IRC Log for #openid on 2007-11-21
Timestamps are in UTC.
- [00:05:20] <benbangert>
How do I determine from a OpenID request, whether I should attempt to make a AX FetchRequest object from it?
- [00:05:46] <benbangert>
Or is there a python-openid channel I should ask this on, as it relates purely to the JanRain Python implementation. :)
- [00:19:59] <PibbRelay>
<VxJasonxV> I do believe keturn is the one you ultimately want to ask
- [00:20:09] <_keturn>
it's a try-it-and-see thing, I think. The latest rc will probably raise an exception on fromOpenIDRequest when there's no extension data, but I've had a suggestion that it should just return None instead.
- [00:20:20] <benbangert>
yea, I noticed that
- [00:20:39] <benbangert>
to avoid the exception, I resorted to searching for '' in openid_request.message.toArgs():
- [00:20:53] <benbangert>
before attempting to process it as an AX FetchRequest
- [00:23:55] <_keturn>
Why did you choose to do that instead of catching the exception? Would you like the "return None" thing better?
- [00:24:19] <benbangert>
well, both the sreg and the pape stuff appear to return None
- [00:24:27] <benbangert>
it seems odd that FetchRequest is the exception to the rule
- [00:26:26] * aconbere_ ( Quit ("Lost terminal")
- [00:27:38] <_keturn>
- [00:35:41] <PibbRelay>
<cygnus> it's worth noting that the AX module has not really seen much use in the wild because, well, nobody supports it.
- [00:36:03] <PibbRelay>
<cygnus> so while it's a little rusty, we really want developer feedback on the API
- [00:38:15] <benbangert>
- [00:38:25] <benbangert>
welp, I'm writing an entire internal SSO app using it ;)
- [00:38:29] <benbangert>
we'll see how that works out. heh
- [00:41:20] * tbbrown ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- [00:43:43] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
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- [00:48:41] <benbangert>
_keturn: do the AX store requests actually come in during the OpenID request?
- [00:49:10] <benbangert>
ie, the RP is bouncing someone over with an OpenID request mode set to checkid or whatever, with a store request included?
- [00:50:22] <_keturn>
- [00:51:08] <benbangert>
- [00:51:11] <_keturn>
(I mean, as far as I understand it, I think that's the idea. You're the first person I know who's actually writing code to use the Store method of AX.)
- [00:53:57] * marclaporte (n=Marc_Lap@tikiwiki/marclaporte) has left #openid
- [00:57:04] <benbangert>
- [01:06:54] * funburn ( Quit (Connection timed out)
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- [02:24:45] * marclaporte (n=Marc_Lap@tikiwiki/marclaporte) has joined #openid
- [02:24:45] <jibot>
marclaporte is Marc Laporte from Tiki CMS/Groupware
- [02:48:48] * rorek ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [02:51:28] * jrbot ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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- [02:52:16] * _keturn (n=acapnoti@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [02:58:38] * noccy ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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- [09:52:12] * Loolyan (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-7aa4ef63954d780b) Quit (Remote closed the connection)
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- [11:02:40] <Peng>
Pibb: ping
- [11:02:48] <Peng>
- [11:04:24] <SignpostMarv>
- [11:07:58] * hillsy ( Quit ("Leaving")
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- [14:01:22] * Mitsurugi ( Quit (" · tecnologia lliure per a un món lliure")
- [14:04:41] * Mitsurugi ( has joined #openID
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- [14:35:05] * Loolyan (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-3cda5f523b7b0c3d) has joined #openid
- [14:35:15] * rorek ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [14:36:31] * jrbot ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [14:36:33] * _keturn (n=acapnoti@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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- [15:47:02] * MrTopf ( has joined #openid
- [15:48:37] <don-o>
the gem tool says the latest ruby-openid gem is 1.1.4. shows a 1.9 track.
- [15:48:48] <don-o>
whats the difference?
- [15:50:53] <don-o>
im guessing the 1.9 version implements openid v2
- [15:51:05] <don-o>
how 'beta' is it?
- [16:17:42] <keturn>
we've run some demos with it, but I don't think it's been run in production yet
- [16:30:46] <don-o>
ok good enough for me :)
- [16:31:59] <don-o>
ruby-openid 1.9 implements its own yadis?
- [16:32:07] <don-o>
ruby-yadis is obsolete?
- [16:52:30] * funburn (n=funburn@ Quit ()
- [17:00:45] * benj3one ( Quit ("Ex-Chat")
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- [17:09:09] * idnar (n=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) Quit (Nick collision from services.)
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- [17:33:08] * aconbere ( Quit ("leaving")
- [17:33:40] <PibbRelay>
<cygnus> that's correct.
- [17:33:50] <PibbRelay>
<cygnus> ** cygnus idly wonders if he's responding to now-defunct IRC messages from Pibb.
- [17:35:06] * shigeta ( has joined #openid
- [17:36:15] <don-o>
those messages are still fresh
- [17:36:59] <don-o>
i thought the yadis gem was a nice seperation.
- [17:39:58] <keturn>
it was, in theory. in practice, nobody really used it who didn't use OpenID and it complicated maintenance and the dependency tree.
