IRC Log for #openid on 2010-07-10

Timestamps are in UTC.

  1. [00:06:16] <yangman> np :)
  2. [00:23:16] * peace-keeper ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
  3. [00:37:36] * benji ( Quit (Quit: leaving)
  4. [00:40:35] * tbbrown ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  5. [02:52:47] * tbbrown ( has joined #openid
  6. [03:36:03] * Kaliya ( has joined #openid
  7. [03:36:23] * Kaliya ( has left #openid
  8. [04:23:00] * Kaliya ( has joined #openid
  9. [04:28:54] * Kaliya ( Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
  10. [06:19:46] * karstensrage ( has joined #openid
  11. [07:03:02] * peace-keeper ( has joined #openid
  12. [08:29:31] * jensn ( has joined #openid
  13. [08:29:31] * jensn ( Quit (Excess Flood)
  14. [08:37:06] * jensn ( has joined #openid
  15. [10:35:34] * oxi (~oxi@unaffiliated/oxi) Quit (Quit: oxi)
  16. [12:34:51] * jdk2588 (~jdk2588@ has joined #openid
  17. [12:50:08] * daedeloth ( has joined #openid
  18. [13:24:21] * daedeloth ( Quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
  19. [14:48:45] * jdk2588 (~jdk2588@ Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  20. [16:04:59] * TehShrike (~TehShrike@ has joined #openid
  21. [16:23:46] * jayarjo (~jagga@ has joined #openid
  22. [16:24:16] <jayarjo> hi people
  23. [16:24:56] <jayarjo> why so little info on the net about this openid thing
  24. [16:25:36] <jayarjo> one probably does need to read the whole specs to do even such small thing as google openid integration
  25. [16:25:43] <jayarjo> :(
  26. [16:26:35] <TehShrike> I was a little surprised at the lack of documentation apparent on the OpenID site
  27. [16:27:35] <jayarjo> does anyone know why janrain php openid library doesn't work with yahoo, google and probably other ssl based identifiers? I've got openssl and curl enabled. do I need some kind of certifications maybe - saw somewhere someone mentioning something like that?
  28. [16:31:59] <jayarjo> damn actually it's not only about https
  29. [16:32:18] <jayarjo> it ignores technorati and flickr
  30. [16:32:51] <jayarjo> no surprise that this thing is still not that widespread as it probably should
  31. [16:32:57] <jayarjo> it's a plain pain
  32. [16:44:52] * Kaliya ( has joined #openid
  33. [17:07:31] * Kaliya ( has left #openid
  34. [17:26:07] <TehShrike> Anyone here have an opinion on Janrain?
  35. [17:59:27] * jdk2588 (~jdk2588@ has joined #openid
  36. [18:16:16] * oxi ( has joined #openid
  37. [18:16:39] * oxi ( Quit (Changing host)
  38. [18:16:39] * oxi (~oxi@unaffiliated/oxi) has joined #openid
  39. [18:39:27] * Kaliya ( has joined #openid
  40. [18:39:51] * oxi (~oxi@unaffiliated/oxi) Quit (Quit: oxi)
  41. [18:43:12] * Kaliya ( has left #openid
  42. [19:30:18] <jayarjo> is this a janrain openid channel?
  43. [19:30:32] <TehShrike> No?
  44. [19:30:33] <jayarjo> I think I found a bug in the lib
  45. [19:30:37] <jayarjo> no?
  46. [19:30:42] <TehShrike> Janrain, or OpenID?
  47. [19:30:49] <TehShrike> This chat room is just about OpenID as far as I can tell
  48. [19:30:58] <TehShrike> I was just wondering if people here had an opinion on Janrain
  49. [19:31:05] <jayarjo> hm
  50. [19:31:22] <jayarjo> I found this on some forum as realted to jainrains openid library
  51. [19:31:24] <TehShrike> I'm rolling forward with Janrain, it looks easy enough
  52. [19:31:34] <jayarjo> this openid and everything is such a mess
  53. [19:31:45] <jayarjo> yeah, it looked easy to me too
  54. [19:31:58] <jayarjo> it's already second day and night I try to make it work
  55. [19:32:06] <TehShrike> Janrain?
  56. [19:32:10] <jayarjo> yep
  57. [19:32:15] <TehShrike> What's the difficulty?
  58. [19:32:18] <TehShrike> It looks really easy
