IRC Log for #openid on 2007-04-20
Timestamps are in UTC.
- [00:01:41] * KevinMarks (i=KevinMar@pdpc/supporter/active/kevinmarks) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [00:01:50] * epeus is now known as KevinMarka
- [00:01:53] * KevinMarka is now known as KevinMarks
- [00:02:13] * cote ( Quit ()
- [00:09:32] * cote ( has joined #openid
- [00:22:18] * j3h ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
- [00:32:51] * bricas ( has joined #openid
- [00:35:36] * SvenDowideit (n=sven@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) has joined #openid
- [00:38:01] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
- [00:38:55] * rgl (n=Rui@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [00:43:58] * cote ( Quit ()
- [01:21:39] * KevinMarks (i=KevinMar@pdpc/supporter/active/kevinmarks) Quit ("The computer fell asleep")
- [01:37:20] * cote ( has joined #openid
- [01:57:34] * peace-keeper ( Quit (Connection timed out)
- [02:04:26] * elliottcable is now known as [e]afk
- [02:08:05] * [e]afk ( Quit ("Lost terminal")
- [02:13:49] * SunWuKung ( has joined #openid
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- [02:49:57] * lucasvo ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
- [02:58:29] * lucasvo ( has joined #openid
- [03:01:32] * Brylie ( Quit ("Bye.")
- [03:01:58] * SvenDowideit (n=sven@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [03:29:36] * SunWuKung ( Quit ("--out")
- [03:52:20] * fajro ( has joined #openid
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- [04:43:20] * cote ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [05:31:40] * cote ( has joined #openid
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- [06:15:11] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
- [06:52:27] * cote ( Quit ()
- [06:57:38] * SvenDowideit (n=sven@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) has joined #openid
- [07:02:38] * SRogers ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [07:07:56] * shigeta_ (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
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- [18:14:16] <paulproteus>
I'm having trouble with the MediaWiki OpenID consumer, and I wanted to know if you guys had any insight.
- [18:14:37] <paulproteus>
I have this login page - - and it works fine if I ask it to consume an e.g. OpenID.
- [18:14:59] <paulproteus>
But if I ask it to consume it says verification failed.
- [18:15:23] <paulproteus>
But I *can* use to log in to this OpenID consumer at .
- [18:15:51] <paulproteus>
Is there something wrong with my ? Is there a compatibility test suite perhaps for servers?
- [18:15:58] <paulproteus>
Or maybe my consumer is broken. Any ideas?
- [18:16:00] <GabeW>
hi paulproteus
- [18:16:06] <paulproteus>
Yo GabeW.
- [18:16:12] <GabeW>
there's a test harness somewhere on openidenabled I think
- [18:16:18] <paulproteus>
But it's totally broken.
- [18:16:22] <GabeW>
heya paulproteus nice to see ya
- [18:16:22] <GabeW>
- [18:16:24] <GabeW>
it is?
- [18:16:25] <GabeW>
- [18:16:31] <paulproteus>
- [18:16:32] <GabeW>
ping janrain
- [18:16:33] <GabeW>
- [18:16:35] <GabeW>
- [18:16:42] <GabeW>
i just typed ls
- [18:16:44] <paulproteus>
But I can use that to log in to the thing.
- [18:16:46] <paulproteus>
- [18:16:47] <GabeW>
to get a list of people in the channel
- [18:16:47] <GabeW>
- [18:16:50] <GabeW>
- [18:17:00] <GabeW>
if you keep asking, the janrain folks here will come back at ya
- [18:17:03] <chowells79>
you silly irssi users
- [18:17:05] <paulproteus>
But keep talking, I'll be watching scrollback.
- [18:17:13] <GabeW>
chowells79: thats not irssi's fault
- [18:17:14] <GabeW>
its mine
- [18:17:29] <chowells79>
I mean for using a client that doesn't have a user list on screen at all times. :)
- [18:18:44] <GabeW>
- [18:18:49] <GabeW>
see, I consider that a feature
- [18:18:55] <GabeW>
I'm sure there's a way to get irssi to do that, btw
- [18:19:11] <chowells79>
There isn't really room for it on an 80x24 terminal, though.
- [18:20:48] * cote ( Quit ()
- [18:20:49] <chowells79>
paulproteus: The server test seems to be working fine for me. It does badly fumble some error conditions, though. If it's crashing, it likely means your server is doing something it doesn't expect.
- [18:21:13] <chowells79>
Ah, Hmm.. Let's see what that error means..
