IRC Log for #openid on 2007-02-27

Timestamps are in UTC.

  1. [00:02:18] * wcdevel ( has left #openid
  2. [00:05:00] <Simon-> evanpro: "PHP OpenID Server by JanRain"
  3. [00:05:10] <evanpro> The abandonware one?
  4. [00:05:14] <Simon-> haha
  5. [00:05:22] <evanpro> Oh, sorry, am I not supposed to say that?
  6. [00:05:24] <Simon-> I think it's still available for download
  7. [00:05:28] <evanpro> Yeah, that's true
  8. [00:05:38] <Simon-> certainly the backend PEAR stuff is still unchanged
  9. [00:06:06] <evanpro> Oh, it works fine, if you kick it a bit
  10. [00:06:14] <Simon-> I modified it for postgres (s/MY/PG/) and to generate random email addresses based on the remote site's url
  11. [00:06:25] <evanpro> Simon-: really?
  12. [00:06:28] <Simon-> yes
  13. [00:06:33] <evanpro> Have you seen the xmpp guys from South Africa?
  14. [00:06:40] <evanpro> Seems like everybody's hacking on that server
  15. [00:06:50] <evanpro> It might be a good idea to fork it at some point
  16. [00:07:02] <Simon-> that would be the one that can't even use SRV records for XMPP?
  17. [00:07:14] <evanpro> Oh, c'mon
  18. [00:07:22] <evanpro> XMPP is a hydra-headed beast
  19. [00:07:32] <evanpro> There's no piece of software that supports all of its many tentacles
  20. [00:07:45] <Simon-> jabber has had SRV records for a long time
  21. [00:07:55] <evanpro> OK, fair enough
  22. [00:08:01] <Simon-> and it's a major problem overloading email and jabber ids like that
  23. [00:08:20] <evanpro> True
  24. [00:08:39] <evanpro> Anyways, my point being
  25. [00:08:44] <Simon-> my not having any A/AAAA/MX records I don't have a problem making my jabber id available
  26. [00:08:48] <Simon-> by*
  27. [00:09:00] <Simon-> I will have a look at it anyway, I'd rather not make my own
  28. [00:09:01] <evanpro> That there may be some value in fixing up the PHP OpenID server and collecting some of the extensions people have built
  29. [00:09:02] * KevinMarks (i=KevinMar@nat/google/x-8b162b1bf7f2769f) Quit ("The computer fell asleep")
  30. [00:09:19] <Simon-> it seems like something that would be really useful is server side logging for when things go wrong
  31. [00:09:29] <evanpro> For JabbX0r?
  32. [00:09:35] <evanpro> Or for the OpenID thing?
  33. [00:09:50] <Simon-> no, I only noticied my server was complaining about the lack of bcmath/gmp when I tested it with openidenabled
  34. [00:09:59] <evanpro> Oh, yeah
  35. [00:10:02] <evanpro> Gotta have gmp
  36. [00:10:11] <Simon-> and php's safe mode is driving me mad
  37. [00:10:17] * evanpro stifles a laugh
  38. [00:10:29] <evanpro> oof
  39. [00:10:32] <evanpro> that sucks
  40. [00:10:42] <Simon-> it can't open /dev/urandom :/
  41. [00:10:46] * j3h ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
  42. [00:10:54] <Simon-> well, I could disable safe mode but I'd rather not
  43. [00:11:31] <evanpro> Well
  44. [00:11:46] <evanpro> I've yet to have a server burst into flames because I turned off safe mode
  45. [00:13:06] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
  46. [00:19:10] * dcorbin_ ( has joined #openid
  47. [00:19:20] * dcorbin ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
  48. [00:22:59] * KevinMarks (i=KevinMar@nat/google/x-069365f2884c574d) has joined #openid
  49. [00:26:37] <Simon-> <evanpro> That there may be some value in fixing up the PHP OpenID server... <-- I'd rather not keep using this mess with smarty
  50. [00:28:33] * cygnus|laptop ( has left #openid
