IRC Log for #openid on 2008-03-03
Timestamps are in UTC.
- [00:20:29] * fale ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
- [00:45:10] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
- [02:10:01] * Acro_ (n=biatch@unaffiliated/acro) has joined #openid
- [02:19:02] * Acro (n=biatch@unaffiliated/acro) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [02:31:36] * CGames (n=cgames@allegro/user/CGamesPlay) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [02:31:38] * CGStolen ( has joined #openid
- [02:44:48] * tav ( Quit ()
- [02:45:48] * tav ( has joined #openid
- [02:46:46] * CGStolen is now known as CGamesPlay
- [03:25:47] * BW^- ( has joined #openid
- [03:25:51] <BW^->
Good evening guys !
- [03:26:14] <BW^->
anyone around ?
- [04:06:41] * stub ( has joined #openid
- [04:49:37] * BW^- ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [05:19:30] * charlenopires (n=charleno@ Quit (Connection timed out)
- [05:43:56] * tav ( Quit ("Hakuna Matata")
- [05:50:14] * priidu_ ( has joined #openid
- [06:57:56] * priidu__ ( has joined #openid
- [07:03:48] * priidu_ ( Quit (Connection timed out)
- [07:26:55] * kryptos23 (n=kryptos@freenet/developer/kryptos) Quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.81 [Firefox]")
- [07:50:00] * stu1 ( has joined #openid
- [07:50:01] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- [07:50:13] * stu1 is now known as stub
- [08:36:58] * priidu__ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [08:53:01] * rorek ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [08:53:41] * _keturn (n=acapnoti@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [09:03:37] * priidu_ ( has joined #openid
- [09:07:14] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit ("Leaving.")
- [09:12:27] <PibbRelay>
<ahazu> I'm here.. :)
- [09:14:16] * kryptos23 (n=kryptos@freenet/developer/kryptos) has joined #openid
- [09:30:28] * casanova- ( has joined #openid
- [09:30:30] <casanova->
- [09:30:49] <casanova->
can i configure openID to work on my websites ONLY?
- [09:31:19] <casanova->
so it'd be completely incompatible if someone uses a Verisign card
- [09:31:52] * kryptos23 (n=kryptos@freenet/developer/kryptos) Quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.81 [Firefox]")
- [09:59:16] * Makenshi ( has joined #openid
- [10:06:49] * sanedragon ( has joined #openid
- [10:06:49] <jibot>
sanedragon is an engineer for JanRain named Dag
- [10:07:18] * _keturn (n=acapnoti@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn) has joined #openid
- [10:23:13] * stub ( has joined #openid
- [10:34:19] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [10:52:28] * hillsy ( has joined #openid
- [11:05:05] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
- [11:18:43] * MrTopf ( has joined #openid
- [12:00:27] * kryptos23 (n=kryptos@freenet/developer/kryptos) has joined #openid
- [12:07:00] <PibbRelay>
<ahazu> How far has the work with PAPE gone? I can't seem to find anything at
- [12:26:04] * MrTopf_ ( has joined #openid
- [12:40:04] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ Quit ("Leaving...")
- [12:43:05] * MrTopf ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [13:00:48] * kryptos23_ (n=kryptos@ has joined #openid
- [13:01:38] * TedThibodeauJr ( Quit ()
- [13:06:18] * illustir ( has joined #openid
- [13:17:31] * kryptos23 (n=kryptos@freenet/developer/kryptos) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [13:23:15] * kryptos23_ (n=kryptos@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [13:24:03] * kryptos23_ (n=kryptos@ has joined #openid
- [13:24:51] * kryptos23_ is now known as kryptos23
- [13:36:32] * MrTopf_ ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
- [13:37:04] * MrTopf ( has joined #openid
- [13:39:47] * dazjorz ( has joined #openid
- [13:39:50] <dazjorz>
- [13:40:06] <dazjorz>
I just upgraded to the PHP JanRain OpenID consumer library version 2
- [13:40:18] <lopnor>
- [13:40:22] <dazjorz>
it's been a while since I've written openid support for so I forgot quite a lot
- [13:40:58] <dazjorz>
but I do remember that if the site doesn't get a username, it uses the OpenID URL for a username
- [13:41:11] <dazjorz>
for example, for me, the username would become if MyOpenID didn't give 'dazjorz' as a username
- [13:41:22] <dazjorz>
and apparantly, it didn't give dazjorz as a username, because the site set my username to ...
- [13:41:47] <dazjorz>
is there something that changed between 1.0 and 2.0, so, that I need to do a different API call to get the username from the OpenID provider ?
- [13:43:58] * dazjorz brb
- [13:45:59] * priidu__ ( has joined #openid
- [13:46:06] <lopnor>
- [13:46:17] <lopnor>
"Failed to authenticate: No OpenID information found at"
- [13:46:27] <lopnor>
this is my OP.
- [13:46:42] <lopnor>
it may be my fault.
- [13:55:17] * idnar (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [13:57:23] * idnar (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) has joined #openid
- [13:58:36] * a9913 (n=a9913@unaffiliated/a9913) has joined #openid
- [14:00:49] * priidu_ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [14:02:34] * priidu__ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [14:09:38] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
- [14:12:04] * TedThibodeauJr ( has joined #openid
- [14:12:04] <jibot>
TedThibodeauJr is a Technology Evangelist from and a Troublemaker from Way Back
- [14:27:14] * adamvsgs ( has joined #openid
- [14:27:14] * lei- ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- [14:32:44] * benj3one ( has joined #openid
- [14:57:40] * danieljohnlewis ( has joined #openid
- [15:10:35] <casanova->
- [15:10:42] <casanova->
one important Q about openID
- [15:10:59] <casanova->
can I configure it freely on my websites and ID card system?
