IRC Log for #openid on 2006-12-19

Timestamps are in UTC.

  1. [00:24:55] * shigeta ( has joined #openid
  2. [00:38:48] * PatF (i=pfelsted@nat/novell/x-4de06a0d731d3eeb) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  3. [01:32:07] * chowells79_ ( has left #openid
  4. [01:36:21] * cygnus (n=cygnus@ Quit ("Download Gaim:")
  5. [01:53:27] * j3h ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
  6. [03:29:01] * tnarg ( Quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
  7. [04:12:02] * _keturn (n=acapnoti@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  8. [04:14:43] * shigeta_ ( has joined #openid
  9. [04:15:40] * sanedragon ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  10. [04:33:31] * shigeta ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  11. [04:51:56] * cote (n=cote@ has joined #openid
  12. [05:09:33] * sanedragon ( has joined #openid
  13. [05:09:33] <jibot> sanedragon is an engineer for JanRain named Dag
  14. [05:09:49] * _keturn (n=acapnoti@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn) has joined #openid
  15. [07:45:49] * cygnus ( has joined #openid
  16. [07:45:50] <jibot> cygnus is WorkerBee(name="Jonathan Daugherty", company="JanRain, Inc.")
  17. [08:05:32] <terrell>
  18. [08:05:52] <terrell> single user single file openid provider in php
  19. [08:06:21] * cygnus nods
  20. [08:43:39] * cygnus ( has left #openid
  21. [10:06:12] * tav (n=tav@ Quit ("Hakuna Matata")
  22. [11:59:46] * shigeta_ ( Quit ("Leaving...")
  23. [15:47:56] * aconbere_ ( has joined #openid
  24. [15:48:06] * aconbere ( Quit (Connection reset by peer)
  25. [17:17:21] * tnarg ( has joined #openid
  26. [17:23:04] * PatF (i=pfelsted@nat/novell/x-6819342c811fe7ba) has joined #openid
  27. [18:05:17] * cygnus (n=cygnus@ has joined #openid
  28. [18:10:09] * brianellin ( has joined #openid
  29. [18:34:25] * j3h ( has joined #openid
  30. [19:03:17] * cote (n=cote@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  31. [19:14:26] * xlarrydrebes ( has joined #openid
  32. [19:14:55] * gavin_s ( has left #openid
  33. [19:18:56] * newtMcKerr (n=newtMcKe@osuosl/staff/newtMcKerr) has joined #openid
  34. [19:34:03] * hober (n=ted@unaffiliated/hober) has joined #openid
  35. [20:01:36] * newtMcKerr (n=newtMcKe@osuosl/staff/newtMcKerr) Quit ("Leaving")
  36. [20:01:47] * newtMcKerr (n=newtMcKe@osuosl/staff/newtMcKerr) has joined #openid
  37. [21:31:55] * derekS (n=DerekS@unaffiliated/dereks) has joined #openid
  38. [21:32:02] <derekS> hey, is anyone here familiar with phpmyid?
  39. [21:32:36] <derekS> i like the simplicity, but it won't work
  40. [21:32:58] <cygnus> I don't think the author has been in here
  41. [21:33:07] <cygnus> some of us know of it
  42. [21:33:09] <cygnus> I have not tried it
  43. [21:33:31] <derekS> cygnus: hmm, ok... i can't get it to log me in, i think its because of how the md5 sums are generated
  44. [21:33:35] * derekS likes the simplicity
  45. [21:34:14] <derekS> well if it worked
  46. [21:44:04] * ceez (i=cowanco@nat/ibm/x-132815d716712c42) has joined #openid
  47. [21:55:17] * ceez (i=cowanco@nat/ibm/x-132815d716712c42) has left #openid
  48. [22:11:22] <derekS> yeah, it isn't hashing passwords right
  49. [22:32:50] <cygnus> that's not good.
  50. [22:34:12] <derekS> nope
  51. [22:34:18] <derekS> i used there example, and got a different hash
  52. [23:14:34] * hober2 (n=ted@unaffiliated/hober) has joined #openid
  53. [23:24:36] * hober (n=ted@unaffiliated/hober) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  54. [23:46:33] * PatF (i=pfelsted@nat/novell/x-6819342c811fe7ba) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))

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