IRC Log for #microformats on 2009-04-29

Timestamps are in UTC.

Show: JOIN's QUIT's/PART's MODE's jibot mfbot
  1. [00:32:59] * BenWard (n=benward@nat/yahoo/x-3fd7161995ec9be1) Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
  2. [00:46:27] * Amorphous (i=jan@unaffiliated/amorphous) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  3. [00:50:22] * azazul` (n=azazul@ Quit ("Leaving")
  4. [00:50:37] * Amorphous (i=jan@unaffiliated/amorphous) has joined #microformats
  5. [01:05:45] * azazul ( has joined #microformats
  6. [01:17:08] * leahculver (n=leahculv@ Quit ()
  7. [01:43:55] * dglazkov ( has joined #microformats
  8. [01:43:55] * ChanServ sets mode +o dglazkov
  9. [01:52:19] * ramsey (n=ramsey@unaffiliated/ramsey) has joined #microformats
  10. [01:59:14] * tantek (n=tantek@ has joined #microformats
  11. [01:59:14] * ChanServ sets mode +o tantek
  12. [02:00:31] * dglazkov ( Quit ()
  13. [02:13:36] <mfbot> Tantek edited value-class-pattern "add Parsing date and time concatenation section" (+2694)
  14. [02:16:02] * tantek (n=tantek@ Quit ()
  15. [02:39:36] * dglazkov ( has joined #microformats
  16. [02:39:36] * ChanServ sets mode +o dglazkov
  17. [03:04:43] * tantek (n=tantek@ has joined #microformats
  18. [03:04:43] * ChanServ sets mode +o tantek
  19. [03:06:06] * dglazkov ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  20. [03:06:48] * dglazkov ( has joined #microformats
  21. [03:06:48] * ChanServ sets mode +o dglazkov
  22. [03:09:56] <mfbot> Tantek edited value-class-pattern "/* FAQ */ fixed markup error, fixed wiki link." (-1)
  23. [03:37:22] * tantek (n=tantek@ Quit ()
  24. [03:39:09] * GarethAdams_ (n=GarethAd@pdpc/supporter/active/GarethAdams) has joined #microformats
  25. [03:45:54] * jonrohan ( has joined #microformats
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  27. [03:47:11] * GarethAdams (n=GarethAd@pdpc/supporter/active/GarethAdams) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  28. [03:52:47] * Atamido ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  29. [03:54:57] * dglazkov_ (n=dglazkov@ has joined #microformats
  30. [03:56:45] * Atamido ( has joined #microformats
  31. [04:12:21] * dglazkov ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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  33. [04:19:12] * ChanServ sets mode +o dglazkov
  34. [04:38:46] * dglazkov_ (n=dglazkov@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  35. [05:01:11] * Leaving is now known as op
  36. [05:01:13] * op is now known as Leaving
  37. [05:01:37] * georgebrock ( has joined #microformats
  38. [05:09:10] * georgebrock_ ( has joined #microformats
  39. [05:09:10] * georgebrock ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  40. [05:11:21] * dglazkov ( Quit ()
  41. [05:26:09] * georgebrock ( has joined #microformats
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  43. [05:45:42] * besbes ( has joined #microformats
  44. [05:46:03] * georgebrock ( Quit ()
  45. [05:49:18] * _fil_ ( Quit ("leaving")
  46. [06:04:52] * besbes ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  47. [06:20:58] * eaton ( Quit ()
  48. [06:21:52] * tantek ( has joined #microformats
  49. [06:21:52] * ChanServ sets mode +o tantek
  50. [06:44:39] * besbes ( has joined #microformats
  51. [06:55:33] * BenWard (n=benward@ has joined #microformats
  52. [06:55:33] * ChanServ sets mode +o BenWard
  53. [06:55:57] * GarethAdams_ (n=GarethAd@pdpc/supporter/active/GarethAdams) Quit ()
  54. [07:14:00] * pesla ( has joined #microformats
  55. [07:44:02] * GarethAdams (n=GarethAd@pdpc/supporter/active/GarethAdams) has joined #microformats
  56. [07:50:06] * georgebrock (n=georgebr@ has joined #microformats
  57. [07:51:27] * tobyink (n=tai@ has joined #microformats
  58. [08:04:35] * Atamido ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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  60. [08:31:40] * emrojo (n=emrojo@ has joined #microformats
  61. [08:32:32] * tobyink (n=tai@ has left #microformats
  62. [08:33:18] * tantek ( Quit ()
  63. [08:35:37] * tobyink (n=tai@ has joined #microformats
  64. [08:40:51] * GarethAdams (n=GarethAd@pdpc/supporter/active/GarethAdams) has left #microformats
  65. [08:45:01] * BenWard (n=benward@ Quit ("Shutdown")
  66. [09:09:29] * georgebrock (n=georgebr@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  67. [09:16:59] * Prometheus (n=promethe@unaffiliated/prometheus) has joined #microformats
  68. [09:51:10] * leeky (n=leeky@ has joined #microformats
  69. [10:03:39] * MrTopf (n=cs@ has joined #microformats
  70. [10:42:09] * georgebrock (n=georgebr@ has joined #microformats
  71. [10:47:38] * leeky (n=leeky@ Quit ("Leaving...")