  51. [00:31:46] * bitsweat ( has joined #openid
  52. [00:33:48] * hundleyj ( has joined #openid
  53. [00:34:31] * bitsweat ( Quit (Client Quit)
  54. [00:38:36] <Simon-> unfortunately I don't have the time to work on anything :/
  55. [00:38:37] * xlarrydrebes ( has joined #openid
  56. [01:27:18] * osochebol (i=HPTVN@ has joined #openid
  57. [01:29:24] * j3h ( has joined #openid
  58. [01:34:18] * bitsweat ( has joined #openid
  59. [01:59:52] * KevinMarks (i=KevinMar@nat/google/x-069365f2884c574d) Quit ("The computer fell asleep")
  60. [02:05:26] * KevinMarks (i=KevinMar@nat/google/x-713b3658aacac8bf) has joined #openid
  61. [02:19:49] * KevinMarks (i=KevinMar@nat/google/x-713b3658aacac8bf) Quit ("The computer fell asleep")
  62. [02:25:04] * shigeta_ (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
  63. [02:25:40] * bitsweat ( Quit ()
  64. [02:27:45] * djm62 ( has joined #openid
  65. [02:28:24] <djm62> quick q for anyone who's awake
  66. [02:29:30] <djm62> I have a URL, which is my openID, and an openID provider (AOL) where I already had an account, and these are separate organisations
  67. [02:30:43] <djm62> I can change openID provider whenever the mood takes me, because I can change the redirect on my webspace, right?
  68. [02:31:27] <djm62> can I change URL while keeping the openID provider the same, and have that as a continuous identity?
  69. [02:32:17] <djm62> (apologies if my terminology is off)
  70. [02:32:44] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
  71. [02:50:54] * aconbere|mobile (n=aconbere@ has joined #openid
  72. [02:54:13] * djm62 ( has left #openid
  73. [03:00:28] <dcorbin_> I *think* the former is correct, and the latter is not.
  74. [03:01:48] <dcorbin_> The URL you type in as your OpenID is in fact your continuous identity.
  75. [03:10:05] * j3h ( Quit ("Leaving.")
  76. [03:10:51] * hundleyj ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  77. [03:10:54] * aconbere|mobile (n=aconbere@ Quit ("Lost terminal")
  78. [03:14:48] * xlarrydrebes ( Quit ()
  79. [03:16:28] * xlarrydrebes ( has joined #openid
  80. [03:17:58] * xlarrydrebes ( Quit (Client Quit)
  81. [03:46:18] * aconbere|mobile ( has joined #openid
  82. [04:56:47] * osochebol (i=HPTVN@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  83. [05:03:02] * KevinMarks ( has joined #openid
  84. [05:55:22] * j3h ( has joined #openid
  85. [06:02:57] * factoryjoe ( has joined #openid
  86. [06:15:25] * j3h ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  87. [06:19:28] * factoryjoe ( Quit (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
  88. [06:19:41] * factoryjoe ( has joined #openid
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  90. [06:35:54] * m3nt0r ( has joined #openid
  91. [07:06:03] * bitsweat ( has joined #openid
  92. [07:10:36] * Dan_ ( has joined #openid
  93. [07:11:22] <Dan_> Has anyone run into the 'No XML parser was found' error message with PHP 5.2.0?
  94. [07:19:45] * ocho_ha ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  95. [07:32:43] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
  96. [07:36:56] * edd ( has joined #openid
  97. [07:51:28] * shigeta_ (n=shigeta@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  98. [08:08:15] * aconbere|mobile ( Quit ("leaving")
  99. [08:15:25] * ocho_ha ( has joined #openid
  100. [08:20:24] * Dan_ ( Quit ("Leaving")
  101. [08:27:17] * bitsweat ( Quit ()
  102. [08:28:39] * tango_ ( has joined #openid
  103. [08:34:54] * ocho_ha ( Quit ("Konversation terminated!")
