IRC Log for #microformats on 2007-01-12

Timestamps are in UTC.

  1. [00:00:03] * mustaqila_ ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  2. [00:00:32] * mustaqila_ ( has joined #microformats
  3. [00:18:02] * lhalff ( has left #microformats
  4. [00:23:03] * daggi ( Quit ()
  5. [00:26:44] * jkridner (i=a0321898@nat/ti/x-1eedefcdbd290f46) Quit ("Leaving.")
  6. [00:34:39] * sreynen_ ( has joined #microformats
  7. [00:38:17] * shigeta ( has joined #microformats
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  10. [00:51:35] * sreynen (n=sreynen@ Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
  11. [00:53:34] * KevinMarks (n=Snak@pdpc/supporter/active/kevinmarks) Quit ("The computer fell asleep")
  12. [00:55:15] * sreynen_ ( Quit ()
  13. [00:55:26] * sreynen ( has joined #microformats
  14. [00:55:26] * ChanServ sets mode +o sreynen
  15. [01:04:55] * hober (n=ted@unaffiliated/hober) Quit ("ERC Version 5.1.3 (IRC client for Emacs)")
  16. [01:06:26] * blakestar_ ( Quit ()
  17. [01:12:34] * bear is now known as bear_afk
  18. [01:13:51] * amanuel ( has joined #microformats
  19. [01:13:51] <jibot> amanuel is Amanuel, the social ambassador at
  20. [01:17:38] * Loosive is now known as Mr_Elusive
  21. [01:21:40] * KevinMarks ( has joined #microformats
  22. [01:21:50] * ChanServ sets mode +o KevinMarks
  23. [01:26:36] * chimezie ( has joined #microformats
  24. [01:26:36] <jibot> chimezie is Chimezie Ogbuji - He is a mammal
  25. [01:26:57] * chimezie ( has left #microformats
  26. [01:43:26] * KevinMarks (n=Snak@pdpc/supporter/active/kevinmarks) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  27. [01:47:12] * KevinMarks ( has joined #microformats
  28. [01:47:22] * ChanServ sets mode +o KevinMarks
  29. [02:04:49] * kingryan ( Quit ()
  30. [02:08:44] * monkinetic_ ( has joined #microformats
  31. [02:15:27] * lisppaste4 ( Quit (Success)
  32. [02:20:53] * KevinMarks (n=Snak@pdpc/supporter/active/kevinmarks) Quit ("The computer fell asleep")
  33. [02:21:51] * lisppaste4 ( has joined #microformats
  34. [02:39:16] * Prometheus^ ( Quit ()
  35. [02:40:23] * szaboat (n=szaboat@huwico/member/szaboat) Quit ()
  36. [02:44:35] * blibbet ( has joined #microformats
  37. [02:51:49] * Faerris (n=faerris@ has joined #microformats
  38. [03:02:24] <Faerris> ?def
  39. [03:02:25] <jibot> Braindump available at:
  40. [03:05:47] * monkinetic_ is now known as redmonk
  41. [03:07:25] * bear_afk is now known as bear
  42. [03:11:41] * BobJonkman ( has joined #microformats
  43. [03:26:30] * csarven ( Quit ()
  44. [03:28:18] * BobJonkma1 ( has joined #microformats
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  47. [03:55:41] * factoryjoe ( has joined #microformats
  48. [04:08:11] <mfbot> [[hcard-examples-in-wild]] M * SeeIt360 * (+140) Examples -
  49. [04:08:52] * mlinksva (n=mlinksva@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/mlinksva) Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
  50. [04:09:37] <mfbot> [[hcard-examples-in-wild]] M * SeeIt360 * (-1) Examples -
  51. [04:13:28] <mfbot> [[hcard-examples-in-wild]] M * SeeIt360 * (+4) Examples -
  52. [04:14:22] * blibbet ( Quit (Client Quit)
  53. [04:34:36] * tantek ( Quit ()
  54. [04:35:03] * pnhChris ( has joined #microformats
  55. [04:35:03] <jibot> pnhChris is Chris Casciano, blogs at , and a member of the Web Standards Project.
  56. [04:44:28] * bear is now known as bear_afk
  57. [05:07:39] * factoryjoe ( Quit ()
  58. [05:22:58] * defunkt ( Quit ()
  59. [05:25:13] * bergie ( has joined #microformats
  60. [05:25:13] <jibot> bergie is lives in Finland and blogs at and Midgard CMS developer
  61. [05:34:42] * KevinMarks ( has joined #microformats
  62. [05:34:52] * ChanServ sets mode +o KevinMarks
  63. [05:44:35] * mkaply ( Quit ("Leaving")
  64. [06:04:02] * mlinksva (n=mlinksva@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/mlinksva) has joined #microformats
  65. [06:04:02] <jibot> mlinksva is Mike Linksvayer and from Creative Commons
  66. [06:09:49] * pnhChris ( Quit ()
  67. [06:21:00] * redmonk ( Quit ("goodbye. *bamph*")
  68. [06:23:06] * bergie ( Quit ()
  69. [06:32:02] <mfbot> [[User:RichQuick]] N * RichQuick * (+255)
  70. [06:32:33] <mfbot> [[User:RichQuick]] * RichQuick * (-22)
  71. [06:33:09] <mfbot> [[User:RichQuick]] * RichQuick * (+22)
  72. [06:38:50] <mfbot> [[what-are-microformats]] * RichQuick * (+128) Richard Quick - Added a no that
  73. [06:38:56] <mfbot> [[hcard-fr]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (+0) Implémentations -
  74. [06:43:28] <mfbot> [[hcard-fr]] * ChristopheDucamp * (-8) Extraction de Valeur - fixing error on class="type"
  75. [06:45:34] <mfbot> [[hcard-fr]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (+1) Extraction de Valeur -
  76. [07:10:29] * mlinksva (n=mlinksva@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/mlinksva) Quit (
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  86. [07:38:53] * tantek (n=tantek@ has joined #microformats
  87. [07:38:53] * ChanServ sets mode +o tantek
  88. [07:38:53] <jibot> tantek is Tantek <> and works on Technorati and develops microformats <>
  89. [07:42:18] * tantek (n=tantek@ Quit (Client Quit)
  90. [07:42:37] <mfbot> [[hreview]] * Nikolaus * (+54) References -
  91. [07:47:08] * bergie ( has joined #microformats
  92. [07:47:08] <jibot> bergie is lives in Finland and blogs at and Midgard CMS developer
  93. [07:47:35] * mlinksva (n=mlinksva@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/mlinksva) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  94. [08:11:29] * drewinthehead (i=mclellan@nat/yahoo/x-b2c078ef3a24fa08) has joined #microformats
  95. [08:11:29] * ChanServ sets mode +o drewinthehead
  96. [08:11:29] <jibot> drewinthehead is the author of hKit and a developer for Yahoo! Europe
  97. [08:41:59] * bengee (n=bengee@ has joined #microformats
  98. [08:42:00] <jibot> bengee is Benjamin Nowack (
  99. [08:56:08] * bergie ( Quit ()
  100. [09:01:29] * stuup ( has joined #microformats
  101. [09:02:31] * trovster ( has joined #microformats
  102. [09:02:31] <jibot> trovster is a web developer from the UK who writes on and helps with
  103. [09:10:47] * Lachy ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  104. [09:11:13] * Lachy ( has joined #microformats
  105. [09:25:13] * McNulty ( has joined #microformats
  106. [09:25:13] <jibot> McNulty is Ciaran McNulty (
  107. [09:25:16] <McNulty> morning
  108. [09:29:58] <drewinthehead> morning McNulty
  109. [09:30:26] <McNulty> So I was thinking, there's been a bit of discussion about a unique root class name for the citation microformat
  110. [09:30:39] <McNulty> With HTML profiles, do we still need root elements to have unique names?
