IRC Log for #openid on 2007-08-25

Timestamps are in UTC.

  1. [00:00:15] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> Unless jibot does something other than announcing when people join, punt him.
  2. [00:00:25] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> If "punt" means what I think it means.
  3. [00:00:32] * tbbrown ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  4. [00:02:14] <idnar> heh
  5. [00:11:22] <_keturn> GabeW: It looks like you're outnumbered on this point, I'm afraid.
  6. [00:42:05] <GabeW> ok
  7. [00:42:39] <GabeW> feh
  8. [00:43:41] <GabeW> i need to make a better bot
  9. [00:52:49] * tbbrown_ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  10. [00:53:36] * factoryjoe ( has joined #openid
  11. [00:59:49] * martin-t ( has joined #openid
  12. [00:59:58] * trw_ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  13. [01:02:46] * wzph ( Quit (Client Quit)
  14. [01:04:18] * factoryjoe ( Quit ()
  15. [01:12:06] <openidpibbrelay> <cygnus> GabeW: a bot that used keywords to supply wiki articles would be much more useful for this channel, IMHO
  16. [01:12:58] <openidpibbrelay> <cygnus> that way, when the Nth person asks about setting up an [RP, server, identity page, yadis document, other implementation, ...] the bot can maybe give out a few URLs of interest.
  17. [01:30:03] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
  18. [01:38:54] * martin-t ( Quit ()
  19. [02:05:17] * martin-t ( has joined #openid
  20. [02:32:42] * peace-keeper ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  21. [02:37:12] * shigeta_ (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
  22. [02:38:24] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  23. [03:34:02] * stub ( has joined #openid
  24. [03:46:48] <GabeW> re: bots
  25. [03:46:56] <GabeW> I really like a bot who gives me a context about people showing up
  26. [03:47:05] <GabeW> it would be nice, for example, for the bot to show theiropenid
  27. [03:47:07] <GabeW> openid
  28. [03:47:15] <GabeW> and verify that the owner of the openid is the nick
  29. [03:47:16] <GabeW> somehow
  30. [03:49:11] * craigoz ( Quit ("Leaving.")
  31. [03:53:18] * craigoz ( has joined #openid
  32. [03:54:18] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit ("Leaving.")
  33. [04:01:42] * stub ( has joined #openid
  34. [04:13:30] * shigeta_ (n=shigeta@ Quit ()
  35. [04:15:13] * craigoz ( Quit ("Leaving.")
  36. [04:29:45] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
  37. [04:38:11] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
  38. [05:00:16] * tessier_ (n=treed@kernel-panic/sex-machines) has left #openid
  39. [05:39:44] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> It's not really a bad idea, but most of the messages are pretty useless and I've seen them a hundred times before.
  40. [05:40:14] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> It also means that the channel will be highlighted like there's a new message, when it's only jibot.
  41. [05:40:24] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> It's even worse on Pibb where I don't see joins but I do see jibot.
  42. [05:40:25] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> Which actually makes it kind of useful.
  43. [05:40:52] <GabeW> well
  44. [05:41:06] <GabeW> openidpibbrelay is still kind of a hack
  45. [05:41:07] <openidpibbrelay> GabeW: Error: "is" is not a valid command.
  46. [05:41:20] <GabeW> $openidpibbrelay is still kind of a hack
  47. [05:41:49] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> Huh. I don't see the error message from the relay on Pibb.
  48. [05:42:30] <openidpibbrelay> <Gabe Wachob> its smart
  49. [05:42:40] <openidpibbrelay> <Gabe Wachob> hah
  50. [05:42:42] <openidpibbrelay> <Gabe Wachob> or not
  51. [05:43:33] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> I'd guess "or not". :)
  52. [05:46:08] <openidpibbrelay> <Kevin Fox> are there errors messages showing up?
  53. [05:46:28] <openidpibbrelay> <Kevin Fox> on IRC
  54. [05:46:50] <GabeW> yes
  55. [05:46:51] <GabeW> on irc
  56. [05:46:58] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> Someone said "openidpibbrelay is ..." and the relay responded that "is" is an invalid command.
  57. [05:47:29] <openidpibbrelay> <Kevin Fox> nice
  58. [05:47:41] <keturn> I thought it was a pretty good comeback.
  59. [05:47:51] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> Heh.