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  105. [09:54:53] * tommorris ( Quit ()
  106. [09:57:09] * tango_ ( Quit ("Leaving")
  107. [10:25:53] * _keturn (n=acapnoti@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  108. [10:26:25] * chowells79 ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  109. [10:26:57] * rorek ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  110. [10:27:42] * niekie ( has joined #openid
  111. [10:52:09] * abscond ( has joined #openid
  112. [11:13:57] * edd ( Quit ()
  113. [11:20:33] * bortzmeyer ( has joined #openid
  114. [11:23:33] * xlarrydrebes ( has joined #openid
  115. [11:25:23] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ Quit ("Leaving...")
  116. [11:28:18] * edd ( has joined #openid
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  118. [11:45:18] * rorek ( has joined #openid
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  121. [12:36:55] * robertj ( has joined #openid
  122. [12:41:59] * edd ( Quit ()
  123. [13:57:27] * niekie wonders why says Wikipedia supports OpenID signons.
  124. [13:57:32] <niekie> It does not yet, right?
  125. [13:59:55] <ocho_ha> it's been coded up by evanpro
  126. [14:00:06] <ocho_ha> but I don't think it's been adopted by Wikipedia
  127. [14:01:02] <abscond> yes, the wikimedia open source program supports it, and quite a few sited using it have turned it on, but it hasn't been implemented on the actual wikipedia... yet.
  128. [14:34:50] * abscond ( Quit ()
  129. [15:01:04] <ocho_ha> wikitravel wikevent and wikihow are using it that I know of
  130. [15:02:10] * xlarrydrebes ( Quit ()
  131. [15:02:19] * EtnaRosso ( has joined #openID
  132. [15:02:25] <EtnaRosso> morning all
  133. [15:03:22] * maindrag ( has joined #openid
  134. [15:06:48] <EtnaRosso> i need informations about open id
  135. [15:07:21] <EtnaRosso> expecially i would like to know if there exists some open source api to authenticate a user
  136. [15:07:53] <maindrag>
  137. [15:08:05] <maindrag> has a bunch of libraries for different languages
  138. [15:09:12] <maindrag> and of course
  139. [15:14:57] * m3nt0r ( Quit ()
  140. [15:19:52] * maindrag_ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  141. [15:38:19] * ocho_ha ( Quit ("Going home!")
  142. [15:53:53] * edd ( has joined #openid
  143. [16:09:19] * xlarrydrebes ( has joined #openid
  144. [16:23:22] * bortzmeyer ( has left #openid
  145. [16:44:45] * OpenStandards ( has joined #openid
  146. [17:07:45] * tango_ ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  147. [17:13:20] * niekie ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
  148. [17:20:51] * jibot (n=jibot@ has joined #openid
  149. [17:38:02] * EtnaRosso ( Quit ("Leaving")
  150. [17:46:15] * robertj ( Quit (
  151. [17:46:15] * zirpu ( Quit (
  152. [17:46:15] * GabeW (i=gwachob@pdpc/supporter/professional/GabeW) Quit (
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  172. [17:46:15] * Simon- ( Quit (
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  224. [17:54:21] * robertj ( Quit (
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  245. [17:54:21] * Simon- ( Quit (
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  297. [17:56:17] * VxJasonxV (n=jason@xmms2/troll/VxJasonxV) has joined #openid
  298. [17:57:21] <Simon-> it's both not sending a required value and not accepting a valid response :/
  299. [17:57:32] <Simon-> "Session type mismatch. Expected None, got ''"
  300. [17:58:12] <Simon-> hah
  301. [17:58:26] <Simon-> "Associate (DH-SHA1 session)"? it's not requesting DH-SHA1 :p
  302. [18:28:49] * epeus (i=KevinMar@nat/google/x-c9aeaed610afff45) has joined #openid
  303. [18:28:49] <jibot> epeus is Kevin Marks and kevinmarks and the new bodysnatcher
  304. [18:38:52] * KevinMarks (n=Snak@pdpc/supporter/active/kevinmarks) Quit (Nick collision from services.)
