IRC Log for #openid on 2007-10-24
Timestamps are in UTC.
- [00:09:27] * tom__ ( has joined #openid
- [00:09:34] * tom__ is now known as tbbrown
- [00:17:43] * ascarter ( Quit (Excess Flood)
- [00:23:24] * SvenDowideit (n=SvenDowi@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) Quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
- [00:32:15] * SvenDowideit ( has joined #openid
- [00:33:28] * Loolyan87 (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-db08e553cac5ecc9) has joined #openid
- [00:40:37] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
- [01:02:02] * tommorris ( Quit ()
- [01:05:43] * SvenDowideit_ ( has joined #openid
- [01:07:27] * SvenDowideit (n=SvenDowi@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) Quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
- [01:33:40] * marclaporte (n=Marc_Lap@tikiwiki/marclaporte) has joined #openid
- [01:33:40] <jibot>
marclaporte is Marc Laporte from Tiki CMS/Groupware
- [01:35:53] * zeeg ( Quit ()
- [01:48:23] * stub (n=stub@ has joined #openid
- [01:57:24] * tbbrown_ ( has joined #openid
- [02:10:14] * tbbrown ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [02:12:46] * SamRose ( has joined #openid
- [02:30:38] * tjohns ( has joined #openid
- [02:32:39] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit ("Leaving.")
- [03:13:24] * SamRose ( Quit ("ChatZilla [Firefox]")
- [04:07:37] * tjohns ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- [04:52:10] * keturn_bos ( has joined #openid
- [04:52:30] * keturn_bos is now known as keturn
- [05:18:51] * tbbrown_ ( Quit ("leaving")
- [05:20:26] * pisi_ ( has joined #openid
- [05:31:59] * Loolyan60 (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-35218fbb1009f8e4) has joined #openid
- [05:34:53] * pisi ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [05:39:05] * Loolyan87 (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-db08e553cac5ecc9) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- [05:43:07] * keturn ( Quit (Read error: 111 (Connection refused))
- [06:17:31] * tom__ ( has joined #openid
- [06:17:36] * tom__ is now known as tbbrown
- [06:28:48] * l8a ( has joined #openid
- [06:30:12] <l8a>
Good morning. Me (PERSON A) using openId, i log myself on using openId on *badsite* (PERSON B). Coulnd`t PERSON B now fetch my data to use them to login himself as my on other sites accepting openId`s ?
- [06:32:05] * l8a_ ( has joined #openid
- [06:33:06] * l8a_ ( Quit (Client Quit)
- [06:37:52] <Peng>
l8a: No.
- [06:39:10] <Peng>
- [06:39:54] <Peng>
I'd attempt some form of explanation, but Schroedinger's cat is currently confusing the hell out of me, and my explanation would be all hand-wavy anyway because I wouldn't know what I was talking about.
- [06:42:12] * tjohns ( has joined #openid
- [06:50:41] * l8a ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [07:20:55] * tbbrown ( Quit ("leaving")
- [08:04:36] * claudio\out is now known as claudio
- [08:07:28] * tjohns ( Quit ()
- [08:25:32] * stub ( has joined #openid
- [08:37:52] <PibbRelay>
<ozamosi> It's not possible, because when PERSON A log in to PERSON B, PERSON B verifies with PERSON C (your OpenID provider) that you are really you. PERSON B doesn't know your password to your OpenID, thus he/she cannot use your OpenID anywhere else.
- [08:39:31] <PibbRelay>
<ozamosi> Email addresses and email recovery works kindof like OpenID, but no site that has your username and e-mail address can use that information to log you in on any other site through that site's password recovery ;)
- [08:46:01] <claudio>
person has logged out
- [09:23:46] * illustir ( has joined #openid
- [09:30:09] * idnar (n=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) Quit (Nick collision from services.)
- [09:30:12] * idnar_ (n=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) has joined #openid
- [09:42:07] * l0gic (n=l0gic@ Quit (Nick collision from services.)
- [09:42:49] * l0gic (n=l0gic@ has joined #openid
- [09:51:04] * idnar_ is now known as idnar
- [09:53:34] * digitalspaghetti ( has joined #openid
- [10:18:43] * dcorbin (n=dcorbin@unaffiliated/dcorbin) Quit ("Leaving")
- [10:24:40] * l0gic (n=l0gic@ Quit (Nick collision from services.)
- [10:25:22] * l0gic (n=l0gic@ has joined #openid
- [10:54:12] * ArlequinNoir ( has joined #openid
- [10:56:51] * ArlequinNoir ( Quit (Client Quit)
- [11:01:05] * illustir ( Quit ()
- [11:35:21] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ Quit ("Leaving...")
- [11:50:08] * illustir ( has joined #openid
- [12:23:34] * peace-keeper (n=peace-ke@ has joined #openid
- [12:40:22] * Flenser ( has joined #openid
- [12:41:02] * Flenser (n=Miranda@twiki/developer/SamHasler) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- [12:50:34] * illustir ( Quit ()
- [13:26:54] * illustir ( has joined #openid
- [14:51:50] * Flenser ( has joined #openid
- [15:08:49] * mmealling ( has joined #openid
- [15:22:58] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit ("Leaving.")