  59. [19:32:28] <jayarjo> it just fails for google, yahoo and some more
  60. [19:32:32] <TehShrike> d'oh
  61. [19:32:52] <jayarjo> but other php implementation are even worse
  62. [19:33:11] <jayarjo> zend doesn't support openid 2.0 as far as I can tell
  63. [19:33:28] <jayarjo> and pear's version doesn't support provider implementation
  64. [19:33:30] <TehShrike> This is Janrain's OpenID, not their own Google/Facebook/Yahoo wrappers, right?
  65. [19:33:47] <jayarjo> you mean lib?
  66. [19:34:27] <jayarjo> they've launched some commercial service - rpx (they renamed it already I think)... god I hate openid :(
  67. [19:34:55] <TehShrike> Janrain doesn't have much to do with OpenID, except that they give you the opportunity to use OpenID alongside other login services
  68. [19:35:36] <jayarjo> I'm talking about this lib:
  69. [19:36:09] <jayarjo> what you are trying to implement?
  70. [19:36:42] <TehShrike> This, now:
  71. [19:36:49] <jayarjo> ah
  72. [19:36:59] <jayarjo> this is piece of cake
  73. [19:37:00] <TehShrike> I didn't see those other libraries
  74. [19:37:19] <jayarjo> that's the commercial service I was talking about
  75. [19:37:31] <TehShrike> Yeah, I'm rolling with the free version for now
  76. [19:37:43] <jayarjo> good luck
  77. [19:37:47] <TehShrike> Thanks :-)
  78. [19:38:01] <jayarjo> I wish it was sufficient for my needs :(
  79. [19:38:10] <TehShrike> What doesn't it do for you?
  80. [19:38:52] <jayarjo> I need to support much more openid providers and got a custom interface to fit
  81. [19:39:12] <jayarjo> and budget is - zero
  82. [19:39:21] <TehShrike> Well, Janrain does wrap up OpenID, too
  83. [19:39:26] <TehShrike> So people could just click on that button
  84. [19:39:32] <TehShrike> And use any other OpenID provider
  85. [19:39:59] <jayarjo> common, people do not know what the hell is openid :)
  86. [19:40:05] <jayarjo> they will shout and run away
  87. [19:40:21] <TehShrike> You don't want to use any of the other services that Janrain wraps up directly, then?
  88. [19:40:26] <TehShrike> You want to stick to pure OpenID?
  89. [19:41:07] <jayarjo> hm... not sure what you mean, do I miss a point here?
  90. [19:41:37] <TehShrike> Look at my dummy testing site:
  91. [19:41:46] <TehShrike> OpenID is up there, for the other nerds who know about it <3
  92. [19:41:58] <TehShrike> But it's also got the stupid-easy Google/Facebook/Twitter signon for everyone else
  93. [19:44:40] <jayarjo> yeah
  94. [19:44:52] <jayarjo> that's the thing
  95. [19:45:11] <jayarjo> but I do not want to stick with pure openid
  96. [19:45:18] <jayarjo> I've got wrappers as well
  97. [19:45:51] <jayarjo> but no matter wrappers or not when I pass the final openid url to that janrain lib it just fails to resolve it
  98. [19:46:38] <jayarjo> and there is no documentation about it, nowhere
  99. [19:46:48] <jayarjo> one just needs to read the source
  100. [19:48:33] <jayarjo> and that's what I'm doing...
  101. [19:49:12] <jayarjo> senod night already...
  102. [19:49:55] <jayarjo> if openid proceeds to exist the same way it does now, I think it will just silently die out at some point
  103. [19:55:25] * jdk2588 (~jdk2588@ Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
  104. [20:10:10] <jayarjo> found a BUG
  105. [20:10:37] <jayarjo> shit... what a waste
  106. [20:19:29] * Kaliya ( has joined #openid
  107. [20:23:11] * Kaliya ( has left #openid
  108. [20:55:50] * jayarjo (~jagga@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  109. [20:57:05] * peace-keeper ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  110. [22:33:23] * jensn ( Quit (Quit: jensn)
  111. [23:12:49] * peace-keeper ( has joined #openid

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