- [18:22:16] <chowells79>
- [18:22:20] <chowells79>
- [18:23:15] * tbbrown ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [18:24:18] <chowells79>
I wonder...
- [18:25:51] <chowells79>
The tester might be looking for 1.1 instead of 1.0 in the yadis types.
- [18:32:11] <GabeW>
chowells79: i'm not working in 80x24, dude, come on!
- [18:32:46] <chowells79>
non-standard terminal sizes? cats and dogs living together? total chaos!
- [18:32:56] <GabeW>
well, i have 3 windows in irssi going
- [18:33:02] <GabeW>
so I am like 80x45
- [18:33:08] <GabeW>
i'm on windows, so this is just a window
- [18:33:28] * paulproteus returns
- [18:33:44] <paulproteus>
chowells79, Let me take a look at that, thanks.
- [18:34:13] <paulproteus>
chowells79, Okay, what's to remark about that? The fact that it's 1.0 not 1.1?
- [18:34:52] <chowells79>
Well, when I pasted it in, I forgot that firefox does horrible things to xml until you say view source, so I thought it was malformed.
- [18:34:52] <paulproteus>
Just so you all know, I don't have a deep understanding of OpenID and its workings and hashes and protocols and terminology. I'm learning as I go. (-:
- [18:35:15] <chowells79>
It's not malformed, but the tester might be looking for something different than it presents
- [18:35:17] <paulproteus>
chowells79, Well, I'm apparently serving it out with type text/html.
- [18:35:34] <paulproteus>
chowells79, Well, that's all well and good, but it doesn't explain why this OpenID works some places but not others.
- [18:35:47] <chowells79>
That might be part of it.
- [18:36:00] <chowells79>
I can't remember if the correct content-type is supposed to be required, by the spec.
- [18:38:04] <chowells79>
Where else does that ID not work correctly?
- [18:39:09] <paulproteus>
chowells79, Well, it doesn't work on the test, and it gets "Verification failed" but nearly works on but works fine on that CGI guestbook.
- [18:39:26] * paulproteus wonders if using his black laptop in direct sunlight is a bad idea
- [18:39:36] <chowells79>
Direct sunlight? eww.
- [18:40:10] <paulproteus>
But it's really nice outside! (Anyway....)
- [18:40:34] <paulproteus>
chowells79, If you want, feel free to sign up for an account on and try your$username page too. (-:
- [18:41:12] <chowells79>
agh! math!
- [18:41:16] <chowells79>
- [18:41:18] <chowells79>
- [18:41:26] <paulproteus>
Oh, wait a second.
- [18:41:29] <chowells79>
I have more trouble with that than calculus...
- [18:41:30] <chowells79>
- [18:41:38] <paulproteus>
No, never mind the "wait a second".
- [18:44:22] <paulproteus>
Anyway, I'm still stumped.
- [18:44:34] <chowells79>
So, I'm getting lots of "login cancelled"
- [18:44:37] <paulproteus>
The fact that the reed.fc.o consumer works for some but not all is weird.
- [18:44:40] <paulproteus>
- [18:45:06] <paulproteus>
I've been changing some configuration stuff behind your back. Try again?
- [18:46:34] <chowells79>
logging in to livejournal works...
- [18:47:31] <paulproteus>
And does consuming an LJ OpenID work?
- [18:47:44] <paulproteus>
On I mean.
- [18:47:54] <chowells79>
I haven't tried that.
- [18:50:25] <chowells79>
hmmph. I don't know what's up, really.
- [18:51:12] <chowells79>
I see failures at several different points in the process.
- [18:52:54] <chowells79>
At this point, you might be better off asking someone who knows more about the specifics of the mediawiki mod.
- [18:53:03] <paulproteus>
Yeah, good point. Thanks. (-:
- [19:46:29] * elliottcable ( has joined #openid
- [19:56:13] * bricas ( Quit ("ChatZilla [Firefox]")
- [20:02:59] * elliottcable is now known as [e]afk
- [20:08:48] <_keturn>
johill: yeah, #openid is probably more on-topic
- [20:09:10] <_keturn>
johill: so you're talking about this from the perspective of someone implementing a store?
