IRC Log for #openid on 2009-09-24

Timestamps are in UTC.

  1. [00:00:23] * tbbrown_ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  2. [00:34:55] * Kaliya ( has joined #openid
  3. [00:35:21] * shigeta ( has joined #openid
  4. [00:51:02] * Kaliya ( Quit ("Leaving.")
  5. [00:53:16] * Ideal_ (n=Ideal@2002:50f9:5e67:0:0:0:0:1) Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
  6. [00:54:27] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) has joined #openid
  7. [01:10:42] * Kaliya ( has joined #openid
  8. [01:22:44] * Kaliya ( Quit ("Leaving.")
  9. [01:32:18] * singpolyma ( has joined #openid
  10. [02:42:02] * marclaporte (n=Miranda@ has joined #openid
  11. [03:05:00] * karstensrage ( has joined #openid
  12. [03:18:24] * singpolyma ( Quit ("Lost terminal")
  13. [03:22:37] * Ideal (n=Ideal@2002:50f9:5cde:0:0:0:0:1) has joined #openid
  14. [03:24:13] * flaccid (n=flaccid@unaffiliated/flaccid) Quit ()
  15. [03:28:07] * shigeta_ ( has joined #openid
  16. [03:30:00] * flaccid (n=flaccid@unaffiliated/flaccid) has joined #openid
  17. [03:46:38] * shigeta ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  18. [04:24:14] * karstensrage ( Quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
  19. [04:24:36] * karstensrage ( has joined #openid
  20. [04:27:01] * Ideal (n=Ideal@2002:50f9:5cde:0:0:0:0:1) Quit (Client Quit)
  21. [04:31:39] * Ideal (n=Ideal@2002:50f9:5cde:0:0:0:0:1) has joined #openid
  22. [04:38:25] * Rook- (n=rick@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  23. [05:06:47] * lexical ( has joined #openid
  24. [06:14:35] * Peng_ ( Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
  25. [06:25:41] * Peng_ ( has joined #openid
  26. [06:37:31] * Ideal (n=Ideal@2002:50f9:5cde:0:0:0:0:1) Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
  27. [06:45:07] * Ideal (n=Ideal@2002:50f9:5db7:0:0:0:0:1) has joined #openid
  28. [06:49:52] * hachque ( has joined #openid
  29. [06:50:06] <hachque> when i test my openID
  30. [06:50:13] <hachque> it comes back to the openID endpoint
  31. [06:50:21] <hachque> but for me that's not user specific
  32. [06:50:24] <hachque> is there something i'm missing here?
  33. [06:51:12] <yangman> what do you mean by not user specific?
  34. [06:52:01] <hachque> well i'm trying to use the OpenID PHP library
  35. [06:52:20] <hachque> and when i try to login it goes to
  36. [06:53:30] <hachque> hmm it does that after it requests the user's xrds
  37. [06:55:09] <yangman> it should be making the request with the discovered identity URL
  38. [06:56:11] <hachque> that's the data that's returned when it requests the User's XRDS
  39. [06:56:21] <hachque> apart from the fact that the URI is cutoff for some reason
  40. [06:56:25] <hachque> does it look right?
  41. [06:57:43] <yangman> ?
  42. [06:58:55] <yangman> the flow is it finds the xrds, parses it for endpoint and identity data, then redirect you to the endpoint with the discovered identity packed into the URL
  43. [06:59:21] <yangman> the endpoint then extracts the identity from the GET request
  44. [07:00:41] <hachque> try logging in with at
  45. [07:00:58] <hachque> the browser goes back to
  46. [07:01:03] <hachque> but there's no GET request there///
  47. [07:01:05] <hachque> *...
  48. [07:02:50] <yangman> your identity URL is also your endpoint?
  49. [07:03:23] <hachque> maybe, i'm not sure what i'm meant to be doing lol
  50. [07:03:34] <hachque> i had this half-working ages ago
  51. [07:03:44] <hachque> and now i've forgotten what i need to do :P
  52. [07:03:54] <hachque> that appears to be the endpoint
  53. [07:04:09] <yangman> your xrds isn't valid
  54. [07:04:09] <hachque> brb
  55. [07:04:25] <yangman> there's two Type elements
  56. [07:04:27] <hachque> which xrds?
  57. [07:04:37] <yangman> openid 2.0 and 1.1 endpoints needs to be different services
  58. [07:04:40] <hachque> i was told to put that in there because it's both of them last time i checked..
  59. [07:04:46] <hachque> *both of them if i remember rightly
  60. [07:04:49] <yangman>
  61. [07:05:44] <hachque> so my XRDS URI should be my endpoint and not user specific?
  62. [07:05:44] <yangman> you do need both 1.1 and 2.0 for a lot of the consumers out there, but it's plain wrong right now
  63. [07:05:53] <yangman> no, the content of your XRDS is wrong
  64. [07:07:11] <hachque> yeah i removed the second <Type> attribute
  65. [07:08:12] <yangman> FWIW, I find a lot of the consumers can't deal with XRDS with just a 2.0 endpoit
  66. [07:10:03] <hachque> so i should have it 1.1 then?
  67. [07:10:38] <hachque> oh i set it to 1.1.
  68. [07:10:48] <hachque> and now i get the parameters on the URL
  69. [07:11:13] <yangman> have both
  70. [07:11:27] <hachque> well i had both in there before
  71. [07:11:28] <yangman> and remember that 1.1 needs an extra namespace
  72. [07:11:31] <hachque> and i didn't get parameters
  73. [07:11:34] <yangman> you had it wrong before
  74. [07:12:07] <hachque> i put both back
  75. [07:12:15] <hachque> and now it won't give me parameters
  76. [07:12:20] <hachque> what do you mean i'm doing it wrong
  77. [07:12:24] <hachque> how do i specify both?
