IRC Log for #microformats on 2010-03-01

Timestamps are in UTC.

Show: JOIN's QUIT's/PART's MODE's jibot mfbot
  1. [00:00:07] <tantek> greetings - is there anyone around who is interested in working on / furthering some of the item-license work for indicating licenses to portions of pages or external resources like images?
  2. [00:01:38] * tantek ( Quit (Quit: tantek)
  3. [00:02:00] * tantek ( has joined #microformats
  4. [00:02:00] * ChanServ sets mode +o tantek
  5. [00:02:38] <Zeeshan_M> What happened to this channel?
  6. [00:02:47] <Zeeshan_M> Last I remember, this place had >100 users
  7. [00:03:08] <tantek> greetings Zeeshan_M - I've never found the # of users actually representative of level of use / active users
  8. [00:03:28] <Zeeshan_M> Really? I remember it being quite a vivid place, back when csarven was contributing and such
  9. [00:03:29] <tantek> the # varies up and down wildly as folks auto-login or not
  10. [00:03:42] <Zeeshan_M> Maybe folks are now sufficently educated about the basics of microformats? :)
  11. [00:03:53] <tantek> I don't actually remember it being > 100 users - I must have missed that ;)
  12. [00:03:55] <Zeeshan_M> No more curiosity to come in here and get a taste of things
  13. [00:04:12] <tantek> there are a lot more easily findable intro to microformats resources on the web as well
  14. [00:04:21] <tantek> so perhaps more questions are being answered by those
  15. [00:04:49] <Zeeshan_M> There needs to be a standard in which we can get signatures of 'famous' people you meet on the Internet
  16. [00:07:08] <tantek> heh
  17. [00:07:24] <tantek> Zeeshan_M - what does it mean to "meet" someone on the Internet?
  18. [00:07:36] <tantek> perhaps start gathering URLs to examples
  19. [00:08:59] <Zeeshan_M> Well, I "met" Robert Miles and asked him for a signed autograph, he sent me one
  20. [00:09:14] <Zeeshan_M> I'm also a lame nerd, so when I see people like you and Hixie, I want proof I saw you guys
  21. [00:09:47] <Zeeshan_M> Kind of meeting promient employees on EFnet or PirateBay founders stumbling into #Apache on efnet for quick help
  22. [00:10:00] <Zeeshan_M> You wanna get proof via autograph!
  23. [00:17:01] <tantek> hmm - you mean met in person then?
  24. [00:17:23] <tantek> for that you want to use
  25. [00:34:46] <Zeeshan_M> Cool, all bases covered
  26. [00:47:17] * shigeta ( has joined #microformats
  27. [01:07:16] * benward ( has joined #microformats
  28. [01:07:16] * ChanServ sets mode +o benward
  29. [01:11:41] * tantek ( Quit (Quit: tantek)
  30. [03:21:32] * benward ( Quit (Quit: Sleep)
  31. [04:50:16] * benward ( has joined #microformats
  32. [04:50:16] * ChanServ sets mode +o benward
  33. [05:33:10] * BobJonkman ( Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
  34. [07:59:24] * tantek ( has joined #microformats
  35. [07:59:24] * ChanServ sets mode +o tantek
  36. [08:02:34] * besbes ( has joined #microformats
  37. [08:23:01] * csarven ( has joined #microformats
  38. [08:30:29] * benward ( Quit (Quit: Sleep)
  39. [08:55:50] * csarven ( Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
  40. [08:59:12] * u42p ( has joined #microformats
  41. [09:21:58] * benward ( has joined #microformats
  42. [09:21:58] * ChanServ sets mode +o benward
  43. [09:33:49] * Phae ( has joined #microformats
  44. [09:33:49] * ChanServ sets mode +o Phae
  45. [10:21:49] * benward ( Quit (Quit: Sleep)
  46. [10:44:53] * shigeta ( Quit (Quit: Leaving...)
  47. [11:26:12] * emrojo ( has joined #microformats
  48. [11:30:45] * emrojo ( Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
  49. [11:49:08] * emrojo (~emrojo@2001:720:410:100f:212:3fff:fe22:bbaf) has joined #microformats
  50. [12:02:57] * tantek_ ( has joined #microformats
  51. [12:02:57] * tantek ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  52. [12:02:57] * ChanServ sets mode +o tantek_
  53. [12:02:58] * tantek_ is now known as tantek
  54. [12:53:32] * andersonorui ( has joined #microformats
  55. [13:27:51] * Prometheus (~Prometheu@unaffiliated/prometheus) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
  56. [13:33:20] * Prometheus ( has joined #microformats
  57. [13:42:31] * Prometheus ( Quit (Quit: ZNC -
