IRC Log for #microformats on 2006-12-07

Timestamps are in UTC.

Show: JOIN's QUIT's/PART's MODE's jibot mfbot
  1. [00:02:18] * dylanfm ( has joined #microformats
  2. [00:03:30] * tantek ( Quit ()
  3. [00:07:50] <bewest> there is a key distinction there: microformats isn't a technique
  4. [00:07:59] <bewest> in other words, it's not "a way"
  5. [00:09:39] <bewest> microformats use techniques to come up with specific applications
  6. [00:09:56] * dylanfm ( has left #microformats
  7. [00:14:37] <Azath0th> good morning
  8. [00:16:04] <veeliam> morning
  9. [00:25:43] * bear is now known as bear_afk
  10. [00:30:35] * shigeta ( has joined #microformats
  11. [00:34:08] * brianoberkirch ( has joined #microformats
  12. [00:40:45] * Loosive ( has joined #microformats
  13. [00:43:50] * DavidMead ( has joined #microformats
  14. [00:48:14] * DavidMead ( has left #microformats
  15. [00:57:57] * Mr_Elusive ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  16. [00:59:50] * hober (n=ted@unaffiliated/hober) Quit ("ERC Version 5.1.3 (IRC client for Emacs)")
  17. [01:02:00] * Loosive ( Quit (" | Some kind of raid boss")
  18. [01:19:53] * tantek ( has joined #microformats
  19. [01:19:54] * ChanServ sets mode +o tantek
  20. [01:19:54] <jibot> tantek is Tantek <> and works on Technorati and develops microformats <>
  21. [01:29:43] * tantek ( Quit ()
  22. [01:32:18] * booddin ( has joined #microformats
  23. [01:32:35] * vmarks ( has joined #microformats
  24. [01:32:35] <jibot> vmarks is in NC
  25. [01:32:56] <booddin> hello all.
  26. [01:37:58] * brianoberkirch ( Quit ()
  27. [01:38:16] * mlinksva (n=mlinksva@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/mlinksva) Quit ("Leaving")
  28. [01:39:34] * bear_afk is now known as bear
  29. [01:44:37] * bear is now known as bear_afk
  30. [01:56:43] * tantek (n=tantek@ has joined #microformats
  31. [01:56:43] * ChanServ sets mode +o tantek
  32. [01:56:43] <jibot> tantek is Tantek <> and works on Technorati and develops microformats <>
  33. [02:00:12] * defunkt ( Quit ()
  34. [02:26:52] * brianoberkirch ( has joined #microformats
  35. [02:31:57] * brianoberkirch ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  36. [02:48:26] * tantek (n=tantek@ Quit ()
  37. [02:57:39] * cgriego ( Quit ()
  38. [03:05:03] * bear_afk is now known as bear
  39. [03:12:34] * tantek ( has joined #microformats
  40. [03:12:34] * ChanServ sets mode +o tantek
  41. [03:12:34] <jibot> tantek is Tantek <> and works on Technorati and develops microformats <>
  42. [03:13:44] * veeliam (n=veeliam@ has left #microformats
  43. [03:43:44] * pnhChris ( Quit ()
  44. [04:11:42] * blakestar ( Quit ()
  45. [04:19:59] * booddin ( Quit ("Leaving")
  46. [04:38:47] * tantek ( Quit ()
  47. [05:08:39] * mlinksva (n=mlinksva@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/mlinksva) has joined #microformats
  48. [05:08:39] <jibot> mlinksva is Mike Linksvayer and from Creative Commons
  49. [05:40:13] * divoxx (n=rodrigo@ Quit ("I'm done here")
  50. [06:11:45] <KevinMarks> ?whois mflogbot
  51. [06:11:45] <jibot> mflogbot is logging #microformats (
  52. [06:11:46] * GabeW (i=gwachob@pdpc/supporter/professional/GabeW) has joined #microformats
  53. [06:39:07] * Charl ( has joined #microformats
  54. [06:39:08] <jibot> Charl is Charl van Niekerk and writes about standards at
  55. [06:41:58] * charles_r ( has joined #microformats
  56. [06:42:22] * ryanlowe ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  57. [06:49:54] * bear is now known as bear_afk
  58. [07:21:48] * [1]mrben (n=mrben@ Quit (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
  59. [07:24:16] * Charl ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  60. [07:24:54] * izo_ ( has joined #microformats
  61. [07:29:42] * [1]mrben (n=mrben@ has joined #microformats