  60. [05:47:52] <GabeW> that was me
  61. [05:47:57] <GabeW> so I prefixed it with a $
  62. [05:48:01] <openidpibbrelay> <Kevin Fox> hehe
  63. [05:48:02] <GabeW> just cuz
  64. [06:20:57] * wzph ( has joined #openid
  65. [07:03:13] * j^ (n=j^ has joined #openid
  66. [07:14:31] * SunWuKung ( has joined #openid
  67. [07:27:38] * _keturn (n=acapnoti@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  68. [07:28:53] * openidpibbrelay ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  69. [07:29:37] * rorek ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  70. [07:30:02] * jrbot ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  71. [07:30:50] * chowells79 ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  72. [07:32:06] * Almad|Venku ( has joined #openid
  73. [08:14:05] * SunWuKung ( Quit ("Ex-Chat")
  74. [08:16:52] * pvandewyngaerde ( has joined #openid
  75. [08:23:02] * martin-t ( Quit ()
  76. [08:24:15] * rorek ( has joined #openid
  77. [08:24:18] * chowells79 ( has joined #openid
  78. [08:24:33] * martin-t ( has joined #openid
  79. [08:24:50] * openidpibbrelay ( has joined #openid
  80. [08:24:54] * martin-t ( Quit (Client Quit)
  81. [08:24:57] * _keturn (n=acapnoti@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn) has joined #openid
  82. [08:25:01] * jrbot ( has joined #openid
  83. [08:28:11] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> why does it sound insecure do you think?
  84. [08:28:17] * pvandewyngaerde ( Quit ("")
  85. [08:28:42] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> seems no less secure than using session id's on websites to begin with
  86. [08:31:16] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> certainly no worse than loading a page including your session id in a cookie, and having the page display your openid in the body some place, there is no other data exposed
  87. [08:31:26] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> certainly chat is not a high security application either
  88. [08:34:44] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> I'm really wondering more on ways to improve the efficiency of said system or perhaps make it more redundant in this case
  89. [08:35:27] * stub ( has joined #openid
  90. [08:42:00] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> Yeah, I also think session ID cookies served over http are insecure.
  91. [08:42:12] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> If you verify by IP, it's not so much of a problem, though.
  92. [08:42:34] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> But how your system works, anyone else who knows the IP and SID can log in.
  93. [08:42:36] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> I'm sure it's the same with many other web-based systems.
  94. [08:42:45] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> But I still don't like it.
  95. [08:46:12] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> ip aye?
  96. [08:46:22] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> and my open id!
  97. [08:46:53] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> but yeah, i see your point.. but also.. authentication over the web is all about shared secrets!
  98. [08:47:03] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> how would you suggest I go about remembering a user's logged in state
  99. [08:48:59] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> oh, another question
  100. [08:49:50] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> I don't know.
  101. [08:50:00] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> I don't know.
  102. [08:50:10] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> I'm working on forgetting PHP.
  103. [08:50:12] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> Oh :/
  104. [08:50:13] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> yeah, i was too
  105. [08:51:03] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> but me being moneyless and rails being expensive to host and nearly no hosts actually knowing that ruby can actually run in a cgi mode.. makes it a bit of a lost cause I guess
  106. [08:52:27] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> Hey, the little minus button to go back to one line chat entry box doesn't work in safari 3 beta
  107. [08:52:48] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> *pokes pibb with a reload stick*
  108. [08:55:04] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> is this doing the irc relay thing or no?
  109. [08:58:50] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> It is.
  110. [08:59:23] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> Ruby? Who uses Ruby? Python FTW!
  111. [08:59:25] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> Which probably has a worse web host situation.
  112. [08:59:34] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> python is scary
  113. [08:59:45] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> my crazy brain doesn't do python or perl or c or any of that!
  114. [08:59:47] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> or java! especially java!
  115. [09:00:06] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> Python's not scary.
  116. [09:00:08] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> Ruby's the one with the single-letter variables.
  117. [09:00:18] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> and for the exact same reason, not actionscript 3! since macromedia has slowly turned it in to java anyway!
  118. [09:00:28] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> not very many of them >_>
  119. [09:00:39] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> its not like you're forced to use the single letter variables either
  120. [09:00:49] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> It has like 20.
  121. [09:00:50] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> they're just a convenience for freaky kind of people
  122. [09:01:00] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> There are non-single-letter equivalents to them? Cool.
