IRC Log for #openid on 2007-02-26
Timestamps are in UTC.
- [00:12:35] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
- [00:16:28] * djm62 ( has joined #openid
- [00:18:35] * djm62 considers himself welcomed as an "AOL friend"
- [00:18:58] * Simon- ( has joined #openid
- [00:21:11] <Simon-> keeps giving me http 500 errors :/
- [00:24:48] <keturn>
- [00:24:57] * keturn checks to see what's up
- [00:25:12] <Simon->
I'm probably sending something really stupid, but it won't tell me what ;)
- [00:27:05] <keturn>
looks like it's ending up with only a fraction of the arguments on the response URL that it expects
- [00:27:48] <keturn>
i.e. the return_to didn't make it back intact, so it's not really sure what to do
- [00:29:03] <niekie>
- [00:29:18] * niekie gets errors when doing the "Setup Needed for checkid_immediate" test.
- [00:29:23] <niekie>
On my OpenID.
- [00:29:50] <niekie>
No errors on the diagnose server side, but on the Identity Provider site :-\
- [00:30:05] <niekie>
So the transaction is incomplete due to that.
- [00:30:12] <niekie>
Other stuff works though.
- [00:30:47] <Simon->
- [00:31:28] * niekie made a neat delegation page for it :)
- [00:31:45] <niekie> heh, too many .'s :P
- [00:31:49] <Simon->
your extra return_to parameters are getting lost going via the login form
- [00:59:55] <dcorbin_>
Is there any plan to allow IPs to declare/describe and/or certify the 'quality' of authentication provided?
- [01:00:34] <keturn>
that's been a subject of much discussion on the mailing list recently
- [01:00:47] <dcorbin_>
how much traffic i son the mailing list?
- [01:01:11] <Simon->
"This attempt is successful." :)
- [01:01:47] <keturn>
some weeks, not much. some weeks, something flares up and there are hundreds of messages.
- [01:02:50] * hikar24 ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- [01:04:29] <dcorbin_>
Are there archives?
- [01:07:16] * hikar24 ( has joined #openid
- [01:07:25] * hikar24 ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
- [01:14:45] <dcorbin_>
Is anyone pushing "MailMan" to become a RP for openId?
- [01:27:53] * niekie ( Quit ()
- [01:51:29] <keturn>
Barry's actually interested in doing that
- [01:51:51] <keturn>
had I attended Pycon this year, I'd be talking with him about that now :-/
- [01:52:49] <keturn>
links to lists can mostly be found here:
- [01:53:17] <keturn>
some lists, e.g. marketing, aren't there, but I don't think the marketing list has what you're looking for
- [02:02:07] * GabeW pushes
- [02:03:03] <GabeW>
and then, we can make mailman day another humurous item in internet history
- [02:03:14] <Cody`macbook>
I think I screwed something up. Look at all the errors from the php-openid lib after entering your openid name in:
- [02:03:26] <Cody`macbook>
Don't even know where to begin to fix :/
- [02:04:25] <dcorbin_>
- [02:05:01] <dcorbin_>
Of course, it will probably take years for all the mailman 'users' to upgrade their software....
- [02:06:14] <Cody`macbook>
- [02:06:23] <Cody`macbook>
^ backtrace for those of you not wanting to login
- [02:15:04] * dcorbin_ is now known as dcorbin
- [03:02:25] * djm62 ( has left #openid
- [04:55:37] * Skwid_ ( has joined #openid
- [06:23:02] * Skwid_ ( Quit ("Quitte")
- [06:39:19] * bitsweat ( has joined #openid
- [07:00:56] * ocho_ha ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [07:07:19] * bitsweat ( Quit ()
- [07:24:49] * oremj ( has left #openid
- [08:19:40] * aconbere|mobile ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [08:39:18] * bortzmeyer ( has joined #openid
- [08:40:42] * ocho_ha ( has joined #openid
- [08:55:16] * ocho_ha ( Quit ("Konversation terminated!")
- [08:56:35] * ocho_ha ( has joined #openid
- [09:16:46] * hundleyj ( has joined #openid
- [09:51:10] * mpearce (n=mpearce@ has joined #openid
- [09:52:21] <mpearce>
Hey everyone... simple question. Has anyone _actually_ seen a spammer using their own openid server? Or is the just the vulnerability that we know is coming...
- [09:53:16] <bortzmeyer>
I've not seen it, but, of course, it will happen. OpenID authenticates, it does not authorize.
- [09:53:21] <mpearce>
Is there already a blacklist?
- [09:53:29] <bortzmeyer>
Gangsters have licence plates on their cars, too.