  111. [09:45:44] <drewinthehead> unique in what context?
  112. [09:50:13] <McNulty> There's the idea that the root element (vcard, vevent, hcite) should be relatively unique
  113. [09:50:23] <McNulty> as in not likely to be used outside the context of the microformat
  114. [09:50:23] <McNulty>
  115. [09:51:03] * Faerris (n=faerris@ Quit ("Leaving")
  116. [09:54:37] * tantek ( has joined #microformats
  117. [09:54:37] * ChanServ sets mode +o tantek
  118. [09:54:37] <jibot> tantek is Tantek <> and works on Technorati and develops microformats <>
  119. [09:55:01] <McNulty> hi Tantek, was just talking about the discussion on the mailing list about root element class names
  120. [09:55:39] <McNulty> I was wondering where the need for uniqueness came from, given that we can use html profiles to disambiguate?
  121. [09:56:33] <tantek> cheap disambiguation for the majority of authors
  122. [09:56:47] <McNulty> right
  123. [09:56:51] <tantek> who may already be using semantic class names
  124. [09:57:07] <tantek> and thus by using uniqueish *root* class names
  125. [09:57:23] <McNulty> but we still want to keep the non-root class names generic?
  126. [09:57:59] <drewinthehead> if generic means simple and descriptive ...
  127. [09:58:15] <tantek> it enables the creation of CSS selectors (and thus rules) with the root class names and generic class names which can then be constructed to avoid collisions with existing rules etc., and existing rules can be changed as well to avoid the context of the unique root class names if necessary
  128. [09:58:23] <tantek> McNulty - yes
  129. [09:58:52] <tantek> the property names we keep generic because generic names are easier to remember and use when used to mean generic things
  130. [09:59:30] <tantek> and there is no practical need to uniqueify them since their presence inside an element with a uniqueish class name acts as a lightweight inline namespace of sorts
  131. [10:05:10] * McNulty ( has left #microformats
  132. [10:08:30] * JMulder ( has joined #microformats
  133. [10:23:54] <KevinMarks> it's not so much generic as common - using the same names for the same things in different places
  134. [10:28:49] * iand ( has joined #microformats
  135. [10:28:49] <jibot> iand is Ian Davis who blogs at
  136. [10:57:47] * szaboat (n=szaboat@huwico/member/szaboat) has joined #microformats
  137. [11:14:00] * charles_r ( has joined #microformats
  138. [11:24:51] * amanuel ( Quit ()
  139. [11:27:28] * bergie ( has joined #microformats
  140. [11:27:28] <jibot> bergie is lives in Finland and blogs at and Midgard CMS developer
  141. [11:33:57] * szaboat (n=szaboat@huwico/member/szaboat) Quit ()
  142. [11:41:59] * drewinthehead_ (i=mclellan@nat/yahoo/x-899ef82004a487ca) has joined #microformats
  143. [11:41:59] * ChanServ sets mode +o drewinthehead_
  144. [11:49:32] * drewinthehead_ (i=mclellan@nat/yahoo/x-899ef82004a487ca) Quit ()
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  146. [12:01:24] * Prometheus^ ( has joined #microformats
  147. [12:03:01] * julianstahnke ( has joined #microformats
  148. [12:03:01] <jibot> julianstahnke is Julian Stahnke and works for and implements microformats wherever he can
  149. [12:24:24] * iand ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  150. [12:44:04] * monkinetic_ ( has joined #microformats
  151. [12:46:19] * monkinetic_ ( Quit (Client Quit)
  152. [12:50:57] * briansuda (n=briansud@ has joined #microformats
  153. [12:50:57] * ChanServ sets mode +o briansuda
  154. [12:50:57] <jibot> briansuda is brian suda of and is at (-0000 GMT) and is author of "Using Microformats" for O'Reilly []
  155. [13:30:02] * amanuel ( has joined #microformats
  156. [13:30:02] <jibot> amanuel is Amanuel, the social ambassador at
  157. [13:33:13] * szaboat (n=szaboat@huwico/member/szaboat) has joined #microformats
  158. [13:35:35] * julianstahnke ( Quit ()
  159. [13:38:03] * shigeta ( Quit ("Leaving...")
