go. :)
  43. [00:18:44] <GabeW> its a separate project using a jar from the head of the subversion repo
  44. [00:18:46] <GabeW> er
  45. [00:18:50] <GabeW> built from the head of the svn repo
  46. [00:19:03] <GabeW> so in any case, i could easily distribute it
  47. [00:19:05] * elliottcable ( has joined #openid
  48. [00:19:10] <GabeW> and then you could do mvn jetty:run
  49. [00:19:11] <GabeW> and woo
  50. [00:19:14] <elliottcable> Anybody in here have PiP working?
  51. [00:19:18] <GabeW> or whatever
  52. [00:19:31] <chowells79> Well, anything you choose to do..
  53. [00:19:47] <chowells79> Having example code would make their library about 5x easier to start working with. :)
  54. [00:19:58] <GabeW> there is example code in there
  55. [00:20:02] <GabeW> it just doesn't work
  56. [00:20:14] <chowells79> Well, it's also full from being a complete webapp
  57. [00:20:19] * ichigo ( Quit ()
  58. [00:20:21] <GabeW> yah, true
  59. [00:20:29] <chowells79> err.. *far* frrom
  60. [00:20:37] <chowells79> and, now, I'm doubling my 'r's
  61. [00:20:38] <elliottcable> Nobody?
  62. [00:20:41] <GabeW> but if you have used any other libs, its pretty straightforward
  63. [00:20:43] <chowells79> I blame that on my keyboard, though.
  64. [00:20:46] <elliottcable> I've got it installed and trying to start it up, and I get this:
  65. [00:20:50] <elliottcable> No keys in api_keys.yml.
  66. [00:20:55] <elliottcable> and then the server crashes out
  67. [00:21:01] <elliottcable> anybody could possibly help?
  68. [00:21:10] <GabeW> i don't know the pip stuff
  69. [00:21:15] <chowells79> Neither do I.
  70. [00:21:18] <elliottcable> aww )-:
  71. [00:21:20] <elliottcable> lol thanks anyway
  72. [00:21:25] <GabeW> email recordon
  73. [00:21:28] <chowells79> And... I'm declaring "weekend!"
  74. [00:21:29] <GabeW> he's out of town i think
  75. [00:21:42] <chowells79> Yeah, he's on vacation somewhere.
  76. [00:21:45] <elliottcable> What's his email? Does he maintain the PiP application?
  77. [00:21:53] <GabeW> i don't know if he does it direclty
  78. [00:22:01] <chowells79> he does
  79. [00:22:04] <chowells79> uhh
  80. [00:22:07] <GabeW> i thought they outsource t
  81. [00:22:08] <GabeW> it
  82. [00:22:09] <elliottcable> Is he often in this channel?
  83. [00:22:14] <GabeW> the heraldry email list
  84. [00:22:22] <GabeW> had some guys who worked on the pip stuff
  85. [00:22:22] <elliottcable> Where's that... <-- noob
  86. [00:22:26] <GabeW> er
  87. [00:22:30] <GabeW> google apache heraldry
  88. [00:22:34] <elliottcable> lol ok
  89. [00:22:37] <chowells79> Well, I've seen him check pip code in to the heraldry several times
  90. [00:22:40] <elliottcable> I already know the link
  91. [00:22:45] <GabeW> oh
  92. [00:22:48] <chowells79> That's the one, elliottcable
  93. [00:22:50] <elliottcable> is heraldry the same as PiP?
  94. [00:22:54] <chowells79> No..
  95. [00:23:02] <chowells79> Heraldry is intended to be more broad...
  96. [00:23:07] <GabeW> PIP was being contributed to heraldry
  97. [00:23:15] <chowells79> Though pip seems to be the only project there that's being developed.
  98. [00:23:18] <elliottcable> quote unquote "Placeholder"
  99. [00:23:20] <elliottcable> lol )-:
  100. [00:23:36] <GabeW> yah, anyway, the guys who were actually writing PIP code had piped up on the heraldry list
  101. [00:23:37] <chowells79> And GabeW, Eastmedia developed PiP, originally, but david has been working on it.
  102. [00:23:39] <elliottcable> All i've really been able to find out PiP is verisign's running install, and the SVN tree
  103. [00:23:43] <GabeW> chowells79: OHOHHHH
  104. [00:23:45] <elliottcable> that's literally *all* I oculd find on the net
  105. [00:24:10] <GabeW> ok
  106. [00:24:12] <GabeW> bbiab
  107. [00:24:27] <chowells79> elliottcable: give me a minute. I might be able to find a bit more info for you
  108. [00:25:17] <elliottcable> chowells79: thanks...