  123. [09:01:30] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> not always, but generally they're non oopy equivilants to info you can access oopily anyway
  124. [09:01:40] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> like $! is the same as exception_object.to_string
  125. [09:02:12] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> $1 is the same as object_returned_from_regexp_match[1]
  126. [09:02:24] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> Cool.
  127. [09:02:26] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> excuse my excessively descriptive variable names
  128. [09:02:35] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> I use the oopy ways myself
  129. [09:02:46] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> makes my brain stay upright
  130. [09:03:27] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> Also, Python has like 50 different web frameworks. Rails has no competition.
  131. [09:04:29] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> it does, there are smaller frameworks available
  132. [09:06:44] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> just none with the publicity
  133. [09:06:55] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> I'm sure it doesn't have as many as Python, though! :D
  134. [09:07:05] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> rails it fun to work with until you actually go to host it and realise its going to eat 60 megs of ram or so
  135. [09:07:06] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> Which ones? I've only heard of one that hasn't been updated in years.
  136. [09:07:15] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> Not that I've looked or anything.
  137. [09:07:25] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> I'm not that interested in Ruby.
  138. [09:07:36] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> you don't actually need a framework either, ruby can work in cgi, part of its standard library includes basic templating stuff and cgi tools
  139. [09:07:57] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> there's a few, most made by devs who were shocked and upset when they saw the ram usage
  140. [09:08:17] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> hopefully new versions of ruby will help fix that
  141. [09:08:18] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> ruby 2 looks to be really nifty
  142. [09:08:48] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> I know. I've made some basic Ruby CGI stuff.
  143. [09:08:50] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> And a lot more basic Python CGI stuff.
  144. [09:09:00] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> looks like they might be trying to go for php's 'really fast so its worth all the rubbish' position, but without so much rubbish
  145. [09:09:01] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> (FastCGI actually, but it's only 5 slightly trickier.)
  146. [09:09:30] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> I havent, what was your experience with the ruby cgi stuff? i am very curious about giving this php stuff the finger
  147. [09:09:50] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> Seeing this entirely off-topic conversation in IRC with 35 other people watching makes me nervous. :P
  148. [09:09:51] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> It was only super-basic.
  149. [09:10:31] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> PM then?
  150. [09:10:52] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> The script is only like 30 lines long.
  151. [09:11:04] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> It's slightly more than a hello world.
  152. [09:11:13] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> uhuh
  153. [09:12:01] * pvandewyngaerde ( has joined #openid
  154. [09:12:04] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> Blaah. It's still in svn. No public URL.
  155. [09:12:48] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> rails made me fall in love with ruby, then made me fall out of love with rails when I tried to host it
  156. [09:15:13] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> Heh.
  157. [09:29:02] * Almad|Venku is now known as Almad
  158. [09:30:15] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ has left #openid
  159. [09:32:44] * Almad ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  160. [09:38:29] * SunWuKung ( has joined #openid
  161. [10:11:22] * SunWuKung ( Quit ("Never look down on someone unless you're helping them up.")
  162. [10:26:19] * SunWuKung ( has joined #openid
  163. [10:52:49] * pvandewyngaerde ( Quit ("")
  164. [10:54:35] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> I'm trying the consumer example in the janrain php openid library
  165. [10:54:39] * etnt ( has joined #openid
  166. [10:54:46] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> its not working..
  167. [10:55:26] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> with my aol openid delegated from, after i click grant on the aol idp page, the demo says OpenID authentication failed: Server denied check_authentication :/
  168. [10:57:00] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> Okay.. now i'm really confused
  169. [10:57:20] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> it works on my local host, a dead simple mac with apache turned on and the bundled php switched on..
  170. [10:57:31] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> but not on mediatemple grid hosting
  171. [11:03:45] * etnt ( Quit ("bye")
  172. [11:08:11] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> and now its working O_o
  173. [11:09:14] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> and now its not!
  174. [11:11:17] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> right, so i've tried to login with it about 20 times now and just one time it works and has nothing to do with how I press the buttons on aol or if I ask it to remember the site (which never works)
  175. [11:13:32] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> what the hell does server denied check_authentication mean?
  176. [11:13:52] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> the example isn't even in dumb mode! though it sure is acting dumb :/
  177. [11:15:25] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> maybe that worthless error message really means that the filestore is misbehaving in the odd grid environment :/
  178. [11:20:10] <openidpibbrelay> <Blueberry> Note to all! /tmp is useless in grid servers as requests are not always served from the same physical server!