  160. [13:39:27] * shawn ( has joined #microformats
  161. [13:49:48] * julianstahnke ( has joined #microformats
  162. [13:49:48] <jibot> julianstahnke is Julian Stahnke and works for and implements microformats wherever he can
  163. [13:56:04] <mfbot> [[history-examples]] * JeremyBoggs * (+126) HTML-based Timelines -
  164. [13:59:05] <mfbot> [[history-examples]] M * JeremyBoggs * (+21) Participants -
  165. [14:08:03] * monkinetic ( has joined #microformats
  166. [14:08:03] <jibot> monkinetic is redmonk is SteveIvy is Steve Ivy -
  167. [14:13:03] <szaboat> bye
  168. [14:13:12] * szaboat (n=szaboat@huwico/member/szaboat) Quit ()
  169. [14:18:05] * monkinetic ( Quit ("Download Gaim:")
  170. [14:18:33] * monkinetic ( has joined #microformats
  171. [14:22:47] <mfbot> [[hcard-issues]] * AndyMabbett * (+165) vCard update mechanism is RFC
  172. [14:25:48] <mfbot> [[vcard-suggestions]] * AndyMabbett * (+82) Extensions for Instant Messaging
  173. [14:26:29] <mfbot> [[hcard]] * AndyMabbett * (+90) Further Reading - Extensions for Instant Messaging
  174. [14:29:31] * iand ( has joined #microformats
  175. [14:29:31] <jibot> iand is Ian Davis who blogs at
  176. [14:29:58] * mkaply (i=mkaply@nat/ibm/x-a42dfd357a7bb900) has joined #microformats
  177. [14:29:58] <jibot> mkaply is Michael Kaply <> and is the developer of Operator <>
  178. [14:33:26] * sreynen_ (n=sreynen@ has joined #microformats
  179. [14:33:35] <monkinetic> hi mkaply
  180. [14:33:44] <mkaply> hey
  181. [14:49:53] * sreynen ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  182. [14:53:51] * SamRose ( has joined #microformats
  183. [14:53:52] <jibot> SamRose is found at,,,, and
  184. [14:56:15] * szaboat (n=szaboat@huwico/member/szaboat) has joined #microformats
  185. [14:57:02] * chimprawk ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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  187. [15:07:00] * pnhChris ( has joined #microformats
  188. [15:07:00] <jibot> pnhChris is Chris Casciano, blogs at , and a member of the Web Standards Project.
  189. [15:08:31] * szaboat (n=szaboat@huwico/member/szaboat) Quit ()
  190. [15:09:12] * charles_r ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  191. [15:11:35] <monkinetic> sweet. i fixed my tagspace urls
  192. [15:11:56] <monkinetic> that was bugging me
  193. [15:13:07] <monkinetic> is there an accepted expectiation of what resides at site/tagspace/ ?
  194. [15:13:40] <monkinetic> if site./tagspace/tag points to a listing of objects for a tag
  195. [15:20:29] * Ronnos ( has joined #microformats
  196. [15:20:29] <jibot> Ronnos is Ron Kok, a friendly student Communication and Multimedia Design in The Netherlands
  197. [15:23:47] <mfbot> [[abbr-design-pattern]] * Sudimiy * (+95) Discussion -
  198. [15:24:43] * Cloud ( has joined #microformats
  199. [15:24:43] <jibot> Cloud is
  200. [15:28:17] * Prometheus^ ( Quit ()
  201. [15:29:04] * charles_r ( has joined #microformats
  202. [15:36:57] * bergie ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  203. [15:39:43] * csarven ( has joined #microformats
  204. [15:39:43] <jibot> csarven is Sarven Capadisli and can be found online at
  205. [15:39:57] * DerekS (n=DerekS@unaffiliated/dereks) has joined #microformats
  206. [15:40:41] * szaboat (n=szaboat@huwico/member/szaboat) has joined #microformats
  207. [15:41:55] <DerekS> hello. i have a bunch of microformat related questions, is anyone around to answer?
  208. [15:43:01] * bear_afk ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  209. [15:43:26] <briansuda> go ahead and ask away
  210. [15:44:05] * bear ( has joined #microformats
  211. [15:44:49] <DerekS> briansuda: i am alittle confused. if i wanted say my contact info to be a microformat, would i write a script on my website to parse it out, or is it more like an rss feed that youput a related link tag, and the browser knows what to do?
  212. [15:45:46] <monkinetic> DerekS: you would modify your site template/html to contain the elements/classes.
  213. [15:45:51] <briansuda> you can simply add the semantic class names into the HTML
  214. [15:46:07] <briansuda> then other scripts/plugins will find that data and allow others to extract it
  215. [15:46:13] <briansuda> do you have a specific URL?
  216. [15:46:28] <DerekS> briansuda: yes i do. i am confused though what you mean
  217. [15:46:44] <briansuda> ok, well if you have a LINK we can try to walk through it
  218. [15:47:51] <DerekS> briansuda: right now its a gallery2 install..
  219. [15:47:59] <DerekS> this is more of for my personal knowledge
  220. [15:48:06] <DerekS> than caring about implementing (right now)
  221. [15:48:48] * briansuda is looking
  222. [15:49:09] <monkinetic> DerekS: do you have contact info right now on that site?
  223. [15:49:33] <monkinetic> if not, then a good place to start is the hcard-creator
  224. [15:49:35] <DerekS> monkinetic: no
  225. [15:49:45] <DerekS>
  226. [15:49:48] <monkinetic> you can enter in your contact info and it will gnerate a starting html structure
  227. [15:49:52] <DerekS> i did that about 30 seconds ago
  228. [15:49:53] <monkinetic> yeah
  229. [15:49:53] <DerekS> yeah
  230. [15:50:18] <monkinetic> put that on your site, and sites like technorati, or plugins like operator can extract the contact info
  231. [15:50:22] <monkinetic> in the case of hcard
  232. [15:50:31] <DerekS> so it actually has to be in the html of my website?
  233. [15:50:35] <monkinetic> yes
  234. [15:51:02] <DerekS> its not like rss feed that gets picked up based on a link rel tag, or .ico that is always looked for?
  235. [15:51:06] <monkinetic> the "h" in front of many of the microformats is left over from the fact that they are implemented in HTML
  236. [15:51:12] <monkinetic> no
  237. [15:51:23] <DerekS> <div class="vcard">
  238. [15:51:26] <DerekS> thats the first line
  239. [15:51:33] <DerekS> how does it know that iti s a microformat
  240. [15:51:36] <monkinetic> right.
  241. [15:51:38] <DerekS> and not some other div i made?
  242. [15:51:52] <briansuda> it can be any element, it doesn't have to be div
  243. [15:52:01] <monkinetic> plugins or apps that are microformat aware only look for the class="vcard"
  244. [15:52:04] <briansuda> it just has to 'wrap' all the other information
  245. [15:52:19] <briansuda> maybe an example from the wiki would help you understand a bit more?
  246. [15:52:28] <DerekS> ahh
  247. [15:52:29] <DerekS> ok
  248. [15:52:53] <DerekS> as i said before, i have almost no intention of implementing (i don't really have a public website that would benefit from this)
  249. [15:53:00] <DerekS> its more of personal information
  250. [15:53:15] <monkinetic> pity. we need more sites implementing :-P
  251. [15:53:23] <DerekS> if it was something like the favorites.ico file (or whatever) i would have just added the txt file
  252. [15:53:36] <DerekS> monkinetic: my website only gets seen by close friends and family
  253. [15:53:41] <DerekS> all who have my contact info
  254. [15:53:42] <monkinetic> you know, seeing your gallery made me wonder... hgas anyone done a uF for photos/slides?