- [15:11:10] <casanova->
and it works ONLY with MY system?
- [15:11:24] <Makenshi>
casanova-, you can set up an openid provider using an authentication system of your choice
- [15:11:29] <casanova->
- [15:11:47] <casanova->
is the server available anywhere?
- [15:11:52] <casanova->
or protocol?
- [15:12:13] <casanova->
I coudl use Java Smartcard but it lacks a protocol for IP
- [15:12:36] <casanova->
and i'd have to build the server from scratch
- [15:13:33] * shigeta ( has joined #openid
- [15:16:51] <Makenshi>
Huh, I read in a blog post, that Firefox 3 will have OpenID "built in"
- [15:18:07] * kryptos23 (n=kryptos@freenet/developer/kryptos) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [15:35:13] <casanova->
Use Galeon
- [15:35:37] <casanova->
Lynx r�x�r
- [15:35:41] <casanova->
- [15:35:45] <casanova->
fuckign French kbd
- [15:35:59] <Makenshi>
How I use what I want to :o)
- [15:36:09] <Makenshi>
s/I/about I/
- [15:36:17] <Makenshi>
My keyboard is Danish
- [15:39:25] * a9913_ (n=a9913@unaffiliated/a9913) has joined #openid
- [15:45:47] * priidu_ ( has joined #openid
- [15:52:54] * a9913 (n=a9913@unaffiliated/a9913) Quit (Nick collision from services.)
- [15:52:58] * a9913_ is now known as a9913
- [16:07:49] * hillsy ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
- [16:08:18] * hillsy ( has joined #openid
- [16:12:53] * a9913 (n=a9913@unaffiliated/a9913) Quit ("wha?")
- [16:30:08] * danieljohnlewis ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [16:39:31] * Pers3ux (n=chatzill@ has joined #openid
- [16:39:52] <Pers3ux>
Hi everybody!
- [16:44:22] <Pers3ux>
has myvidoop any channel?
- [16:45:10] * pvandewyngaerde ( has joined #openid
- [16:47:57] * michelp_ ( has joined #openid
- [16:49:32] * Pers3ux (n=chatzill@ has left #openid
- [17:18:15] * illustir ( Quit ()
- [17:23:27] * pvandewyngaerde ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
- [17:43:44] * Roebot (n=Roebot@ has joined #openid
- [17:45:13] * Roebot (n=Roebot@ Quit (Client Quit)
- [17:45:19] * michelp_ ( Quit ("Ex-Chat")
- [17:50:46] * shigeta ( Quit (
- [17:50:46] * _keturn (n=acapnoti@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn) Quit (
- [17:50:46] * ido (n=ido@unaffiliated/ido) Quit (
- [17:50:46] * miyagawa ( Quit (
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- [17:51:21] * _keturn (n=acapnoti@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn) has joined #openid
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- [18:47:13] * tessier_ (n=treed@kernel-panic/sex-machines) has left #openid
- [18:49:14] * sanedragon ( Quit ("Leaving")
- [19:16:53] * stub ( has joined #openid
- [19:39:20] * benj3one ( Quit ("Ex-Chat")
- [19:40:07] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
- [20:03:08] * SvenDowideit__ ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
- [20:24:08] * jcollie (n=jcollie@ has joined #openid
- [20:37:04] * Mitsurugi ( Quit (" · tecnologia lliure per a un món lliure")
- [20:37:48] * priidu_ ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
- [20:58:47] * jcollie (n=jcollie@ Quit ("Ex-Chat")
- [21:02:19] * toddross (n=toddross@ has joined #openid
- [21:05:50] * Mitsurugi ( has joined #openID
- [21:16:18] * toddross (n=toddross@ Quit ("L4t3rzzz")
- [21:27:31] * benj3one ( has joined #openid
- [21:50:32] * hillsy ( Quit ("Leaving")
- [22:08:27] * TedThibodeauJr ( Quit ()
- [22:14:09] * charlenopires (n=charleno@ has joined #openid
- [22:32:39] * CGames (n=cgames@allegro/user/CGamesPlay) has joined #openid
- [22:34:52] * CGamesPlay (n=cgames@allegro/user/CGamesPlay) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [22:36:23] * flaccid ( has joined #openid
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- [22:45:59] * MrTopf ( Quit ()
- [22:46:27] * MrTopf ( has joined #openid
- [22:56:16] * flaccid ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [22:59:41] * Navarr ( Quit ("Yeah.. I'll see ya around...")
- [23:00:40] * casanova- ( Quit ()
- [23:02:21] * MrTopf ( Quit (Connection timed out)
- [23:06:11] * benj3one ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [23:07:04] * benj3one ( has joined #openid
- [23:08:44] * TedThibodeauJr ( has joined #openid
- [23:08:44] <jibot>
TedThibodeauJr is a Technology Evangelist from and a Troublemaker from Way Back
- [23:30:08] * CGStolen ( has joined #openid
- [23:32:16] * CGames (n=cgames@allegro/user/CGamesPlay) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [23:57:25] * famicom ( has joined #openid
- [23:57:30] <famicom>
- [23:57:33] <famicom>
These logs were automatically created by OpenIDlogbot on
using a modified version of the Java IRC LogBot.