IRC Log for #openid on 2010-01-18
Timestamps are in UTC.
- [00:08:21] <karstensrage>
what do you do?
- [00:10:06] <flaccid>
- [00:10:13] <karstensrage>
like for a living
- [00:10:30] <karstensrage>
im currently out of a job but im a java guy thats been typecast as being interested in mobile
- [00:10:47] <flaccid>
oh right
- [00:10:54] <karstensrage>
im working on my own project and in like pre-angel but its very slow going
- [00:10:55] <flaccid>
i'm an engineer at RightScale. i work in cloud computing
- [00:11:43] <karstensrage>
oh ill apply
- [00:12:14] <flaccid>
but we don't do java :(
- [00:12:23] <karstensrage>
- [00:12:26] <karstensrage>
what do you do?
- [00:12:47] <karstensrage>
haha which one are you?
- [00:12:48] <karstensrage>
- [00:13:06] <flaccid>
im a backline engineer in support, so i basically do everything
- [00:13:18] <karstensrage>
oic youre in santa barbara
- [00:13:19] <flaccid>
um, 2nd from left at back row
- [00:13:38] <karstensrage>
- [00:13:40] <flaccid>
thats HQ. i'm in sydney, australia - rep whole of south-east asia
- [00:13:48] <karstensrage>
oh wow
- [00:13:57] <karstensrage>
i like sydney, one of my favorite cities
- [00:14:29] <karstensrage>
oh well n/m if you dont do java, i dont feel like getting into anything else atm
- [00:14:31] <flaccid>
i'd prefer to live in SB haha
- [00:14:38] <flaccid>
we do ruby mostly
- [00:14:48] <flaccid>
and i'm a python guy, so i look down on it haha
- [00:15:40] <karstensrage>
haha, i look down on all those scripty languages
- [00:15:52] <karstensrage>
you do python cloud computing?
- [00:17:38] <flaccid>
java is too much effort for no gain. great for UI related stuff, but i see no point in coding more
- [00:17:45] <flaccid>
what is 'python cloud computing' ?
- [00:18:19] <karstensrage>
oh i dont know
- [00:18:34] <karstensrage>
java is great for backend stuff.. i dont do any UI
- [00:18:50] <flaccid>
then i don't see the point
- [00:19:00] <flaccid>
its always going to be less code in python
- [00:19:15] <karstensrage>
- [00:19:25] <flaccid>
that was a generalisation..
- [00:20:02] <karstensrage>
for pure language maybe, but for the existing libs and frameworks, you cant even begin to compare with java
- [00:20:10] <flaccid>
back in the day it felt professional and scientific to do strongly-typed, large object implementations. now it just seems pointless
- [00:20:32] <flaccid>
sure java might have more, but python doesn't seem to lack..
- [00:20:43] <karstensrage>
yeah if youre doing a hot dog stand
- [00:21:34] <flaccid>
if you have a look at the python core modules and then have a look at what is available outside of that, you'll find it covers quite a lot
- [00:21:46] <flaccid>
it is very rare that i go to do something and there is not a module
- [00:23:07] <karstensrage>
- [00:23:15] <karstensrage>
we could get into a language war
- [00:23:19] <karstensrage>
but not today :)
- [00:25:59] <flaccid>
- [00:27:47] <karstensrage>
so why are you into openid, that doesnt seem to have anything with what you are doing IRL?
- [00:28:32] <flaccid>
- [00:28:43] <karstensrage>
In Real Life
- [00:28:58] <flaccid>
i wasn't aware that you had to work in the same thing you had interests in
- [00:31:09] <karstensrage>
well you dont.. but you know
- [00:31:12] <karstensrage>
why are you into it?
- [00:31:37] <flaccid>
because of the problems it solves mainly
- [00:31:51] <flaccid>
because its open and its a standard
- [00:32:22] <flaccid>
i'm into dozens of things. i don't like to limit myself in IT.
- [00:32:33] <karstensrage>
oh ok
- [00:32:55] <flaccid>
a lot of people do. i do this. well if thats all you know, you are limiting so many things
- [00:33:07] <karstensrage>
i have a big background in security.. and I took a peripheral interest in openid among a great many other things
- [00:34:34] <flaccid>
- [01:00:45] * mosites ( has joined #openid
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- [01:16:43] * kengyu (n=lex_@ Quit (Client Quit)
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- [01:36:10] * JBellamy (i=82d84d17@gateway/web/freenode/x-jsjcxjumpbvlslti) has joined #openid
- [01:36:21] <JBellamy>
- [01:38:59] * mosites_ ( has joined #openid
- [01:39:23] <flaccid>
- [01:40:27] <JBellamy>
#openID seems to be all the rage!
