IRC Log for #openid on 2007-07-06

Timestamps are in UTC.

  1. [00:16:47] * peace-keeper ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  2. [00:25:54] * craigoz ( Quit ("Leaving.")
  3. [00:35:04] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
  4. [00:56:12] * wzph ( Quit (Client Quit)
  5. [01:49:46] * fo0bar_ is now known as fo0bar
  6. [02:01:19] * cote ( Quit ()
  7. [02:38:13] * wzph ( has joined #openid
  8. [05:46:48] * stephanbuys ( has joined #openid
  9. [06:17:12] * stephanbuys ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  10. [06:54:48] * m3nt0r ( Quit ()
  11. [06:55:00] * Mitsurugi ( Quit (" · tecnologia lliure per a un món lliure")
  12. [06:56:12] * m3nt0r ( has joined #openid
  13. [08:01:16] * bortzmeyer ( has joined #openid
  14. [08:04:54] * Prometheus^ ( has joined #openid
  15. [08:08:28] * drewinthehead (i=mclellan@nat/yahoo/x-47196b8b0e3dd684) has joined #openid
  16. [08:08:28] <jibot> drewinthehead is Drew McLellan, a web developer for Yahoo! and a person too
  17. [08:35:31] * stub (i=stub@nat/canonical/x-112b9be7f6997e27) has joined #openid
  18. [08:38:01] * tlr ( has joined #openid
  19. [08:38:01] <jibot> tlr is Thomas Roessler
  20. [08:45:10] * Prometheus^ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  21. [09:25:15] * sven_ ( has joined #openid
  22. [09:25:20] * sven__ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  23. [10:00:36] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ Quit ("Leaving...")
  24. [10:04:42] * m3nt0r_ ( has joined #openid
  25. [10:21:32] * m3nt0r ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  26. [10:22:28] * Almad|Doma ( has joined #openid
  27. [10:22:47] * Almad|Doma ( has left #openid
  28. [10:37:08] * m3nt0r_ ( Quit ()
  29. [11:36:00] * nocturn (n=nocturn@ubuntu/member/nocturn) has joined #openid
  30. [11:36:03] <nocturn> Hi guys
  31. [11:36:30] <nocturn> I'm looking for an OpenId package that I can install on a hosting provider
  32. [11:36:51] <nocturn> Could Drupal 5 or 6 be made into an OpenID server?
  33. [11:41:41] <johill> in theory, sure
  34. [11:41:49] <johill> whether it has been done I don't know
  35. [11:42:28] <johill> google suggests ther is/was work on it
  36. [11:42:30] <nocturn> Apparently, 4.7 has an openid server module
  37. [11:42:42] <nocturn> and it's planned for D6, though the server code is not in yet
  38. [11:43:17] <johill>
  39. [11:47:29] * nocturn is checking
  40. [11:50:26] <nocturn> Contains a client only
  41. [11:50:31] <nocturn> the page is misleading
  42. [11:50:55] <nocturn> Is there a standalone openID server?
  43. [11:51:03] <nocturn> one that can run of a hosting setup preferably
  44. [11:55:21] <johill> no idea; I have one integrated with moinmoin (a python wiki)
  45. [12:00:18] * claude_monet_imp (n=claude_m@ has joined #openid
  46. [12:00:29] <claude_monet_imp> hi guys
  47. [12:00:58] <claude_monet_imp> does anybody can help me?
  48. [12:01:22] <claude_monet_imp> I need to understand how OpenId works
  49. [12:02:00] <claude_monet_imp> I would like link my project to it
  50. [12:02:30] <johill> have you read the docs and the specs? there are nice graphs all over the web
  51. [12:03:05] <johill> start at the wikipedia page maybe?