  255. [15:53:54] <monkinetic> q directed to the channel in general
  256. [15:53:55] <DerekS> haha
  257. [15:54:11] <monkinetic> especially for CC licensed stuff
  258. [15:54:36] <monkinetic> damn, i've got the attention span of a ferret
  259. [15:54:57] <monkinetic> ah, media-info
  260. [15:55:09] <monkinetic> sweet
  261. [15:55:52] <DerekS> so if i wanted to create a contactinfo microformat, for example, i would have to include that html code on everypage i wanted it accessible..
  262. [15:55:59] <monkinetic> yes.
  263. [15:56:11] <monkinetic> or, you can link to it.
  264. [15:56:52] <monkinetic> <span class="vcard"><a href=""yourprofile.file" class="fn url">you</a></span>
  265. [15:57:19] <monkinetic> and then have the full hcard at ./yourpfrofile.file
  266. [15:57:48] <DerekS> monkinetic: would it work in the <head> with a <link>?
  267. [15:58:02] <monkinetic> not AFAIK
  268. [15:59:05] <DerekS> thats what i was looking for it to do :)
  269. [15:59:27] <DerekS> why does the hcard generator put commas in?
  270. [16:00:04] <monkinetic> where?
  271. [16:00:28] <pnhChris> where? City, State?
  272. [16:00:30] <DerekS> it put them between the "locality" span, "region" span, and "postal code" span
  273. [16:00:43] <monkinetic> oh, you can format it any way you like
  274. [16:00:50] <monkinetic> it's the class names that are important
  275. [16:01:17] <DerekS> so i can take the commas out?
  276. [16:01:19] * szaboat (n=szaboat@huwico/member/szaboat) Quit ()
  277. [16:01:20] <monkinetic> sure
  278. [16:01:49] <monkinetic> view source here for antoehr example
  279. [16:01:53] <DerekS> now i could put multiple <div class="tel">?
  280. [16:01:59] <monkinetic> that's a slightly moroe complex hcard
  281. [16:02:06] <monkinetic> yes
  282. [16:02:38] <DerekS> looking
  283. [16:03:13] <DerekS> ohhh i can put an image
  284. [16:03:41] <monkinetic> yes, with class=photo
  285. [16:04:00] <monkinetic> mkaply: suggestion, look for photo in vcard and show it to the suer
  286. [16:04:04] <monkinetic> user
  287. [16:04:07] <monkinetic> in Operator
  288. [16:04:30] * monkinetic is now thinking about a uF jquery plugin
  289. [16:04:51] <DerekS> so, basically, i create a buisness card in html, and just make sure i have the classes right?
  290. [16:04:56] <monkinetic> yes
  291. [16:05:18] <briansuda> monkinetic, i did start an hCard parser in jquery
  292. [16:05:25] <DerekS> <p>My name is <a class="url fn" rel="me" href="">Steve Ivy</a>. I&#8217;m interested in <a href="">all this stuff</a>.</p>
  293. [16:05:30] <DerekS> he has teh <p> stuff
  294. [16:05:35] <DerekS> i could make a consumer script to do that
  295. [16:05:36] <DerekS> no?
  296. [16:05:57] <DerekS> and keep my hcard to only info, no formatting?
  297. [16:06:06] * stuup ( has left #microformats
  298. [16:06:14] <monkinetic> DerekS: more info at
  299. [16:06:22] <DerekS> k
  300. [16:06:28] <monkinetic> not sure what you mean DerekS
  301. [16:07:03] <DerekS> hmm, me either :)
  302. [16:07:26] <pnhChris> certainly DerekS ... presentation and markup can be whatever you'd like... you could even put class="vcard" on the bdy element and have the data scatter ALL around the document [though that is a fairly extreme case]
  303. [16:08:45] <DerekS> rel="me"
  304. [16:08:53] <DerekS> he has that in all his links, whats that mean?
  305. [16:09:02] <DerekS> pnhChris: that is what i was going for, seperating
  306. [16:09:06] <pnhChris> [but in that <p> example you need clas="vcard somewhere]
  307. [16:09:45] <monkinetic> DerekS: all those links are things that in some way point to "me" - online profiles, sites, I run, etc
  308. [16:10:00] <pnhChris> DerekS: rel="me" .. see XFN
  309. [16:10:05] <pnhChris> not hcard
  310. [16:10:07] <DerekS> monkinetic: so because all the info relates to me, all my tags should have it?
  311. [16:10:11] <DerekS> allright, lemme look
  312. [16:10:18] <monkinetic> pnhChris: that was an excerpt from my vcard
  313. [16:10:28] <DerekS> monkinetic: oh, haha thats you?
  314. [16:10:29] <monkinetic> DerekS: no, it's only for <a> tags
  315. [16:10:36] <DerekS> i didn't realize, i should say you not he
  316. [16:10:36] <monkinetic> DerekS: yes
  317. [16:10:42] <monkinetic> s'ok
  318. [16:11:17] <pnhChris> right monkinetic ... but rel="me" isn't hcard... its XFN data
  319. [16:11:33] <monkinetic> pnhChris: true
  320. [16:11:37] <monkinetic> forgot about that
  321. [16:11:41] * szaboat (n=szaboat@huwico/member/szaboat) has joined #microformats
  322. [16:12:03] <monkinetic> monkinetic == uMasher
  323. [16:12:03] <DerekS> oh, so if i had a friends contact info, i would have a different rel?
  324. [16:12:12] <monkinetic> DerekS: you could
  325. [16:12:13] <pnhChris> DerekS:
  326. [16:12:16] <DerekS> like erl="friend met"
  327. [16:12:20] <DerekS> yeah i am looking there
  328. [16:13:21] <DerekS> thats more complicated than i am at right now
  329. [16:14:10] <monkinetic> DerekS: that's the nice thing about uF - you can usually adopt at your own pace
  330. [16:14:18] <monkinetic> since most have very few required elements
  331. [16:14:27] <DerekS> so if i see on property list "type" and "value" that means i can have multiple?
  332. [16:14:39] <DerekS> like email, tel, adr,
  333. [16:14:58] <monkinetic> <span class="vcard"><a href=""yourprofile.file" class="fn url">you</a></span> is a valid hcard, as is the data on my about page
  334. [16:15:11] <monkinetic> i believe so
  335. [16:16:24] * DerekS isn't following the preferred syntax
  336. [16:16:40] <monkinetic> syntax for...
