IRC Log for #openid on 2007-08-23

Timestamps are in UTC.

  1. [00:18:44] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
  2. [00:37:29] * craigoz ( has joined #openid
  3. [00:39:04] * craigoz ( Quit (Client Quit)
  4. [00:58:19] * peace-keeper ( has joined #openid
  5. [01:03:08] * michelp ( has joined #openid
  6. [01:04:00] * Cody`macbook is now known as BobbyD
  7. [01:11:10] * AaronF ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  8. [01:32:50] * bitsweat ( has joined #openid
  9. [01:33:31] * bitsweat ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  10. [01:33:44] * bitsweat ( has joined #openid
  11. [01:47:29] * michelp ( Quit ("Ex-Chat")
  12. [01:50:50] * shigeta_ (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
  13. [02:09:06] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  14. [02:26:54] * bitsweat ( has left #openid
  15. [02:32:21] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
  16. [02:51:52] * shigeta_ (n=shigeta@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  17. [03:24:43] * tbbrown ( has joined #openid
  18. [03:44:18] * stub ( has joined #openid
  19. [04:13:24] <Peng> Nice, I have 5400 unread messages on Pibb.
  20. [04:13:29] * Peng wanders off.
  21. [04:15:24] * _keturn (n=acapnoti@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  22. [04:15:33] * peace-keeper ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  23. [04:17:04] * rorek ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  24. [04:18:05] * craigoz ( has joined #openid
  25. [04:18:07] * openidpibbrelay ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  26. [04:18:13] * chowells79 ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  27. [04:19:16] * jrbot ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  28. [05:22:16] * chowells79 ( has joined #openid
  29. [05:22:16] <jibot> chowells79 is yet another Janrain idler.
  30. [05:22:22] * rorek ( has joined #openid
  31. [05:22:50] * _keturn (n=acapnoti@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn) has joined #openid
  32. [05:24:47] * openidpibbrelay ( has joined #openid
  33. [05:24:56] * jrbot ( has joined #openid
  34. [07:04:55] * craigoz ( has left #openid
  35. [07:10:33] * trw ( has joined #openid
  36. [07:13:06] * wzph (n=wzph@ Quit (Client Quit)
  37. [07:14:39] * wzph (n=wzph@ has joined #openid
  38. [07:16:04] * wzph (n=wzph@ Quit (Client Quit)
  39. [07:16:12] * pvandewyngaerde ( has joined #openid
  40. [07:20:44] * trw_ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  41. [07:25:36] * besonen_mobile_5 ( has joined #openid
  42. [07:33:42] <besonen_mobile_5> if my openid is compromised does that mean that the attacker then has access to my accounts on all of the sites with which i've registered my openid?
  43. [07:39:26] <gregdh> that's correct
  44. [07:42:33] <besonen_mobile_5> thanks gregdh
  45. [07:46:44] * wzph ( has joined #openid
  46. [08:15:36] * lmorchard ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  47. [09:49:21] * shigeta_ (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
  48. [09:51:42] * j^ (n=j^ has joined #openid
  49. [09:52:00] <j^> anyone got an idea how i can use openid in a desktop application?
  50. [09:52:35] <j^> i have a website wehre people should be able to login via openid, i also have an "upload client" that needs logging in
  51. [09:53:07] <j^> if i have to fall back to username / password for that the entire point of open id is lost
  52. [10:06:18] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  53. [10:06:28] * pvandewyngaerde ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  54. [10:08:49] * dolce ( has joined #openid
  55. [10:09:05] * dolce ( has left #openid
  56. [10:16:15] <gregdh> j^: one way to do that might be to build a mini web server into your app, then launch a browser window that points to your internal web server and presents the user with an openid login request
  57. [10:16:57] <gregdh> because of the myriad ways that openid providers might authenticate users, you pretty much have to let the user use a browser
  58. [10:19:08] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> gregdh: a better option is to ask the openid provider to return the user to a special url like "x-auth-response:...", then the client app can wait for the browser to navigate to a url conforming to that, and act accordingly
  59. [10:19:59] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> Though maybe there's an issue i'm not aware of?
  60. [10:20:43] * epeus ( has joined #openid
  61. [10:21:01] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> j^: can you not embed a browser instance in to your app and point it at your website login, then have your website somehow inform your app of a successful login and hand it a session id to use for future accesses once authenticated?
  62. [10:22:23] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> perhaps doing the funky uri dance, once authenticated redirect to "x-auth-done:success=true&session-id=1234" for example? :)
  63. [10:23:07] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> then your app can read that when the web browser component fires an event indicating its navigating to a different url, and you can close the component and go back to desktop app stuff at that point :)
  64. [10:24:10] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> its common to do a similar thing to allow <a> links inside web browser components to trigger actions in the host application, such as the accept file transfer links you find in the chat logs of many IM clients
  65. [10:24:53] * jwang ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  66. [10:25:01] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> ** Blueberry remembers her long buried days as a Visual Basic scripter
  67. [10:30:46] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit ("Leaving.")