  305. [18:39:01] * epeus is now known as KevinMarks
  306. [18:47:17] * j3h ( has joined #openid
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  310. [19:12:30] * j3h ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  311. [19:17:57] <VxJasonxV>
  312. [19:18:03] <VxJasonxV> people should go check that out, weigh in, and vote up
  313. [19:18:22] * fajro ( has joined #openid
  314. [19:18:24] <VxJasonxV> <-- and that's why
  315. [19:30:04] * j3h ( has joined #openid
  316. [19:31:28] * ocho_ha ( has joined #openid
  317. [19:34:49] <^robertj> has there been any thought given to improving botbouncer?
  318. [19:35:38] * tango_ ( has joined #openid
  319. [19:41:44] <chowells79> ^robertj: In what way?
  320. [19:43:15] <^robertj> well you can just select the top entry from the list 20 times and eventually get a hit and be approved
  321. [19:43:33] <^robertj> so err...I figure a computer could do 1 or 2 faulty ids a second
  322. [19:44:23] <chowells79> It looks like the answer is yes, more will be done.
  323. [19:47:50] <^robertj> but err.. what?
  324. [19:49:04] * robertj ( Quit (
  325. [19:49:36] * robertj ( has joined #openid
  326. [19:49:38] * ^robertj waves goodbye to himself at home
  327. [19:49:46] <^robertj> hello self
  328. [19:51:23] * robertj ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  329. [19:51:37] * j3h ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  330. [19:52:09] <VxJasonxV> heh
  331. [19:55:26] <^robertj> VxJasonxV: from what I can see, if that were to succeed, every russian scripter in the world would be hired to solve any challenges there
  332. [19:57:46] <VxJasonxV> ^robertj, I was laughing at you talking to yourself
  333. [19:57:52] <VxJasonxV> no reference to bot bouncer :P
  334. [19:57:55] <VxJasonxV> it's a good idea.
  335. [19:58:29] <VxJasonxV> and I laughed only because I did such things before occasionally
  336. [19:58:33] <VxJasonxV> (then I started using irssi-proxy)
  337. [19:58:44] <^robertj> yeah, I may start doing that soon
  338. [20:09:24] * abscond ( Quit ()
  339. [20:11:27] <_keturn> irissi-proxy doesn't give you access to scrollback? what's the point?
  340. [20:12:21] <_keturn> I guess the point is avoiding both keturn and _keturn
  341. [20:13:35] * abscond ( has joined #openid
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  343. [20:40:35] * j3h ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  344. [20:47:50] <fo0bar> hmm, for some reason it looks like authenticating against livejournal is no longer working for me. I'm trying with the latest php libs (1.2.1). $consumer->begin($openid_url) is just returning null
  345. [20:48:00] * fo0bar is trying to debug this but hitting a wall
  346. [20:50:05] <cygnus|laptop> fo0bar: the problem is likely that 1.2.1 does not parse Livejournal identity pages, as they are so bloated that they exceed regular expression recursion depth on your PHP installation
  347. [20:53:25] <fo0bar> lovely, that appears to be it... it seems to work for a user that has less content
  348. [20:56:34] <chowells79> You can increase the recursion depth limit for the regular expressions...
  349. [20:56:44] <chowells79> It's only a temporary fix, but it might be enough
  350. [21:00:17] <fo0bar> chowells79: ok, I took it a slightly different direction, found Services/Yadis/ParanoidHTTPFetcher.php "$body = $this->data;", changed to "$body = substr($this->data, 0, 10240);"
  351. [21:00:21] <fo0bar> seems to work
  352. [21:00:54] <fo0bar> of course, that assumes the relevant metadata is within the first 10k, but that seems to be a pretty safe assumption
  353. [21:01:12] <chowells79> Heh. I suppose that's a solid fix, too. If the <head> segment is more than 10k, there's a problem. :)
  354. [21:01:42] <cygnus|laptop> hah.
  355. [21:20:08] * SimonW ( has joined #openid
  356. [21:20:09] <jibot> SimonW is Simon Willison, at
  357. [21:22:04] * cygnus|laptop pats jibot.
  358. [21:22:26] <SimonW> ?forgetme
  359. [21:22:27] <jibot> I have expunged SimonW from my mind
  360. [21:22:53] <SimonW> ?learn SimonW is Simon Willison, at
  361. [21:22:54] <jibot> SimonW is Simon Willison, at
  362. [21:23:34] <SimonW> anyone here who works for JanRain?
