IRC Log for #openid on 2008-05-17

Timestamps are in UTC.

  1. [00:03:36] * xpo ( has joined #openid
  2. [00:09:09] * zirpu ( Quit ("wandering the halls aimlessly.")
  3. [00:22:23] * a9913__ (n=me@unaffiliated/a9913) has joined #openid
  4. [00:24:27] * a9913__ is now known as a9913
  5. [00:39:01] * a9913_ (n=me@unaffiliated/a9913) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  6. [01:05:37] * MrTopf ( Quit ()
  7. [01:12:38] * a9913_ (n=me@unaffiliated/a9913) has joined #openid
  8. [01:13:14] * a9913 (n=me@unaffiliated/a9913) Quit (Nick collision from services.)
  9. [01:13:22] * a9913_ is now known as a9913
  10. [01:39:00] * a9913 (n=me@unaffiliated/a9913) Quit ("IRC is just multiplayer notepad")
  11. [02:05:09] * shigeta ( has joined #openid
  12. [02:05:58] * luluru1 ( has joined #openid
  13. [02:08:38] * lc0258112 ( has joined #openid
  14. [02:08:42] * lc0258112 is now known as darren-b
  15. [02:15:05] * reffle__ ( Quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
  16. [02:52:41] * flaccid (n=flaccid@ has joined #openid
  17. [04:46:59] * a9913 (n=me@unaffiliated/a9913) has joined #openid
  18. [05:34:27] * flaccid (n=flaccid@ Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
  19. [05:35:54] * flaccid (n=flaccid@ has joined #openid
  20. [05:38:40] * mtrichardson ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  21. [05:38:52] * mtrichardson ( has joined #OpenID
  22. [06:23:22] * _keturn (n=acapnoti@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  23. [06:28:08] * _keturn (n=acapnoti@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn) has joined #openid
  24. [06:34:00] * Fitzsimmons (n=justin@unaffiliated/fitzsimmons) Quit ("Ex-Chat")
  25. [06:34:55] * Fitzsimmons (n=justin@unaffiliated/fitzsimmons) has joined #openid
  26. [06:46:41] * a9913 (n=me@unaffiliated/a9913) Quit ("IRC is just multiplayer notepad")
  27. [06:48:30] * tjohns ( has joined #openid
  28. [07:16:37] * luluru1 ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  29. [07:29:21] * xpo ( Quit ()
  30. [07:32:41] * luluru1 ( has joined #openid
  31. [07:58:01] * Jencha ( has joined #openid
  32. [08:00:13] <Jencha> hello
  33. [08:00:23] <Jencha> i`v bit confused about OpenID 1.1 and 2.0
  34. [08:00:34] <Jencha> Is attribute exchange supported only by 2.0 ?
  35. [08:15:35] <tjohns> Jencha: Yes, OpenID 2.0 is required, since 1.1 didn't have a formal extension mechanism.
  36. [08:24:04] <Jencha> tjohns: thank you.
  37. [08:27:16] * a9913 (n=me@unaffiliated/a9913) has joined #openid
  38. [08:46:50] <Jencha> Does URI includes XRI ?
  39. [08:46:57] <Jencha> Or that's another kind of identifier ?
  40. [08:47:14] <Jencha> Uniquie Resource Identifeir... i would guess XRI goes under that ^^
  41. [08:47:25] * a9913 (n=me@unaffiliated/a9913) Quit ("IRC is just multiplayer notepad")
  42. [08:48:57] * SvenDowideit_ (n=SvenDowi@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) Quit ("Leaving")
  43. [08:52:31] <Jencha> tjohns, how about
  44. [08:52:31] <Jencha> OpenID Simple Registration Extension 1.0
  45. [08:52:43] <Jencha> Was that available on OpenID 1.1 ?
  46. [09:06:04] <tjohns> SRE is available with 1.1
  47. [09:17:35] * a9913 (n=me@unaffiliated/a9913) has joined #openid
  48. [09:24:20] * Ng ( has left #openid
  49. [09:56:33] * luluru1 ( has left #openid
  50. [10:07:12] * xpo ( has joined #openid
  51. [10:12:07] * pvandewyngaerde ( has joined #openid
  52. [10:21:47] * tjohns ( Quit ()
  53. [10:51:02] * Jencha ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  54. [11:02:18] * xpo ( Quit ()
  55. [11:04:32] * MrTopf ( has joined #openid
  56. [11:09:32] * shigeta ( Quit ()
  57. [11:15:42] * shigeta ( has joined #openid