  68. [10:31:59] <j^> sounds all terribly ugly
  69. [10:32:18] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> why so?
  70. [10:33:31] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> some openid providers will even be able to remember your app and let you sign in with the openid without even showing a browser window to the user
  71. [10:33:58] <j^> username / password field in an app is fine, having to integrate a browser or some session thing is just pointless and the user experience is way worse
  72. [10:34:04] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> or rather, embedded browser component, but you could do it as a browser window seperate from your app, like flickr does with its app authorizations
  73. [10:35:07] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> I don't see how having them type their openid in to a field instead of a username/password combo is any worse, the only difference is that a window will open with their id providers login page if needed and they can quicky login and auth your site/app right there and get back to business
  74. [10:35:36] <j^> username / password (x) save
  75. [10:35:49] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> the session id thing I sugested meerly for persistance as I perhaps wrongly assumed your uploader app worked over http and may want to make multiple http requests, generally persistance is done with sessions
  76. [10:42:00] * amir (n=Miranda@ Quit ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.")
  77. [10:42:23] * amir (n=Miranda@gentoo/developer/amir) has joined #openid
  78. [10:45:53] * hendry ( has joined #openid
  79. [10:54:12] * epeus ( Quit ("bye")
  80. [11:59:13] * shigeta_ (n=shigeta@ Quit ("Leaving...")
  81. [12:03:45] * jwang ( has joined #openid
  82. [12:05:01] * j^_ (n=j^ has joined #openid
  83. [12:20:16] * j^ (n=j^ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  84. [12:34:54] * jwang_ ( has joined #openid
  85. [12:51:59] * jwang ( Quit (Connection timed out)
  86. [13:10:08] * j^_ (n=j^ Quit ()
  87. [13:11:46] * cote ( Quit ()
  88. [13:16:35] * trw_ ( has joined #openid
  89. [13:22:01] * l0gic (n=l0gic@ has joined #openid
  90. [13:23:58] * j^ (n=j^ has joined #openid
  91. [13:31:46] * trw ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  92. [13:40:07] * l0gic2 (n=l0gic@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  93. [13:41:19] * besonen_mobile_5 ( Quit (Connection reset by peer)
  94. [13:47:47] * michelp ( has joined #openid
  95. [13:50:25] * cote ( has joined #openid
  96. [13:54:31] * stub ( has joined #openid
  97. [13:58:25] * peace-keeper ( has joined #openid
  98. [14:11:58] * jwang__ ( has joined #openid
  99. [14:28:41] * jwang_ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  100. [14:46:31] * j^_ (n=j^ has joined #openid
  101. [15:02:23] * j^ (n=j^ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  102. [15:08:10] * Getty (i=torsten@ Quit (Connection reset by peer)
  103. [15:09:02] * Getty (i=torsten@ has joined #openid
  104. [15:13:12] * j^_ (n=j^ Quit ()
  105. [15:46:37] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
  106. [16:38:10] * cote ( Quit ()
  107. [17:22:14] * wzph ( Quit (Client Quit)
  108. [18:07:44] * j^ (n=j^ has joined #openid
  109. [18:10:36] * wzph (n=wzph@ has joined #openid
  110. [18:18:20] * Almad|Doma ( has joined #openid
  111. [18:18:43] * Almad|Doma ( has left #openid
  112. [18:35:05] * michelp ( Quit ("Ex-Chat")
  113. [19:25:55] * trw_ ( Quit ()
  114. [19:28:38] * michelp ( has joined #openid
  115. [19:41:23] * trw (n=terry@ has joined #openid
  116. [20:02:28] * etnt ( has joined #openid
  117. [20:20:15] * j^ (n=j^ Quit ()
  118. [20:29:19] * stub ( has joined #openid
  119. [20:29:52] * AaronF ( has joined #openid
  120. [20:29:52] * AaronF_ ( has joined #openid
  121. [20:58:36] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  122. [21:01:05] * trw (n=terry@ Quit ()
  123. [21:04:12] * pvandewyngaerde ( has joined #openid
  124. [21:30:44] * tbbrown_ ( has joined #openid
  125. [21:31:20] * s0undt3ch (n=s0undt3c@ has joined #openid
  126. [21:31:30] <s0undt3ch> hello ppl
  127. [21:32:11] <s0undt3ch> when using the python-openid, how do I correctly set and use addExtensionArg?
