IRC Log for #openid on 2008-07-01

Timestamps are in UTC.

  1. [00:14:04] * SvenDowideit_ (n=SvenDowi@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) Quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
  2. [00:14:31] * SvenDowideit_ (n=SvenDowi@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) has joined #openid
  3. [00:30:45] * SvenDowideit__ ( Quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
  4. [00:56:29] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
  5. [01:02:25] * hikoz ( has joined #openid
  6. [01:26:49] * SunWuKung ( has joined #openid
  7. [01:31:32] * xpo ( Quit ()
  8. [01:35:13] * SvenDowideit__ ( has joined #openid
  9. [01:37:17] * SunWuKung ( Quit ()
  10. [02:01:20] * SvenDowideit_ (n=SvenDowi@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) Quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
  11. [02:02:19] * SvenDowideit__ ( Quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
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  13. [02:05:42] * shigeta_ (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
  14. [02:21:18] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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  20. [04:18:59] * metadaddy_away is now known as metadaddy
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  23. [05:25:21] * desu (n=me@ has joined #openid
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  30. [06:58:10] * peace-keeper ( Quit (Connection timed out)
  31. [07:05:44] * xpo ( Quit ()
  32. [07:38:02] * SvenDowideit__ ( Quit (
  33. [07:38:02] * DJCapelis (n=djc@blender/coder/DJCapelis) Quit (
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  39. [08:16:22] * danieljohnlewis ( has joined #openid
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  44. [09:02:07] * SvenDowideit__ ( Quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
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  50. [09:29:46] * desu (n=me@unaffiliated/desu) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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  57. [10:00:43] * stub ( has joined #openid
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  60. [10:10:45] * desudesu is now known as desu
  61. [10:17:09] * SvenDowideit (n=SvenDowi@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) has joined #openid
  62. [10:17:18] * SvenDowideit__ ( Quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
  63. [10:52:17] * hikoz ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  64. [10:59:47] * desudesu (n=me@unaffiliated/desu) has joined #openid
  65. [11:00:21] * desu (n=me@unaffiliated/desu) Quit (Nick collision from services.)
  66. [11:02:21] * samsm ( has joined #openid
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  68. [12:06:29] * xpo (n=xpo@nat/af83/x-d761326a700cf524) Quit ()
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  72. [12:26:30] * MacTed ( Quit ()
  73. [12:41:36] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit ("Leaving.")
  74. [13:04:03] * desudesu (n=me@unaffiliated/desu) has joined #openid
  75. [13:07:56] * desu (n=me@unaffiliated/desu) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  76. [13:13:34] * Dallas ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  77. [13:13:40] * Dallas ( has joined #openid
  78. [13:22:32] * shigeta_ (n=shigeta@ Quit ("Leaving...")
  79. [13:23:35] * MacTed (n=Thud@ has joined #openid
  80. [13:23:36] <jibot> MacTed is a Technology Evangelist from and a Troublemaker from Way Back
  81. [13:26:51] * MrTopf ( has joined #openid
  82. [13:27:19] * desudesu is now known as desu
  83. [13:48:17] * Mitsurugi ( has joined #openID
  84. [13:49:54] * Mitsurugi ( Quit (Client Quit)
  85. [13:51:19] * Mitsurugi ( has joined #openID
  86. [13:54:38] * Mitsurugi ( Quit (Client Quit)
  87. [14:00:32] * desu (n=me@unaffiliated/desu) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  88. [14:19:19] * danieljohnlewis ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  89. [14:20:00] * danieljohnlewis ( has joined #openid
  90. [14:29:47] * julik (n=julik@ has joined #openid
  91. [14:30:04] <julik> hello gents
  92. [14:30:08] <julik> and ladies
  93. [14:30:35] <julik> could someone help me out with the latest Ruby OpenID libs? I have some questions wrt to new behaviors
  94. [14:32:54] <samsm> No guarantees, but I'm interested to hear the issue.
  95. [14:33:01] <julik> ok
  96. [14:33:10] <julik> I have written an OpenID server sometime ago
  97. [14:33:25] <julik> and I have a test suite to verify it's working OK. One of the tests is about delegation
  98. [14:33:41] <julik> it checks that the OpenID consumer goes out to the openid server mentioned in the delegate URL
  99. [14:33:44] <julik> with version 1 it did
  100. [14:33:45] <julik> but
  101. [14:34:18] <julik> with version 2 the OpenID consumer _posts_ the openid_associate request directly to the profile page
  102. [14:34:25] <julik> somehow
  103. [14:34:28] <julik> and I don't understand why
  104. [14:34:47] <julik> on my profile page I have
  105. [14:34:48] <julik> <link rel="openid.server" href=""/><link rel="openid.delegate" href=""/><
  106. [14:34:55] <julik> (URL fictional of course)
  107. [14:35:06] <julik> so I expect the consumer to go and ask this url which I capture in my test