  62. [07:38:20] * _fil__ ( has joined #microformats
  63. [07:39:52] * Charl ( has joined #microformats
  64. [07:39:52] <jibot> Charl is Charl van Niekerk and writes about standards at
  65. [07:42:29] * _fil___ ( has joined #microformats
  66. [07:44:15] * vant ( has joined #microformats
  67. [07:46:41] * _fil__ ( Quit ("leaving")
  68. [07:47:13] * _fil___ ( Quit (Client Quit)
  69. [08:02:47] * kensanata (n=alex@pdpc/supporter/active/kensanata) has joined #microformats
  70. [08:09:21] * bengee (n=bengee@ has joined #microformats
  71. [08:09:22] <jibot> bengee is Benjamin Nowack (
  72. [08:42:04] * vant_ ( has joined #microformats
  73. [08:53:03] * malware (n=mikes@ has joined #microformats
  74. [08:56:03] * vant ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  75. [09:10:21] * trovster ( has joined #microformats
  76. [09:10:21] <jibot> trovster is a web developer from the UK who writes on and helps with
  77. [09:12:42] * bergie ( has joined #microformats
  78. [09:12:42] <jibot> bergie is lives in Finland and blogs at and Midgard CMS developer
  79. [09:21:27] * csarven ( Quit ()
  80. [09:29:58] * Ronnos ( has joined #microformats
  81. [09:29:59] <jibot> Ronnos is Ron Kok, a friendly student Communication and Multimedia Design in The Netherlands
  82. [09:42:28] * Prometheus^ ( has joined #microformats
  83. [09:43:05] * [1]mrben (n=mrben@ Quit (" Try HydraIRC -> <-")
  84. [09:44:50] * BenWard ( has joined #microformats
  85. [09:44:50] <jibot> BenWard is Ben Ward of ( 0000/ 0100 GMT)
  86. [10:10:38] * shigeta ( Quit ("Leaving...")
  87. [10:20:49] * pecus (n=pecus@ has joined #microformats
  88. [11:02:17] * tantek ( has joined #microformats
  89. [11:02:17] * ChanServ sets mode +o tantek
  90. [11:02:17] <jibot> tantek is Tantek <> and works on Technorati and develops microformats <>
  91. [11:17:16] * Ronnos ( Quit ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox 2.0/2006101023]")
  92. [11:18:44] * julianstahnke ( has joined #microformats
  93. [11:18:44] <jibot> julianstahnke is Julian Stahnke and works for and implements microformats wherever he can
  94. [11:26:05] * stellaris ( has joined #microformats
  95. [11:37:17] * julianstahnke_ ( has joined #microformats
  96. [11:37:17] * julianstahnke ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  97. [11:50:44] * kensanata (n=alex@pdpc/supporter/active/kensanata) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  98. [12:11:57] * stellaris ( has left #microformats
  99. [12:32:13] * DavidMead ( has joined #microformats
  100. [12:33:15] * DavidMead ( has left #microformats
  101. [13:23:03] * kapowaz ( Quit ("leaving")
  102. [13:30:35] * kapowaz ( has joined #microformats
  103. [13:32:41] * malware (n=mikes@ Quit ("Get behind me, satan.")
  104. [13:35:39] * kapowaz ( Quit ("leaving")
  105. [13:35:48] * kapowaz ( has joined #microformats
  106. [13:36:08] * bergie ( Quit ()
  107. [13:41:27] * bergie ( has joined #microformats
  108. [13:48:24] * bergie ( Quit ()
  109. [13:48:32] * bergie ( has joined #microformats
  110. [14:02:06] * Mr_Elusive ( has joined #microformats
  111. [14:02:06] <jibot> Mr_Elusive is not a programmer from id but makes his home at
  112. [14:19:25] * chimprawk ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  113. [14:49:26] * csarven ( has joined #microformats
  114. [14:49:26] <jibot> csarven is Sarven Capadisli and can be found online at
  115. [14:55:38] * blakestar ( has joined #microformats
  116. [15:02:35] * Charl ( Quit ()
  117. [15:08:36] * raxor ( has joined #microformats
  118. [15:08:37] <jibot> raxor is in southern California, near LA
  119. [15:08:39] * mkaply (i=mkaply@nat/ibm/x-c77ccd9eeb34d2c8) has joined #microformats
  120. [15:09:32] <raxor> svg-chump
  121. [15:09:43] <raxor> svg-chump, C
  122. [15:09:52] <raxor> svg-chump, help
  123. [15:09:59] <raxor> gah!
