IRC Log for #openid on 2008-04-29
Timestamps are in UTC.
- [00:20:16] * mtrichardson__ ( Quit ()
- [00:29:48] * a9913 (n=gloob@unaffiliated/a9913) Quit ("IRC is just multiplayer notepad")
- [00:39:36] * milkmiruku ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- [00:49:17] * wzph ( Quit ()
- [00:59:57] * tils ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [01:06:50] * illustir ( Quit ()
- [01:25:29] * stub ( has joined #openid
- [01:25:49] * Leonidas (n=leonidas@unaffiliated/leonidas) Quit ("An ideal world is left as an exercise to the reader")
- [01:26:03] * Leonidas (n=leonidas@unaffiliated/leonidas) has joined #openid
- [01:27:56] * ianloic ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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- [01:43:48] * conner_bw ( has joined #openid
- [02:18:01] * conner_bw ( Quit ("")
- [02:48:35] * wycats_ ( has joined #openid
- [02:48:49] <wycats_>
I'm looking for the original XML versions of the OID specs
- [03:49:45] <tjohns>
Are you sure you don't mean the BML versions? I don't remember there being an XML version.
- [03:50:19] <tjohns>
Oh, wait, nevermind, now I remember, it's in SVN
- [03:52:15] <tjohns>
- [03:52:27] <tjohns>
- [04:01:52] * mtrichardson ( has joined #openid
- [04:01:58] * mtrichardson ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
- [04:48:21] <wycats_>
tjohns: I'm going to try and convert them to pdf via xml2pdfrfc
- [04:55:20] * stub ( Quit ("Leaving.")
- [04:58:07] <wycats_>
tjohns: xml2rfc is getting mad because some lines are bigger than 72 chars
- [05:00:02] <tjohns>
That's strange. I wasn't aware there was a limit on the number of columns in an XML file.
- [05:00:40] <tjohns>
Though, if that's the problem, it shouldn't be too hard to run it through a script that adds line breaks
- [05:01:33] <tjohns>
Some of the URLs in are longer than 72 chars though, so I have no clue what will happen to those.
- [05:21:05] <wycats_>
it seems to be a limitation with rfc2pdf
- [05:21:14] <wycats_>
tjohns: do you know of any other way to convert to PDF?
- [05:38:46] <tjohns>
I've had good results with Prince before
- [05:38:55] <tjohns>
- [05:39:12] <tjohns>
There's a free version for personal use.
- [05:51:51] * illustir ( has joined #openid
- [06:52:41] * forsaken ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [07:04:51] * illustir ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
- [07:05:08] * illustir ( has joined #openid
- [07:10:25] * illustir ( Quit (Client Quit)
- [07:54:53] * stub ( has joined #openid
- [08:09:43] * stub ( Quit ("Leaving.")
- [08:17:14] * xpo ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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- [08:47:02] * tils_ ( has joined #openid
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- [09:07:18] * SvenDowideit (n=SvenDowi@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) Quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
- [09:08:16] * SvenDowideit (n=SvenDowi@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) has joined #openid
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- [09:52:46] * a9913 (n=gloob@unaffiliated/a9913) has joined #openid
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- [10:03:21] * SvenDowideit (n=SvenDowi@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) Quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
- [10:04:12] * SvenDowideit (n=SvenDowi@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) has joined #openid
- [10:14:47] * MrTopf ( has joined #openid
- [10:41:16] * SvenDowideit_ (n=SvenDowi@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) has joined #openid
- [10:41:52] * SvenDowideit (n=SvenDowi@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) Quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
- [10:42:20] * a9913 (n=gloob@unaffiliated/a9913) Quit ("IRC is just multiplayer notepad")
- [11:02:22] * burcat (n=eitanb@ has joined #openid
- [11:33:08] * vmlemon (n=vmlemon@unaffiliated/vmlemon) has joined #openid
- [12:26:19] * TedThibodeauJr ( Quit ()
- [13:05:18] * stub ( has joined #openid
- [13:07:33] * illustir ( has joined #openid
- [13:10:20] * bens_ ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
- [13:24:43] * a9913 (n=gloob@unaffiliated/a9913) has joined #openid
- [13:33:06] * TedThibodeauJr (n=Thud@ has joined #openid
- [13:33:06] <jibot>
TedThibodeauJr is a Technology Evangelist from and a Troublemaker from Way Back
- [13:41:36] * burcat (n=eitanb@ Quit ()
- [14:19:18] * danieljohnlewis ( Quit ()
- [14:38:33] * stub ( Quit ("Leaving.")
- [14:44:08] * a9913 (n=gloob@unaffiliated/a9913) Quit ("IRC is just multiplayer notepad")
- [15:00:09] * bens_ ( has joined #openid
- [15:02:32] * illustir ( Quit ()
- [15:54:57] * Sylph ( has joined #openid
- [15:55:03] * Sylph is now known as TempName
- [15:59:27] * TempName ( has left #openid
- [16:58:53] * illustir ( has joined #openid
- [17:08:55] * a9913 (n=gloob@unaffiliated/a9913) has joined #openid
- [17:14:51] * bens_ ( Quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
- [17:25:57] * xpo ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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- [19:03:32] * etnt` ( has joined #openid
- [19:08:20] * lc0258112 (n=lc@ has joined #openid
- [19:12:34] * lc0258112 is now known as darren-b
- [19:12:34] <darren-b>
- [19:26:51] <wycats_>
tjohns: is there a good stylesheet for RFCs?
