IRC Log for #openid on 2009-01-10

Timestamps are in UTC.

  1. [00:02:23] * TedThibodeauJr ( has joined #openid
  2. [00:03:55] * MacTed ( Quit (Nick collision from services.)
  3. [00:03:59] * TedThibodeauJr is now known as MacTed
  4. [00:20:06] * tjohns (n=trevorjo@ Quit ()
  5. [00:28:01] * daleolds (n=daleolds@ has joined #openid
  6. [00:29:28] * tjohns (n=trevorjo@ has joined #openid
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  8. [00:45:24] * tjohns (n=trevorjo@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  9. [01:10:23] * metadaddy ( Quit ()
  10. [01:10:30] * metadaddy ( has joined #openid
  11. [01:20:16] * jaguarandi (n=darkaj@ Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
  12. [01:21:52] * tjohns_ (n=trevorjo@ Quit ()
  13. [01:28:23] * metadaddy ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  14. [01:29:12] * daleolds (n=daleolds@ Quit ("Leaving.")
  15. [01:30:46] * tjohns (n=trevorjo@ has joined #openid
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  18. [02:34:15] * tjohns_ (n=trevorjo@ Quit ()
  19. [02:34:24] * mosites ( Quit ("Streamy (")
  20. [03:11:15] * ignaciogggg ( Quit ()
  21. [03:36:16] * tjohns (n=trevorjo@ has joined #openid
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  25. [04:04:14] * metadaddy ( has joined #openid
  26. [04:38:07] * ignaciogggg ( has joined #openid
  27. [05:40:30] * tjohns ( has joined #openid
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  31. [07:55:09] * jcrosby ( has joined #openid
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  34. [08:08:02] * metadaddy ( Quit ()
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  49. [08:36:48] * jaguarandi (n=darkaj@ has joined #openid
  50. [10:09:06] * jcrosby ( Quit ()
  51. [11:48:54] * tjohns ( Quit ()
  52. [12:02:36] * shawn ( Quit (
  53. [12:02:36] * samsm ( Quit (
  54. [12:02:36] * NetersLandreau ( Quit (
  55. [12:03:03] * shawn ( has joined #openid
  56. [12:03:03] * samsm ( has joined #openid
  57. [12:03:03] * NetersLandreau ( has joined #openid
  58. [12:29:22] * xpo ( has joined #openid
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  60. [18:05:35] * ignaciogggg ( has joined #openid
  61. [18:18:05] * Titan (n=ins3@unaffiliated/titan) has joined #openid
  62. [18:18:11] <Titan> hi I am using janrains openid lib
  63. [18:18:15] <Titan> but how do I log people out
  64. [18:18:20] <Titan> I don't see a method for it
  65. [18:18:40] <Titan> either in Auth_OpenID_Consumer or Auth_OpenID_FileStore
  66. [18:19:55] <Titan> cervicek elliottcable GabeW idnar ignaciogggg jaguarandi Jj k0rnel keturn MacTed NetersLandreau OpenIDlogbot overlast Peng Peng_ Rockj samsm shawn zigorou_ you there?
  67. [18:20:51] <NetersLandreau> Titan: the RP is responsible for ending authorizations
  68. [18:21:18] <Titan> so how do I provide the user with a logout button/link
  69. [18:21:37] <Titan> has a logout for openid auths for example
  70. [18:22:24] <NetersLandreau> you don't.. the site they are logging in to is responsible.. but i will look at there are a lot of bad clients out there
  71. [18:22:34] <samsm> How do you know in code that a person is logged in?
  72. [18:22:54] <Titan> samsm: using session variables (php by the way)
  73. [18:23:04] <samsm> Clear the session == logged out
  74. [18:23:16] <Titan> ah yes
  75. [18:23:22] <Titan> but that leaves the other problem
  76. [18:23:27] <Titan> the filestore cache
  77. [18:23:46] <Titan>
  78. [18:24:17] <Titan> how would I get a file store instance from an openid session
  79. [18:34:01] * metadaddy ( has joined #openid
  80. [18:39:46] * metadaddy ( Quit ()
  81. [18:49:08] * mosites ( has joined #openid
  82. [18:49:33] <samsm> Why would you want to?
  83. [18:49:41] <samsm> Or: I don't know what you mean.
  84. [18:50:03] <Titan> the filestore class creates some files (3 I think) per openid user
  85. [18:50:29] <Titan> I wanted to know if there was a way to delete the files for logged out users
  86. [18:59:23] <samsm> It isn't an immediate concern.
  87. [18:59:50] <samsm> But you can probably apply some date based deletes periodically.
  88. [19:00:08] <Titan> true, I realised that a few moments ago
  89. [19:00:10] <Titan> thanks anyway
  90. [19:25:18] * kashyapc (n=kashyapc@ has joined #openid
