IRC Log for #openid on 2007-02-06

Timestamps are in UTC.

  1. [00:10:11] * brianellin ( Quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
  2. [00:14:04] * hikari_esblogger ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  3. [00:23:46] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
  4. [01:00:47] * mpg4 ( Quit ("Leaving")
  5. [01:01:04] * cygnus ( Quit ("Download Gaim:")
  6. [01:14:31] <GabeW> rorek: you there?
  7. [01:17:27] <rorek> GabeW, here I am
  8. [01:18:04] * GabeW privmsgs rorek (for the record)
  9. [01:18:42] <GabeW> rorek?
  10. [01:20:11] * jibot (n=jibot@ has joined #openid
  11. [01:21:04] * GabeW heralds the return of the jib
  12. [01:27:53] * KevinMarks (n=Snak@pdpc/supporter/active/kevinmarks) has joined #openid
  13. [01:29:29] * willnorris ( has joined #openid
  14. [01:39:14] * kesslera ( has joined #openid
  15. [01:39:42] <willnorris> anyone from the initial OIDF board on right now?
  16. [01:43:45] <GabeW> you mean the openid foundation as announced by David Recordon?
  17. [01:43:52] <willnorris> yes
  18. [01:44:08] <GabeW> no, none of them are here - and they are here pretty rarely
  19. [01:44:23] <GabeW> is there anything you want me to relay?
  20. [01:45:15] <GabeW> i'm not on that board, but I have been involved in the setup of the org
  21. [01:45:40] <willnorris> well I just checked to see if was available, kinda on a whim. To my surprise it was, so I quickly snatched it up before anyone else did. I'm just curious if they'd like me to transfer it to them, or if they even care to have it
  22. [01:45:53] <GabeW> ok
  23. [01:45:57] <GabeW> i'll let them know
  24. [01:46:12] <willnorris> for now I'll just redirect it to unless I hear otherwise
  25. [01:46:41] <GabeW> ok
  26. [01:46:54] <GabeW> does recordon know your email address?
  27. [01:47:03] <willnorris> probably not...
  28. [01:47:35] <willnorris> i've posted a little on Scott's blog a bit, but haven't interacted much with david
  29. [01:47:35] <GabeW> i let him know (thanks to IRC logs) - you should get email sometime soon if david is readinng email
  30. [01:47:40] <GabeW> ok
  31. [01:47:52] <GabeW> anyway, need to run
  32. [01:48:01] <willnorris> k, thanks for relaying
  33. [01:49:14] <GabeW> btw, this channel is logged, so if you ever feel like ranting, you'll have a record for everyone ;-)
  34. [01:49:20] <GabeW> or raving, for that matter
  35. [02:36:46] * kesslera ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  36. [02:39:56] * willnorris ( Quit ()
  37. [03:38:57] * xlarrydrebes ( Quit ()
  38. [03:39:45] * xlarrydrebes (n=xlarrydr@ has joined #openid
  39. [03:40:18] * xlarrydrebes (n=xlarrydr@ Quit (Client Quit)
  40. [04:13:56] * aconbere|mobile ( has joined #openid
  41. [05:38:21] * SvenDowideit (n=sven@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) has joined #openid
  42. [05:43:03] <jirwin> is there a list of values that I can pull from sreg?
  43. [06:15:24] <SvenDowideit> hello, is there a perl Net::OpenID::Consumer developer that can give me a quick bit of advice?
  44. [06:15:54] <SvenDowideit> I'm getting die's in Net/OpenID/ and Net/OpenID/
  45. [06:16:01] <SvenDowideit> both on debug statements
  46. [06:16:37] <SvenDowideit> Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/Net/OpenID/ line 87.
  47. [06:16:50] <SvenDowideit> which is : $self->{consumer}->_debug("check_url for (del=$self->{delegate}, id=$self->{identity}) = $curl");
  48. [06:17:05] <SvenDowideit> if i comment them both out, things 'seem' to work
  49. [06:18:01] <SvenDowideit> ah, $self->{delegate},
  50. [06:18:55] <SvenDowideit> where is that supposed to be defined i wonders
  51. [06:21:10] <SvenDowideit> the other is earlier: Use of uninitialized value in join or string at /usr/share/perl5/Net/OpenID/ line 304.
