IRC Log for #openid on 2007-07-14
Timestamps are in UTC.
- [00:10:38] * idnar (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) has joined #openid
- [00:16:45] * craigoz ( Quit ("Leaving.")
- [00:18:39] * idnar_ (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [00:27:43] * peace-keeper ( has joined #openid
- [00:28:11] * XRIBot ( has joined #openid
- [00:30:28] * craigoz ( has joined #openid
- [00:31:03] * AaronF ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [00:34:43] * j3h ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
- [00:36:20] * evanpro (n=evan@pdpc/supporter/silver/evanpro) Quit ("Ex-Chat")
- [01:06:30] * michelp (n=michelp@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [11:47:30] * OpenIDlogbot (n=PircBot@ has joined #openid
- [11:47:30] * Topic is ' - channel logged at || JanRain dev list: || python-openid 2.0.1 @'
- [11:47:30] * Set by keturn on Sat Jun 23 18:01:22 CEST 2007
- [13:37:38] * Osurac ( has joined #openid
- [14:24:59] * peace-keeper ( has joined #openid
- [14:41:14] * captproton ( has joined #openid
- [15:03:34] * evanpro ( has joined #openid
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- [15:28:42] * AaronF ( has joined #openid
- [15:28:42] <jibot>
AaronF is here.
- [15:50:28] * XRIBot ( has joined #openid
- [16:03:10] * AaronF ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [16:05:00] * michelp ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [16:05:04] * XRIBot ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
- [16:07:48] * Mitsu ( Quit (" · tecnologia lliure per a un món lliure")
- [16:07:59] * Mitsurugi ( has joined #openID
- [16:20:26] * captproton ( has joined #openid
- [16:23:25] * craigoz ( Quit ("Leaving.")
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- [17:00:03] * XRIBot ( has joined #openid
- [17:10:15] * jespern ( has joined #openid
- [17:13:02] <jespern>
Hey, anybody successfully using the 2.0 python libs?
- [17:14:08] <keturn>
I hope so!
- [17:15:04] <keturn>
What's up?
- [17:15:21] <jespern>
Mwah, I'm having all sorts of issues with it.
- [17:15:43] <jespern>
Something about 'no state file found', first of all.
- [17:16:04] <jespern>
Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. It also depends on what browser.
- [17:17:00] <keturn>
no state _file_?
- [17:17:48] <keturn>
you're sure that's not "No session state found"?
- [17:17:54] <jespern>
Right, that's the one.
- [17:17:57] <keturn>
oh, okay
- [17:18:11] <jespern>
My bad :-)
- [17:18:41] <keturn>
that's typically about the session object you initialize Consumer with
- [17:19:16] <keturn>
and suggests that the session you passed to it when calling Consumer.begin() did not keep the state when you called Consumer.complete()
- [17:19:17] * johill ( has joined #openid
- [17:19:33] <jespern>
Hm, right. *looks at code*
- [17:23:05] <jespern>
Yeah, "No session state found" again.
- [17:23:35] <jespern>
I'm basically just passing a dict of what came back in the querystring to Consumer.complete()
- [17:29:50] <johill>
I frequently get 'no session state found' if I accidentally do things twice
- [17:30:09] <johill>
what are you passing as the storage?
- [17:30:53] <jespern>
a mysql
- [17:31:07] <johill>
- [17:31:13] <johill>
that ought to work I guess
- [17:31:16] <jespern>
I tried that since I got the same errors with the file store
- [17:31:20] <johill>
I wrote my own storage so had bugs with that
- [17:31:50] <johill>
did it create entries in the database?
- [17:31:56] <jespern>
- [17:32:01] <johill>
maybe hack up the message 'no session state found' to include the session name
- [17:32:53] <jespern>
Yeah, it inserts the rows.
- [17:33:20] <johill>
I'm thinking what the api was
- [17:33:26] * johill looks at his code
- [17:34:40] <johill>
oh, wait
- [17:34:49] <johill>
I missed the start, what language are you in?
- [17:35:17] <jespern>
- [17:35:46] <johill>
- [17:35:48] <johill>
same here
- [17:35:54] <jespern>
Are you using rc3?
- [17:36:00] <johill>
2.0.1 from topic
- [17:36:11] <johill>
- [17:36:22] <johill>
the store is only for associations iirc
- [17:36:28] <johill>
not for session state
- [17:36:35] <johill>
how are you instantiating the Consumer object?
- [17:36:40] <jespern>
- [17:36:42] <jespern>
Oh, wait.