  52. [12:03:22] <claude_monet_imp> I have read many pages about it
  53. [12:03:38] <claude_monet_imp> but I need to know how have to implement it
  54. [12:03:43] <claude_monet_imp> on my project
  55. [12:03:55] <johill> well then you need to read the specs and implement them
  56. [12:04:07] <johill> or take any of the many libraries written in ruby, php, python or other languages
  57. [12:04:10] <johill> and read their docs
  58. [12:06:08] <claude_monet_imp> I need to undestand the functionality
  59. [12:06:20] <claude_monet_imp> I have an account on OpenId
  60. [12:08:16] <claude_monet_imp>
  61. [12:09:27] <claude_monet_imp> now I have in the Registration Personas
  62. [12:09:39] <claude_monet_imp> on
  63. [12:10:07] <claude_monet_imp> my data like the nickname, full name, email address
  64. [12:10:10] <claude_monet_imp> etc
  65. [12:10:44] <claude_monet_imp> these information must be stored on my db in my service or not?
  66. [12:11:43] <claude_monet_imp> I don't understand if all data stored in openid must be the same on my service
  67. [12:11:50] <johill> I don't think you've understood the fundamental asymmetry in openid yet
  68. [12:12:25] <claude_monet_imp> I need the main concept
  69. [12:12:27] <johill> and I don't have time right now to explain it, I gotta have some lunch too
  70. [12:12:45] <claude_monet_imp> ok thanks
  71. [12:12:48] <johill> try re-reading teh wikipedia article
  72. [12:12:51] <johill> it talks about that iirc
  73. [12:28:23] <claude_monet_imp> nada
  74. [12:29:12] <claude_monet_imp> I try to understand it but I don't understand if I have to create a simple login
  75. [12:29:44] <claude_monet_imp> I have see other services that use this kind of login
  76. [12:30:10] <claude_monet_imp> and I see that they have only few params
  77. [12:30:24] <claude_monet_imp> like the fullname and the email
  78. [12:30:47] <claude_monet_imp> I have many fields in my registration form
  79. [12:31:24] <claude_monet_imp> and I don't understand if they have to match with the openid fileds
  80. [12:31:28] <claude_monet_imp> fields
  81. [12:43:10] * cote ( has joined #openid
  82. [12:54:46] * peace-keeper ( has joined #openid
  83. [13:46:15] * nocturn (n=nocturn@ubuntu/member/nocturn) has left #openid
  84. [13:53:00] * Cody`mac ( Quit (Connection timed out)
  85. [13:53:49] * Cody`macbook ( has joined #openid
  86. [14:23:46] * drewinthehead (i=mclellan@nat/yahoo/x-47196b8b0e3dd684) has left #openid
  87. [14:26:52] * craigo1 ( has joined #openid
  88. [14:28:34] * craigo1 ( Quit (Client Quit)
  89. [14:30:33] * craigoz ( has joined #openid
  90. [15:06:44] * bortzmeyer ( has left #openid
  91. [15:35:50] * claude_monet_imp (n=claude_m@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  92. [15:57:04] * salty-horse (n=ori@pdpc/supporter/active/salty-horse) has joined #openid
  93. [16:01:33] * peace-keeper ( Quit (Connection timed out)
  94. [16:12:31] * stub (i=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
  95. [16:28:12] * j3h ( has joined #openid
  96. [16:53:19] * cote_ ( has joined #openid
  97. [16:53:31] * cote_ ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  98. [17:09:44] <salty-horse> hi. question: suppose I am using myopenid as an identity provider. other websites know me as - when shuts down, how will I be able to prove to the other websites that I swithced providers and I'm the one behind newly created openID and the old myopenid one? is that a problem for the specific websites to solve?
  99. [17:12:59] <samsm> salty-horse: You don't directly use myopenid as your endpoint ... use <link rel="openid.delegate" on a domain you own to ensure you can maintain your identity for eternity. :)
  100. [17:15:25] <salty-horse> I see how this is a possible solution to avoid the problem but, in this case, i do not own a permanent domain. do websites generally implement a list of openid's associated with a local username?