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  92. [19:38:13] * metadaddy ( has joined #openid
  93. [19:41:59] * metadaddy ( Quit (Client Quit)
  94. [19:54:23] * mosites ( Quit (
  95. [19:54:23] * NetersLandreau ( Quit (
  96. [19:54:23] * shawn ( Quit (
  97. [19:54:23] * samsm ( Quit (
  98. [19:55:14] * mosites ( has joined #openid
  99. [19:55:14] * shawn ( has joined #openid
  100. [19:55:14] * samsm ( has joined #openid
  101. [19:55:14] * NetersLandreau ( has joined #openid
  102. [19:57:14] * Titan (n=ins3@unaffiliated/titan) has left #openid
  103. [19:58:30] * mosites ( Quit ()
  104. [21:01:54] * mosites ( has joined #openid
  105. [21:47:22] * Titan (n=ins3@unaffiliated/titan) has joined #openid
  106. [21:47:28] <Titan> hi omg I am back
  107. [21:47:39] <Titan> how do you canonicalize an openid
  108. [21:48:01] <Titan> for like a unique ID per person regardless of the uri
  109. [21:48:06] * Titan pokes samsm
  110. [21:52:37] <samsm> Give me an example.
  111. [21:57:45] <Titan> like if someone signs in with
  112. [21:57:55] <Titan> and next time signs in with a http:// before that
  113. [21:58:12] <samsm> The library handles that.
  114. [21:58:16] <Titan> the janrain one?
  115. [21:58:20] <samsm> http::// is assumed
  116. [21:58:22] <samsm> Yes.
  117. [21:58:39] <Titan> I know the library handles it
  118. [21:58:48] <Titan> but I need to know the canonicalized form for the database
  119. [21:58:55] <Titan> so I can assign different users roles etc
  120. [21:59:15] <samsm> Let the library tell you what identity it verified.
  121. [21:59:26] <samsm> I think tt will include http://
  122. [22:00:20] <Titan> where will it tell me this
  123. [22:01:03] <samsm> Not sure, I don't use the PHP library. What data do you get back from a successful OpenID verification?
  124. [22:01:31] <Titan> I get the sreg details so that's ok, I just need the standardised form of the openid URI
  125. [22:01:45] <Titan> ... one that won't change if the user put a forward slash and the end or whatever
  126. [22:01:57] <samsm> Do you get a success/fail notice of some sort?
  127. [22:02:26] <Titan> I get that
  128. [22:02:33] <Titan> in the return url
  129. [22:05:45] * mosites ( Quit ()
  130. [22:09:24] <Titan> >_<
  131. [22:11:12] <samsm> I'd imagine there's a normalize_url method somewhere.
  132. [22:11:33] <Titan> if there is I can't find it
  133. [22:11:36] <Titan>
  134. [22:11:50] <Titan> do you use openid samsm? how do you deal with this problem
  135. [22:12:04] <samsm> It's not a problem if you use Ruby or Python.
  136. [22:12:17] <Titan> how so?
  137. [22:12:39] <Titan> if you want to make an openid user a uid on a database
  138. [22:12:46] <samsm> Here's an example:
  139. [22:12:47] <Titan> but they provide different URIs each time
  140. [22:13:08] <samsm> You let the library normalize it, then get the url back from the library.
  141. [22:13:19] <Titan> this is janrains libs?
  142. [22:13:35] <samsm> Yes
  143. [22:13:43] <samsm> Some stuff built on top.
  144. [22:14:04] <samsm> I'm sure that's how you are supposed to do it with the PHP libraries, I just don't know how.
  145. [22:14:24] <Titan> ill have to keep looking then
  146. [23:01:15] * bce ( has joined #openid
  147. [23:27:00] <Titan> hmm
  148. [23:27:06] <Titan> could this be related samsm
  149. [23:28:08] <samsm> It's unrelated to non-iname identities.
  150. [23:28:33] <Titan> is what I am after called inames?
  151. [23:29:08] <samsm> i-names are like a different namespace than DNS..
  152. [23:30:16] <Titan> oh right
  153. [23:31:06] <samsm> You just need to reach into the library and pull out the identity url. Just make sure it has been normalized and isn't a delegate and you are probably fine.
  154. [23:31:46] <samsm> Stick breakpoints in there, find the value, and use that until someone can get you a better answer.
  155. [23:32:25] <Titan> I suppose
  156. [23:35:56] <samsm> Looks like this is what does it in the Ruby library:
  157. [23:37:22] <Titan> ruby code makes me >_<
  158. [23:37:29] <Titan> but thanks lol ill look for a similar function name
  159. [23:52:17] * devlindaley_ (n=devlin@ has joined #openid
  160. [23:58:30] * devlindaley_ (n=devlin@ Quit ()

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