  337. [16:17:00] <DerekS> <span class="tel"><span class="type">Home</span> (<span class="type">pref</span>erred): <span class="value">+1.415.555.1212</span>
  338. [16:17:04] <DerekS> </span>
  339. [16:18:08] <pnhChris> look at for an example of a class="vcard" wrapping a lot of markup
  340. [16:18:23] <jcw9> oh that reminds me: can i mix delimiters in e.123? +1 401-555-1212
  341. [16:18:23] <DerekS> i don't want markup yet though
  342. [16:18:49] <DerekS> how do i know when to use divs and when to use spans?
  343. [16:19:59] <monkinetic> in this case, spans are used because all the data is inline
  344. [16:20:22] <jcw9> DerekS, iirc it shouldn't matter in general which you use
  345. [16:20:25] <DerekS> class "tel" isn't inline, no?
  346. [16:20:28] <monkinetic> divs are block-level html elements, so they would display with line-breaks between them
  347. [16:20:36] <monkinetic> it's an html thing
  348. [16:20:39] <DerekS> ahh
  349. [16:20:40] <DerekS> ok
  350. [16:20:57] <monkinetic> spans just keep allt he info on one line in the html
  351. [16:21:02] <monkinetic> (or, as the html is displayed)
  352. [16:21:16] <monkinetic> they could be in divs, or a list,or a table, or what you will
  353. [16:21:42] * szaboat (n=szaboat@huwico/member/szaboat) Quit ()
  354. [16:21:44] <jcw9> the only thing that would matter (and be moronic if you did) is if you used a tag with a nonsense semantic meaning... like putting an hcard fn in a <cite>
  355. [16:27:05] <DerekS> so i can also put data in a <a> tag?
  356. [16:27:12] <monkinetic> sure
  357. [16:27:28] <monkinetic> typically, fn and url
  358. [16:27:49] <monkinetic> but you could conceivably nest other data as well
  359. [16:28:59] <briansuda> *cough* *cough*
  360. [16:29:14] <DerekS> haha
  361. [16:31:13] <mkaply> monkinetic: where shouldI show the photo?
  362. [16:32:21] <monkinetic> hm, good question.
  363. [16:32:46] <monkinetic> since most of your stuff ie menu-based, i'm guessing there isnt' much place to, without altering the nature of menus ;-)
  364. [16:34:19] <monkinetic> hm, there's no real way with geo to provide a place *name*
  365. [16:35:57] <briansuda> monkinetic, if you use ABBR then some parsers will use that value for the name
  366. [16:36:55] <monkinetic> right, but according to: you need two ABBR's, one for lat and one for long.
  367. [16:37:16] <DerekS> is there a way to deal with extensions on telephone numbers?
  368. [16:37:29] <monkinetic> i'm wondering how to do "i live in [gilbert, az]" and put the geo data in there
  369. [16:37:44] <briansuda> you can do this: <abbr title="123.45;67.890" class="geo">work</abbr>
  370. [16:38:01] <briansuda> i live in <abbr title="123.45;67.890" class="geo">gilbert, az</abbr>
  371. [16:38:10] <monkinetic> hm, i'd not see the value;value format
  372. [16:38:34] <monkinetic> now i see the rfc version on the examples section
  373. [16:39:11] <briansuda> yeah, it is a wiki, so feel free to add a further example if that makes things clearer
  374. [16:40:10] <DerekS> for email, can i have a "work" type and a "personal" type? i says INTERNET, x400, pref is it
  375. [16:40:27] <briansuda> email doesn't really have TYPEs like work/home
  376. [16:40:36] <briansuda> email is not physically tied to a place
  377. [16:40:40] <briansuda> but phones are
  378. [16:41:19] <DerekS> so if i want multiple email addresses, how would you reccomend specifying which is which
  379. [16:42:01] <monkinetic> briansuda: not sure your abbr example above is semantically viable - is "work" a valid abbr of that geo location?
  380. [16:42:20] <briansuda> DerekS, there is a PREF
  381. [16:42:36] <briansuda> but generally you can not do that in vCard, but you can certainly just do it in the text of the HTML
  382. [16:43:03] <briansuda> sure, "work" is the human readable portion of the machine-readable lat/lon
  383. [16:43:07] <monkinetic> ah
  384. [16:43:17] <monkinetic> mkaply: will operator pick that up?
  385. [16:43:36] <mfbot> [[geo-cheatsheet]] * Brian * (+95) updated the ABBR geo optimization
  386. [16:43:37] <monkinetic> <abbr title="123.45;67.89">place name</abbr>
  387. [16:43:40] <briansuda> sure, i use it all the time
  388. [16:43:46] <monkinetic> cool
  389. [16:43:48] <briansuda> it doesn't pick-up the abbr value
  390. [16:43:56] <briansuda> but it finds the GEO lat-lon
  391. [16:44:09] <mkaply> briansuda: I fixed that in the latest release - if there is textContent for the GEO, I use it.
  392. [16:44:21] <briansuda> try:
  393. [16:44:36] <briansuda> mkaply: excellent! i'll update Operator
  394. [16:44:42] <mkaply> briansuda: it's not out yet.
  395. [16:44:46] <mkaply> I'm really trying for a beta today
  396. [16:45:05] <mkaply> Right now I'm fighting with hCalendar descriptions
  397. [16:45:13] <briansuda> the other option is to nest the GEO in an hCard, then some parsers use the FN of the hCard as the display
  398. [16:45:28] <mkaply> If I just do textContent, they look like crap if they are "textContented"
  399. [16:45:50] <jcw9> wow geo abbr is RAD
  400. [16:45:57] * jcw9 runs to update
  401. [16:45:59] <DerekS> apartment/floor/building# would go in extended address?
  402. [16:46:02] <mkaply> briansuda: Andy Mabbett suggested that, but my architecture doesn't make it easy for the geo to know it is in an hcard. Is there an easy way to say "if this note is a child of a node of a particular class"
  403. [16:46:16] <mkaply> IF you want to try the early release,
  404. [16:46:18] <mkaply> no promises though
  405. [16:46:41] <mkaply> IF you want to try the early release,
  406. [16:46:50] <briansuda> mkaply, with XSLT you can look-up the tree
  407. [16:46:57] <briansuda> not sure how much is implemented in JS
  408. [16:47:09] <mkaply> briansuda: is it an xpath expression?