  58. [11:16:04] * shigeta ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  59. [11:58:57] * a9913 (n=me@unaffiliated/a9913) Quit ("IRC is just multiplayer notepad")
  60. [12:32:21] * MrTopf ( Quit ()
  61. [12:55:28] * MrTopf ( has joined #openid
  62. [14:02:10] * miyagawa0 ( Quit (Nick collision(old))
  63. [14:02:22] * miyagawa_ ( has joined #openid
  64. [14:06:44] * Jencha ( has joined #openid
  65. [14:13:18] * Chaz6 (n=chaz@2001:16d8:ee00:19:0:0:0:2) Quit ("WeeChat 0.2.6")
  66. [14:13:45] * Jencha ( Quit ()
  67. [14:14:10] * Chaz6 (n=chaz@2001:16d8:ee00:19:0:0:0:2) has joined #openid
  68. [14:22:08] * MrTopf ( Quit ()
  69. [14:48:17] * xpo ( has joined #openid
  70. [14:53:40] * darren-b ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  71. [15:19:43] * miyagawa_ ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  72. [15:57:16] * miyagawa ( has joined #openid
  73. [15:57:16] <jibot> miyagawa is Tatsuhiko Miyagawa, the author of Plagger <> and works on Vox <> in Six Apart.
  74. [16:30:23] * a9913 (n=me@unaffiliated/a9913) has joined #openid
  75. [16:47:48] * xpo ( Quit ()
  76. [17:25:47] * mtrichardson ( Quit ("Lost terminal")
  77. [17:27:50] * a9913_ (n=me@unaffiliated/a9913) has joined #openid
  78. [17:34:19] * a9913__ (n=me@unaffiliated/a9913) has joined #openid
  79. [17:39:44] * a9914 (n=me@ has joined #openid
  80. [17:43:08] * a9913 (n=me@unaffiliated/a9913) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  81. [17:43:45] * xpo ( has joined #openid
  82. [17:47:40] * a9913 (n=me@unaffiliated/a9913) has joined #openid
  83. [17:48:39] * a9913_ (n=me@unaffiliated/a9913) Quit (Nick collision from services.)
  84. [17:48:41] * a9913__ (n=me@unaffiliated/a9913) Quit (Nick collision from services.)
  85. [17:58:05] * a9914 (n=me@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  86. [18:02:05] * a9913 (n=me@unaffiliated/a9913) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  87. [18:02:37] * a9913 (n=me@unaffiliated/a9913) has joined #openid
  88. [18:05:37] * xpo ( Quit (Connection reset by peer)
  89. [18:06:59] * xpo_air ( has joined #openid
  90. [18:22:58] * MacTed ( Quit ()
  91. [18:25:29] * xpo_air ( Quit ()
  92. [18:59:47] * reffle__ ( has joined #openid
  93. [19:00:07] * pvandewyngaerde ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  94. [19:33:16] * Omnifarious (n=hopper@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Omnifarious) has joined #openid
  95. [19:33:28] <Omnifarious> Hi there...
  96. [19:33:57] <Omnifarious> I just thought I'd say something about a Python based skeleton OpenID consumer and server that I've written.
  97. [19:34:17] * a9913 (n=me@unaffiliated/a9913) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  98. [19:34:22] <Omnifarious>
  99. [19:34:42] <Omnifarious> And
  100. [19:35:43] * a9913 (n=me@unaffiliated/a9913) has joined #openid
  101. [19:37:51] <Omnifarious> And also, solicit feedback. :-)
  102. [19:51:44] * a9913_ (n=me@unaffiliated/a9913) has joined #openid
  103. [19:51:58] * MrTopf ( has joined #openid
  104. [20:07:45] * a9913 (n=me@unaffiliated/a9913) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  105. [20:42:59] * a9913__ (n=me@unaffiliated/a9913) has joined #openid
  106. [20:58:10] * a9913_ (n=me@unaffiliated/a9913) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  107. [22:23:21] * a9913__ is now known as a9913
  108. [22:32:09] * a9913_ (n=me@unaffiliated/a9913) has joined #openid
  109. [22:49:02] * a9913 (n=me@unaffiliated/a9913) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  110. [23:08:38] * Omnifarious is now known as Omni|AFK

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