IRC Log for #microformats on 2006-05-18

Timestamps are in UTC.

Show: JOIN's QUIT's/PART's MODE's jibot mfbot
  1. [00:02:22] * EliasT ( Quit ("Trillian (")
  2. [00:15:05] * Atamido ( Quit (Excess Flood)
  3. [00:15:58] * Atamido ( has joined #microformats
  4. [00:19:03] * pnhChris ( Quit ()
  5. [00:19:16] * KevinMarks (n=Snak@pdpc/supporter/active/kevinmarks) Quit ("The computer fell asleep")
  6. [00:51:15] * bewest (n=ben@httpcraft/bewest) has left #microformats
  7. [00:52:48] * evanpro (n=evanpro@pdpc/supporter/silver/evanpro) Quit (
  8. [00:52:48] * qid ( Quit (
  9. [00:53:10] * evanpro (n=evanpro@pdpc/supporter/silver/evanpro) has joined #microformats
  10. [01:23:43] * jakedahn ( has joined #microformats
  11. [01:23:57] * LTjake ( Quit ("Chatzilla 0.9.73 [Firefox]")
  12. [01:32:10] * Kura ( Quit ()
  13. [01:54:59] * amette ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  14. [02:12:23] * tantek ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  15. [02:47:56] * jakedahn ( Quit ()
  16. [02:51:41] * KevinMarks ( has joined #microformats
  17. [03:11:14] * mlinksva (n=mlinksva@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/mlinksva) Quit (Success)
  18. [03:13:06] * d4rr3ll ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  19. [03:14:41] * d4rr3ll ( has joined #microformats
  20. [04:05:05] * pnhChris ( has joined #microformats
  21. [04:05:05] <jibot> pnhChris is Chris Casciano, blogs at , and a member of the Web Standards Project.
  22. [04:11:51] * imajes (n=imajes@growl/imajes) has joined #microformats
  23. [04:35:21] * imajes (n=imajes@growl/imajes) Quit ()
  24. [04:39:00] * Jonnay ( has joined #microformats
  25. [04:39:00] <jibot> Jonnay is a programmer, graphic designer and musician. He blogs at and his music is at
  26. [04:45:04] * Jonna1 ( has joined #microformats
  27. [04:45:54] * schepers ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  28. [04:46:17] * schepers ( has joined #microformats
  29. [04:48:06] * Jonnay ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  30. [04:57:19] * lunatech ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  31. [04:57:54] * lunatech ( has joined #microformatS
  32. [04:59:47] * bergie ( has joined #microformats
  33. [04:59:47] <jibot> bergie is lives in Finland and blogs at and Midgard CMS developer
  34. [05:41:51] * bergie ( Quit ()
  35. [06:13:48] * imajes (n=imajes@growl/imajes) has joined #microformats
  36. [06:30:30] * pnhChris ( Quit ()
  37. [06:42:05] * Jonna1 ( Quit ("Leaving.")
  38. [06:54:50] * briansuda (n=briansud@ has joined #microformats
  39. [06:54:51] <jibot> briansuda is brian suda of X2V fame
  40. [06:56:27] * Kura ( has joined #microformats
  41. [07:50:49] * Kura ( Quit ()
  42. [08:06:02] * trovster ( has joined #microformats
  43. [08:06:02] <jibot> trovster is a web developer from the UK who writes on and runs
  44. [08:09:35] * TheMaecenati ( has joined #microformats
  45. [08:20:18] * bergie ( has joined #microformats
  46. [08:20:18] <jibot> bergie is lives in Finland and blogs at and Midgard CMS developer
  47. [08:21:09] <trovster> Hey briansuda, got a Q
  48. [08:22:12] <briansuda> go ahead
  49. [08:22:50] <trovster> My problem now occurs for teams with spaces in the country, namely "Costa Rica", "Ivory Coast", "Czech Rep", "South Korea" and "Saudi Arabia". I'm not sure how I can fix this as it all works fine on my end but the parsing script on Suda doesn't seem to like having "+" in the URL to parse such as "". While that is a valid URL on my end, it doesn't seem to see the URL as a validly structured document on Sud
  50. [08:24:52] <briansuda> there is a weird encoding issues with the '+'
  51. [08:26:17] <briansuda> it might need to be URL encoded as %?? as opposed to +
  52. [08:27:37] <trovster> So, it's your end? He says it's being urlencoded()d
  53. [08:28:31] <briansuda> it is a problem on my end, try the Technorati feed theirs works slightly differently
  54. [08:28:56] <briansuda> it is the same issue as the private link you sent me awhile ago
  55. [08:29:22] * briansuda (n=briansud@ Quit ()
  56. [08:35:59] * dtonyd (n=d@ has joined #microformats
  57. [08:36:08] * Kura ( has joined #microformats
  58. [08:37:01] <trovster> Are there any walkthroughs in setting up the x2v service locally? He's having problems...
