IRC Log for #openid on 2008-07-20

Timestamps are in UTC.

  1. [00:02:24] * SunWuKung ( Quit ()
  2. [00:26:54] * SunWuKung ( has joined #openid
  3. [00:35:47] * MrTopf ( Quit ("deconstructing...")
  4. [01:41:13] * peace-keeper ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  5. [02:30:54] * SunWuKung ( Quit ()
  6. [03:17:05] * flaccid ( has joined #openid
  7. [03:17:05] <jibot> flaccid is an OpenID enthusiast
  8. [04:13:02] * SunWuKung ( has joined #openid
  9. [04:13:41] * Cody`macbook ( has joined #openid
  10. [06:54:57] * SunWuKung ( Quit ()
  11. [07:49:29] * SunWuKung ( has joined #openid
  12. [07:50:42] * flaccid_ ( has joined #openid
  13. [07:51:53] * flaccid ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
  14. [07:56:56] * peace-keeper ( has joined #openid
  15. [08:26:34] * lopnor ( Quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
  16. [08:26:41] * lopnor ( has joined #openid
  17. [08:43:25] * tjohns ( has joined #openid
  18. [09:57:12] * SunWuKung is now known as SunWuKung|away
  19. [10:36:00] * tjohns ( Quit ()
  20. [11:53:19] * hanekomu ( has joined #openid
  21. [11:53:28] * hanekomu ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  22. [14:09:19] * jay2 (n=mtbardal@ has joined #openid
  23. [14:09:59] * morgan1 (n=mtbardal@ Quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
  24. [14:12:22] * gsm4 ( has joined #openid
  25. [14:16:33] * flaccid_ ( Quit ("Konversation terminated!")
  26. [14:22:17] * peace-keeper ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  27. [17:35:15] * xpo ( Quit ()
  28. [18:02:02] * lopnor ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  29. [18:06:16] * peace-keeper ( has joined #openid
  30. [18:11:13] * lopnor ( has joined #openid
  31. [18:35:58] * xpo ( has joined #openid
  32. [19:12:20] * DJCapelis (n=djc@blender/coder/DJCapelis) Quit (
  33. [19:12:20] * NetersLandreau ( Quit (
  34. [19:13:02] * NetersLandreau ( has joined #openid
  35. [19:13:02] * DJCapelis (n=djc@blender/coder/DJCapelis) has joined #openid
  36. [19:46:13] * xanax` ( has joined #openid
  37. [19:46:21] <xanax`> hello
  38. [19:46:40] <gsm4> hi
  39. [19:49:00] * dw (n=dw@unaffiliated/dw) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  40. [19:49:23] * dw ( has joined #openid
  41. [19:58:03] <samsm> howdy
  42. [20:26:40] * jay2 (n=mtbardal@ Quit ()
  43. [20:29:09] * xanax` ( has left #openid
  44. [20:35:09] * pvandewyngaerde ( has joined #openid
  45. [20:40:35] * pvandewyngaerde ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  46. [21:29:47] * maestrojed (n=maestroj@ has joined #openid
  47. [21:32:35] <maestrojed> I would really like to run my own openid server. I have tried using simpleID, phpMyID, and clamshell. I could not get any of those to work. Have any of you had success with these scripts? Are there better ones out there? JanRain use to make one right? "PHP OpenID Server ". Is that project done?
  48. [21:35:42] * MrTopf ( has joined #openid
  49. [21:40:59] * peace-keeper ( Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
  50. [21:44:28] * maestrojed (n=maestroj@ Quit ()
  51. [22:12:56] * MrTopf ( Quit ("deconstructing...")
  52. [22:19:48] * maestrojed ( has joined #openid
  53. [22:21:26] <maestrojed> I am trying to install/create an openID provider on my own server (for my own use not as a public provider). I have tried using a few scripts (phpMyId, simpleID, and clamshell) but could not get them to work. Has anyone in here had success creating their own openID server?
  54. [22:29:22] <gsm4> maestrojed, I think the janrain library has a server example... never used it myself though
  55. [22:33:13] <maestrojed> gsm4: From what I found JanRain use to have something called "PHPOpenIDServer" but that is no longer supported. I looked at the current library but felt like they were just scripts to help you but not a complete Script or set of instructions on how to do everything from scratch. I will look again though
  56. [23:14:33] <maestrojed> gsm4: TY it looks like the JanRain libraries are very complete
  57. [23:45:56] * xpo ( Quit ()
  58. [23:47:09] * gsm4 ( Quit ("Leaving")
  59. [23:50:49] * xpo ( has joined #openid

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