- [09:53:37] <mpearce>
- [09:55:03] <ocho_ha>
do email spammers use their real addresses in the ^From line?
- [09:55:33] <ocho_ha>
and if they did, wouldn't that be better?
- [09:56:50] <bortzmeyer>
Yes, it would be better. But it would not stop the spam by itself, you would still need an authorization system (such as a blacklist)
- [09:57:25] <mpearce>
I get it, I get it... but there are some service providers that try to protect... and delete spammers... are we at the point that we need a whitelist, or can we still use a blacklist for authorizing small chunks of content (comments).
- [09:58:31] <mpearce>
I hope we eventually see some comments on this from digg when their implementation gets running.
- [10:01:54] <Simon->
wouldn't a whitelist be useless?
- [10:02:34] <bortzmeyer>
No, it is the blacklist which is questionable since a spammer can always buy a new domain, which is not on the blacklist
- [10:02:40] <mpearce>
It would be somewhat protective if it included providers that you *knew* were aggressive with spam.
- [10:03:48] <Simon->
how do you prove someone made a spam comment?
- [10:04:21] * niekie ( has joined #openid
- [10:06:19] <mpearce>
providers couldn't followup, but they could respond to abuse.
- [10:39:58] * KevinMarks (n=Snak@pdpc/supporter/active/kevinmarks) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [11:32:27] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ Quit ("Leaving...")
- [12:05:51] * hundleyj ( Quit (
- [12:05:51] * ocho_ha ( Quit (
- [12:05:51] * rorek ( Quit (
- [12:05:51] * maindrag_ ( Quit (
- [12:05:51] * gregh ( Quit (
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- [12:05:51] * niekie ( Quit (
- [12:05:51] * GhostChe ( Quit (
- [12:05:51] * ^robertj ( Quit (
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- [12:05:52] * SIGFPE (i=djcapeli@blender/coder/DJCapelis) Quit (
- [12:05:52] * Akatemik ( Quit (
- [12:05:52] * Simon- ( Quit (
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- [12:11:00] * niekie ( Quit (Client Quit)
- [12:18:09] * tessier (n=treed@kernel-panic/sex-machines) has joined #openid
- [13:24:33] * niekie ( has joined #openid
- [13:50:56] * bortzmeyer ( Quit (
- [13:50:56] * j3h ( Quit (
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- [13:50:56] * GhostChe ( Quit (
- [13:50:56] * ^robertj ( Quit (
- [13:50:56] * niekie ( Quit (
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- [13:50:57] * Akatemik ( Quit (
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- [13:50:57] * Simon- ( Quit (
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- [13:50:57] * Ciaran_H ( Quit (
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- [14:48:57] * chowells79 ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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- [15:12:01] * ocho_ha ( Quit ("Going home!")
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- [16:52:47] * edd ( has joined #openid
- [16:53:53] <edd>
hey. i tried my AOL openid against the server tester, and it doesn't look good
- [16:54:02] <edd>
any idea if that's the test script or AOL at fault?
- [17:03:37] * j3h ( has joined #openid
- [17:04:00] <Simon->
- [17:04:24] <edd>
yes, just trying this. So far the Associate step succeeds only 2 times out of 5.
- [17:06:07] * bortzmeyer ( has left #openid
- [17:07:31] * j3h ( Quit (Client Quit)
- [17:08:02] <Simon->
- [17:08:03] * j3h ( has joined #openid
- [17:08:12] <Simon->
when I tried it it worked first time
- [17:08:43] * niekie found an awesome use for OpenID :)
- [17:09:02] <edd>
Simon-: and the 2, 3, 4 or 5th times too?
- [17:09:18] <Simon->
no it does fail most of the time now
- [17:09:39] * edd relieved it's not just him
- [17:09:58] <niekie>
With I can do a passwordless OpenID login, with just my Jabber account. And since I have a Jabber client on my mobile phone, I can do a passwordless login on untrusted computers :)
- [17:12:17] <Simon->
it didn't even connect to my jabber server
- [17:15:07] <Simon->
it can't handle SRV records
- [17:15:10] <Simon->
- [17:15:41] <edd>
Hmm, so now I put my app live instead of on development, and the AOL OpenID works. I declare that AOL's login API must be sensitive to network conditions or something.
- [17:16:37] <Simon->
a load balancer that doesn't notice if a server is failing to work right would cause it
- [17:19:11] * hundleyj ( Quit ("Leaving")
- [17:19:19] * tommorris ( has joined #openid
- [17:25:35] <keturn>
mpearce: I don't think there's anyone maintaining a blacklist, but there is
- [17:37:57] <mpearce>
keturn: thanks...