  59. [08:46:43] * briansuda (n=briansud@ has joined #microformats
  60. [08:46:44] <jibot> briansuda is brian suda of X2V fame
  61. [08:48:12] <trovster> briansuda: Are there any walkthroughs in setting up the x2v service locally? He's having problems...
  62. [08:48:23] <briansuda> all the source code for the php is on
  63. [08:48:50] <briansuda> there is not much to setup, it is a single php file. so it is not working then he might not have the libraries
  64. [09:01:32] <briansuda> trovster, i just tested the link from the error is from the Tidy web service
  65. [09:02:19] <trovster> Excuse me?
  66. [09:06:50] <briansuda> the "" fails not at X2V, but at the Tidy service for some reason, i guess they don't like the +
  67. [09:07:12] <trovster> What Tidy service, the HTML validator (FF extension) ?
  68. [09:07:54] <briansuda> to make sure the pages are valid, the PHP code tries to TIDY the pages
  69. [09:08:32] <briansuda> it is calling an external web service to do so, but that service doesn't seem to like the '+'
  70. [09:11:29] <briansuda>
  71. [09:11:53] <briansuda> that link fails because the + is not escaped to %2B
  72. [09:13:02] <trovster> It's a valid URL with the + though, that is urlencoded for a space
  73. [09:15:32] <briansuda> not in this case, because it is escaping it to %2B and not %20, there is URLEncode, and RAWUrlEncode the RAW is +, %20 is plain urlencode
  74. [09:18:10] <trovster>
  75. [09:37:50] * amette__ ( has joined #microformats
  76. [09:42:06] * amette__ is now known as amette
  77. [09:43:31] * bergie ( Quit ()
  78. [09:43:40] * bergie ( has joined #microformats
  79. [09:50:09] * imajes (n=imajes@growl/imajes) Quit ()
  80. [09:51:20] * imajes (n=imajes@growl/imajes) has joined #microformats
  81. [10:34:44] * briansuda (n=briansud@ Quit ()
  82. [10:42:14] * Atamido_ ( has joined #microformats
  83. [10:46:57] * Atamido ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  84. [10:47:10] * Atamido_ is now known as Atamido
  85. [10:55:00] * LTjake ( has joined #microformats
  86. [11:30:15] * briansuda (n=briansud@ has joined #microformats
  87. [11:30:15] <jibot> briansuda is brian suda of X2V fame
  88. [11:44:50] * lunatech ( Quit ("leaving")
  89. [12:51:24] * Remi ( has joined #microformats
  90. [13:06:04] * pnhChris ( has joined #microformats
  91. [13:06:05] <jibot> pnhChris is Chris Casciano, blogs at , and a member of the Web Standards Project.
  92. [13:16:45] * dtonyd (n=d@ Quit ("rcirc on GNU Emacs")
  93. [13:23:04] * briansuda (n=briansud@ Quit ()
  94. [13:36:30] * briansuda (n=briansud@ has joined #microformats
  95. [13:36:30] <jibot> briansuda is brian suda of X2V fame
  96. [13:40:24] * briansuda (n=briansud@ Quit (Client Quit)
  97. [13:59:28] <yakk> man, rdfa is cool
  98. [14:03:48] * briansuda (n=briansud@ has joined #microformats
  99. [14:03:48] <jibot> briansuda is brian suda of X2V fame
  100. [14:04:27] * DanC_lap ( has joined #microformats
  101. [14:06:38] * bad1 ( has joined #microformats
  102. [14:07:08] <trovster> briansuda: Prepare to get hit tomorrow, the WCKO site is going live!
  103. [14:07:25] <briansuda> not a prob.
  104. [14:09:49] * bad1 ( has left #microformats
  105. [14:11:49] <briansuda> if you are worried about performance from my server, you can use the technorati site as well.
  106. [14:15:13] * KevinMarks (n=Snak@pdpc/supporter/active/kevinmarks) Quit ("The computer fell asleep")
  107. [14:21:29] * badd ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  108. [14:33:33] * markp ( has joined #microformats
  109. [14:37:58] * DanC_lap ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  110. [14:40:53] * markp_ ( has joined #microformats
  111. [14:41:19] * markp ( Quit (Nick collision from services.)