  58. [13:45:17] * emrojo (~emrojo@2001:720:410:100f:212:3fff:fe22:bbaf) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
  59. [13:57:52] * besbes ( Quit (Quit: besbes)
  60. [14:09:12] * besbes (~besbes@2001:62a:4:405:223:6cff:fe8c:ec90) has joined #microformats
  61. [14:10:59] * mwunsch (~mwunsch@ has joined #microformats
  62. [14:11:35] * tantek ( Quit (Quit: tantek)
  63. [14:18:01] * adactio ( has joined #microformats
  64. [14:18:01] * ChanServ sets mode +o adactio
  65. [14:41:45] * ntoll ( has joined #microformats
  66. [14:44:34] <mwunsch> Can anyone here offer advice for proposing talks? I'm proposing a talk for the Gotham Ruby Conference covering Microformats and Prism. poke adactio
  67. [14:44:59] <adactio> Just go for it. :-)
  68. [14:49:42] <mwunsch> Haha i am. Just did not want to make any conference proposal faux pas
  69. [15:15:42] * emrojo (~emrojo@2001:720:410:100f:212:3fff:fe22:bbaf) has joined #microformats
  70. [15:30:18] * besbes (~besbes@2001:62a:4:405:223:6cff:fe8c:ec90) Quit (Quit: besbes)
  71. [15:38:24] * besbes (~besbes@2001:62a:4:405:223:6cff:fe8c:ec90) has joined #microformats
  72. [15:59:24] * besbes (~besbes@2001:62a:4:405:223:6cff:fe8c:ec90) Quit (Quit: besbes)
  73. [16:28:22] * besbes ( has joined #microformats
  74. [16:28:54] * abernier ( has joined #microformats
  75. [16:31:27] * abernier ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  76. [17:06:02] * dglazkov (~dglazkov@nat/google/x-lbuvcofjkeoapqcl) has joined #microformats
  77. [17:06:02] * ChanServ sets mode +o dglazkov
  78. [17:16:23] * besbes ( Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
  79. [17:27:15] * Phae ( Quit ()
  80. [17:50:27] * adactio ( has left #microformats
  81. [18:32:29] * emrojo (~emrojo@2001:720:410:100f:212:3fff:fe22:bbaf) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
  82. [19:16:19] * tobyink ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  83. [19:42:27] * tantek ( has joined #microformats
  84. [19:42:27] * ChanServ sets mode +o tantek
  85. [19:43:56] * christopheducamp ( Quit (Quit: christopheducamp)
  86. [19:50:02] * azazul (~azazul@ has joined #microformats
  87. [19:51:42] * Atamido ( Quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
  88. [20:05:29] * Atamido ( has joined #microformats
  89. [20:40:46] * benward ( has joined #microformats
  90. [20:40:46] * ChanServ sets mode +o benward
  91. [20:53:35] * andersonorui ( Quit (Quit: Leaving...)
  92. [21:03:44] * mwunsch_ (~mwunsch@ has joined #microformats
  93. [21:06:25] * mwunsch (~mwunsch@ Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
  94. [21:06:25] * mwunsch_ is now known as mwunsch
  95. [21:22:00] * u42p ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
  96. [22:01:12] * dglazkov_ (~dglazkov@nat/google/x-kvmspcmexuxaqryh) has joined #microformats
  97. [22:01:13] * ChanServ sets mode +o dglazkov_
  98. [22:04:36] * dglazkov (~dglazkov@nat/google/x-lbuvcofjkeoapqcl) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
  99. [22:04:36] * dglazkov_ is now known as dglazkov
  100. [22:12:09] * benward ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  101. [22:15:44] * mwunsch (~mwunsch@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  102. [22:16:04] * mwunsch (~mwunsch@ has joined #microformats
  103. [22:16:23] * ntoll ( Quit (Quit: this is not a quit message)
  104. [22:22:17] * pnhChris ( has joined #microformats
  105. [22:32:31] * dglazkov (~dglazkov@nat/google/x-kvmspcmexuxaqryh) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  106. [22:32:48] * dglazkov (~dglazkov@nat/google/x-fwqczxcudykvbanh) has joined #microformats
  107. [22:32:49] * ChanServ sets mode +o dglazkov
  108. [22:56:25] * Prometheus (~Prometheu@unaffiliated/prometheus) has joined #microformats
  109. [22:57:30] * mwunsch (~mwunsch@ Quit (Quit: mwunsch)
  110. [23:02:45] * tantek ( Quit (Quit: tantek)
  111. [23:32:45] * Amorphous (jan@unaffiliated/amorphous) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
  112. [23:43:27] * BobJonkman ( has joined #microformats
  113. [23:48:39] * Amorphous (jan@unaffiliated/amorphous) has joined #microformats
  114. [23:59:59] * BobJonkman ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)

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