- [17:36:55] <johill>
so the store isn't at fault, I was confused
- [17:36:58] <johill>
I wrote a store myself :)
- [17:37:04] <johill>
but it doesn't matter for your error
- [17:37:13] <jespern>
I have 'getConsumer' which does return conn, consumer.Consumer(session, store), store being the MySQLStore
- [17:37:19] <johill>
- [17:37:23] <johill>
what is 'session'?
- [17:37:31] <johill>
must be some dict-like thing
- [17:37:33] <jespern>
a dict in the web framework I'm using (
- [17:37:54] <johill>
so the bug is that this object isn't reloaded properly in the second request
- [17:38:00] <johill>
missing cookie, or whatever
- [17:38:15] <jespern>
What's the openid.return_to in the querystring I'm getting back?
- [17:38:34] <johill>
not sure, don't think it's important tho
- [17:39:01] <jespern>
so you're saying the cookie isn't being set
- [17:39:16] <johill>
well what I'm saying is that the problem is that the 'session' object you pass in there
- [17:39:30] <johill>
doesn't have all the info in it, i.e. it isn't being stored to disk/memory between the requests
- [17:39:36] <johill>
it needs to hold state over requests
- [17:39:57] <johill>
one common way to do that is with a cookie, and if the cookie isn't set properly you end up getting a new session dict every time which is empty
- [17:40:00] <johill>
hence no session state found
- [17:40:18] <jespern>
hm, right
- [17:40:39] <johill>
so the problem is with your web framework not actually doing the sessions right
- [17:40:41] <johill>
I do wondedr
- [17:40:53] <johill>
I only found summer of code hints for sessions in
- [17:41:27] <johill>
so maybe it's not working or something?
- [17:42:41] <jespern>
Hold on.
- [17:43:19] <jespern>
Works in Opera/Safari now.
- [17:43:43] <johill>
- [17:44:08] <johill>
odd, maybe some problems with the cookie
- [17:44:26] <jespern>
hm, hm.
- [17:45:03] <jespern>
let me test in FF
- [17:45:07] <johill>
try a couple of prints
- [17:45:10] <johill>
to see the session id
- [17:45:17] <johill>
you'll probably see it changing when it shouldn't
- [17:45:17] <jespern>
well I changed something now
- [17:45:21] <jespern>
which seems to make it work
- [17:45:30] <johill>
in any case, I can't really help you with that since I never used
- [17:45:43] <johill>
about as useful as I could be here is pinpoint where the problem could be I guess
- [17:45:51] <jespern>
I was passing self.session() (a session-getter) to getConsumer
- [17:46:02] <jespern>
I changed it to session = self.session() and then pass session on to getConsumer
- [17:46:11] <johill>
- [17:46:11] <jespern>
and now for some darn reason it doesn't barf on me anymore.
- [17:46:41] <johill>
odd, maybe the session-getter inadvertedly made a copy of the object?
- [17:46:55] <jespern>
That's what I'm thinking, even though it really shouldn't differ
- [17:46:59] <johill>
and then you ended up using a few copies and the wrong one was saved
- [17:47:04] <jespern>
- [17:47:15] <jespern>
Yeah, I think that's most likely.
- [17:47:31] <jespern>
Oh well.
- [17:47:34] <jespern>
Thanks a lot :)
- [17:47:39] <johill>
can't tell without more context but I'm not sure I care especially if it works
- [17:47:43] <johill>
- [17:47:45] <johill>
- [17:48:02] <johill>
gotta get going anyhow. heh
- [18:55:41] <keturn>
oh, good. glad you got somewhere with that, I got distracted with breakfast.
- [19:16:48] * jwang ( has joined #openid
- [19:25:56] * j3h ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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- [20:05:31] * j3h ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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- [20:14:18] * jwang ( Quit ("Leaving")
- [20:15:38] * AaronF ( has joined #openid
- [20:15:38] <jibot>
AaronF is here.
- [20:35:26] * illustir ( has joined #openid
- [20:57:38] * XRIBot ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
- [20:59:52] * peace-keeper ( Quit (Connection timed out)
- [21:45:04] * AaronF ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [22:34:04] * AaronF ( has joined #openid
- [22:34:04] <jibot>
AaronF is here.
- [22:47:06] * peace-keeper ( has joined #openid
- [22:59:44] * vlad02 (n=vlad@ Quit (Remote closed the connection)
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- [23:21:50] * illustir ( Quit ()
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- [23:40:36] * AaronF ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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