  112. [14:41:28] * davecardwell ( Quit (
  113. [14:41:28] * Hixie ( Quit (
  114. [14:41:32] * markp_ is now known as markp
  115. [14:41:42] * davecardwell ( has joined #microformats
  116. [14:41:42] * Hixie ( has joined #microformats
  117. [14:57:07] * tantek ( has joined #microformats
  118. [14:57:08] <jibot> tantek is Tantek <> and works on Technorati and develops microformats <>
  119. [14:57:41] * ChanServ sets mode +o tantek
  120. [15:12:42] * jcgregorio ( has joined #microformats
  121. [15:15:06] <hlb> hello.
  122. [15:15:23] <hlb> any progress on ?
  123. [15:16:25] <briansuda> hlb, This page was last modified 16:06, 12 May 2006
  124. [15:16:53] * hlb don't know how to use microformats to markup a book.
  125. [15:17:36] <hlb> there is someone working on in Taiwan.
  126. [15:17:54] <briansuda> you should add that to the wiki.
  127. [15:18:08] <briansuda> there has not been awhole lot of discussion on books recently on the mailing list
  128. [15:18:09] <hlb> but the online book store is still in low-tech era :(
  129. [15:19:53] <hlb> hmm
  130. [15:20:03] <hlb> briansuda: I think it is what I want:
  131. [15:20:06] <hlb> :D
  132. [15:20:32] <briansuda> the citations are a work in progress
  133. [15:21:16] <hlb> hmmm.
  134. [15:22:16] <hlb> it is interesting that we have markup for online books & citations, but little on real books.
  135. [15:27:31] <trovster> briansuda:
  136. [15:28:11] <briansuda> excellent!
  137. [15:28:46] <trovster> :D
  138. [15:31:32] <hlb> wow.
  139. [15:32:40] * briansuda (n=briansud@ Quit ()
  140. [15:40:23] * RobertBachmann ( has joined #microformats
  141. [15:40:23] <jibot> RobertBachmann is Robert Bachmann <> and lives in Austria (Timezone: UTC+02)
  142. [15:40:46] <trovster> hlb: What's wow?
  143. [15:42:01] <hlb> trovster: wow = wa = so cool :-P
  144. [15:42:19] <trovster> heh, footie fan then
  145. [15:42:41] <hlb> :-P
  146. [15:43:09] * tantek ( Quit ()
  147. [15:44:56] <mfbot> [[Main Page]] * 1147968974 * (+2714)
  148. [15:44:56] * mlinksva (n=mlinksva@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/mlinksva) has joined #microformats
  149. [15:44:56] <jibot> mlinksva is Mike Linksvayer and from Creative Commons
  150. [15:45:12] <mfbot> [[Talk:start-simple]] N * 1147968974 * (+2714)
  151. [15:45:23] <mfbot> [[Talk:press-jp]] N * 1147968974 * (+2714)
  152. [15:45:28] <mfbot> [[media-info-formats]] N * 1147968974 * (+2714)
  153. [15:45:40] <mfbot> [[press-jp]] * 1147968974 * (+2714)
  154. [15:45:46] <mfbot> [[Talk:review-formats]] N * 1147968974 * (+2714)
  155. [15:45:57] <mfbot> [[Talk:xoxo-brainstorming]] N * 1147969032 * (+2714)
  156. [15:46:08] <mfbot> [[mfo-formats]] N * 1147969032 * (+2714)
  157. [15:46:14] <mfbot> [[Talk:rest/examples]] N * 1147969032 * (+2714)
  158. [15:46:25] <mfbot> [[chat-brainstorming]] N * 1147969032 * (+2714)
  159. [15:46:36] <mfbot> [[Brian]] N * 1147969032 * (+2714)
  160. [15:48:38] <Remi> spam bots...