  101. [17:15:56] <keturn> that, or yes, it ends up being a problem for the RPs. If they have your email address, they could confirm your account that way, etc. Or, if does ever go down, hopefully you get some advance notice and can switch ahead of time.
  102. [17:16:09] <keturn> salty-horse: some of them do. it's recommended that they do.
  103. [17:17:05] <salty-horse> what's an RP?
  104. [17:17:55] <keturn> relying party. the websites you're using your OpenID to log in to.
  105. [17:18:22] <salty-horse> I thought they were called Consumers
  106. [17:19:42] <keturn> yeah, that too. but we changed terminology a bit since the original spec to more closely match what the rest of the people in the authentication word use.
  107. [17:23:19] <samsm> Ultimately, the entire population of web users is going to need to be convinced to buy a domain name. It's a fairly small price for consistent identity.
  108. [17:26:05] * peace-keeper ( has joined #openid
  109. [17:26:50] <salty-horse> samsm, I've been wanting one for several years, but I can't think of a good name :)
  110. [17:27:12] <samsm> :) It is tricky, so many are taken.
  111. [17:27:23] <keturn> eh. maybe. but the prices and polices around domain name ownership are not necessarily stable, the namespace is small, and there are going to be a bunch of people who will always think free is better.
  112. [17:27:51] <salty-horse> I guess i'll get
  113. [17:28:32] <salty-horse> hmm... linked me to
  114. [17:28:34] * etnt ( has joined #openid
  115. [17:28:46] <keturn> (shameless plug) if you want, you can check out , they have a free trial.
  116. [17:28:57] <samsm> That's true about the prices ... but if the policies fundamentally change, wouldn't that have a rather severe impact on the Internet?
  117. [17:29:57] <salty-horse> keturn, O RLY? :)
  118. [17:30:15] <keturn> there are already a lot of weird policies around the country-TLDs, like how .us decided you couldn't register through a proxy to avoid having your info show up in whois
  119. [17:30:44] <salty-horse> keturn, are they a domain registrar or a host provider as well?
  120. [17:30:59] <samsm> I guess what I'm thinking is that the domain system is more likely to be stable than an independent provider.
  121. [17:31:54] <keturn> but honestly, I'm a little confused about how is going to work long-term. I mean, is going to be the top-level domain, right? so you're not owning that, so are you still subject to the same issues about the owner of going away?
  122. [17:32:25] <keturn> salty-horse: they're a registrar and they partner with for OpenID service
  123. [17:33:38] <salty-horse> they seem to offer email redirection as well.. meaning they do run some software :)
  124. [17:34:57] * Peng ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  125. [17:36:01] * Flenser (n=Miranda@twiki/developer/SamHasler) has joined #openid
  126. [17:44:57] * claude_monet_imp (n=claude_m@ has joined #openid
  127. [17:45:27] <salty-horse> something odd is going on with - I created a trial registration, or whatever its called. when I type in as my ID, I expect it to go to the webpage at and look for a delegate. instead, it goes straight to with - how come?
  128. [17:46:59] <salty-horse> keturn, in .name, I think the top level is "". try running whois on "" and you get "Not available for second level registration. Third level registrations may be available on this name."
  129. [17:48:34] <keturn> huh. I know there are some, like
  130. [17:50:08] <salty-horse> hmm
  131. [17:50:16] <keturn> does a trick where they serve in a frame, and when you do an OpenID lookup on it, it gets the server that freeyourid defined. I'm not sure if there's a way to override that.
  132. [17:51:02] <salty-horse> eek.. puts a frame around the website I told it to redirect to
  133. [17:52:43] <salty-horse> ooh. i can choose between "frame" and "redirect"
  134. [17:54:16] <salty-horse> but that's still not what I want
  135. [18:03:35] <etnt> is the DH stuff usually implemented, or is the server/provider relying on SSL ?