  363. [21:23:48] * ochoha ( has joined #openid
  364. [21:25:11] <cygnus|laptop> SimonW: yep, a handful of us are here.
  365. [21:26:06] <cygnus|laptop> cygnus|laptop, chowells79, _keturn, xlarrydrebes, rorek at the moment.
  366. [21:26:18] <SimonW> cool - any chance someone with knowledge of the diagnose-server tool could chat to me in private for a few minutes?
  367. [21:26:36] <_keturn> sure
  368. [21:27:14] <VxJasonxV> _keturn, you have all the scrollback on the server :P
  369. [21:27:27] <VxJasonxV> set up a sensible log viewing web app or something (or just ssh to the server and look)
  370. [21:28:46] <Simon-> I managed to cause a 500 error on that tool again
  371. [21:31:24] * tango_ ( Quit ("Leaving")
  372. [21:34:22] <_keturn> Simon-: oooh, did you feed it unicode?
  373. [21:36:08] <Simon-> no
  374. [21:36:12] * ocho_ha ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  375. [21:39:29] <SimonW> anyone have any ideas about what could cause errors with dumb mode using JanRain PHP?
  376. [21:39:29] <SimonW>
  377. [21:49:25] * cote ( has joined #openid
  378. [21:53:05] <_keturn> simonw: we're kind of out of ideas over here. Is it possible for us to access the server?
  379. [21:53:46] <_keturn> simon-: ah, you didn't base 64 encode the sig. the diagnostic ought to be better about handling that.
  380. [21:53:57] <SimonW> aha! that sounds promising
  381. [21:54:19] <SimonW> shouldn't the library take care of base64 encoding for me?
  382. [21:54:30] <SimonW> I'll check which version I've got installed
  383. [21:54:41] <_keturn> simonw: that was to the other Simon
  384. [21:54:45] <SimonW> oh, rats :/
  385. [21:54:47] <cygnus|laptop> Simon- == SimonW?
  386. [21:54:56] <SimonW> nope, we're different people
  387. [21:54:58] <_keturn> simonw: because yes, the library ought to take care of that for you
  388. [21:55:03] <cygnus|laptop> curse you, you kill my tab completion
  389. [21:55:05] <SimonW> he has a totally different bug :)
  390. [21:55:28] <SimonW> private message me about accessing the server
  391. [21:56:09] <_keturn> simonw: oh, are you not nickserv-identified? this is perhaps why private messaging does not seem to work well
  392. [21:56:16] <SimonW> aah, could be
  393. [21:56:21] <cygnus|laptop> I was wondering.
  394. [21:56:24] * abscond ( has left #openid
  395. [21:56:53] <SimonW> I'm identified now
  396. [21:57:26] <Simon-> _keturn: thanks, I didn't notice that :)
  397. [21:58:01] <Simon-> is it supposed to be able to request DH-SHA1? it doesn't send a session_type
  398. [22:03:45] <_keturn> Simon-: it uses cleartext sessions when operating over HTTPS
  399. [22:03:51] <Simon-> aah
  400. [22:04:03] <Simon-> according to the specification it must send a blank value
  401. [22:04:43] <_keturn> in openid 1.x? I thought there was a default.
  402. [22:05:13] <Simon-> shouldn't it say optional too?
  403. [22:08:27] * KevinMarks (i=KevinMar@pdpc/supporter/active/kevinmarks) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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  409. [22:13:13] * ochoha is now known as ocho_ha
  410. [22:19:28] * KevinMarks (i=KevinMar@nat/google/x-daeb1a6d07eb5349) has joined #openid
  411. [22:19:29] <jibot> KevinMarks is a writer of code, limericks, weblogs & syllepses & his blog is at & he explains how to get Creators paid at & originally from London, UK & living in Willow Glen, San Jose, CA & is WikipediaWorthy & part of & PST (UTC-8) & also in every time zone ever created, for KevinMarks is everpresent & the Podfather & begoogled & the keeper of jibot purity
  412. [22:23:08] <Simon-> _keturn: you're also not sending return_to to check_authentication (it's in signed)
  413. [22:25:18] <Simon-> it's missing signed too...