- [17:37:57] <maindrag_>
keturn: don't you think that there's issues with the botbouncer concept?
- [17:38:33] <maindrag_>
like, you've got a finite image library, right?
- [17:39:42] <maindrag_>
er,I think I'm thinking about something else :)
- [17:40:33] <maindrag_>
wait, no I am thinking about this
- [17:41:08] <maindrag_>
where do you get your images from?
- [17:48:54] * SamRose ( has joined #openid
- [17:52:12] * mpearce (n=mpearce@ Quit (Client Quit)
- [18:06:29] * cote ( Quit ()
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- [19:14:13] * epeus is now known as KevinMarks
- [19:27:01] * Osurac ( Quit ()
- [19:27:08] * hundleyj ( Quit ("Leaving")
- [19:28:26] <niekie>
Am I right that LiveJournal doesn't support Yadis?
- [19:29:09] <niekie>
Tells me: no_identity_server: The provided URL doesn't declare its OpenID identity server.
- [19:29:45] <j3h>
LiveJournal serves Yadis for its users, but it does not look for Yadis when you try to sign in with OpenID
- [19:29:45] * ocho_ha ( has joined #openid
- [19:30:12] <j3h>
so it half-way supports Yadis
- [19:30:19] <niekie>
j3h, if I add the legacy link tags for OpenID, will Yadis still take priority?
- [19:31:49] <j3h>
The OpenID 2.0 (draft) spec says to try Yadis first, but there is no real spec for using Yadis with OpenID 1. In practice, all libraries that I know if that support Yadis will try it before trying HTML discovery, FWIW.
- [19:32:07] <j3h>
For most users, it shouldn't make much of a difference which one is used first
- [19:34:27] <niekie>
I'd prefer Yadis to be used first, just because it'd be more easier to handle fallback on other OpenID identities if one fails on it.
- [19:58:54] * KevinMarks (i=KevinMar@pdpc/supporter/active/kevinmarks) Quit ("The computer fell asleep")
- [20:03:28] * gregh (i=gregh@ has joined #openid
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- [20:47:41] <^robertj>
keturn: has there been any more thought put into botbouncer?
- [21:02:02] * SamRose ( Quit (Connection timed out)
- [21:02:56] * Flenser ( has joined #openid
- [21:03:49] <_keturn>
robertj: I haven't heard much about it lately. What are you looking for?
- [21:12:30] * Flenser (n=Miranda@twiki/developer/SamHasler) Quit ("ttfn")
- [21:14:56] <Simon->
it doesn't even work for me
- [21:17:16] <chowells79>
How does it not work?
- [21:17:28] * wogi ( has joined #openid
- [21:17:34] <chowells79>
The user experience, or the API?
- [21:19:00] <Simon->
Application error
- [21:19:01] <Simon->
Change this error message for exceptions thrown outside of an action (like in Dispatcher setups or broken Ruby code) in public/500.html
- [21:19:12] <wogi>
Question: If I have multiple openID accounts, and I go to log in a service with one of them, will that service necessarily allow me to log in with the other one?
- [21:19:51] <chowells79>
No, wogi. It needs to know you're the same person, behind two different identifiers. It can only know that if you tell it.
- [21:20:00] <chowells79>
Simon, which page gives you that?
- [21:20:14] <Simon->
- [21:20:21] <wogi>
chowells How might I tell it ?
- [21:20:22] <Simon->
it's not requested anything from my server
- [21:21:06] <chowells79>
wogi: depends on the application. has a "add another openid" account option for users to link multiple IDs together.
- [21:21:33] <chowells79>
wogi: Other applications may or may not have the same sort of thing... But hopefully they will, in the future.
- [21:21:55] <chowells79>
Simon-: You mean when you enter your identifier and hit submit?
- [21:21:57] <j3h>
jyte also will assume you're the same person if you use the same delegate for different URLs (a good approach, IMO)
- [21:21:59] <Simon->
chowells79: yes
- [21:22:54] <chowells79>
Simon-: Hmm. It's working fine for me...
- [21:24:22] <Simon->
it's requesting the url but then it just times out somewhere
- [21:24:30] * tango_ ( Quit ("Leaving")
- [21:24:48] <chowells79>
What idp are you using?
- [21:25:02] <chowells79>
I've checked with myopenid and livejournal identifiers, and had no trouble...