  409. [16:47:17] <briansuda> once you have found your GEO element you can do this:
  410. [16:47:20] <briansuda> ancestor::*[name() = 'del' = false() and contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '),' vcard ')]//*[name() = 'del' = false() and contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '),' fn ')]
  411. [16:47:30] <briansuda> look for an ancestor with a vcard property
  412. [16:47:39] <briansuda> then see if it has a decendant with an fn
  413. [16:47:51] <mkaply> wow :)
  414. [16:47:53] <briansuda> things like ancestor:: are slow
  415. [16:48:01] <monkinetic> mkaply: briansuda: operator finds the location but not the textcontent
  416. [16:48:02] * mkaply puts that on the next release list :)
  417. [16:48:18] * briansuda just updated his XSLTs today, so the code is fresh in his mind
  418. [16:48:31] <monkinetic> in the abbr geo
  419. [16:48:37] <monkinetic> see:
  420. [16:48:43] <briansuda> so #1 i look for ABBR, then for FN in a VCARD, then default to just lat/lon
  421. [16:49:08] <mkaply> monkinetic: my new code does abbr and then lat/lon. I'll think seriosly about the vcard thing
  422. [16:49:12] <monkinetic> this is operator 061
  423. [16:49:16] <monkinetic> pl
  424. [16:49:18] <monkinetic> er, ok
  425. [16:49:22] <mkaply> monkinetic: that link I just posted is for 0.6.2b
  426. [16:49:36] * monkinetic downloads
  427. [16:49:41] <mkaply> briansuda: So how much should I care about making dsecriptions look pretty when sent to things like yahoo calendar and stuff?
  428. [16:49:55] <mkaply> briansuda: With FF 2.0 I think I have a text serializer to pretty up the HTML
  429. [16:50:04] * monkinetic ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  430. [16:50:15] <briansuda> hm. that is a good quetion
  431. [16:50:29] <briansuda> things like making Description pretty are up to each implementation
  432. [16:50:53] <briansuda> i tried to do somethings with X2V to smarten it up abit because it does get displayed in a plain-text area
  433. [16:50:54] * monkinetic ( has joined #microformats
  434. [16:50:59] <monkinetic> i hate it when i kill my tunnel
  435. [16:51:09] <briansuda> so * bullets, and \n\n for <p> and <br/>
  436. [16:51:13] <jcw9> Was that gilbert az geo example known-wrong? shouldn't the longitude be negative? <abbr title="123.45;67.890" class="geo">gilbert, az</abbr>
  437. [16:51:29] <monkinetic> mkaply: you r0xxor
  438. [16:51:42] <briansuda> 1234567890 is a made-up lat/lon
  439. [16:52:00] <jcw9> That's a good point!
  440. [16:52:00] <monkinetic> jcw9: it's correct on
  441. [16:52:05] <monkinetic> lol
  442. [16:52:07] <jcw9> thanks ;)
  443. [16:52:30] * briansuda can't get that link to load
  444. [16:52:45] <monkinetic>
  445. [16:53:04] <monkinetic> weird
  446. [16:53:07] <monkinetic> FWM
  447. [16:53:10] <monkinetic> er, WFM
  448. [16:53:29] <briansuda> what about:
  449. [16:53:30] <briansuda>
  450. [16:53:40] <briansuda> nope, hang on
  451. [16:54:13] <monkinetic> you mean the operator-provided links?
  452. [16:54:22] <briansuda>
  453. [16:54:43] <monkinetic> worked for me
  454. [16:55:02] <briansuda> it works for me now too. internet problems on my end i'm sure
  455. [16:55:05] <monkinetic> ah
  456. [16:55:07] <DerekS> can i send you guys a link to my hCard, and can you look tell me how it is?
  457. [16:55:11] <monkinetic> sure
  458. [16:55:14] <monkinetic> hit it up
  459. [16:55:36] <DerekS> can i pm it to you?
  460. [16:55:44] <monkinetic> k
  461. [16:56:01] <DerekS> briansuda: if you don't mind also :)
  462. [16:56:02] <jcw9> <abbr title="40.71633;-73.945885" class="geo adr"><span class="locality">Brooklyn</span>, <span class="region">NY</span>, <span class="postal-code">11211</span>, <span class="country-name">United States</span></abbr>
  463. [16:56:12] <jcw9> ^ is that ok in hCard?
  464. [16:56:17] <briansuda> sure
  465. [16:56:22] <jcw9> radical
  466. [16:56:31] <briansuda> you can even use an ABBR for region
  467. [16:56:36] <briansuda> NY=New York
  468. [16:56:43] <jcw9> aha
  469. [16:56:59] <briansuda> DerekS, fire away
  470. [16:57:26] <jcw9> Is there a name-based region smaller than locality?
  471. [16:57:30] <DerekS> briansuda: pm
  472. [16:57:52] <jcw9> Brooklyn is a big town
  473. [16:58:07] <briansuda> sure DerekS
  474. [16:58:35] <briansuda> nothing smaller than locality, the post-code does that
  475. [16:58:53] <briansuda> you can always use extended-address or just regular text to help the reader
  476. [16:59:04] <jcw9> Just curious
  477. [16:59:07] <briansuda> but as far as machines are conserned that ADR is all you need
  478. [17:00:00] <mkaply> briansuda: did you help Avon with their microformats?
  479. [17:00:28] <briansuda> not personally, Avon did it all themselves
  480. [17:00:43] * KevinMarks (n=Snak@pdpc/supporter/active/kevinmarks) Quit ("The computer fell asleep")
  481. [17:01:38] <jcw9> briansuda, not to be nycentrist, but stuff like uses neighborhood names (for biz reviews) that don't have any correspondence with zip codes
  482. [17:01:48] <jcw9> I'm sure someone will confront that eventually
  483. [17:01:50] <jcw9> No biggie
  484. [17:02:01] <mkaply> They have two microformats on each page, one valid, one invalid, and the invalid one contains the email. It's very annoying
  485. [17:02:11] <briansuda> you can always use extended-address to capture that
  486. [17:02:29] <briansuda> mkaply, link?