  414. [22:26:21] * xlarrydrebes ( Quit ()
  415. [22:26:21] <Simon-> and assoc_handle...
  416. [22:26:39] <Simon-> so it doesn't appear as though it's sending anything
  417. [22:27:10] * xlarrydrebes ( has joined #openid
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  419. [22:33:22] <_keturn> Simon-: that sounds unlikely. Are you only looking for GET query parameters, not POST?
  420. [22:33:36] <Simon-> oops!
  421. [22:41:26] <Simon-> erm
  422. [22:42:02] <Simon-> if mode is signed, it's required to include it... which it can't do because mode has to be check_authentication
  423. [22:43:16] <SimonW> is 1.2.1 the absolute latest version of the PHP library, or is there a more up to date one in CVS/SVN somewhere?
  424. [22:43:44] <SimonW> I'm getting some really weird errors out of it now
  425. [22:44:59] * ocho_ha is away: Gone away for now.
  426. [22:45:04] <Simon-> everything works now :)
  427. [22:45:16] <Simon-> is there a v2 tester?
  428. [22:52:14] <cygnus|laptop> SimonW: it is the latest, yes. The trunk library code is OpenID 2.
  429. [22:52:26] <_keturn> Simon-: nope, no v2 tester yet
  430. [22:52:29] <SimonW> K, thanks
  431. [22:52:56] <cygnus|laptop> SimonW: what weird errors are you getting?
  432. [22:53:13] <SimonW> bizzarely they seem to relate to global variables
  433. [22:53:39] <SimonW> [27-Feb-2007 22:39:12] PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in .../Auth/OpenID/BigMath.php on line 354
  434. [22:53:50] <cygnus|laptop> that would not surprise me if you're including our code in a method or function.
  435. [22:54:10] <SimonW> aha!
  436. [22:54:40] <cygnus|laptop> two fixes are: move your require/include to file scope, or 'global' each global variable (there are a handfull)
  437. [22:54:42] <SimonW> I'm doing exactly that... thought I was being smart and avoiding the overhead of loading the libraries for every request
  438. [22:55:00] <SimonW> (you can tell it's a while since I've done any heavy PHP)
  439. [22:55:03] <Simon-> erm
  440. [22:55:22] <cygnus|laptop> SimonW: that is alright. :)
  441. [22:55:34] <Simon-> I'm including DiffieHellman.php, HMACSHA1.php and TrustRoot.php when I need them
  442. [22:55:37] <Simon-> and it works for me
  443. [22:56:17] <cygnus|laptop> Simon-: yes, it will work for those; they neither define nor use globals in other files.
  444. [22:56:28] <KevinMarks> hi simon
  445. [22:57:10] <SimonW> hi KevinMarks
  446. [22:57:17] <SimonW> congrats on the new job
  447. [22:57:50] <KevinMarks> thanks!
  448. [22:58:02] <KevinMarks> congrats on your freedom...
  449. [22:58:10] <SimonW> cygnus|laptop / _keturn : fixing those imports seems to have fixed all of my bugs at once!
  450. [22:58:15] <SimonW> thanks a ton for all the help
  451. [22:58:18] <_keturn> hooray
  452. [22:58:37] <cygnus|laptop> SimonW: while somewhat sad, that's good. :)
  453. [22:59:14] <SimonW> KevinMarks: freedom is very pleasant, hasn't made me any less busy though
  454. [23:01:45] <KevinMarks> I'd love t have a chat wiht you about microformats and django some time...
  455. [23:02:06] <cygnus|laptop> hm, the M-word.
  456. [23:02:45] <SimonW> I'm free now - PM?