  124. [15:13:25] <kapowaz> indeed!
  125. [15:35:10] * malware (n=mikes@ has joined #microformats
  126. [15:35:14] * pnhChris ( has joined #microformats
  127. [15:35:14] <jibot> pnhChris is Chris Casciano, blogs at , and a member of the Web Standards Project.
  128. [15:35:23] * Cloud_ (n=Cloud@ has joined #microformats
  129. [15:35:23] <jibot> Cloud_ is Cloud
  130. [15:35:42] * Cloud_ (n=Cloud@ Quit (Client Quit)
  131. [15:37:00] * vant_ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  132. [15:39:35] * Charl (n=Charl@ has joined #microformats
  133. [15:39:36] <jibot> Charl is Charl van Niekerk and writes about standards at
  134. [15:46:20] * bergie ( Quit ()
  135. [15:50:52] * Cloud ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  136. [16:01:48] * cgriego ( has joined #Microformats
  137. [16:01:48] <jibot> cgriego is Chris Griego (-06:00) and a front-end architect with
  138. [16:02:40] * cgriego ( has left #Microformats
  139. [16:08:03] * Ronnos ( has joined #microformats
  140. [16:08:03] <jibot> Ronnos is Ron Kok, a friendly student Communication and Multimedia Design in The Netherlands
  141. [16:14:36] * malware (n=mikes@ Quit ("Get behind me, satan.")
  142. [16:20:37] * vant ( has joined #microformats
  143. [16:21:19] * bear_afk is now known as bear
  144. [17:01:34] * divoxx (n=rodrigo@ has joined #microformats
  145. [17:04:58] * KevinMarks (n=Snak@pdpc/supporter/active/kevinmarks) Quit ("The computer fell asleep")
  146. [17:05:44] * bergie ( has joined #microformats
  147. [17:05:44] <jibot> bergie is lives in Finland and blogs at and Midgard CMS developer
  148. [17:06:03] * pecus (n=pecus@ Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  149. [17:07:47] * defunkt ( has joined #microformats
  150. [17:32:47] * Ronnos ( Quit ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox 2.0/2006101023]")
  151. [17:42:46] * kingryan ( has joined #microformats
  152. [17:42:46] * ChanServ sets mode +o kingryan
  153. [17:42:46] <jibot> kingryan is ryan king
  154. [17:46:14] * BenWard ( Quit ()
  155. [17:49:14] * Charl (n=Charl@ Quit ()
  156. [17:59:51] * popov ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  157. [18:07:32] * f2woof ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  158. [18:07:40] * HarryH (n=hhalpin@ has joined #microformats
  159. [18:12:53] * trovster ( Quit ()
  160. [18:16:18] * Prometheus^ ( Quit ("Leaving")
  161. [18:23:57] <HarryH> Ryan King - you around?
  162. [18:24:06] <kingryan> hi HarryH , yeah
  163. [18:24:07] <HarryH> I have a quick favor or two to ask from you...
  164. [18:24:31] <HarryH> We're demoing GRDDL in about 3 hours at XML 2006 to audience which is slightly microformat skeptical
  165. [18:24:33] <kingryan> sure
  166. [18:24:49] <HarryH> And we need to demonstrate the interop between FOAF and XFN
  167. [18:24:58] <HarryH> as well as how we can use hReview.
  168. [18:25:22] <HarryH> So, what I need is for you to add a rel="colleague" or rel="contact" to my URI:
  169. [18:25:32] <kingryan> ah, ok
  170. [18:25:47] <HarryH> and then if I send you a review for a sushi restaurant in Boston you can post it in your URI space.
  171. [18:25:53] <HarryH> Somewhere.
  172. [18:26:00] <kingryan> I already have reviews posted on my blog
  173. [18:26:09] <HarryH> But are they GRDDL'able?