  52. [06:35:42] <SvenDowideit> mmm, same thing there
  53. [06:39:13] <SvenDowideit> mmm, i was ecpecting that my identity would work, but that does not have an openid.delegate?
  54. [06:40:34] * aconbere|mobile ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  55. [06:51:13] * csarven ( Quit ()
  56. [07:55:23] * bortzmeyer ( has joined #openid
  57. [08:29:40] * _keturn (n=acapnoti@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  58. [08:32:43] * rorek ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  59. [08:32:57] * chowells79 ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  60. [11:01:40] * huslage ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  61. [11:09:04] * rorek ( has joined #openid
  62. [11:09:09] * chowells79 ( has joined #openid
  63. [11:09:10] <jibot> chowells79 is yet another Janrain idler.
  64. [11:09:15] * _keturn (n=acapnoti@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn) has joined #openid
  65. [11:42:48] * xlarrydrebes ( has joined #openid
  66. [11:42:48] <jibot> xlarrydrebes is yet another Janrain idler.
  67. [12:51:10] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ Quit ("Leaving...")
  68. [12:59:20] * huslage ( has joined #openid
  69. [14:20:39] * k3ntropy ( has joined #openid
  70. [14:34:53] * xlarrydrebes ( Quit ()
  71. [14:39:20] * myren__ (n=myren@ has joined #openid
  72. [14:48:56] * myren_ (n=myren@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  73. [15:22:11] <jirwin> hola...anyone awake?
  74. [15:41:39] * aconbere|mobile ( has joined #openid
  75. [16:21:09] * mpg4 ( has joined #openid
  76. [16:24:27] * bortzmeyer ( has left #openid
  77. [16:29:19] * cygnus ( has joined #openid
  78. [16:29:20] <jibot> cygnus is WorkerBee(name="Jonathan Daugherty", company="JanRain, Inc.")
  79. [16:29:38] * aconbere|mobile ( Quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
  80. [16:32:10] * j3h ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  81. [16:42:00] * hikari_esblogger ( has joined #openid
  82. [16:45:11] <don-o> noone here but us bots ;)
  83. [16:48:23] * cygnus clicks and whirs
  84. [16:57:32] <GabeW> stretch
  85. [16:57:37] <GabeW> anyone at RSA?
  86. [16:58:01] <GabeW> bbiab
  87. [17:03:16] * myren__ is now known as myren_
  88. [17:09:16] * xlarrydrebes ( has joined #openid
  89. [17:09:16] <jibot> xlarrydrebes is yet another Janrain idler.
  90. [17:53:36] <GabeW> hey xlarrydrebes !
  91. [17:55:50] <GabeW> everyone here knows the news right?
  92. [17:56:10] <don-o> lay it on me, man.
  93. [17:56:23] <GabeW>
  94. [17:56:28] <GabeW> microsoft is basically on board with openid
  95. [17:56:48] <GabeW> i need to blog - bbiab
  96. [17:57:40] <don-o> "Information Cards with OpenID"
  97. [17:57:47] <don-o> congrats.
  98. [17:58:14] <don-o> although the old montra of "Embrace and Extend" m$ evilness comes to mind, im keeping an open mind about it.
  99. [18:02:45] <GabeW> that not an issue here
  100. [18:02:49] <GabeW> read the blog entries
  101. [18:03:00] <trel1023> it's distributed
  102. [18:03:10] <trel1023> unlike passport
  103. [18:06:34] <don-o> GabeW: got some other blog URLs?
  104. [18:07:05] <GabeW> yah, hold on - writing my own blog entry
  105. [18:07:37] * myren_ is now known as myren
  106. [18:07:49] <don-o> ive got a copy of vista waiting to be installed once i get a new cpu/mobo from Fry's
  107. [18:09:30] <GabeW> ok
  108. [18:09:59] <don-o> the elastigirl quote on Cameron's blog is good.
  109. [18:10:12] <don-o> jibot: what is gabew's blog url?
  110. [18:10:13] <GabeW>
  111. [18:13:33] <don-o> cool. blog link mania.