  136. [18:06:21] <keturn> not all RPs can fetch https webpages, so I'd say using DH is more common now.
  137. [18:06:49] <etnt> ok
  138. [18:07:16] <keturn> I think there was a thread about that not so long ago on the openid general list, if you're looking for more details.
  139. [18:11:10] <etnt> thx!
  140. [18:14:15] * amir (n=Miranda@gentoo/developer/amir) Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  141. [18:18:24] * amir (n=Miranda@gentoo/developer/amir) has joined #openid
  142. [18:19:14] * evanpro_ ( has joined #openid
  143. [18:19:58] * evanpro_ is now known as e_s_p
  144. [18:22:14] * claude_monet_imp (n=claude_m@ Quit ("bye bye")
  145. [18:47:00] * atoponce (n=aaron@oalug/member/atoponce) has joined #openid
  146. [18:48:02] * Cyorxamp ( has joined #openid
  147. [18:48:21] <Cyorxamp> Hi folks, I am Cyorxamp - and I have (ran from my own controlled box)
  148. [18:48:51] <Cyorxamp> So in this list of 'web' software, for a linux platform - where I just want to use solely '' as my login - just for me... which is best??
  149. [18:50:28] <j3h> I recommend finding an OpenID provider that you like/trust and just using delegation
  150. [18:50:45] <Cyorxamp> delegation ?
  151. [18:52:08] <samsm> <link rel="openid.delegate" ...
  152. [18:52:09] <samsm> Pretty well-described here:
  153. [18:52:32] <samsm> Or maybe I don't understand. :)
  154. [18:53:13] <Cyorxamp> maybe I don't
  155. [18:54:29] <Cyorxamp> I just want to run an OpenID service on my server for me
  156. [18:54:42] <Cyorxamp> and others who have there domains pointing to my box
  157. [18:57:28] * salty-horse (n=ori@pdpc/supporter/active/salty-horse) has left #openid
  158. [19:09:34] * wzph ( Quit (Client Quit)
  159. [19:18:48] * jrbot ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  160. [19:18:55] * j3h ( Quit (Excess Flood)
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  163. [19:30:16] <Cyorxamp> anyone have any ideas on that
  164. [19:30:19] <Cyorxamp> ?
  165. [19:34:23] * j3h ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
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  167. [19:56:52] * tlr ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  168. [20:06:28] <e_s_p> Cyorxamp: there's a list of OpenID server software on the wiki
  169. [20:07:09] <Cyorxamp> lol, yes I already see it
  170. [20:07:21] <Cyorxamp> my question was which is best for my purpose
  171. [20:12:16] <samsm> You have a language preference?
  172. [20:38:53] <Cyorxamp> samsm: english
  173. [21:03:26] * Prometheus^ ( has joined #openid
  174. [21:03:46] * etnt ( Quit ("bye")
  175. [21:09:36] * craigoz ( Quit ("Leaving.")
  176. [21:52:43] * Peng ( has joined #openid
  177. [21:52:43] <jibot> Peng is convinced join messages speak for themselves and deprived of burritos
  178. [22:01:10] <Peng> Also deprived of an Internet connection. :X
  179. [22:15:23] * Cyorxamp ( has left #openid
  180. [22:25:09] * j3h ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
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  183. [22:27:03] * j3h ( has joined #openid
  184. [22:37:12] * wzph ( has joined #openid
  185. [22:40:48] * Mitsurugi ( has joined #openID
  186. [22:41:58] * tlr ( has joined #openid
  187. [22:41:58] <jibot> tlr is Thomas Roessler
  188. [22:57:34] * Prometheus^ ( Quit ()
  189. [22:58:01] * j3h ( Quit (Excess Flood)
  190. [22:58:17] * j3h ( has joined #openid
  191. [23:15:49] * cote ( Quit ()
  192. [23:32:35] * peace-keeper ( Quit (Connection timed out)

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