  174. [18:26:15] <HarryH> We're trying to do the demo live.
  175. [18:26:23] <kingryan> they're hreview, I can add grddl links if you like
  176. [18:26:39] <HarryH> That would be great.
  177. [18:26:45] <HarryH> Do you have any reviews for *anything* in boston
  178. [18:26:52] <HarryH> It makes the example more realistic :)
  179. [18:26:55] <HarryH> We're in boston right now...
  180. [18:26:56] <kingryan> ah, no
  181. [18:27:01] <HarryH> Have you ever been to boston?
  182. [18:27:05] <kingryan> mostly music reviews
  183. [18:27:22] <HarryH> Ever, say, ate at a restaurant in Boston?
  184. [18:27:32] <kingryan> never been to boston, actually
  185. [18:27:36] <HarryH> Ack.
  186. [18:27:55] <HarryH> Hmmmm....
  187. [18:28:21] <HarryH> Howabout anywhere in the northeast?
  188. [18:28:43] <HarryH> OK.
  189. [18:29:09] <kingryan> nothing that I've written a review about
  190. [18:29:16] <HarryH> Could you just host a review for us till tonight?
  191. [18:29:19] <kingryan> sure
  192. [18:29:22] <HarryH> OK.
  193. [18:29:23] * cgriego_ ( has joined #Microformats
  194. [18:29:27] <HarryH> I'll send you a review in a few minutes.
  195. [18:29:30] <kingryan> k
  196. [18:30:03] <HarryH> Then after the presentation we'll rework the example to be in SanFran or wherever you are :)
  197. [18:30:19] <HarryH> Or maybe Monster Mash in Edinburgh.
  198. [18:30:31] <mkaply> Want to have a Firefox toolbar that detects Microformats? :)
  199. [18:30:49] <HarryH> I do but damn things seem only to work on WIndows :( and I run ubuntu
  200. [18:30:55] <kingryan> mkaply: there are some ff extensions that do this already
  201. [18:31:22] <mkaply> kingryan: yeah. We came up with some designs at the Firefox Summit a couple weeks ago to do it better. This was before I'd seen drewm's toolbar
  202. [18:31:53] <mkaply> We've got something we're going to release in the next week or so that allows user installable microformats and handlers for the microformats
  203. [18:32:00] <mkaply> and full customization of the toolbar.
  204. [18:32:05] <kingryan> cool
  205. [18:32:12] <mkaply> I still haven't figured out if there is a "user action' for hReview though
  206. [18:32:30] <mkaply> a good user action that is
  207. [18:32:33] <kingryan> you could index/store them on the client
  208. [18:32:45] <kingryan> you can also add item hcards to the address book
  209. [18:32:58] <mkaply> yeah. I just added bookmark support - you can save any microformat as a data url in bookmarks
  210. [18:36:05] <HarryH> kingryan: Here's the link of the pseudoreview that we need you to put somewhere in your URI space for the rest of the day:
  211. [18:36:49] <kingryan> k
  212. [18:36:53] * bear is now known as bear_afk
  213. [18:37:34] <kingryan>
  214. [18:38:01] <HarryH> Thanks!
  215. [18:38:10] <HarryH> I'll send you an e-mail when it's okay to yank it down.
  216. [18:38:29] <HarryH> I'll do a mini-advertisement for all your microformat review in the presentation...
  217. [18:48:24] <mkaply> Question for you all. So I'm looking at this microformat cheat sheet that someone created. And for instance, for hreview, it says "item" with an "fn" is mandatory
  218. [18:49:51] <mkaply> So if I see an hReview without an item, I mark that as an invalid hReview. Is that a correct thing to do?
  219. [18:49:53] * RobertBachmann ( has joined #microformats
  220. [18:49:53] <jibot> RobertBachmann is Robert Bachmann <> from Austria (TZ: 0100)
  221. [18:50:10] <kingryan> sure, because an hreview without an item is meaningless
  222. [18:51:17] <mkaply> kingryan: there are quite a few examples referenced on the "in the wild" page that are missing items
  223. [18:51:50] <kingryan> then please remove them or move to them to a section called "examples with problems" and leave a note about why they're wrong
  224. [18:52:29] <mkaply> kingryan: ok. I've setup my toolbar so that it can run in debug mode and show the invalid microformats and allow you to get a popup telling why they are incorrect
  225. [18:54:03] * hober (n=ted@unaffiliated/hober) has joined #microformats
  226. [19:04:19] * Phae ( has joined #microformats
  227. [19:04:19] <jibot> Phae is Frances Berriman of
  228. [19:04:43] <Phae> freenode is nice and snappy tonight.
