IRC Log for #openid on 2011-04-17

Timestamps are in UTC.

  1. [02:30:03] * singpolyma ( Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
  2. [03:12:35] * aga (3cf17dfd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #openid
  3. [03:12:52] <aga> Hi all
  4. [03:13:37] <aga> I wan't to host my own OpenID identity provider to use just for myself (and maybe some friends, but for now just for myself)
  5. [03:16:06] <aga> I have a webserver with limited rights (e.g. can't sudo), but I managed to get PHP OpenID Library to work, only to find out that it is deprecated and doesn't have a fully function server/identity provider module
  6. [03:17:00] <aga> Since there are so many libraries out there I was wondering if someone could give me a hint on which libraries I should check out
  7. [03:17:36] <yangman> afaik none of the openid libraries can act as full-fledged providers on their own
  8. [03:18:53] <yangman> so, you either have to roll your own or run one of the simpler OPs
  9. [03:28:02] * singpolyma ( has joined #openid
  10. [03:46:33] <aga> @yangman so there is no 'easy' way to become my own identity provider?
  11. [03:51:08] <yangman> aga: I wrote my own:
  12. [03:51:25] <aga> interesting, thx
  13. [03:52:29] <aga> awesome! looks good, I'll try to set it up :)
  14. [03:53:03] <yangman> I recommend grabbing git version, but it's not documented
  15. [03:56:39] <aga> ic ill give it a go :)
  16. [03:59:05] <yangman> just ping me if you need help. git version moved a lot of the configuration to environment variables so that it'd be easier to setup for multi-user
  17. [03:59:25] <yangman> but I don't remember how much of it is actually done, and none of it is documented
  18. [04:00:07] <aga> ic, where is the .git?
  19. [04:00:24] <yangman>
  20. [04:00:54] <aga> hmm, i can't use git checkout with that?
  21. [04:01:07] <yangman>
  22. [04:01:09] <yangman> :)
  23. [04:01:15] <aga> aah ok just download the files :)
  24. [04:01:16] <yangman> you can also git clone that, actually
  25. [04:01:29] <yangman> git has HTTP support
  26. [04:02:46] <aga> aah worked :)
  27. [04:17:34] <aga> yangman: :( my webserver has python 2.5.2 :/ you think it will work or is 2.6 essential?
  28. [04:18:00] <yangman> 2.6 is essential, unfortunately
  29. [04:18:08] <aga> darn webhosts
  30. [04:18:09] <yangman> it uses __future__ stuff
  31. [04:35:01] <aga> well thx for the info :) ill be looking into this stuff some later time
  32. [04:35:50] <yangman> np. gl
  33. [05:01:18] * aga (3cf17dfd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
  34. [09:50:38] * k42b3 ( has joined #openid
  35. [17:09:31] * marclaporte ( has joined #openid
  36. [22:54:28] * k42b3 ( Quit ()

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