  112. [18:14:09] <don-o> thx gabew
  113. [18:14:15] <myren> its rediculous how hijacked the planet openid blogroll gets sometimes
  114. [18:14:18] <myren> blogmania indeed
  115. [18:16:11] <trel1023>
  116. [18:16:26] <trel1023> bill did address it says the newswire
  117. [18:18:12] <GabeW> hhaha
  118. [18:18:38] <GabeW> i think my podcast on OpenID I did last week is going to get a biiit overshadowed
  119. [18:19:15] <GabeW>
  120. [18:26:10] <jirwin> if anyone is up to it, want to try to break my openid module at
  121. [18:29:04] * gchaix rubs his hands together
  122. [18:32:25] <chowells79> ?forgetme
  123. [18:32:26] <jibot> I have expunged chowells79 from my mind
  124. [18:38:47] * j3h ( has joined #openid
  125. [18:45:30] * factoryjoe ( has joined #openid
  126. [18:47:33] * factoryjoe ( Quit (Client Quit)
  127. [18:47:51] * factoryjoe ( has joined #openid
  128. [18:59:25] * mpg4 ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  129. [18:59:57] <GabeW> hey factoryjoe
  130. [19:00:02] <factoryjoe> hey
  131. [19:00:05] <factoryjoe> great news today, eh?
  132. [19:00:08] <GabeW> yah
  133. [19:00:26] <GabeW> my IPR podcast with aldo was published today!!!
  134. [19:00:30] * GabeW kids
  135. [19:00:37] <cygnus> good news indeed
  136. [19:00:44] <GabeW> actually, seriously, I touched on community marks
  137. [19:01:03] <GabeW> and boy did I futz up the 2 line description of openid
  138. [19:01:20] <GabeW> that was at the beginning of my cold
  139. [19:02:31] <factoryjoe> oh man
  140. [19:02:35] <factoryjoe> everyone's getting sick!
  141. [19:08:08] <GabeW> well, I'm just now about over it
  142. [19:09:27] * PatF ( has joined #openid
  143. [19:15:39] <jirwin> cygnus: ping
  144. [19:16:44] <cygnus> jirwin: host unreachable
  145. [19:18:24] <jirwin> :)
  146. [19:18:45] <jirwin> cygnus: if you get a chance, could you toss an eye over to
  147. [19:19:55] <cygnus> ah, another port to Drupal 5
  148. [19:20:03] <jirwin> another?
  149. [19:20:04] <cygnus> there are several efforts to do that
  150. [19:20:15] <jirwin> oh, I had only known about mine
  151. [19:20:23] * cmessina ( has joined #openid
  152. [19:20:23] <cygnus> the folks at Bryght, who now maintain the module, have an implementation that works with 5.
  153. [19:20:32] <jirwin> ahh
  154. [19:20:44] <jirwin> well darn. I bet they have the server going as well.
  155. [19:20:51] <jirwin> I do like my implementation
  156. [19:20:56] <cygnus> whic...
  157. [19:20:57] <cygnus> which..
  158. [19:21:03] <cygnus> makes the fact that "Boris Mann" posted that, a puzzle.
  159. [19:21:15] <cygnus> he has another module that supports OpenID, but AFAIR it does not use our library.
  160. [19:21:27] <cygnus> we handed off maintainership of the janrainian module to Bryght.
  161. [19:21:30] <cygnus> (not that long ago.)
  162. [19:22:49] <jirwin> hmm...
  163. [19:22:51] <GabeW> oh really?
  164. [19:30:40] * cmessina ( Quit ()
  165. [19:31:57] <evanpro> ya rly
  166. [19:37:35] * factoryjoe ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  167. [21:16:52] * PatF ( Quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
  168. [21:41:11] * hikari_esblogger ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  169. [22:20:50] * xlarrydrebes ( Quit ()
  170. [23:32:20] <GabeW> finally made it to slashdot
  171. [23:39:42] <cygnus>
  172. [23:45:47] <GabeW> yah ;-_
  173. [23:45:48] <GabeW> )
  174. [23:58:55] <chowells79> yro section, of course.
  175. [23:59:16] <chowells79> makes sense... how?
  176. [23:59:23] <GabeW> its slashdot

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