  128. [21:32:20] <s0undt3ch> I'm using 2.0
  129. [21:32:27] <s0undt3ch> and I get
  130. [21:33:10] <s0undt3ch> 2 deprecation warning, stating that for 2.0 namespaces should be URI's
  131. [21:33:38] <s0undt3ch> where do I get info how to set the URI and which one to set?
  132. [21:36:01] <_keturn> what extension are you using?
  133. [21:36:37] * j^ (n=j^ has joined #openid
  134. [21:36:56] <_keturn> (the uri should be part of the extension specification)
  135. [21:37:09] <s0undt3ch> _keturn: trying to use sreg
  136. [21:37:24] <s0undt3ch> I tried
  137. [21:37:28] <_keturn> if you're using sreg, there's some helper code already in there
  138. [21:37:37] <s0undt3ch>
  139. [21:37:38] <s0undt3ch> and
  140. [21:37:46] <s0undt3ch>
  141. [21:37:57] <s0undt3ch> _keturn: there is?
  142. [21:37:58] * j^ (n=j^ Quit (Client Quit)
  143. [21:39:15] <_keturn> look at examples/djopenid/consumer/views and how it uses sreg
  144. [21:41:12] * trw ( has joined #openid
  145. [21:42:28] * trw_ ( has joined #openid
  146. [21:47:43] <s0undt3ch> _keturn: Thanks!
  147. [21:47:53] <s0undt3ch> that worked like a charm ;)
  148. [21:48:10] * tbbrown ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  149. [21:48:30] <_keturn> cool
  150. [21:51:01] <s0undt3ch> _keturn: I'm switching most if not all project and development sites(trac) to openid ;)
  151. [21:51:37] <_keturn> with the trac OpenID plugin?
  152. [21:52:15] <s0undt3ch> _keturn: that one still uses python-openid 1.x I think
  153. [21:52:22] <s0undt3ch> need to change that one to 2.0 ;)
  154. [21:52:37] <s0undt3ch> and to trac .11 ;)
  155. [21:53:05] <s0undt3ch> _keturn: but yes, that will most likely be the plugin for trac
  156. [21:53:10] <openidpibbrelay> <VxJasonxV> There's a TRAC OpenID plugin?
  157. [21:53:20] <openidpibbrelay> <VxJasonxV> Now if only Gracie didn't suck ass :(
  158. [21:53:21] <s0undt3ch> Yea!
  159. [21:53:22] <openidpibbrelay> <VxJasonxV> Also, .11 came out?
  160. [21:53:28] * tbbrown_ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  161. [21:53:31] <s0undt3ch> openidpibbrelay: not yet
  162. [21:53:31] <openidpibbrelay> s0undt3ch: Error: "not" is not a valid command.
  163. [21:53:32] <openidpibbrelay> <cygnus> maybe I should get off my rear and work on that plugin
  164. [21:53:42] <s0undt3ch> ah ;)
  165. [21:53:44] <s0undt3ch> a bot
  166. [21:54:02] <_keturn> oh man, are we on .11 now? I'm about to roll out a 0.10.3 site.
  167. [21:54:04] <openidpibbrelay> <VxJasonxV> heh
  168. [21:54:14] <openidpibbrelay> <VxJasonxV> no, but we are at 10.4
  169. [21:54:34] <openidpibbrelay> <VxJasonxV> "0.10.4 is a bug fix release which fix a few important issues related to the repository cache and everyone is recommended to upgrade their installations."
  170. [21:54:45] <s0undt3ch> _keturn: .11 is not out yet, I use trunk on my .11 trac sites, the other's still use .10.4
  171. [21:54:55] <openidpibbrelay> <cygnus> luckily for us, our trac doesn't use a repo
  172. [21:56:05] <s0undt3ch> _keturn: but the latest project I created all use .11
  173. [21:56:11] <s0undt3ch> *projects
  174. [22:03:06] * trw ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  175. [22:14:11] * BobbyD is now known as Cody`
  176. [22:27:47] * craigoz ( has joined #openid
  177. [22:28:18] * hendry ( Quit ("sleep&")
  178. [22:57:47] * pvandewyngaerde ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  179. [23:07:24] * peace-keeper ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  180. [23:08:43] * j^ (n=j^ has joined #openid
  181. [23:15:23] * AaronF_ ( has left #openid
  182. [23:24:23] * marclaport1 ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  183. [23:25:10] * michelp ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  184. [23:28:39] * marclaport1 ( has joined #openid
  185. [23:32:33] * etnt ( Quit ("bye")
  186. [23:49:08] * l0gic (n=l0gic@ Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  187. [23:50:06] * l0gic (n=l0gic@ has joined #openid
  188. [23:54:24] * amir (n=Miranda@gentoo/developer/amir) Quit (Nick collision from services.)
  189. [23:54:34] * amir1641 (n=Miranda@ has joined #openid

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