IRC Log for #openid on 2010-06-04
Timestamps are in UTC.
- [00:46:39] * shigeta ( has joined #openid
- [00:56:49] * MacTed ( has joined #openid
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- [02:20:52] * karstensrage ( has joined #openid
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- [03:00:57] * prestonc ( has joined #openid
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- [03:41:22] * tbbrown ( has joined #openid
- [05:00:51] * prestonc ( Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
- [06:19:14] * karstensrage2 ( has joined #openid
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- [07:10:46] * cao ( has joined #openid
- [07:11:14] * cao is now known as Guest93872
- [07:27:41] * xpo (~xpo@bearstech/xpo) has joined #openid
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- [23:08:13] * ajsie ( has joined #openid
- [23:08:22] <ajsie>
how do you login using google
- [23:08:28] <ajsie>
what is the open id code i should type in?
- [23:10:04] <yangman>
your google profile page if you have one
- [23:10:13] <ajsie>
- [23:10:16] <ajsie>
what is that?
- [23:10:20] <ajsie>
i have
- [23:10:35] * oxi (~oxi@unaffiliated/oxi) Quit (Quit: oxi)
- [23:12:29] <yangman>
- [23:17:59] <ajsie>
yangman: one actually has to remember that?
- [23:18:08] <ajsie>
i just dont understand how they are thinking sometimes
- [23:18:27] <yangman>
no, google expects consumer implementations to remember it for users
- [23:18:29] <ajsie>
a lot of users are asking..what code? what openid link? so i think...why all these links
- [23:29:01] <ajsie>
i have to use
- [23:29:06] <ajsie>
oh u typed it
- [23:29:15] <ajsie>
but how the heck could this be simple to remember?
- [23:29:32] <ajsie>
why not just type my account or google account and it redirects me to and i type in password
- [23:29:35] <ajsie>
how did they think?
- [23:29:45] * yangman sighs
- [23:29:47] <yangman>
look it up
- [23:29:51] <yangman>
and read the openid spec
- [23:30:01] <ajsie>
i just dont understand them
- [23:30:06] <ajsie> ??
- [23:30:11] <ajsie>
sounds like a joke
- [23:30:14] <yangman>
it's called Directed Identity
- [23:30:39] <ajsie>
i c
- [23:30:39] <yangman>
look it up. if you're still confused after reading the how and why, feel free to ask again
- [23:30:45] <ajsie>
- [23:30:56] <ajsie>
i know how its used
- [23:31:01] <ajsie>
just dont know why that link
- [23:31:11] <ajsie>
better with
- [23:31:16] <ajsie>
they redirect me to that page
- [23:31:18] <yangman>
that's not a URL
- [23:31:26] <ajsie>
they redirect me
- [23:31:31] <ajsie>
why should i remember it
- [23:31:40] <ajsie>
its too long
- [23:31:54] <yangman>
no one's asking users to remember it
- [23:35:25] <ajsie>
i read 2 articles
- [23:35:34] <ajsie>
still have no clue
- [23:35:48] <ajsie>
u said i dont have to remember?
- [23:36:02] <ajsie>
what do i type in then in the openid code?
- [23:36:34] <yangman> read the last section
- [23:38:24] <ajsie>
- [23:38:28] <ajsie>
i understand the process
- [23:38:40] <ajsie>
but i dont understand what code i should type in...its the link u just posted right
- [23:38:46] <ajsie>
- [23:38:49] <yangman>
- [23:38:50] <ajsie>
so i have to remember that?
- [23:39:03] <yangman>
you shouldn't have to
- [23:39:14] <yangman>
let me say that again
- [23:39:17] <ajsie>
u mean copy and paste?
- [23:39:19] <yangman>
it's not intended for you to have to
- [23:39:33] <ajsie>
- [23:39:47] <ajsie>
so when i encounter a "login with openid"
- [23:39:47] <ajsie>
what should i type in?
- [23:40:05] <yangman>
that url
- [23:40:13] <ajsie>
so i have to remember?
- [23:40:30] <yangman>
in this case, yes, because the consumer isn't accomodating it in their UI
- [23:40:44] <ajsie>
- [23:40:52] <yangman>
or, just set up a google profile page and use that istead
- [23:40:55] <ajsie>
so u mean they should have a google logo
- [23:40:59] <ajsie>
when i click on redirects me
- [23:41:20] <ajsie>
that is the case in Stackoverflow
- [23:41:32] <yangman>
yeah. that's how google recommends people do
- [23:41:44] <yangman>
but they've added OpenID support to profile pages so it's no longer mandatory
- [23:42:02] <yangman>
you can use the URL of your google profile page as an identity
- [23:42:09] <ajsie>
- [23:42:12] <ajsie>
im creating one now
- [23:42:21] <ajsie>
why cant i use or
- [23:42:23] <ajsie>
- [23:42:57] <yangman>
technically, nothing
- [23:43:01] <yangman>
that's google's choice
- [23:43:26] <ajsie>
- [23:43:29] <ajsie>
now i have created a google profile
- [23:43:32] <ajsie>
what is the link?
- [23:43:40] <ajsie>
so confused
- [23:44:12] <yangman>
you have to make it public, iirc
- [23:44:23] <yangman>
it'll be<username>
- [23:44:34] <yangman>
it would have also told you, IIRC
- [23:44:38] <yangman>
you should try reading directions
- [23:45:15] <ajsie>
i am...but i get frustrated
- [23:45:29] <ajsie>
when u want to do simple things
- [23:45:41] <ajsie>
but u have to read read read
- [23:45:47] <yangman>
that's not a good reason to push the work onto other people
- [23:45:55] <yangman>
it's quite rude, actually. just so you know
- [23:46:06] <ajsie>
shouldnt be like that if people develope good easy to use solutions
- [23:46:08] <ajsie>
i sorry for my rudness
- [23:46:42] <ajsie>
not my day
- [23:46:47] <ajsie>
thanks for the help!
- [23:46:49] <yangman>
it's a topic that's been discussed to death. OpenID isn't an ideal solution, but it's a practical solution
- [23:46:59] <ajsie>
- [23:47:10] <yangman>
it's limited by how the web works
- [23:47:17] <ajsie>
if they just had the link to google
- [23:47:21] <ajsie>
then everything would be perfect
- [23:47:33] <ajsie>
"enter openid code"
- [23:47:55] <ajsie>
its like "what code?"
- [23:48:15] <ajsie>
0.1% of the world's users will get it
- [23:48:20] <yangman>
well, it claims to be "for coders". assuming knowledge of openid isn't completely unreasonable
- [23:48:45] <ajsie>
should be just for coders
- [23:48:45] <ajsie>
its a good implementation
- [23:48:48] <ajsie>
making it easy to login
- [23:48:56] <ajsie>
shouldnt be i mean
- [23:49:21] <yangman>
well, that's their choice
- [23:49:45] <ajsie>
- [23:50:21] <ajsie>
- [23:50:23] <ajsie>
thanks for the help!
- [23:50:34] <ajsie>
gotto go now
- [23:50:34] <yangman>
- [23:50:35] <ajsie>
sorry for the nagging =)
- [23:50:43] <yangman>
everybody has bad days :)
- [23:50:55] <ajsie>
yeah =)
- [23:50:57] <ajsie>
c u
- [23:50:59] * ajsie ( has left #openid
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