IRC Log for #openid on 2009-01-23

Timestamps are in UTC.

  1. [00:05:09] * jcrosby ( has joined #openid
  2. [00:11:58] <sumitk> hey all I am kinda stuck I need information about 3 variables in openid spec
  3. [00:12:05] <sumitk> I know openidfield is like name/Person/prefix .. so that is clear
  4. [00:12:14] <sumitk> openidnamespace and openidname I have no idea about those fields
  5. [00:12:27] <sumitk> ^^anyone guys
  6. [00:12:51] <samsm> Link?
  7. [00:13:10] <samsm> Those terms aren't on the top of my head.
  8. [00:13:39] <samsm> Sound more like classes in a library than terms in the spec.
  9. [00:13:49] <samsm> But beats me.
  10. [00:14:13] <sumitk> see its in specification implementation
  11. [00:14:24] <sumitk> I am middle of implementing to in drupal
  12. [00:14:56] <sumitk> openidnamespace is something I have to specify for proper query
  13. [00:15:01] <sumitk> but what is it ?
  14. [00:15:14] <samsm> Yeah, I'm not going to start googling. Link to where you've found this term.
  15. [00:16:16] <sumitk>
  16. [00:16:26] <sumitk> this is what it is using
  17. [00:16:31] <samsm> Ah, attribute exchange.
  18. [00:16:44] <samsm> That's an OpenID extension.
  19. [00:17:12] <sumitk> yeah attribute exchange I am implementing
  20. [00:17:26] <sumitk> ooh didn't know that i was hoping all the same
  21. [00:17:33] <sumitk> but still need those terms
  22. [00:18:00] <samsm> I've found this helpful:
  23. [00:18:19] <samsm> Still don't know where you are getting "openidfield" from.
  24. [00:18:41] <samsm> Doesn't appear in that spec.
  25. [00:19:19] <samsm> Maybe I'm just no help. :)
  26. [00:19:24] <sumitk> i try with it thanks for help :)
  27. [00:19:53] <samsm> The Python library handles that stuff somewhat, I think.
  28. [00:21:21] <sumitk> no idea I know oauth well but openid newbie ;)
  29. [00:30:09] * mosites ( has joined #openid
  30. [00:59:35] * flaccid ( has joined #openid
  31. [00:59:44] * sumitk ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  32. [01:09:47] * xpo ( has joined #openid
  33. [01:11:03] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
  34. [01:32:56] * jcrosby ( Quit ()
  35. [01:34:34] <ripsup> Anyone using openid with webservices? It just doesn't seem like it would work for it well especially if you are pulling that webservice into a program that isn't a browser
  36. [01:34:43] <ripsup> What I am doing
  37. [01:35:48] <ripsup> Is I want to have a way for people to tie into a system I have created, to add information update statuses and such
  38. [01:36:19] <ripsup> but I want to be able to have them do this from non-webbrowsers possibly
  39. [01:37:13] <flaccid> you asked this yesterday and if your 'system' is a binary like a gui one, there is no reason why it can't support openid
  40. [01:37:42] <ripsup> Yeah I asked and people started answering an hour after I went to bed :)
  41. [01:37:48] <ripsup> so reasking
  42. [01:38:01] <flaccid> no need to re-ask, read the log
  43. [01:38:12] <ripsup> well there was no clear answer given
  44. [01:38:45] <flaccid> well i just gave you one?
  45. [01:38:53] <flaccid> to get a clear answer you need to ask a clear question
  46. [01:39:20] <ripsup> I'm just trying to figure out what the advantage at that point is of having it be openid
  47. [01:39:41] <flaccid> well thats an entirely different question
  48. [01:40:01] <flaccid> the main advantage is that its one identity and authentication for potentially everything that supports it
  49. [01:40:10] <flaccid> SSO and can be session based
  50. [01:43:23] <samsm> Somewhere between most and all OpenID providers require browser interaction. I think that's true.
  51. [01:43:34] <samsm> Would that be a deal breaker?