  487. [17:02:47] <mkaply>
  488. [17:03:31] <mkaply> I sure hope the Shift and Ctrl features for operator are really useful to other microformat folk. They're really freaking useful to me
  489. [17:04:18] * sreynen ( has joined #microformats
  490. [17:04:18] * ChanServ sets mode +o sreynen
  491. [17:04:18] <jibot> sreynen is Scott Reynen, who makes things at
  492. [17:10:04] <mfbot> [[books]] * AndyMabbett * (+201) HTML Mastery
  493. [17:10:41] <briansuda> the Avon page is missing the FN N and ADR for the second vcard
  494. [17:10:51] <briansuda> so it is not being extracted and no Email! you are right
  495. [17:15:55] <mfbot> [[abbr-design-pattern]] M * Tantek * (-95) Reverted edit of Sudimiy, changed back to last version by RobertBachmann
  496. [17:16:16] <mfbot> [[books]] * AndyMabbett * (+27) ISBN
  497. [17:16:17] <mfbot> [[Special:Log/block]] * Tantek * (+0) blocked "User:Sudimiy" with an expiry time of infinite: spam
  498. [17:17:42] * SamRose ( Quit (Connection timed out)
  499. [17:17:58] <mfbot> [[books]] * AndyMabbett * (+22) 0596009879
  500. [17:18:32] <jcw9> Argh, how can i get the stupid abbr to not have the underline?
  501. [17:18:40] <briansuda> CSS
  502. [17:18:45] <briansuda> text-decoration: non
  503. [17:18:46] <briansuda> none
  504. [17:20:15] <jcw9> .adr, .adr *, .vcard abbr {text-decoration: none !important;} isn't working
  505. [17:20:53] <monkinetic> "shift and control features"? what are these features of which you speak?
  506. [17:21:04] <mfbot> [[books]] * AndyMabbett * (+57) ISBN, publishers, dates
  507. [17:22:31] * sreynen_ (n=sreynen@ Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
  508. [17:23:03] <monkinetic> jcw9: it's not text-decoration
  509. [17:23:06] <monkinetic> it's border-bottom
  510. [17:23:27] <briansuda>
  511. [17:23:28] <monkinetic> at least on mine
  512. [17:25:14] <JMulder> Text-decoration only produces solid line, from what I know. So the dotted line would be a border.
  513. [17:26:17] <jcw9> monkinetic, thank you!~
  514. [17:26:26] <monkinetic> jcw9: sure
  515. [17:26:42] <jcw9> JMulder, ie has had a underline style css thing for like 8 years :/
  516. [17:27:03] * SamRose ( has joined #microformats
  517. [17:27:20] <DerekS> how are you guys checking if the hcards are good? i have operator, but when i click on "export contact" and it shows me, nothing happens
  518. [17:27:35] <jcw9> I wish firefox had it, I use CSS3 selectors on my links to differentiate between external and internal links and it'd be cool to style the underline differently
  519. [17:27:50] <JMulder> jcw9, what?
  520. [17:28:56] <jcw9> text-underline-style is an internet explorer only thing
  521. [17:29:09] <jcw9> it is kind of cool
  522. [17:29:17] <JMulder> Oh. *shrug* :p
  523. [17:29:28] * vant ( Quit ("Leaving...")
  524. [17:29:33] <jcw9> Yea, and border-style doesn't look so hot when your link wraps
  525. [17:29:33] <JMulder> I was just saying about text-decoration ;p
  526. [17:29:43] <jcw9> yea :/
  527. [17:29:47] <JMulder> Or does that affect text-decoration?
  528. [17:30:20] <jcw9> text-underline-style? yes
  529. [17:30:42] <JMulder> Nevermind me. Just recovering from a bad flu. Having problems starting my brains up :p
  530. [17:31:07] * b1Rd ( has joined #microformats
  531. [17:31:17] <b1Rd> hi
  532. [17:31:25] <jcw9> Hello b1Rd
  533. [17:32:58] * briansuda (n=briansud@ Quit ("off to find food")
  534. [17:34:32] * iand ( Quit (Connection timed out)
  535. [17:34:32] <b1Rd> i've got a question about hCard: Are there multiple "tel"-classes with differnt type (fax, phone, mobile etc.) allowed?
  536. [17:35:19] <monkinetic> b1Rd: yes
  537. [17:35:21] <pnhChris> aye
  538. [17:35:57] <monkinetic> see:
  539. [17:37:05] <b1Rd> so, an unordered list (class="tel") and items of different types would be a good idea?
  540. [17:38:34] <pnhChris> each list item would have to be explicitly different class="tel"s... with
  541. [17:38:40] <monkinetic> i don't think so
  542. [17:38:53] <monkinetic> i think each tel has to be marked up separately
  543. [17:39:02] * iwaim_ is now known as iwaim
  544. [17:39:05] <monkinetic> what pnhChris said
  545. [17:39:18] <b1Rd> sorry, each list item as class="tel" with span in it.
  546. [17:39:48] * monkinetic updates his about page with a lnk to his *really first about page* and a creepy self-portrait
  547. [17:39:52] <pnhChris> <ul><li class='tel'><span class='type'>home</span>: <span class='value'>555-1212</span></li></ul>
  548. [17:40:02] <monkinetic> (
  549. [17:40:10] * kingryan ( has joined #microformats
  550. [17:40:29] * ChanServ sets mode +o kingryan
  551. [17:40:46] <pnhChris> [ how you'd translate the link monkinetic pointed to]
  552. [17:43:07] * Revolt-Puppy ( has joined #microformats
  553. [17:43:57] <Revolt-Puppy> Hey guys and gals.
  554. [17:44:10] * kingryan_ ( has joined #microformats
  555. [17:44:25] <Revolt-Puppy> Is there a way to use multiple dates for one vevent?
  556. [17:44:30] * SamRose ( Quit ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]")
  557. [17:44:57] <b1Rd> <ul><li class="tel"><span class="type">Fax</span>: <span class="value">12345</span></li><span class="type">Mobile</span>: <span class="value">12345</span></li>...</ul> should fine!?
  558. [17:45:33] * bengee (n=bengee@ Quit ("Leaving")
  559. [17:47:04] <pnhChris> missing a <li class="tel"> before the second item, but that's the idea
  560. [17:47:32] <b1Rd> ah, yes. sorry!
  561. [17:52:56] <b1Rd> in my understanding <ul> adds a stronger grouping of the elements than for example <div> with <p>s in it. the examples on the wiki use <span>s. is it just a matter of taste or is there a kind of best practice?
  562. [17:53:24] <kingryan_> b1Rd: span's are used because they're generic
  563. [17:53:35] <kingryan_> use whatever's appropriate for your context
  564. [17:54:28] <b1Rd> okay, thank you all.