- [21:25:47] <chowells79>
- [21:25:56] <chowells79>
I get that error page using aol's identifier
- [21:26:01] <Simon->
not using aol :p
- [21:26:54] <chowells79>
Hmm. Well, that's odd.
- [21:26:57] <chowells79>
- [21:27:00] <Simon->
perhaps it's unable to do https
- [21:28:01] <Simon->
it's trying to speak plain http to the https port
- [21:28:20] <Simon->
oops no
- [21:28:21] * SamRose ( has joined #openid
- [21:28:24] <Simon->
that's my outgoing request ;)
- [21:31:45] <chowells79>
Well, we can reproduce it at will...
- [21:31:49] <chowells79>
Grant's looking at it.
- [21:42:38] <evanpro> <-- cool
- [21:43:09] <evanpro>
One of my hopes in developing the OpenID MW extension was to make it easier for Wiki users to work on multiple wikis, and keep their identity
- [21:44:32] <evanpro>
Of course, the MW world pretty much revolves around Wikipedia -- once they get their login shit straightened out, we'll probably see a lot more wikis supporting OpenID
- [21:47:52] * KevinMarks (i=KevinMar@nat/google/x-4dd209898d2fe485) has joined #openid
- [21:48:17] <chowells79>
Simon-: Can you give botbouncer a try again?
- [21:52:45] * cygnus ( Quit ("Leaving.")
- [21:53:27] <Simon->
still not working
- [22:05:34] * cygnus|laptop ( has joined #openid
- [22:05:56] * cygnus|laptop ( Quit (Client Quit)
- [22:06:08] * cygnus|laptop ( has joined #openid
- [22:06:10] <Simon-> fails too...
- [22:10:46] * KevinMarks (i=KevinMar@nat/google/x-4dd209898d2fe485) Quit ("The computer fell asleep")
- [22:10:54] <Simon->
and iwantmyopenid.. and wiki
- [22:11:03] <Simon->
the server testing pages work fine
- [22:15:31] <Simon->
oh iwantmyopenid is working now
- [22:16:05] <Simon->
or not because it's now just ignoring my attempts to login
- [22:17:36] * Simon- thinks he needs a new server anyway
- [22:17:50] <Simon->
this one just ignores my previous setup decisions to hide email address
- [22:27:13] * KevinMarks (i=KevinMar@nat/google/x-49ce3414c12f7bf4) has joined #openid
- [22:28:45] * hikari_esblogger ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [22:37:22] * hober (n=ted@unaffiliated/hober) has joined #openid
- [22:41:09] <tommorris>
evanpro: I'm thinking of putting OpenID on the wiki I run
- [22:52:19] * hober (n=ted@unaffiliated/hober) has left #openid
- [22:52:30] * KevinMarks (i=KevinMar@nat/google/x-49ce3414c12f7bf4) Quit ("The computer fell asleep")
- [22:58:02] * KevinMarks (i=KevinMar@nat/google/x-0187274f9a7cd9bf) has joined #openid
- [23:06:51] * SamRose ( Quit ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]")
- [23:20:43] * edd ( Quit ()
- [23:25:42] * edd ( has joined #openid
- [23:37:11] <evanpro>
tommorris: that's great
- [23:37:28] <evanpro>
tommorris: if it's MediaWiki, please feel free to ask and I'll help out
- [23:37:55] <evanpro>
Simon-: what server are you using? Homebrew?
- [23:42:48] <chowells79>
Simon-: Are you talking about sites failing as RPs with AOL's provider?
- [23:43:28] <chowells79>
As it looks like AOL is having the rather common bug where they don't encode values in two's-complement before transmitting them over the wire, thus causing association to fail 50% of the time
- [23:43:33] * KevinMarks discovered a new tool, paros
- [23:44:25] <tommorris>
evanpro: cool. yeah, it's mediawiki. i've been meaning to get around to it, but Real Life people have been taking up too much time.
- [23:44:48] <evanpro>
tommorris: I'm having a hard time telling which one is the Real life
- [23:44:51] <evanpro>
- [23:45:34] <evanpro> <-- KevinMarks, this one?
- [23:46:18] <KevinMarks>
- [23:47:02] <KevinMarks>
http-focused protocol capturer, very handy
- [23:47:48] <evanpro>
- [23:51:50] * KevinMarks (i=KevinMar@nat/google/x-0187274f9a7cd9bf) Quit ("The computer fell asleep")
- [23:53:28] * edd ( Quit ()
- [23:58:50] * xlarrydrebes ( Quit ()
- [23:59:47] * KevinMarks (i=KevinMar@nat/google/x-8b162b1bf7f2769f) has joined #openid
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