  78. [07:13:16] <yangman>
  79. [07:14:08] <yangman> use 1.1 instead of 1.0
  80. [07:14:20] <yangman> otherwise, just take what you need from that example
  81. [07:15:08] <hachque> so i just have two <service> sections
  82. [07:15:23] <hachque> is the prority higher, more important, or higher, less important
  83. [07:15:39] <hachque> well actually since 2.0 doesn't give me any variables
  84. [07:15:41] <hachque> it doesn't matter anyway
  85. [07:15:52] <yangman> 0 is most important
  86. [07:16:49] <yangman> don't forget the xmlns:openid="..." attribute
  87. [07:16:58] * Ideal (n=Ideal@2002:50f9:5db7:0:0:0:0:1) Quit (Client Quit)
  88. [07:30:51] * jochen_ ( has joined #openid
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  90. [07:57:32] * Ideal (n=Ideal@2002:50f9:5db7:0:0:0:0:1) has joined #openid
  91. [08:30:24] * xpo (n=xpo@bearstech/xpo) has joined #openid
  92. [09:11:14] * niekie ( Quit (
  93. [09:11:14] * lemanal ( Quit (
  94. [09:11:14] * GabeW ( Quit (
  95. [09:11:14] * Peng ( Quit (
  96. [09:11:26] * jochen_ ( Quit (
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  99. [09:11:26] * NetersLandreau ( Quit (
  100. [09:11:41] * Ideal (n=Ideal@2002:50f9:5db7:0:0:0:0:1) Quit (
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  105. [09:14:10] * Peng ( has joined #openid
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  110. [09:14:57] * ponchopilate ( has joined #openid
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  114. [09:27:46] * flaccid (n=flaccid@unaffiliated/flaccid) has joined #openid
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  117. [09:28:44] * jochen_ ( has joined #openid
  118. [09:43:50] <hachque> after the person has authenticated on the checkid_setup page
  119. [09:43:55] <hachque> where do i redirect them to and how?
  120. [09:46:00] * hillsy (n=shhi2@ has joined #openid
  121. [09:56:42] * jochen_ ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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  123. [09:58:47] * xpo (n=xpo@bearstech/xpo) Quit ("see yas")
  124. [10:12:28] * Ideal (n=Ideal@2002:50f9:5db7:0:0:0:0:1) Quit (Client Quit)
  125. [10:34:37] * flaccid_ (n=flaccid@ has joined #openid
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  128. [10:44:57] * flaccid_ is now known as flaccid
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  130. [11:24:10] * karstensrage ( Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
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  135. [11:43:21] * tbbrown ( Quit ("leaving")
  136. [12:06:57] * marclaporte (n=Miranda@ Quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
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  138. [12:22:55] * MrTopf ( has joined #openid
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  142. [13:00:09] * shigeta_ ( Quit ("Leaving...")
  143. [13:13:38] * MacTed (n=Thud@ has joined #openid
  144. [13:26:41] * hachque ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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  149. [14:01:24] * Tykling ( has joined #openid
  150. [14:06:11] * abernier ( has left #openid
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  152. [14:43:51] * singpolyma (n=singpoly@ Quit ("Lost terminal")
  153. [14:49:44] * flaccid (n=flaccid@unaffiliated/flaccid) Quit ()
  154. [15:00:39] * Ideal (n=Ideal@2002:50f9:5f58:0:0:0:0:1) has joined #openid
  155. [15:08:28] * Rook- (n=rick@ has joined #openid
  156. [15:08:32] <Rook-> any suggestions?
  157. [15:08:40] <Rook-> I'm looking for an opensource openid server that will support many domains
  158. [15:11:12] <yangman> multi-user?
  159. [15:12:51] <Rook-> yup
  160. [15:13:05] <Rook-> many domains, many users
  161. [15:18:40] <yangman> probably easier to build your own if you can't find anything
  162. [15:18:47] <yangman> the list at is pretty complete
  163. [15:21:49] <Rook-> hrm yea... been trying to get JOS running, but having general issues with spring and tomcat (not being a java guy so much these days)
  164. [15:23:27] * daleolds (n=daleolds@ has joined #openid
  165. [15:23:38] * stub is now known as drunken_master
  166. [15:24:01] * drunken_master is now known as stub
  167. [15:24:18] <yangman> I went with the "write your own route"
  168. [15:41:28] <Rook-> looks like that's the route I'll likely go as well... too bad all these folks who are rolling their own aren't opensourcing them so that all the others who are stuck having to do so don't have to reinvent the wheel :P
  169. [15:42:02] <yangman> well, I am: not what you're looking for, though
  170. [15:42:38] <Rook-> :)
  171. [15:42:44] <Rook-> thx... just sayin :)
  172. [15:42:44] <yangman> although, you could make it multi-user with suEXEC hacks ;)
  173. [15:42:45] <Rook-> heh
  174. [15:43:01] <Rook-> I guess I'll dive into the apis
  175. [15:43:13] <Rook-> thx for the help
  176. [15:43:20] <yangman> np. gl
  177. [16:04:54] * Rook- (n=rick@ has left #openid
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  191. [18:03:29] * Kaliya1 ( Quit ("Leaving.")
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  199. [18:51:31] * asher4857 (n=asher485@ has joined #openid
  200. [18:51:59] <asher4857> is there anyone who would be willing to help me set this up? I'm having issues even running the detect software
  201. [18:56:19] * jochen ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
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  218. [22:08:29] * docgnome (n=docgnome@ has joined #openid
  219. [22:09:07] <docgnome> so i have space on a shared host. because openid works on domain names i shouldn't have an issue where someone else on the shared host would be able to log in as me correct?
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  221. [22:18:39] * niekie ( Quit (Connection timed out)
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