- [19:27:24] <tjohns>
Well, there's the one that's used on when the XML sepcs get converted to HTML
- [19:28:15] <tjohns>
But if you want something that looks good on print (or that doesn't require use of XSLT to convert from XML to HTML), you'll need to tweak it.
- [19:28:36] <wycats_>
there must be something out there to convert XML=>PDF
- [19:28:42] <wycats_>
since all the RFCs are available in PDF
- [19:29:08] <tjohns>
Ya, I'm sure there is.
- [19:29:20] <wycats_>
an exhaustive search has not turned anything up
- [19:29:42] <darren-b>
- [19:30:33] <darren-b>
does anyone here have an opinion on LID? I'm trying to identify if there's any support for it out there or if it's generally considered a dinosaur.
- [19:30:49] <darren-b>
the have some interesting service definitions
- [19:31:15] <tjohns>
wycats_: Ah, here's something that might work...
- [19:31:38] <tjohns> mentions that there's a RFC to LaTeX converter
- [19:31:45] <tjohns>
That would get you a PDF
- [19:32:23] <tjohns>
Then again, that might be a LaTeX to RFC converter....3
- [19:32:51] <wycats_>
- [19:32:53] <wycats_>
it is :(
- [19:33:55] <wycats_>
- [19:34:01] <wycats_>
xml2pdfrfc totally fails
- [19:37:28] <tjohns>
I think the reason why there isn't a good converter is because the "primary" version of an RFC is the ASCII text version, and the Postscript/PDF/HTML copies are just produced to make them look nicer.
- [19:37:49] <tjohns>
And since looking nicer could means converting ASCII art to image files
- [19:38:07] <tjohns>
In many cases there'd still be a lot of manual work involved.
- [19:38:46] <tjohns>
Not that helps. Just me thinking out loud. :/
- [19:41:58] <tjohns>
I think the easiest solution would be to run Prince on the HTML version of the spec. I just tested, and it actually comes out pretty nice.
- [19:42:15] <tjohns>
I'd say just tweak the margins a bit, add a couple page breaks, and it would look pretty nice.
- [19:45:41] <tjohns> is what it looks like without any tweaking.
- [19:49:46] * wycats_ opens
- [19:49:54] <wycats_>
I really just want to be able to print the spec
- [19:50:08] <wycats_>
I'll probably add something to remove the <TOC>
- [19:50:24] <wycats_>
and the annoying HR
- [19:57:06] * a9913 (n=gloob@unaffiliated/a9913) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [20:08:55] * a9913 (n=gloob@unaffiliated/a9913) has joined #openid
- [20:18:47] * lc0258112 (n=lc@ has joined #openid
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- [20:27:07] * darren-b (n=lc@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [20:29:21] * a9913 (n=gloob@unaffiliated/a9913) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [20:30:28] * illustir ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- [20:30:59] * illustir ( has joined #openid
- [20:36:13] * Wegge is now known as Wegge_Zzz
- [20:44:16] <nathanpbell>
Are there a set of environment requirements for the janrain openid libraries to work? I can get it to work on one of our servers but not the other.
- [20:44:40] <nathanpbell>
We're using the unmodified consumer examples included with the library
- [20:44:48] <nathanpbell>
(PHP, sorry)
- [20:46:08] <nathanpbell>
When trying to authenticate a Yadis enabled OP (Yahoo) it fails immediately. Delegated OpenIDs (HTML discovery) make it through the OP redirect, but when we finally wind up on the RP to verify, we get a "server denied check_authenticiation" error
- [20:52:09] <nathanpbell>
WIth Yahoo OpenIDs the error that returns immediately is "Authentication error; not a valid OpenID"
- [21:06:52] <Chaz6>
So MyOpenId are probably going to offer site affiliations for custom domains, but it won't be free :-(
- [21:10:23] * TedThibodeauJr (n=Thud@ Quit ()
- [21:12:06] <donomo>
i love the anonymous openid providers. they drive home the point that a url doesnt mean much by itself.
- [21:19:34] * lc0258112 (n=lc@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [21:22:11] * tjohns ( Quit ()
- [21:31:53] <donomo>
im interested to see what sort of extra auth RPs will start asking for, but im afraid the answer will be to whilelist the providers they take.
- [21:32:20] <Chaz6>
Yeah :/
- [21:32:29] <Chaz6>
Quite a paradox
- [21:33:56] <Chaz6>
I conjecture that with more RP's there will be more sites using captchas upon login not just for registration
- [22:02:35] * conner_bw ( has joined #openid
- [22:06:54] * etnt` ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
- [22:20:29] * MrTopf ( Quit ()
- [22:29:53] * MrTopf ( has joined #openid
- [22:37:51] * tils_ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [22:40:03] * conner_bw ( Quit ("")
- [22:45:52] * MrTopf ( Quit (Connection timed out)
- [23:08:25] <nathanpbell>
FYI (for the logs): The first part of the problem was that the server did not have an SSL cert bundle installed so CURL's HTTPS connections were failing silently.
- [23:26:42] * wycats__ ( has joined #openid
- [23:31:33] * wycats_ ( Quit (Nick collision from services.)
- [23:31:38] * wycats__ is now known as wycats_
- [23:42:44] * a9913_ (n=gloob@unaffiliated/a9913) Quit ("IRC is just multiplayer notepad")
- [23:51:35] * wycats_ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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