  52. [01:43:58] * ignaciogggg ( Quit ()
  53. [01:44:01] <ripsup> When the main use isn't browser based I'm thinking it's not the thing for me, I was just wanting to try and use it but I'm thinking it's really not the thing for me in this case
  54. [01:45:16] <ripsup> I hadn't seen a case myself where someone had used openid with their web services API and was wondering if anyone had done it or it was an overall bad idea
  55. [01:45:32] <flaccid> well the application just needs to support http in some way, it doesn't need a browser object persay
  56. [01:45:53] <samsm> Unless the provider has a trust step that requires a browser.
  57. [01:46:01] <ripsup> yeah I know but at the same time it's not eliminating anything for that app
  58. [01:46:13] <flaccid> the provider will have no idea if its an actual browser or not...
  59. [01:46:40] <ripsup> yeah they wouldn't
  60. [01:47:16] <flaccid> i think you need to stop thinking that openid fits into 'web services'. openid technically is an implementation of a web service. as for proprietary APIs, well you may be able to implement it depending on what the api supports
  61. [01:47:19] <ripsup> I guess I was hoping that there was something I was missing that would change my mind
  62. [01:47:32] <flaccid> i don't see a problem anywhere
  63. [01:47:34] <samsm> At the point where you can render the interface for logging into the provider, specifying profile, trust, you ARE using a browser.
  64. [01:47:56] <ripsup> I'm not look at it's fit into web services
  65. [01:48:05] <flaccid> yes but the client does not have to render HTML.
  66. [01:48:16] <ripsup> I'm looking for a fit into MY web service that I am writing the API for
  67. [01:48:38] <flaccid> well ripsup you can write it however you want
  68. [01:49:17] <samsm> If you are in charge of the provider in question this thing could totally work.
  69. [01:49:40] <samsm> Or if someone made one that is webservice friendly.
  70. [01:49:57] <ripsup> I was just hoping there was something that I had missed and that maybe someone else was doing some implementation I hadn't heard of that would make it seem like the right thing
  71. [01:50:00] <flaccid> you are right however samsm as some interaction doesn't follow http specific params eg. confirmation to allow the site
  72. [01:50:10] <samsm> Yeah, that's what I mean.
  73. [01:50:30] <flaccid> so in that case i would suggest a browser modal window
  74. [01:50:37] <samsm> There's nothing in the openid spec that bars it from working, just common implementation.
  75. [01:50:49] <flaccid> immediate requests wouldn't need it though and if you are already signed on
  76. [01:51:27] <flaccid> see the thing is, openid is a web service, you don't implement it onto another web service, that would technically be breaking spec
  77. [01:52:06] <samsm> Is it web specific? I really don't know.
  78. [01:52:10] <flaccid> eg. there is no soap or restful in the spec heh
  79. [01:52:17] <flaccid> well yes it is, it uses HTTP
  80. [01:52:19] <ripsup> how is that different then having it replace the authentication step of anything else
  81. [01:52:36] <samsm> The argument for OpenID replacing username/password is much more compelling than the argument for replacing API keys.
  82. [01:52:45] <samsm> And the former has not really taken off.