  72. [11:04:18] * azazul ( Quit ("Leaving")
  73. [11:54:09] * to_ ( Quit ()
  74. [11:57:32] * to_ ( has joined #microformats
  75. [11:58:15] * georgebrock (n=georgebr@ Quit ()
  76. [12:06:29] * georgebrock ( has joined #microformats
  77. [12:08:59] * georgebrock ( Quit (Client Quit)
  78. [12:12:25] * memload (n=jamesjef@ has joined #microformats
  79. [12:15:35] * Prometheus (n=promethe@unaffiliated/prometheus) Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
  80. [12:17:21] * azazul (n=azazul@ has joined #microformats
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  85. [12:41:18] * ajturner (n=ajturner@ has joined #microformats
  86. [12:43:12] * georgebrock ( has joined #microformats
  87. [13:03:37] <to_> hi
  88. [13:04:31] <to_> I not sure understanding well the xoxo pattern, could someone explain it very simply?
  89. [13:05:08] <to_> for example is : <ul class="xoxo"><li></li></ul> is a xoxo ?
  90. [13:12:09] * HerrTopf ( has joined #microformats
  91. [13:13:54] * tobyink0 (n=tai@ has joined #microformats
  92. [13:20:41] * MrTopf (n=cs@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  93. [13:20:46] * emrojo (n=emrojo@ Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
  94. [13:29:29] * eaton ( has joined #microformats
  95. [13:31:35] * tobyink0 (n=tai@ has left #microformats
  96. [13:32:03] * emrojo ( has joined #microformats
  97. [13:45:12] <to_> where is tantek?
  98. [13:48:33] * petercoulton ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
  99. [13:55:57] <to_> I'd like to suggest a microformat, can anyone help me?
  100. [13:59:44] * HerrTopf is now known as MrTopf
  101. [14:15:05] * ajturner (n=ajturner@ Quit ()
  102. [14:29:26] * ajturner (n=ajturner@ has joined #microformats
  103. [14:32:27] * dglazkov ( has joined #microformats
  104. [14:32:27] * ChanServ sets mode +o dglazkov
  105. [14:38:10] <to_> Here is my proposal :
  106. [14:38:40] * pesla ( Quit ("( :: NoNameScript 4.21 :: )")
  107. [14:39:14] * dglazkov ( Quit ()
  108. [14:40:52] * tantek ( has joined #microformats
  109. [14:40:52] * ChanServ sets mode +o tantek
  110. [14:40:59] <to_> hi tantek
  111. [14:41:29] <to_> I've worked on a teaser listing microformat
  112. [14:41:50] <to_> here is a presentation :
  113. [14:45:30] <tantek> I've seen what you're calling teaser is more often called a form of navigation
  114. [14:45:57] <tantek> if you want to actually pursue a microformat for it, check out the process
  115. [14:46:09] <to_> do you think this is relevant?
  116. [14:46:17] <tantek> I'm not sure what the use case is
  117. [14:46:36] <tantek> which is one of the things that the process calls for documenting before trying to produce a proposal
  118. [14:46:50] <tantek> I think it's always good to markup everything with semantic HTML
  119. [14:47:02] <tantek> but sometimes simple POSH is sufficient - you don't need a microformat for everything
  120. [14:49:40] * DanC (n=connolly@ Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  121. [14:52:10] * cgriego ( has joined #microformats
  122. [14:52:28] <to_> tantek: in your article yesterday, you forgot including brief description in the markup...
  123. [15:01:23] * dglazkov (n=dglazkov@nat/google/x-f6a2060c5a1205c1) has joined #microformats
  124. [15:01:23] * ChanServ sets mode +o dglazkov
  125. [15:06:10] * DanC (n=connolly@ has joined #microformats
  126. [15:25:02] <tantek> to_ in the example found in actual markup on the web - there was only the brief description - there was no separate summary vs description
  127. [15:25:39] <tantek> I copied the markup straight from view source - nothing was forgotten.