  229. [19:04:52] * malware (n=mikes@ has joined #microformats
  230. [19:14:27] * bear_afk is now known as bear
  231. [19:16:47] * KevinMarks ( has joined #microformats
  232. [19:16:57] * ChanServ sets mode +o KevinMarks
  233. [19:17:30] * julianstahnke_ ( Quit ()
  234. [19:27:07] * Prometheus^ ( has joined #microformats
  235. [19:27:16] * bengee (n=bengee@ Quit ("Leaving")
  236. [19:27:26] <kingryan> hi Phae
  237. [19:28:08] <Phae> hey ryan
  238. [19:28:15] <Phae> I am here, but putting together a tree...
  239. [19:28:39] <jinx> christmas tree?
  240. [19:28:46] <kingryan> or binary tree?
  241. [19:28:54] <Phae> the christmas variety.
  242. [19:29:04] <Phae> my housemate brought one home, and decorations, so i'm doing it
  243. [19:29:07] * Phae is a bit fussy.
  244. [19:40:28] * cgriego_ ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  245. [19:41:09] * cgriego ( has joined #Microformats
  246. [19:41:09] <jibot> cgriego is Chris Griego (-06:00) and a front-end architect with
  247. [19:50:19] * Prometheus^ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  248. [20:01:02] * vant_ ( has joined #microformats
  249. [20:03:32] * ajturner ( has joined #microformats
  250. [20:04:25] * ajturner ( Quit (Client Quit)
  251. [20:04:32] * ajturner ( has joined #microformats
  252. [20:06:08] * Prometheus^ ( has joined #microformats
  253. [20:08:36] * vant ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  254. [20:10:33] * bear is now known as bear_afk
  255. [20:10:34] * izo_ ( Quit ()
  256. [20:14:40] * bergie ( Quit ()
  257. [20:30:00] <Phae> done.
  258. [20:31:53] * miyagawa ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  259. [20:33:21] * miyagawa ( has joined #microformats
  260. [20:36:39] * RobertBachmann ( Quit ("Leaving.")
  261. [20:47:57] * lisppaste4 ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  262. [20:50:56] * malware (n=mikes@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  263. [20:51:05] * lisppaste4 ( has joined #microformats
  264. [21:00:00] * cgriego ( has left #Microformats
  265. [21:15:40] * Booddin ( has joined #microformats
  266. [21:16:40] * shawn ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  267. [21:18:50] * bergie ( has joined #microformats
  268. [21:18:50] <jibot> bergie is lives in Finland and blogs at and Midgard CMS developer
  269. [21:19:31] * Booddin ( Quit ("Xirc - MacOSX")
  270. [21:24:34] * shawn ( has joined #microformats
  271. [21:26:33] * bear_afk is now known as bear
  272. [21:35:16] * booddin ( has joined #microformats
  273. [21:36:20] * tantek ( Quit ()
  274. [21:43:31] * f2woof (n=f2woof@ has joined #microformats
  275. [21:49:30] * remi ( has joined #microformats
  276. [21:49:30] <jibot> remi is Remi Prevost, a web developper (yeah, that's how we spell "developer" in french) from Quebec and blogs about web stuff at <>
  277. [21:50:40] * cgriego_ ( has joined #Microformats
  278. [21:51:15] * cgriego_ ( has left #Microformats
  279. [22:06:39] * booddin ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  280. [22:07:35] * DavidMead ( has joined #microformats
  281. [22:07:59] * DavidMead ( has left #microformats
  282. [22:20:57] * HarryH (n=hhalpin@ Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  283. [22:25:54] * izo_ ( has joined #microformats
  284. [22:27:51] * Prometheus^ ( Quit ("Leaving")
  285. [22:32:22] * veeliam (n=veeliam@ has joined #microformats
  286. [22:32:22] <jibot> veeliam is William Lawrence of Quiddities Dev out of Santa Cruz and he does something at and here and there
