IRC Log for #openid on 2008-02-17

Timestamps are in UTC.

  1. [00:58:31] * CGamesPlay (n=cgames@allegro/user/CGamesPlay) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  2. [01:31:16] * ozamosi ( Quit (Nick collision from services.)
  3. [01:52:50] * bburcham (n=Bill@ Quit ()
  4. [01:56:53] * MrTopf ( Quit ()
  5. [02:25:55] * Cody`macbook ( Quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
  6. [02:29:45] * Cody`macbook ( has joined #openid
  7. [02:31:12] * Cody`macbook ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  8. [02:31:20] * Cody`macbook ( has joined #openid
  9. [02:56:21] * dbounds ( has joined #openid
  10. [02:56:24] <dbounds> hi.
  11. [02:56:30] * dbounds is now known as darrenb
  12. [02:57:50] <darrenb> i and my friend are just putting the finishing touches on a port of openid4java to .NET
  13. [02:58:21] <darrenb> we currently have all provider functions working properly for 1.x and 2.0
  14. [02:59:01] <darrenb> we'll be releasing it on our new openid provider site ( within the next couple weeks
  15. [02:59:10] <darrenb> currently the site is in beta.. alpha really
  16. [02:59:13] <darrenb> but is functional
  17. [02:59:49] <darrenb> just bringing it up in case anyone is interested in getting their hands on the library
  18. [03:23:06] <flaccid_> is there a project?
  19. [03:40:18] * flaccid__ ( has joined #openid
  20. [03:42:45] * ViperMaul ( has joined #OpenID
  21. [03:59:02] * flaccid_ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  22. [04:16:31] <keturn> darrenb: this is a library other than ?
  23. [04:37:00] <darrenb> yes. it's a direct port of the openid4java library
  24. [04:38:06] <darrenb>
  25. [04:40:38] * kryptos23 (n=kryptos@freenet/developer/kryptos) has joined #openid
  26. [04:41:06] * stub ( has joined #openid
  27. [04:46:44] <keturn> Is it available yet? How are you licensing it? I think you'll find a fair bit of interest in it.
  28. [04:48:59] * ViperMaul^ ( has joined #OpenID
  29. [04:49:12] <darrenb> it isn't available yet but it will be shortly (1-2 weeks). uncertainly on the particular license, likely apache 2.0.
  30. [04:49:19] <darrenb> er uncertain
  31. [04:49:31] <keturn> cool
  32. [04:50:50] * ViperMaul ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  33. [04:53:06] <darrenb> anyways, if anyone has any questions regarding it, email me at
  34. [04:53:08] * darrenb ( Quit (".")
  35. [04:56:41] * ViperMaul^ is now known as ViperMaul
  36. [05:41:12] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit ("Leaving.")
  37. [05:51:14] * ulinskie (n=user@ has left #openid
  38. [07:00:08] * a9913 (n=a9913@ has joined #openid
  39. [07:00:50] * a9913 (n=a9913@unaffiliated/a9913) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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  41. [07:20:18] * polyonymous_ ( Quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
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  43. [07:55:50] * flaccid__ ( Quit ("Konversation terminated!")
  44. [09:19:24] * michelp ( has joined #openid
  45. [09:23:59] * a9913 (n=a9913@unaffiliated/a9913) Quit ("Leaving")
  46. [09:26:40] * flaccid ( has joined #openid
  47. [10:17:14] * danieljohnlewis (n=danieljo@ has joined #openid
  48. [11:34:35] * danieljohnlewis (n=danieljo@ Quit ()
  49. [11:51:47] * a9913 (n=a9913@unaffiliated/a9913) has joined #openid
  50. [12:00:41] * a9913 (n=a9913@unaffiliated/a9913) Quit ("Leaving")
  51. [12:31:44] * flaccid_ ( has joined #openid
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  53. [12:37:28] * danieljohnlewis (n=danieljo@ has joined #openid
  54. [12:46:07] * flaccid ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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  63. [13:29:55] * danieljohnlewis (n=danieljo@ Quit ()
  64. [13:30:05] * CGamesPlay ( has joined #openid
  65. [13:31:24] * flaccid_ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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  71. [13:47:33] * flaccids ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  72. [13:50:22] * danieljohnlewis (n=danieljo@ has joined #openid
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  75. [14:03:36] * lkjsflk ( has joined #openid
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  77. [14:07:16] * flaccid__ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  78. [14:12:43] * darrenb ( has joined #openid