  128. [15:31:16] * csarven ( has joined #microformats
  129. [15:32:26] * singpolyma ( has joined #microformats
  130. [15:35:44] * MrTopf ( Quit ("deconstructing...")
  131. [16:14:08] * singpolyma ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  132. [16:17:21] * csarven ( Quit ("Leaving.")
  133. [16:30:59] * tobyink (n=tai@ Quit ("Leaving.")
  134. [16:40:15] * jonrohan (n=jrohan@ has joined #microformats
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  136. [16:48:31] * besbes ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  137. [17:04:17] * dglazkov_ (n=dglazkov@nat/google/x-d44ea0f14377a77d) has joined #microformats
  138. [17:05:56] * csarven ( has joined #microformats
  139. [17:06:24] * to_ ( Quit ()
  140. [17:08:43] * BenWard (n=benward@nat/yahoo/x-7b9b0483cea346d6) has joined #microformats
  141. [17:08:45] * ChanServ sets mode +o BenWard
  142. [17:09:41] * BenWard is now known as benward
  143. [17:18:00] * dglazkov (n=dglazkov@nat/google/x-f6a2060c5a1205c1) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  144. [17:23:55] * emrojo ( Quit ("Leaving.")
  145. [17:42:01] * singpolyma ( has joined #microformats
  146. [17:44:57] * tantek ( Quit ()
  147. [17:49:16] * dglazkov_ (n=dglazkov@nat/google/x-d44ea0f14377a77d) Quit ()
  148. [17:54:24] * singpolyma ( Quit ("Lost terminal")
  149. [17:55:22] * dglazkov (n=dglazkov@nat/google/x-f9597d0ce3f03fd6) has joined #microformats
  150. [17:55:22] * ChanServ sets mode +o dglazkov
  151. [18:23:33] * leahculver (n=leahculv@ has joined #microformats
  152. [18:27:00] * bear42 ( has joined #microformats
  153. [18:28:33] * bear_afk ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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  155. [18:39:21] * azazul (n=azazul@ Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  156. [18:55:50] * georgebrock ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  157. [19:11:22] * tantek (n=tantek@ has joined #microformats
  158. [19:11:22] * ChanServ sets mode +o tantek
  159. [19:16:55] * benward is now known as BenWard|away
  160. [19:28:17] * azazul` ( Quit ("Leaving")
  161. [19:28:18] * tobyink (n=tai@ has joined #microformats
  162. [19:47:14] * tantek (n=tantek@ Quit ()
  163. [20:11:14] * georgebrock ( has joined #microformats
  164. [20:15:43] * BenWard|away is now known as benward
  165. [20:24:27] * DanC (n=connolly@ Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  166. [20:26:49] * BobJonkman ( has joined #microformats
  167. [20:26:54] * tantek (n=tantek@ has joined #microformats
  168. [20:26:54] * ChanServ sets mode +o tantek
  169. [20:43:18] * tantek (n=tantek@ Quit ()
  170. [20:53:00] * cgriego ( Quit ()
  171. [21:01:15] * azazul ( has joined #microformats
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  173. [21:10:10] * tobyink (n=tai@ has left #microformats
  174. [21:21:26] * tantek (n=tantek@ has joined #microformats
  175. [21:21:26] * ChanServ sets mode +o tantek
  176. [21:44:48] * Politoed[FEUP] ( Quit (Client Quit)
  177. [21:59:32] * singpolyma ( has joined #microformats
  178. [22:02:22] * eaton ( Quit ()
  179. [22:21:52] * singpolyma ( Quit ("Lost terminal")
  180. [22:32:51] * ajturner (n=ajturner@ Quit ()
  181. [23:00:27] * georgebrock ( Quit ()
  182. [23:12:24] * benward (n=benward@nat/yahoo/x-7b9b0483cea346d6) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  183. [23:17:34] <mfbot> Tantek edited value-class-pattern "/* Parsing date and time concatenation */ add special case parsing for certain elements (abbr, area, img)" (+340)
  184. [23:25:12] <mfbot> Tantek edited value-class-pattern "/* Parsing date and time concatenation */ simplify/remove a level of indentation for better chunking and readability" (-40)
  185. [23:30:48] * Broady (n=broady@unaffiliated/broady) Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
  186. [23:31:10] <mfbot> Tantek edited value-class-pattern "/* Parsing value from a title attribute */ move /p in example to balance start tag, clarify that value does not always use inner-text (e.g. particular tags like abbr, area, img)" (+5)

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