  161. [15:49:27] <mfbot> [[Brian]] M * Remi * (-2714) revert spam
  162. [15:49:33] <mfbot> [[chat-brainstorming]] M * Remi * (-2714) revert spam
  163. [15:49:39] <mfbot> [[Talk:rest/examples]] M * Remi * (-2714) revert spam
  164. [15:49:45] <mfbot> [[mfo-formats]] M * Remi * (-2714) revert spam
  165. [15:49:51] <mfbot> [[Talk:xoxo-brainstorming]] M * Remi * (-2714) revert spam
  166. [15:50:02] <mfbot> [[Talk:review-formats]] * Remi * (-2714) rever
  167. [15:50:18] <mfbot> [[press-jp]] M * Remi * (-2714) revert spam
  168. [15:50:24] <mfbot> [[media-info-formats]] M * Remi * (-2714) revert spam
  169. [15:50:30] <mfbot> [[Talk:press-jp]] M * Remi * (-2714) revert spam
  170. [15:50:41] <mfbot> [[Talk:start-simple]] M * Remi * (-2714) revert spam
  171. [15:50:47] <mfbot> [[Main Page]] M * Remi * (-2714) revert spam
  172. [15:51:01] * Kura ( Quit ()
  173. [15:55:22] * bear_afk is now known as bear
  174. [15:56:51] * RobertBachmann ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  175. [16:02:03] <mfbot> [[Special:Log/block]] * RobertBachmann * (+0) blocked "User:1147968974" with an expiry time of infinite: Spam
  176. [16:02:20] * RobertBachmann ( has joined #microformats
  177. [16:02:33] <RobertBachmann> stupid spammers
  178. [16:02:43] <RobertBachmann> Remi: thanks for reverting
  179. [16:02:54] <mfbot> [[Special:Log/block]] * RobertBachmann * (+0) blocked "User:1147969032" with an expiry time of infinite: Spam
  180. [16:03:00] <Remi> no problem, i do that on a few wikis :)
  181. [16:03:25] <mfbot> [[Special:Log/delete]] * RobertBachmann * (+0) deleted "Talk:rest/examples": Spam
  182. [16:04:07] <mfbot> [[Special:Log/delete]] * RobertBachmann * (+0) deleted "Talk:start-simple": Spam
  183. [16:04:18] <mfbot> [[Special:Log/delete]] * RobertBachmann * (+0) deleted "Talk:press-jp": Spam
  184. [16:04:23] <mfbot> [[Special:Log/delete]] * RobertBachmann * (+0) deleted "Talk:review-formats": Spam
  185. [16:05:49] * hober (n=ted@unaffiliated/hober) has joined #microformats
  186. [16:05:49] <jibot> hober is Edward O'Connor and works for EVDB on and lives in San Diego, CA (-08:00)
  187. [16:09:45] <mfbot> [[hcalendar]] * Trovster * (+194) Examples in the wild -
  188. [16:11:17] * bergie ( Quit ()
  189. [16:14:22] * bewest (n=ben@httpcraft/bewest) has joined #microformats
  190. [16:14:23] <jibot> bewest is curious about emerging standards and works for
  191. [16:24:46] * EliasT ( has joined #microformats
  192. [16:27:25] * RobertBachmann ( Quit ("Leaving")
  193. [16:30:24] * schepers ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  194. [16:38:18] * bergie ( has joined #microformats
  195. [16:38:18] <jibot> bergie is lives in Finland and blogs at and Midgard CMS developer
  196. [16:47:43] * bergie ( Quit ()
  197. [16:51:11] * KevinMarks ( has joined #microformats
  198. [16:58:45] * lisppaste4 ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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  200. [17:07:40] * trovster ( Quit ()
  201. [17:09:18] * Remi ( Quit ()
  202. [17:23:53] * mlinksva (n=mlinksva@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/mlinksva) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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  204. [17:45:48] * bear is now known as bear_mtg
  205. [18:06:57] * edsu (n=esummers@ Quit ("leaving")
  206. [18:17:15] * pnhChris ( has joined #microformats
  207. [18:17:16] <jibot> pnhChris is Chris Casciano, blogs at , and a member of the Web Standards Project.
  208. [18:31:12] * EliasT ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  209. [18:31:35] * tantek ( has joined #microformats
  210. [18:31:35] <jibot> tantek is Tantek <> and works on Technorati and develops microformats <>
  211. [18:32:08] * ChanServ sets mode +o tantek
  212. [18:37:48] * dmose ( Quit ("Leaving")
  213. [18:41:09] * tantek sets mode +o KevinMarks
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  215. [18:44:49] * valmont ( has joined #microformats
  216. [18:49:44] * mlinksva (n=mlinksva@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/mlinksva) has joined #microformats
  217. [18:49:45] <jibot> mlinksva is Mike Linksvayer and from Creative Commons
  218. [18:51:27] * bear is now known as bear_lunch
  219. [18:56:24] * bad1 ( has joined #microformats
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  224. [19:30:37] * bergie ( has joined #microformats
  225. [19:30:38] <jibot> bergie is lives in Finland and blogs at and Midgard CMS developer
  226. [19:38:29] * bergie ( Quit ()
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  248. [21:57:19] * LTjake ( has joined #microformats
  249. [22:01:38] * davecardwell ( Quit (
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  254. [22:07:31] * markp ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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  261. [23:10:54] * dbaron (n=dbaron@ Quit ("g'night")
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  264. [23:39:15] * schepers (n=schepers@ Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))

These logs were automatically created by mflogbot on using a modified version of the Java IRC LogBot.

See for more information.