- [20:09:44] * j3h ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
- [20:09:54] <johill>
- [20:10:21] <johill>
(to fill in others: we're talking about the python openid libs, and nonces there)
- [20:10:37] <johill>
when a nonce is used I need to store it obviously, but I'd like to kill off old ones for obvious reasons
- [20:10:55] <johill>
I could use checkTimestamp() but then I'd have to build a string just to have checkTimestamp pull it apart again
- [20:12:34] <_keturn>
and given that the first thing that checkTimestamp does is split(), that does seem silly
- [20:13:08] <johill>
right now what I do to store them is hash up all the values (basically sha(url+salt+timestamp) and store the timestamp into a file with that name)
- [20:13:49] <johill>
well look at the code yourself:
- [20:14:21] <johill>
but importing nonce.SKEW seems like an implementation detail I shouldn't be touching :)
- [20:14:47] <_keturn>
however, you have about one expression left over: return (abs(now() - timestamp) < skew) ... I suppose I could give make that a function to give that expression a name and maybe it would be a little more readable, but it wouldn't exactly save code
- [20:15:42] <johill>
- [20:16:00] <johill>
if you say that importing nonce.SKEW is fine then all you need to do is add that to the docstring ;)
- [20:16:04] <johill>
I'm ok with that too
- [20:17:05] * _keturn tries to figure out why we haven't run in to this before
- [20:17:21] <johill>
people using file/memstore?
- [20:17:35] <_keturn>
well, yeah, most people use one of the existing stores
- [20:18:18] <_keturn>
and I guess the two-part nonce format with timestamp is new to openid 2.0, so even the guy who wrote his own store for a previous library version wouldn't have run in to that
- [20:19:39] <johill>
yeah. btw. talking about mem store, there's a possibility that nonces are reused when the program is restarted for some reason and the memstore is thereby cleared. maybe that should be noted somewhere
- [20:21:13] <_keturn>
well, you'd have to have lost the nonces but *not* lost the associations for that to happen
- [20:22:03] <johill>
ah, true
- [20:22:14] <johill>
yeah, seems that's a non-issue
- [20:23:22] <johill>
I had some more things, let me scroll back through my logs
- [20:24:29] <johill>
oh yeah, some files have copyright in 2005 only and surely must have been changed for openid2 :)
- [20:24:56] <_keturn>
hmm, maybe
- [20:26:06] <_keturn>
I'm kind of unclear on the rolling-copyright thing. why do we update those things every year anyway? so that the copyright will expire in 2082 instead of 2080?
- [20:26:24] <johill>
dunno really
- [20:46:05] <chowells79>
I think the primary purpose behind saying something like (c)2005-2008 is to indicate continued revision.
- [21:01:00] * KevinMarks (n=Snak@pdpc/supporter/active/kevinmarks) Quit ("The computer fell asleep")
- [21:13:36] * SamRose ( Quit ("ChatZilla [Firefox]")
- [21:18:35] * Prometheus^ ( has joined #openid
- [21:18:46] * Skwid_ ( has joined #openid
- [21:18:46] <jibot>
Skwid_ is cool
- [21:19:21] <Skwid_>
- [21:19:31] <Skwid_>
anybody use the open id login generator for rails ?
- [21:29:57] <Skwid_>
NameError in AccountController#login
- [21:29:57] <Skwid_>
uninitialized constant AccountController::OpenID
- [21:29:58] <Skwid_>
- [21:33:30] * j3h ( has joined #openid
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- [21:39:34] <Skwid_>
no one ?
- [21:40:18] * johill ( Quit (Nick collision from services.)
- [21:55:01] * GabeW not a ruby guy
- [22:01:43] * paulproteus neither
- [22:01:51] * paulproteus is reduced to examining PHP lately )-;
- [22:06:43] * Prometheus^ ( Quit ()
- [22:07:07] <paulproteus>
Skwid_, BTW, looks like you didn't install AccountController right.
- [22:08:53] <Skwid_>
paulproteus: i just ran the generator :S
- [22:08:53] <paulproteus>
Skwid_, I have no idea what that means since I don't really do Ruby.
- [22:09:09] <Skwid_>
hum :(
- [22:09:51] <paulproteus>
?google "uninitialized constant AccountController::OpenID"
- [22:09:52] <jibot>
Google does not know anything about "uninitialized constant AccountController::OpenID". I'm sorry Dave, I don't have enough information.
- [22:11:32] <Skwid_>
yeah i looked already
- [22:32:46] <Skwid_>
this is annoying
- [22:47:01] * idnar (n=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) Quit (Nick collision from services.)
- [22:47:09] * idnar_ (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) has joined #openid
- [23:17:55] <Skwid_>
i wish brian was around :)
- [23:42:19] <_keturn>
Skwid_: try sending a message to
- [23:42:35] <Skwid_>
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