  565. [17:55:29] * tantek ( Quit ()
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  570. [17:57:49] <jibot> mlinksva is Mike Linksvayer and from Creative Commons
  571. [18:04:22] <monkinetic> heh: -- "Microformats for non-techies: colours on a Web page for things such as "date" and "telephone number" which only computers can see"
  572. [18:05:19] * mkaply (i=mkaply@nat/ibm/x-a42dfd357a7bb900) Quit ("Leaving")
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  580. [18:35:51] <mkaply> I just put operator 0.6.2 beta up officially -
  581. [18:36:16] * tantek ( has joined #microformats
  582. [18:36:16] * ChanServ sets mode +o tantek
  583. [18:36:16] <jibot> tantek is Tantek <> and works on Technorati and develops microformats <>
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  585. [18:38:43] * SamRose ( has joined #microformats
  586. [18:38:43] <jibot> SamRose is found at,,,, and
  587. [18:39:26] <DerekS> mkaply: i am trying to transform an hCard into a vcard... it does it right with technorati but not operator. can i pm you the address?
  588. [18:39:39] <tantek> good morning
  589. [18:39:46] <mfbot> [[hcard-examples-in-wild]] * WizardIsHungry * (-38) no more address hiding
  590. [18:39:48] <mkaply> DerekS: please
  591. [18:39:59] * jkridner (i=a0321898@nat/ti/x-3a157b4c7fa4b2a8) has joined #microformats
  592. [18:40:00] <jibot> jkridner is Jason Kridner (JasonK on and blogs at
  593. [18:43:49] * sreynen_ (n=sreynen@ has joined #microformats
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  595. [18:44:48] <jibot> markp is Mark Pilgrim
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  597. [18:48:38] <mfbot> [[hcard-examples-in-wild]] * AndyMabbett * (+73) New Examples - Logo in footer of West Midland Bird Club pages
  598. [18:52:14] <mfbot> [[hcard-examples-in-wild]] M * AndyMabbett * (+5) fix
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  601. [19:01:20] <mfbot> [[User:AndyMabbett]] * AndyMabbett * (+66) My microformats interests - my contributions
  602. [19:05:42] <mfbot> [[User:AndyMabbett]] * AndyMabbett * (+193) My microformats interests - update
  603. [19:05:58] <mfbot> [[User:AndyMabbett]] M * AndyMabbett * (+1) My microformats interests - [
  604. [19:07:42] * bear is now known as bear_afk
  605. [19:08:15] <monkinetic> anyone know what "vote-abstain" actually *means*?
  606. [19:08:23] <monkinetic> is is the same as "no opinion"?
  607. [19:08:33] <monkinetic> if so, then why vote at all?
  608. [19:09:48] <kingryan_> monkinetic: because there is sometimes an assumption that a link is a vote-for
  609. [19:09:53] * kingryan_ is now known as kingryan
  610. [19:09:53] * ChanServ sets mode +o kingryan
  611. [19:10:01] <kingryan> for example, in PageRank and HITS
  612. [19:16:24] <monkinetic> gotcha
  613. [19:16:58] <monkinetic> so it's a way to explicitly say "i have no opinion and don't treat the link as a vote-for"
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  617. [19:26:42] <kingryan> monkinetic: right
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  621. [19:35:52] <jibot> sreynen is Scott Reynen, who makes things at
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  627. [19:45:16] <jcw9> What does UID even mean in hCards
  628. [19:46:25] <kingryan> just a universal identifier
  629. [19:46:38] <kingryan> it could be used to tie together multiple version's of the same person's hcard
  630. [19:47:43] * sreynen ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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  633. [19:48:25] <jcw9> Is it freeform? should i use my email address?
  634. [19:48:45] <tantek> jcw9 - in practice many different things have been used for UID by clients
  635. [19:48:53] <jcw9> <a rel="me" class="email uid" href=""></a>
  636. [19:49:11] <tantek> current thinking for hCards has started to bias towards using URLs for UIDs
  637. [19:49:24] <tantek> and in particular, the *definitive* URL for an hCard as the UID
  638. [19:49:43] <jcw9> That's interesting when you couple it with openid
  639. [19:49:48] <tantek> (definitive from the publisher's perspective, and thus likely to be on the very site that the publisher is publishing it)
  640. [19:50:00] <tantek> yes, it definitely gets *very* interesting when you couple it with openid
  641. [19:50:11] <kingryan> and xfn
  642. [19:50:14] <tantek> but of course, that coupling is loose - in that they work separately, and together
  643. [19:50:42] <tantek> modularity as it were
  644. [19:50:45] <tantek> one of our principles
  645. [19:54:49] * julianstahnke ( Quit ()
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  651. [20:08:21] <mfbot> [[process]] * Tantek * (+834) create pages, use generically named problem areas, more specifics on proceeding with naming a microformat
  652. [20:10:22] * mkaply just got microformat highlighting working. sweet
  653. [20:10:37] <mkaply> when you hover over a microformat
  654. [20:11:12] * sreynen ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  655. [20:16:50] <monkinetic> mkaply: w00t
  656. [20:16:52] <monkinetic> what does it do?
  657. [20:17:15] <mkaply> nonkinetic: when you move the mouse on a page, it will outline the microformats, and when you right click you'll get a context menu specific to that microformat
  658. [20:17:23] * kingryan ( Quit ()
  659. [20:18:28] <monkinetic> nice
  660. [20:21:17] <tantek> mkaply - wow - looking forward to seeing that
  661. [20:25:44] * SamRose ( Quit (Connection timed out)
  662. [20:27:59] <mkaply> the highlighting looks a little clunky though. I'm using css border
  663. [20:28:11] <mkaply> so I don't affect content
  664. [20:41:17] <monkinetic> mkaply: you could also create an absolute positioned div with transparency set over top of it
  665. [20:41:39] <monkinetic> dom-wise
  666. [20:41:48] <mkaply> monkinetic: the only downside to that is that events would go to the div on top, so I'd have to funnel events through it. I think
  667. [20:41:55] <monkinetic> hm.
  668. [20:41:57] <monkinetic> yeah
  669. [20:42:34] <mkaply> the way I've seen it done is insert 4 divs around the elements
  670. [20:42:45] * markp ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
  671. [20:42:49] <mkaply> I like the way armadillo does it. But I'm desperatley trying to not copy code
  672. [20:42:54] <mkaply> aardvark
  673. [20:42:57] <mkaply> not armadillo
  674. [20:43:29] <mkaply> actually, aardvark is perfect. hmmm
  675. [20:45:42] * izo ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
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  678. [20:49:02] <jibot> SamRose is found at,,,, and
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  694. [22:11:21] <jibot> chimezie is Chimezie Ogbuji - He is a mammal
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  709. [23:30:50] <jibot> sreynen is Scott Reynen, who makes things at
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