  109. [00:25:23] <chowells79> To subscribe to the list, send a message to: <>
  110. [00:25:43] <chowells79> You can ask questions about PiP on that list.
  111. [00:25:44] <elliottcable> chowells79:
  112. [00:25:46] <elliottcable> Not that helps you
  113. [00:25:49] <elliottcable> chowells79: thanks (-:
  114. [00:26:13] <chowells79> Yep. I only know enough to tell you that you're running rails. :)
  115. [00:26:49] <elliottcable> chowells79: Haha thanks. That much I knew d-: lol... ok, subscribing to teh list. What's his name on IRC? So I can hang in here and talk to him if he does come back before I get help on the list...
  116. [00:27:01] <chowells79> I don't think I've seen him in here, actually.
  117. [00:27:13] <chowells79> I have seen some eastmedia people in here, but I can't remember who.
  118. [00:27:18] <elliottcable> chowells79: Ah. My bad. I assumed that's how you knew him.
  119. [00:27:29] <chowells79> Well, I know him outside of IRC... :)
  120. [00:27:41] <elliottcable> chowells79: Ah. lol ok
  121. [00:29:10] <chowells79> And, yeah. I'm declaring weekend. Hope you find some help, elliott. :)
  122. [00:31:06] <elliottcable> chowells79: declaring weekend?
  123. [00:34:29] <GabeW> heh
  124. [00:34:31] <GabeW> he's leaving
  125. [00:38:31] <elliottcable> GabeW: Ah lol
  126. [00:39:07] * cygnus ( has left #openid
  127. [01:04:22] * Skwid_ ( has joined #openid
  128. [01:04:22] <jibot> Skwid_ is cool
  129. [01:19:46] * _keturn changes topic to ' - channel logged at || python-openid 2.0.0 Release Candidate @'
  130. [01:22:04] <_keturn> oh man. sha1sums expressed in hex are too long to make a claim about on Jyte.
  131. [01:22:58] * KevinMarks (i=KevinMar@nat/google/x-bb512f5dad9efb4f) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  132. [02:01:45] * Cody`macbook ( has joined #openid
  133. [03:34:50] * keturn (n=kevint@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn) Quit ("brb")
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  135. [04:04:03] * fajro ( Quit ("Ex-Chat")
  136. [04:08:34] * Skwid_ ( Quit ("Ex-Chat")
  137. [04:14:58] * amir (n=Miranda@gentoo/developer/amir) Quit ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.")
  138. [04:23:26] * amir (n=Miranda@gentoo/developer/amir) has joined #openid
  139. [04:36:04] * Brylie ( has joined #openid
  140. [05:24:00] * Cody`macbook ( Quit ("Leaving")
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  142. [05:24:55] <GabeW> woo to janrain
  143. [06:14:47] * KevinMarks ( has joined #openid
  144. [06:30:49] * Cody`macbook ( Quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
  145. [06:52:36] * Brylie ( Quit ("Bye.")
  146. [07:27:48] * elliottcable is now known as [e]zZz
  147. [07:46:02] * Cody`macbook ( has joined #openid
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  150. [08:34:57] * anderzz ( has joined #openid
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  152. [09:09:13] * Cody`mac ( Quit (Client Quit)
  153. [13:20:22] * anderzz ( has joined #openid
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  157. [14:01:57] * idnar (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) Quit (Nick collision from services.)
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  161. [15:36:21] * idnar_ is now known as idnar
  162. [16:28:27] <anderzz> PAAAARTYYYYY!!
  163. [16:38:45] * fajro ( has joined #openid
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  167. [18:19:34] * [e]zZz is now known as elliottcable
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  169. [18:21:34] * m3nt0r ( Quit ("( :: NoNameScript 4.02 :: )")
  170. [18:42:22] * anderzz ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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  172. [19:44:00] * fajro ( Quit ("Ex-Chat")
  173. [20:44:14] * [e]afk is now known as elliottcable
  174. [20:44:18] <elliottcable> Ahhah
  175. [20:44:38] <elliottcable> For anybod who cares, the PiP problem I was having is appearantly due to the version of rails being too high. It's only usable with 1.1.6 or earlier.
  176. [21:03:22] * SamRose ( Quit ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]")
  177. [21:46:53] * elliottcable ( Quit ("leaving")
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  188. [21:57:47] * LeeF ( has joined #openid
  189. [21:58:07] <LeeF> Hi everyone
  190. [21:59:01] <LeeF> I'm pretty much completely new to openid - I'm wondering if I can use a "hash" uri as an openid, such that my wife and I might have open ids that look like and ?
  191. [22:07:41] * j3h ( has joined #openid
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  196. [23:38:41] * aconbere|mobile ( has joined #openid
  197. [23:56:33] * [e]afk is now known as elliottcable

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