  83. [01:52:46] <flaccid> um, there is no reason to create another lay over the top. its simply client-server architecture
  84. [01:53:24] <ripsup> It's cool, I've understood the issue for a while it was just trying to do the due diligence that the idea wasn't worth it
  85. [01:53:57] <flaccid> there already is a PAM plugin to support openid
  86. [01:54:43] <flaccid> thats an example of no browser
  87. [01:54:44] <flaccid>
  88. [01:57:46] <ripsup> well thanks for your help
  89. [01:58:11] * ripsup ( has left #openid
  90. [02:11:35] * metadaddy_ ( has joined #openid
  91. [02:13:36] * metadaddy (n=metadadd@nat/sun/x-c94fa13179d6d354) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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  93. [02:55:28] * Sammy (n=chatzill@ has joined #openid
  94. [02:57:24] * stub ( has joined #openid
  95. [02:58:22] * Sammy (n=chatzill@ Quit (Client Quit)
  96. [02:58:36] * Sammy (n=chatzill@ has joined #openid
  97. [03:00:47] * Sammy (n=chatzill@ Quit (Client Quit)
  98. [03:43:18] * samsm ( Quit ()
  99. [04:12:25] * mosites ( Quit ("Streamy (")
  100. [05:31:50] * MacTed ( has joined #openid
  101. [05:45:07] * hikoz ( has joined #openid
  102. [05:49:32] * MacTed ( Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
  103. [06:28:40] * hikoz_ ( has joined #openid
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  105. [07:32:28] * bortzmeyer ( has joined #openid
  106. [07:40:13] <keturn> pam-openid isn't a real thing
  107. [07:40:34] <keturn> I think the answer to ripsup's question is probably "you're right; use oauth"
  108. [08:05:54] <flaccid> keturn but oauth != openid
  109. [08:07:20] <flaccid> ripsup failed to specify a problem to solve
  110. [08:56:48] * k0rnel ( Quit (
  111. [08:56:48] * cyberj (n=weechat@2a01:e0b:1:55:240:63ff:feea:9c1) Quit (
  112. [08:56:48] * GabeW ( Quit (
  113. [08:56:48] * Peng_ ( Quit (
  114. [08:58:29] * cyberj (n=weechat@2a01:e0b:1:55:240:63ff:feea:9c1) has joined #openid
  115. [08:58:29] * Peng_ ( has joined #openid
  116. [08:58:29] * k0rnel ( has joined #openid
  117. [08:58:29] * GabeW ( has joined #openid
  118. [09:02:31] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ Quit ("Leaving...")
  119. [10:37:34] * xpo ( Quit ()
  120. [11:06:03] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit ("Leaving.")
  121. [13:16:07] * hikoz_ ( Quit ("Leaving...")
  122. [14:48:46] * xpo ( has joined #openid
  123. [16:07:18] * metadaddy ( has joined #openid
  124. [16:08:17] * xpo ( Quit ()
  125. [16:12:59] * NetersLandreau_ ( has joined #openid
  126. [16:15:54] * NetersLandreau ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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  128. [16:16:10] * NetersLandreau ( has joined #openid
  129. [16:27:36] * jaguarandi (n=darkaj@ has joined #openid
  130. [16:31:53] * ignaciogggg ( has joined #openid
  131. [16:37:17] * mrbig4545 ( has joined #openid
  132. [16:37:56] <mrbig4545> hey guys, im looking to put openid on our site, to make it easier for new users and that
  133. [16:38:14] <mrbig4545> im just wondering what information we would get access to once the user has logged in
  134. [16:38:33] <mrbig4545> sorry if its an obvious question, ive been reading the site, but i havnt got through it all yet!
  135. [16:40:27] * MacTed (n=Thud@ has joined #openid
  136. [16:44:34] * bortzmeyer ( has left #openid
  137. [16:46:03] * daedeloth ( has joined #openid
  138. [16:46:04] <daedeloth>
  139. [16:46:06] <daedeloth> any thoughts?
  140. [16:58:44] * metadaddy ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  141. [16:59:54] * mrbig4545 ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  142. [17:08:32] * xpo (n=xpo@nat/af83/x-fad2c732017fca18) has joined #openid
  143. [17:09:20] * metadaddy ( has joined #openid
  144. [18:37:34] * jcrosby ( has joined #openid
  145. [18:39:59] * ignaciogggg_ ( has joined #openid
  146. [18:46:46] * ignaciogggg ( Quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
  147. [19:34:51] * daedeloth ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  148. [19:48:46] * xpo (n=xpo@nat/af83/x-fad2c732017fca18) Quit ()
  149. [21:04:33] * MrTopf ( has joined #openid
  150. [21:53:03] * MolbO ( has joined #openid
  151. [21:59:44] * MacTed (n=Thud@ Quit ()
  152. [22:51:30] * jcrosby ( Quit ()
  153. [22:52:09] * jcrosby ( has joined #openid
  154. [23:17:37] * ignaciogggg_ ( Quit (Client Quit)
  155. [23:23:24] * flaccid ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  156. [23:48:28] * MrTopf ( Quit ("deconstructing...")

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