IRC Log for #openid on 2007-01-29

Timestamps are in UTC.

  1. [00:23:52] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
  2. [03:54:18] * factoryjoe ( has joined #openid
  3. [04:02:04] * wizard545 ( has joined #openid
  4. [04:16:01] * aconbere|mobile ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
  5. [04:58:25] <GabeW> ?define openid
  6. [04:58:28] <GabeW> ?def openid
  7. [04:58:28] <jibot> openid is worth playing with and
  8. [06:01:31] * robertj__ ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  9. [07:26:10] * tango_ ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  10. [07:54:06] * tango_ ( has joined #openid
  11. [08:37:09] * tango_ ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  12. [08:45:54] * cote ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  13. [09:12:03] * factoryjoe ( Quit ()
  14. [13:35:01] * tango_ ( has joined #openid
  15. [13:40:18] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ Quit ("Leaving...")
  16. [14:08:22] * trel1023 ( has joined #openid
  17. [14:08:22] <jibot> trel1023 is Terrell Russell of and
  18. [14:37:35] * xlarrydrebes ( Quit ()
  19. [15:09:20] * SamRose ( has joined #openid
  20. [15:17:32] * cote ( has joined #openid
  21. [15:37:00] * aconbere|mobile ( has joined #openid
  22. [15:51:38] * hikari_esblogger ( has joined #openid
  23. [15:57:47] * mpg4 ( has joined #openid
  24. [16:01:25] * hikari_esblogger ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  25. [16:05:57] * hikari_esblogger ( has joined #openid
  26. [16:10:34] * xlarrydrebes ( has joined #openid
  27. [16:10:34] <jibot> xlarrydrebes is yet another Janrain idler.
  28. [16:28:42] * hikari_esblogger ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  29. [16:40:14] * aconbere|mobile ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
  30. [17:12:28] * tango_ ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  31. [17:28:49] * hikari_esblogger ( has joined #openid
  32. [17:35:45] * cygnus ( has joined #openid
  33. [17:35:46] <jibot> cygnus is WorkerBee(name="Jonathan Daugherty", company="JanRain, Inc.")
  34. [17:35:58] * cote_ ( has joined #openid
  35. [17:39:14] * tango_ ( has joined #openid
  36. [17:52:13] * cote ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  37. [17:58:28] * SamRose ( Quit ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]")
  38. [18:04:51] <don-o> " lets you use your Yahoo! account to sign in to sites that support the OpenID standard"
  39. [18:10:44] <VxJasonxV> so, apparently someone here knows who develops/runs zooomr?
  40. [18:15:14] <rorek> Kristopher Tate is the dude's name
  41. [18:23:50] * PatF (i=Patrick@nat/novell/x-fe40385e1343155d) has joined #openid
  42. [18:27:16] <VxJasonxV> Someone wanna tell him that the professional account links are busted? :P
  43. [18:31:44] <cygnus> I believe there's a support email address..
  44. [19:07:48] * cygnus ( Quit ("Download Gaim:")
  45. [19:20:16] <evanpro> don-o: that sounds pretty cool
  46. [19:22:01] <evanpro> Fricken genius
  47. [19:45:19] * brianellin ( has joined #openid
  48. [19:59:53] * brianellin ( Quit ("Leaving")
  49. [20:26:28] * cote_ ( Quit ()
  50. [20:27:03] * cote ( has joined #openid
  51. [20:36:58] * cygnus ( has joined #openid
  52. [20:36:59] <jibot> cygnus is WorkerBee(name="Jonathan Daugherty", company="JanRain, Inc.")
  53. [20:42:18] * evanpro (n=evanpro@pdpc/supporter/silver/evanpro) Quit ("Ex-Chat")
  54. [20:46:18] * evanpro (n=evanpro@pdpc/supporter/silver/evanpro) has joined #openid
  55. [20:52:15] * cygnus ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  56. [21:04:54] * _keturn (n=acapnoti@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn) Quit ("system, restart!")
  57. [21:08:02] * _keturn (n=acapnoti@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn) has joined #openid
  58. [21:12:56] * vals_ ( has joined #openid
  59. [21:15:18] * cygnus ( has joined #openid