- [15:28:59] * hos001_ ( has joined #openid
- [15:30:05] * cote ( has joined #openid
- [15:31:47] <mmealling>
?def mmealling
- [15:31:47] <jibot>
mmealling is Michael Mealling. He lives in Atlanta, GA and is the VP of Business Development for Masten Space Systems ( which is a Mojave based VTVL suborbital rocket company. His day job is consulting on random crap for a 2nd tier cable company. He used to blog at and but has become a slack ass.
- [15:31:52] <mmealling>
just checking
- [15:39:56] * illustir ( Quit ()
- [15:50:29] * Loolyan60 (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-35218fbb1009f8e4) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- [15:54:54] * frumiousj ( has joined #openid
- [16:19:22] * frumiousj ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [16:25:33] * marclaporte (n=Marc_Lap@tikiwiki/marclaporte) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [16:26:00] * frumiousj ( has joined #openid
- [16:37:37] * digitalspaghetti ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
- [16:37:51] * digitalspaghetti ( has joined #openid
- [16:48:36] * l0gic (n=l0gic@ Quit (Nick collision from services.)
- [16:49:14] * l0gic (n=l0gic@ has joined #openid
- [17:00:18] * zeeg ( has joined #openid
- [17:05:39] * pisi_ is now known as pisi
- [17:06:56] * digitalspaghetti ( Quit ()
- [17:09:16] * Loolyan60 (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-60425304cc9230f9) has joined #openid
- [17:18:03] * frumiousj ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- [17:18:51] * frumiousj ( has joined #openid
- [17:20:08] * cote ( Quit ()
- [17:21:44] * cote ( has joined #openid
- [17:34:04] * claudio (n=claudioc@pdpc/supporter/active/flexer) Quit ("Leaving")
- [17:36:36] * veeliam (n=veeliam@ has joined #openid
- [17:47:06] * hos001_ ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
- [17:47:07] * hos001__ ( has joined #openid
- [18:06:56] * pisi ( has left #openid
- [18:16:45] * frumiousj ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [18:25:35] * frumiousj ( has joined #openid
- [18:25:48] * frumiousj ( Quit (Client Quit)
- [18:27:21] * l0gic (n=l0gic@ Quit (Nick collision from services.)
- [18:28:00] * l0gic (n=l0gic@ has joined #openid
- [18:30:50] * hos001__ ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
- [18:30:59] * hos001_ ( has joined #openid
- [18:31:23] * ascarter_ ( has joined #openid
- [18:51:49] * Loolyan60 (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-60425304cc9230f9) Quit (Remote closed the connection)
- [19:00:26] * hos001_ ( has left #openid
- [19:00:35] * NASA ( has joined #openid
- [19:15:20] * Loolyan60 (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-bc29b4bb97f80f64) has joined #openid
- [19:34:28] * frumiousj ( has joined #openid
- [19:58:51] * zeeg ( Quit ("The computer fell asleep")
- [20:55:11] * zeeg (n=zeeg@ has joined #openid
- [20:56:49] * cote ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [20:58:49] * frumiousj ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- [20:59:29] * frumiousj ( has joined #openid
- [21:10:53] * mmealling ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
- [21:12:38] * digitalspaghetti ( has joined #openid
- [21:14:41] * digitalspaghetti ( Quit (Client Quit)
- [21:15:13] * frumiousj ( Quit ()
- [21:24:13] * frumiousj ( has joined #openid
- [21:34:16] * frumiousj ( Quit ()
- [21:44:21] * dcorbin (n=dcorbin@unaffiliated/dcorbin) has joined #openid
- [21:44:33] * dcorbin (n=dcorbin@unaffiliated/dcorbin) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- [21:51:56] * pvandewyngaerde ( has joined #openid
- [21:52:33] * dcorbin (n=dcorbin@unaffiliated/dcorbin) has joined #openid
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- [22:11:22] * tom___ ( has joined #openid
- [22:11:30] * tom___ is now known as tbbrown
- [22:14:49] * benj3one_ ( has joined #openid
- [22:15:04] * benj3one ( Quit ("Ex-Chat")
- [22:20:40] * frumiousj ( has joined #openid
- [22:29:31] * frumiousj ( Quit ()
- [22:30:49] * Mitsurugi bonanit!
- [22:59:21] * ascarter_ ( Quit ("Ex-Chat")
- [23:06:17] * Skwid_ (n=Skwid@ has joined #openid
- [23:06:17] <jibot>
Skwid_ is cool
- [23:06:26] * Skwid_ (n=Skwid@ has left #openid
- [23:07:19] * Flenser (n=Miranda@twiki/developer/SamHasler) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- [23:08:08] * zeeg (n=zeeg@ Quit ("The computer fell asleep")
- [23:15:17] * frumiousj ( has joined #openid
- [23:21:12] * peace-keeper (n=peace-ke@ Quit (Connection timed out)
- [23:26:15] * cote (n=cote@ has joined #openid
- [23:42:18] * pvandewyngaerde ( Quit ("")
- [23:57:23] * lopnor (n=lopnor@ has joined #openid
These logs were automatically created by OpenIDlogbot on
using a modified version of the Java IRC LogBot.