  108. [14:35:14] <julik> but instead I get a POST to the profile page after the GET
  109. [14:36:42] <samsm> I have a server I've been working on, I'll fire it up and try to follow along.
  110. [14:36:48] <julik> hm
  111. [14:36:48] <julik> ok
  112. [14:37:02] <julik> well if you are on ruby I can commit my server that you can check out as well
  113. [14:37:07] <julik> if it's of any interest
  114. [14:37:29] <samsm> The one thing I remember needing to do was to toss in a xrds page for each identity.
  115. [14:37:46] <samsm> I was also going to say that I've found this helpful:
  116. [14:37:56] <julik> I did
  117. [14:37:58] <julik> a yadis page
  118. [14:38:09] <julik> it's been there already when I used v1 libs
  119. [14:38:15] <julik> but I'll check it out now
  120. [14:39:00] <julik> oh yes you are right! brilliant
  121. [14:39:04] <julik> that's what I get
  122. [14:39:10] <julik> Got get on Pasaporte::Controllers::Yadis
  123. [14:39:10] <julik> Got post on Pasaporte::Controllers::ProfilePage
  124. [14:39:23] <julik> it means my yadis page lists the wrong endpoint url
  125. [14:39:33] <samsm> ahhhh
  126. [14:41:07] <julik> thx mate :-) yoi pointed me in the right direction
  127. [14:41:25] <samsm> More like stumbled onto it. :)
  128. [14:41:48] <julik> masquerade is nice but I made pasaporte earlier, never bothered to finish it and it has specific functionality built in that we use in-house so
  129. [14:41:54] <julik> but masquerade looks promising
  130. [14:42:27] <julik> and guess what? I didnt implement a test for yadis page either
  131. [14:42:38] * julik lashes himself with a wet noodle thrice
  132. [14:48:23] <julik> ok it gets interesting this is the YADIS I'm sending
  133. [14:48:24] <julik> <xrds:XRDS xmlns:xrds="xri://$xrds" xmlns="xri://$xrd*($v*2.0)" xmlns:openid="">
  134. [14:48:24] <julik> <XRD>
  135. [14:48:24] <julik> <Service priority="1">
  136. [14:48:25] <julik> <Type></Type>
  137. [14:48:25] <julik> <URI></URI>
  138. [14:48:26] <julik> <openid:Delegate></openid:Delegate>
  139. [14:48:28] <julik> </Service>
  140. [14:48:30] <julik> </XRD>
  141. [14:48:32] <julik> </xrds:XRDS>
  142. [14:50:15] <julik>
  143. [14:50:28] <julik> but the consumer still knocks on the profile page somehow
  144. [15:09:19] * Mitsurugi ( has joined #openID
  145. [15:18:21] * SvenDowideit__ ( has joined #openid
  146. [15:34:14] * SvenDowideit (n=SvenDowi@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) Quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
  147. [15:36:46] * metadaddy ( has joined #openid
  148. [15:39:55] <keturn> julik: the lib source has an examples/discover file, try running that with your identifier url and see what it finds for the Server URL
  149. [15:40:09] <julik> ok thx
  150. [15:40:19] <keturn> also, /endpoint is a slightly weird value for delegate, but as long as you're consistent about it that shouldn't be the problem
  151. [15:41:18] <julik> keturn: why is it weird exactly
  152. [15:41:25] <julik> it's just a URL right?
  153. [15:41:49] <julik> this is just a value I use in my test nothing else might just as well be orso
  154. [15:43:30] <keturn> right, but in a functioning installation it's generally *not* the endpoint URL. because every user generally has the same Server URL but they need different Delegate values. but as long as that's just a test case, it's no big deal.
  155. [15:44:07] <julik> duuuh
  156. [15:44:08] <julik> review:examples julik$ ./discover
  157. [15:44:08] <julik> ./discover:2:in `require': no such file to load -- openid/consumer/discovery (LoadError)
  158. [15:44:11] <julik> a little FAIL
  159. [15:45:01] <julik> ok so if I run without delegation this is what discover says
  160. [15:45:12] <julik>
  161. [15:46:18] <julik> if I put delegate URLs there instead this is what discover says
  162. [15:46:40] <julik> looks sane to me but I don't know where it's going to go to authenticate
  163. [15:49:32] <keturn> it's going to go to what it's printing for "Server URL" to authenticate
  164. [15:53:22] <julik> hmm
  165. [15:53:48] <julik> why does it knock on the profile page in my test then
  166. [15:53:49] <julik> I wonder
  167. [15:55:02] <julik> aah ok I see
  168. [15:55:28] <julik> I had to do such a perverse dance macabre to override the OpenID fetcher that it's my app that gets the request
  169. [15:55:33] <julik> and the profile page is a catchall
  170. [15:55:38] <julik> :-)
  171. [15:56:26] <julik> this
  172. [15:56:27] <julik>
  173. [15:56:30] <julik> took ma half a day
  174. [16:02:53] * stub ( has joined #openid
  175. [16:15:29] <julik> thanks for all your help people and have g nice day
  176. [16:15:34] <julik> have a nice day
  177. [16:15:36] * julik (n=julik@ Quit ()
  178. [16:29:35] * SvenDowideit (n=SvenDowi@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) has joined #openid
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  199. [21:02:26] * MacTed (n=Thud@ Quit ("*bamf*")
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  219. [23:39:11] * hillsy ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  220. [23:47:32] * SvenDowideit (n=SvenDowi@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) Quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))

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