- [17:39:59] <PibbRelay>
<cygnus> Nobody was using it separately, though.
- [17:41:27] * don-o nods
- [17:41:36] <PibbRelay>
<cygnus> You'll find that in terms of modularity, the separation is still there. You just need the whole package to get at it. :) (sounds like another software project I know of.)
- [17:42:15] <don-o>
ever think of dropping the ruby- in the gem name? seems redundant. janrain-openid perhaps
- [17:43:21] <keturn>
thing is, if we put up three packages named "janrain-openid" on, it won't be at all obvious when you search for that string if you've found the right one
- [17:43:55] <don-o>
three packages? i was thinking call the 1.9 version the new name when it gets hosted on rubyforge
- [17:44:09] <keturn>
also php-janrain-openid and python-janrain-openid
- [17:44:12] <PibbRelay>
<cygnus> We're also trying to avoid affixing the company name to the code, since we might not always be the folks to maintain it.
- [17:44:45] <don-o>
ok. i just cringe at gems with the name ruby in them. sort of like xwindows apps that all started with x.
- [17:44:59] <keturn>
yeah, I know what you mean
- [17:45:36] <don-o>
i am working on a solo-project rails app and im implementing logins.
- [17:45:45] <don-o>
so im back on the openid train for a while.
- [17:46:08] <keturn>
we could call them portland-openid and get it confused with
- [17:46:41] <don-o>
neat. portland gets an open source project named after it.
- [17:47:47] * nicerobot ( has joined #openid
- [17:48:37] <don-o>
openid-jr and claim jr is just a unique string, not an acronym. sort of like KFC (kentucky fried chicken)
- [17:48:57] <don-o>
except jr might imply the 'light' version or something :)
- [18:00:53] * Loolyan41 (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-c40238053e3e987a) has joined #openid
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- [18:07:45] * digitalspaghetti ( Quit ()
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- [18:13:05] <PibbRelay>
<VxJasonxV> kde apps that all start with k, expect amaroK who's all backwards
- [18:13:06] <PibbRelay>
<VxJasonxV> gnome apps that start with g...
- [18:14:04] * idnar_ is now known as idnar
- [18:14:21] <PibbRelay>
<VxJasonxV> huh, xdg-utils is codenamed portland? cool.
- [18:15:03] * Loolyan (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-3cda5f523b7b0c3d) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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- [19:22:34] <tbbrown>
are there any openid mailing list programs (such that the web archive identifies participants by openid)?
- [19:25:29] <GabeW>
not that I know of, though someone (at janrain?) early on had talked about hacking mailman (I believe...)
- [19:25:48] <GabeW>
that was more for list management though
- [19:25:51] <GabeW>
not sure about archiving
- [19:26:13] * SamRose ( has joined #openid
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- [19:28:24] <_keturn>
but you still want SMTP delivery, just OpenIDs for the archives?
- [19:29:41] <tbbrown>
- [19:32:38] <_keturn>
I haven't seen any. But, as far as applications go, it sounds like a pretty small project.
- [19:32:57] <_keturn>
(At least it is if your standard for archive UI is pipermail.)
- [19:33:49] <_keturn>
if your standards are above pipermail's, it's perhaps a slightly bigger project, but then you'd have something that didn't suck as much as pipermail when you're done, and that would be pretty cool.
- [19:38:20] * illustir ( has joined #openid
- [19:40:33] <tbbrown>
i'm going to look into beast
- [19:44:13] * _keturn 's attempt to google that results in only the gnome audio synthesis program
- [19:46:06] <tbbrown>
- [19:46:21] <tbbrown>
it looks like beast's openid implementation needs some work
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- [21:50:57] <elarson>
has anyone had trouble with the python-openid not being able to do discovery on heraldry openid server
- [21:51:10] <elarson>
I think it a rails app that is under the apache project
- [21:52:14] <elarson>
heraldry serves an error saying the yadis object is not set which makes me assume heraldry is just behind in terms of support, but I would have thought that the python-openid could still work around that case
- [22:09:02] <_keturn>
the Apache Foundation dropped the Heraldry Incubator Project some months ago
- [22:10:31] * tbbrown ( Quit ("leaving")
- [22:10:38] <elarson>
_keturn: ah, do you know if it is still developed?
- [22:11:47] <_keturn>
well, it depends on what you mean by "it" -- The Heraldry project attempted to encompass implementations of a number of different specifications across several distinct platforms
- [22:12:23] <_keturn>
some of the code that was contributed to the Heraldry project lives at, some other bits are at
- [22:12:38] <elarson>
_keturn: I suppose I mean the rails openid server
- [22:13:54] <elarson>
it looks like it is a bit stale
- [22:14:15] <elarson>
_keturn: thanks for the clarification, that helps a ton
- [22:14:23] <_keturn>
I believe that's in the rubyforge project's SVN. but it doesn't look like there's been any activity on that svn since the import.
- [22:14:52] <elarson>
yeah, that is what I have noticed as well
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- [23:55:14] * SignpostMarv ( Quit ("Leaving")
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