- [01:41:44] <flaccid>
it is?
- [01:41:53] <JBellamy>
:( No.
- [01:42:59] <flaccid>
- [01:51:06] <JBellamy>
If someone performs a whois on you it would be kind of lolsome. 'Whois flacid'
- [01:51:52] <flaccid>
can i help you?
- [01:52:17] <JBellamy>
Get it, get it??
- [01:52:19] <JBellamy>
- [01:52:22] <flaccid>
- [01:52:38] <JBellamy>
:( It was attempted humour :(
- [01:52:45] * mosites ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [01:52:45] * mosites_ is now known as mosites
- [01:53:17] <flaccid>
oh, there are social channels on freenode
- [01:53:18] <JBellamy>
seeing as the word is an adjective.
- [01:54:10] <flaccid>
why are you here?
- [01:55:55] <JBellamy>
Uh, well I am working on an OP with DotNetOpenAuth at the moment, doesn't that give me a little bit of licence?
- [01:56:13] <flaccid>
licence for what?
- [01:56:29] <JBellamy>
for being in #OpenID?
- [01:56:39] <flaccid>
no such thing
- [01:56:47] <flaccid>
if there is nothing regarding openid i can help with, im going back to work
- [01:56:57] * MarquisDeMizzle ( has joined #openid
- [01:57:57] <JBellamy>
I meant licence in the "freedom to be here" meaning. Work away!
- [01:58:29] <flaccid>
you are welcome to be here, but i aint got time for social chat, so yeah that was a waste of time
- [02:02:32] * JBellamy (i=82d84d17@gateway/web/freenode/x-jsjcxjumpbvlslti) Quit ("Page closed")
- [02:11:42] * mosites ( Quit (Excess Flood)
- [02:16:11] * marclaporte ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [02:16:34] * marclaporte ( has joined #openid
- [02:18:18] * mosites ( has joined #openid
- [02:52:09] * mosites ( Quit ()
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- [03:12:44] * marclaporte ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [03:17:11] * marclaporte ( has joined #openid
- [03:27:03] * MarquisDeMizzle ( has left #openid
- [04:27:04] * marclaporte ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [05:17:31] * marclaporte ( has joined #openid
- [05:24:11] * Kaliya ( has joined #openid
- [05:24:30] * Kaliya ( has left #openid
- [05:24:43] * karstensrage brb
- [05:24:57] * karstensrage ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
- [05:34:52] * karstensrage ( has joined #openid
- [06:43:35] * mosites ( Quit ()
- [07:16:34] * marclaporte ( Quit (Excess Flood)
- [07:21:54] * dwhittle (n=dwhittle@nat/yahoo/x-ccvbfhmisuvgofeb) has joined #openid
- [07:35:41] * dwhittle (n=dwhittle@nat/yahoo/x-ccvbfhmisuvgofeb) Quit ("...")
- [07:37:23] * xpo (n=xpo@bearstech/xpo) Quit ()
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- [15:04:49] * daedeloth ( has joined #openid
- [16:34:53] * MacTed ( Quit ("The computer fell asleep")
- [18:34:59] * mosites ( has joined #openid
- [20:04:38] * marclaporte ( has joined #openid
- [20:31:25] * Purrpler ( has joined #openid
- [20:40:54] * dwhittle (n=dwhittle@nat/yahoo/x-epjvaezltfzavclb) has joined #openid
- [20:41:40] * marclaporte ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [20:47:19] * Purrpler ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- [21:01:43] * dwhittle (n=dwhittle@nat/yahoo/x-epjvaezltfzavclb) Quit ("...")
- [22:56:56] * xpo (n=xpo@bearstech/xpo) has joined #openid
- [23:22:04] * daedeloth ( Quit ("Ex-Chat")
- [23:39:36] * xpo (n=xpo@bearstech/xpo) Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
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- [23:50:15] * xpo_air is now known as xpo
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- [23:52:27] * xpo (n=xpo@bearstech/xpo) has joined #openid
- [23:55:27] * Kaliya ( has joined #openid
- [23:56:37] * Kaliya ( has left #openid
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