  287. [22:35:31] * shawn ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  288. [22:36:12] * shawn ( has joined #microformats
  289. [22:44:09] * charlie_r ( has joined #microformats
  290. [22:44:12] * tantek_ ( has joined #microformats
  291. [22:45:57] * mkaply (i=mkaply@nat/ibm/x-c77ccd9eeb34d2c8) Quit ("Leaving")
  292. [22:52:23] * BenWard (n=BenWard@ has joined #microformats
  293. [22:52:23] <jibot> BenWard is Ben Ward of ( 0000/ 0100 GMT)
  294. [22:56:54] * cgriego ( has joined #Microformats
  295. [22:56:55] <jibot> cgriego is Chris Griego (-06:00) and a front-end architect with
  296. [23:02:06] * trilluser ( has joined #microformats
  297. [23:02:22] * tantek ( has joined #microformats
  298. [23:02:22] * ChanServ sets mode +o tantek
  299. [23:02:22] <jibot> tantek is Tantek <> and works on Technorati and develops microformats <>
  300. [23:04:45] <trilluser> is there a common standard for utilizing the abbr design pattern with telephone numbers similar to using date-times?
  301. [23:04:58] * tantek_ ( Quit (Connection timed out)
  302. [23:05:08] * ajturner ( Quit ()
  303. [23:05:31] <trilluser> for example: <abbr title="1-555-555-5555">(555) 555-5555</abbr>
  304. [23:07:37] <tantek> greetings
  305. [23:07:53] <trilluser> hello
  306. [23:08:16] * Phae ( Quit ("Peace and Protection 4.22")
  307. [23:13:16] <trilluser> i have a couple of questions with regards to using hcards on a website as a whole
  308. [23:13:43] <trilluser> i've seen numerous websites where the hcard is embedded on the footer of every page, but then hidden using CSS display:none
  309. [23:14:25] <tantek> numerous?
  310. [23:14:45] <tantek> could you add the examples to and note that?
  311. [23:14:56] * charles_r ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  312. [23:15:04] <trilluser> i'll see if i can go through my history and find them again
  313. [23:15:41] <trilluser> i'm interested in your thoughts with regards to making this information invisible but still accessible to microformat tools
  314. [23:16:12] * bergie ( Quit ()
  315. [23:18:20] <hober> visible data is preferred to invisible data
  316. [23:20:11] * vant_ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  317. [23:20:55] <kingryan> visible data will be better quality
  318. [23:24:49] * ryanlowe ( has joined #microformats
  319. [23:24:49] <jibot> ryanlowe is Ryan Lowe,
  320. [23:27:06] * mfbot (n=mfbot@ has joined #microformats
  321. [23:27:07] <jibot> mfbot is a little bot kingryan put together with pieces from mediawiki to report on wiki changes and
  322. [23:27:13] <kingryan> welcome back mfbot
  323. [23:27:21] <kingryan> stay around awhile
  324. [23:27:28] * trilluser ( has left #microformats
  325. [23:28:48] * BenWard (n=BenWard@ Quit ()
  326. [23:29:24] <mfbot> [[Special:Log/rights]] * RyanKing * (+0) Rights for user "User:BenWest" set "": +sysop
  327. [23:29:35] <mfbot> [[Special:Log/rights]] * RyanKing * (+0) Rights for user "User:Phae" set "": +sysop
  328. [23:29:56] <mfbot> [[Special:Log/rights]] * RyanKing * (+0) Rights for user "User:DrewMcLellan" set "": +sysop
  329. [23:31:20] * ChanServ sets mode +o bewest
  330. [23:34:27] <mfbot> [[openid]] MN * AndyMabbett * (+33) redirect
  331. [23:35:56] * cgriego ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  332. [23:36:29] <mfbot> [[openid-brainstorming]] M * AndyMabbett * (+104) links
  333. [23:36:31] * cgriego ( has joined #Microformats
  334. [23:43:42] * izo_ ( Quit ()
  335. [23:43:54] * cgriego ( has left #Microformats
  336. [23:45:03] * defunkt ( Quit ()
  337. [23:53:01] * tantek ( Quit ()

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