  60. [21:15:18] <jibot> cygnus is WorkerBee(name="Jonathan Daugherty", company="JanRain, Inc.")
  61. [21:18:14] * brianellin ( has joined #openid
  62. [21:19:53] * tango_ ( Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
  63. [21:20:17] * j3h ( has joined #openid
  64. [21:34:15] * brianellin ( Quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
  65. [21:50:09] * brianellin ( has joined #openid
  66. [22:04:54] * brianellin ( Quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
  67. [22:13:15] * vals_ is now known as tango_
  68. [22:31:24] * jirwin (n=jirwin@osuosl/net/jirwin) has joined #openid
  69. [22:31:27] <jirwin> hey there
  70. [22:32:43] <rorek> jirwin, what's up?
  71. [22:33:02] <jirwin> not too much
  72. [22:33:29] <jirwin> thought I would try hanging out with openid kids :)
  73. [22:33:53] <jirwin> still working on my drupal 5 module. I want to tie the openids to a current userid as well
  74. [22:34:58] <rorek> cool. that makes sense
  75. [22:35:38] <jirwin> I was curious if you can pull an email address from the default persona after they authenticate.
  76. [22:36:11] <jirwin> right now, drupal asks the user for an email address to use to create the drupal user, but it would be really nice to be able to pull that from their persona
  77. [22:37:26] <rorek> addExtensionArg('sreg', 'required', 'email') or something like that
  78. [22:37:53] <rorek> provided you're using the janrain lib
  79. [22:37:59] <jirwin> rorek: perfect :)
  80. [22:38:15] <jirwin> does janrain maintain the drupal module cvs?
  81. [22:39:20] <rorek> I think cygnus is the maintainer. he works for janrain, as do I
  82. [22:39:39] <jirwin> alrighty cool :)
  83. [22:47:10] * mmell ( has joined #openid
  84. [22:51:04] * cygnus returns and reads
  85. [22:51:35] <cygnus> sounds like that's sorted out.
  86. [23:16:45] * robertj ( has joined #openid
  87. [23:38:51] * hikari_esblogger ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  88. [23:45:03] * PatF (i=Patrick@nat/novell/x-fe40385e1343155d) Quit ("Download Gaim:")
  89. [23:48:36] * hikari_esblogger (n=hikari_e@ has joined #openid
  90. [23:49:23] <gchaix> rorek: To follow up on jirwin's question, to grab the user's full name *and* email from their OpenID profile, would something like this work: "$auth_request->addExtensionArg('sreg', 'optional', 'email,fullname');"
  91. [23:49:54] <gchaix> s/optional/required/
  92. [23:49:59] * cygnus nods.
  93. [23:50:13] <gchaix> OK. I think I'm finally starting to understand this stuff. :-)
  94. [23:50:33] * gchaix goes back to his Drupal tinkering
  95. [23:51:12] <cygnus> the key is that only *one* addExtensionArg call is necessary. more than once, people have tried one call per field desired only to find that it doesn't work. :)
  96. [23:51:41] <cygnus> one call per query arg, so one for sreg.optional, and one for sreg.required, at most.
  97. [23:51:47] <cygnus> and, if you please, sreg.policy_url.
  98. [23:51:49] <gchaix> Ah. Good to know.
  99. [23:52:35] <cygnus> yeah. I think the confusion arises from the fact that addExtensionArg is for adding a single query argument whose value (in the sreg case) happens to be composite.
  100. [23:52:49] <gchaix> Once I get that part done, I just need to figure out how to have Drupal display the user's fullname instead of their OpenID on posts, etc.
  101. [23:52:50] <cygnus> whereas people think about the arg corresponding directly to the sreg value desired, which isn't the case.
  102. [23:53:13] * gchaix nods
  103. [23:53:35] <gchaix> The "add" part of "addExtension" had me thinking it could be done incrementally
  104. [23:53:59] <cygnus> yeah, I think that doesn't help
  105. [23:54:16] <cygnus> but, that's the reason we include an example consumer
  106. [23:54:19] <cygnus> complete with sreg support.
  107. [23:55:42] <jirwin> woot...time to make the drupal 5 module a lot better :)

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