  179. [12:02:23] * s0undt3ch (n=s0undt3c@ Quit ("leaving")
  180. [12:13:07] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit ("Leaving.")
  181. [12:14:20] * j^ (n=j^ Quit ()
  182. [12:30:09] * j^ (n=j^ has joined #openid
  183. [13:12:38] * Blueberry ( has joined #openid
  184. [13:13:13] <Blueberry> Hey guys
  185. [13:13:47] <Blueberry> I'm having some trouble reading the janrain php openid library docs
  186. [13:14:27] <Blueberry> when completeing the auth transaction (after user comes back from their id provider), how can I see which openid it was that they just authenticated?
  187. [13:14:58] <Blueberry> It doesn't seem to be modeled in the classes.. should I just be poking around in the query string looking for this information?
  188. [13:24:11] <Blueberry> I guess that will have to do
  189. [13:35:32] * Blueberry ( Quit ()
  190. [13:49:10] * craigoz ( has joined #openid
  191. [14:45:54] * j^ (n=j^ Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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  205. [16:02:16] * Almad|Doma ( has joined #openid
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  207. [16:05:09] * tbbrown (n=tbbrown@ has joined #openid
  208. [16:41:54] <openidpibbrelay> <keturn> Blueberry: should be the identity_url attribute of the SuccessResponse returned by the Consumer's complete method.
  209. [16:42:15] <openidpibbrelay> <keturn> poking in the query string will actually give you the _wrong_ thing for OpenID 1.1 with delegation
  210. [16:44:58] * tbbrown (n=tbbrown@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  211. [17:17:07] * tbbrown (n=tbbrown@ has joined #openid
  212. [17:40:59] * keturn (n=kevint@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn) Quit ("Client exiting")
  213. [17:51:31] * keturn (n=kevint@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn) has joined #openid
  214. [17:51:31] <jibot> keturn is Kevin Turner
  215. [17:52:04] * tbbrown_ (n=tbbrown@ has joined #openid
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  228. [20:05:11] * chowells79 ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  229. [20:05:44] * jrbot ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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  236. [20:40:06] * jrbot ( has joined #openid
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  238. [21:09:25] * jeremyb (n=jeremy@unaffiliated/jeremyb) has joined #openid
  239. [21:11:07] * jeremyb wonders if there's any way to link identities with a formal relationship or rename, redirect, etc.
  240. [21:20:10] <keturn> hmm. not that I know of.
  241. [21:20:11] * SunWuKung ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  242. [21:20:49] <openidpibbrelay> <jeremyb> personas on roids? :)
  243. [21:28:53] * SunWuKung ( has joined #openid
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  246. [23:00:15] * SunWuKung ( Quit ("Ex-Chat")
  247. [23:04:58] * martin-t ( Quit ()
  248. [23:05:18] * j^ (n=j^ has joined #openid
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  250. [23:39:09] * nicerobot ( Quit ("cyaimo.u.t.")
  251. [23:43:18] * peace-keeper ( has joined #openid
  252. [23:47:06] <GabeW> i think I saw scoble pop out of the elevator in PA as I was going down
  253. [23:47:08] <GabeW> woops
  254. [23:47:27] <GabeW> in case anyone here cares, but its a "wrong channel" ;-)
  255. [23:47:50] <Peng> Ooh, that reminds me. I should see if there are any new meessages on Pibb.
  256. [23:47:55] <GabeW> haha
  257. [23:48:01] <jeremyb> port authority?
  258. [23:48:10] <jeremyb> heh
  259. [23:48:20] <GabeW> palo alto at the facebook garage thingie
  260. [23:48:23] <GabeW> no mention of openid ;-)
  261. [23:48:29] <GabeW> or open anything
  262. [23:48:50] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> Wait, Palo Alto? Isn't "PA" supposed to mean Pennsylvania?
  263. [23:49:14] <GabeW> not here, it doesn't ;-)
  264. [23:49:42] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> Weirdos.
  265. [23:51:03] <jeremyb>
  266. [23:51:25] <GabeW> palo alto is on there
  267. [23:52:49] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> Oh, right, Panama. I was wondering if it was a country code.
  268. [23:53:20] <jeremyb>
  269. [23:58:22] <openidpibbrelay> <Matt Nordhoff> Scoble haas red hair? I always assumed he had like black hair.
  270. [23:59:05] <jeremyb> i guess so

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