  79. [14:16:05] * flaccid_ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  80. [14:24:56] * priidu ( has joined #openid
  81. [14:35:46] * flaccid ( has joined #openid
  82. [15:03:19] * shigeta ( has joined #openid
  83. [15:29:14] * priidu ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
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  85. [16:15:22] * danieljohnlewis (n=danieljo@ Quit ()
  86. [16:33:32] * kryptos23 (n=kryptos@freenet/developer/kryptos) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  87. [16:50:53] * priidu ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  88. [16:57:31] * darrenb ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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  90. [17:35:00] * danieljohnlewis (n=danieljo@ has joined #openid
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  93. [19:12:03] * priidu ( has joined #openid
  94. [19:30:09] * danieljohnlewis (n=danieljo@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  95. [20:37:08] * SignpostMarv ( has joined #openid
  96. [21:34:23] * danieljohnlewis ( has joined #openid
  97. [21:41:26] * danieljohnlewis ( Quit ()
  98. [22:06:19] * shigeta ( has joined #openid
  99. [22:18:57] <SignpostMarv> quick question: how deep is an OpenID consumer app meant to follow delegate urls ?
  100. [22:31:14] <keturn> not at all. you don't do discovery on a delegate url, it's just the identifier you pass to the endpoint you discover in that first page.
  101. [22:33:42] <SignpostMarv> user passes link A to site
  102. [22:33:56] <SignpostMarv> site finds A points to delegate B
  103. [22:34:05] <SignpostMarv> which redirects/ points to delegate C
  104. [22:34:30] <keturn> "redirect" is very different from "openid.delegate", or, as we call it now, "openid2.local_id"
  105. [22:34:52] <SignpostMarv> ookay, let me rephrase
  106. [22:35:07] <SignpostMarv> how does the OpenID spec handle redirected urls
  107. [22:36:22] <keturn> okay, that's easier. you follow 30x redirects until the end or until you get tired of following links and you think they're trying to exhaust your resources.
  108. [22:37:16] <SignpostMarv> does the OpenID spec not specify a limit on redirects to follow, or how to interperate any "last modified" headers that come along with it ?
  109. [22:38:49] <keturn> the spec doesn't specify a limit. "last modified" headers should be interpreted for caching purposes as per http standard.
  110. [22:39:23] <SignpostMarv> then it follows "should it" ?
  111. [22:40:44] <SignpostMarv> "follow till you get tired" seems a bit vague, and might result in different experiences between different consumers
  112. [22:41:11] <keturn> specify a limit? perhaps, because, practically speaking, there must be _some_ limit, so it wouldn't be a bad idea to standardize that limit. On the other hand, hopefully nobody will really set up an identifier they really want to use that does more than a few redirects.
  113. [22:41:55] <SignpostMarv> i'm thinking more the kind of thing where an identity provider might change hands a few times, and they get redirected & redirected & redirected
  114. [22:42:57] <SignpostMarv> there's also....
  115. [22:43:22] <SignpostMarv> CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS
  116. [22:43:44] <SignpostMarv> different peeps might specify differnt values as defaults
  117. [22:44:20] <keturn> the other thing to keep in mind there is that when a redirect is followed, that's a different claimed identifier. so if buys and they start redirecting to,
  118. [22:44:55] <keturn> any time I enter my address, the site will follow the redirect and log me in as a address, not the lj address I'd used with them previously.
  119. [22:50:36] <SignpostMarv> shall i bring it up on the mailing list, or would you care to do the honors ?
  120. [22:53:54] <keturn> go ahead
  121. [22:55:06] <SignpostMarv> i just have to find where i put the damn folder :-P
  122. [23:04:12] * shigeta ( has left #openid
  123. [23:08:08] <SignpostMarv> sent
  124. [23:13:31] * SignpostMarv ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  125. [23:31:49] * priidu ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))

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