  457. [23:02:52] <KevinMarks> also the openid+microfromats ideas
  458. [23:03:00] <KevinMarks> 5 mins
  459. [23:03:14] * KevinMarks (i=KevinMar@nat/google/x-daeb1a6d07eb5349) Quit ("The computer fell asleep")
  460. [23:04:16] * hikari_esblogger ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  461. [23:04:41] <SimonW> cygnus|laptop / _keturn / anyone involved with
  462. [23:05:00] <SimonW> the documentation for the server diagnosis tool doesn't tell me I need to add "" to my trust roots
  463. [23:06:15] * KevinMarks (i=KevinMar@nat/google/x-8854a438c0afb1ae) has joined #openid
  464. [23:06:40] <KevinMarks> sorry, was grabbing a speaker at a talk
  465. [23:06:42] <cygnus|laptop> SimonW: I guess it's kinda implicit, since you'll probably do checkid_setup first and choose to trust that trust root, at which point a checkid_immediate call should succeed.
  466. [23:06:47] <_keturn> "Prerequisites: I expect an immediate positive response from the server, which typically means your user agent must already be authenticated with your server with the given OpenID, and your server must be configured to always allow this site to know your identity. If the test fails with a "setup needed" message, follow that link, configure the server, and re-run the test."
  467. [23:07:08] <cygnus|laptop> or.. that.
  468. [23:07:39] <KevinMarks> openid +microformats is something Chris Messina and I were handwaving about with the openid chaps a few weeks back
  469. [23:07:42] <SimonW> yup, that makes sense
  470. [23:08:11] <KevinMarks> basically that as openid lets you claim a URL as yours, fetching microformats from that URL can give you extended profile info
  471. [23:08:19] <KevinMarks> eg
  472. [23:08:30] <SimonW> KevinMarks: that's pretty much the exact example I used in my talk the other day
  473. [23:08:49] <KevinMarks> cool, wish I'd been there
  474. [23:08:52] <SimonW> plus using XFN to pre-populate your social network on that site
  475. [23:08:58] <KevinMarks> yes, exactly
  476. [23:09:11] <SimonW> apparently people are already doing that against LiveJournal's FOAF files
  477. [23:09:30] <KevinMarks> right, though FOAF is more of a bugger to make
  478. [23:09:34] <SimonW> what's the state-of-the-art in Python libraries for parsing microformats these days?
  479. [23:09:49] <cygnus|laptop>
  480. [23:10:30] <KevinMarks> not sure, I have been using BeautifulSoup which is not very state of the art
  481. [23:10:40] <KevinMarks> markp made a start in feedparser
  482. [23:10:57] <KevinMarks> Should build some tests and iterate
  483. [23:11:15] <SimonW> how much of microformats can you parse using CSS selectors?
  484. [23:11:22] <KevinMarks> quite a lot
  485. [23:11:32] <SimonW> I've been working on an extension to BeautifulSoup that lets you use CSS selectors to select elements
  486. [23:11:38] <KevinMarks> using jQuery to do that works well
  487. [23:11:45] <SimonW> only started it today but it can handle 'div.classname
  488. [23:11:55] <KevinMarks> BeuatifulSoup need patching to treat class and rel as sets
  489. [23:12:01] <KevinMarks> rather than exact matches
  490. [23:12:05] <SimonW> 'div#main p.classOfSomeSort a'
  491. [23:12:09] <KevinMarks> thats what bit me
  492. [23:12:39] <SimonW> you mean so you can match against <p class="foo bar baz">
  493. [23:12:44] <KevinMarks> yes
  494. [23:12:48] <SimonW> I've got that in my selector implementation already
  495. [23:12:59] <KevinMarks> so that it does that by default
  496. [23:13:02] <KevinMarks> but yes
  497. [23:13:02] <SimonW> haven't got matching against "" yet I don't think
  498. [23:13:21] <KevinMarks> the CSS is ~ isn't it?
  499. [23:13:28] <KevinMarks> for rel
  500. [23:13:30] <SimonW> is there a good standard test suite for microformats yet?
  501. [23:13:35] <KevinMarks> for class it's additive
  502. [23:13:49] <SimonW> hmm... not sure how that's meant to work
  503. [23:13:51] <KevinMarks> there are for some of them - hCard and hCalendar - ryan ahs been compiling them
  504. [23:14:49] <KevinMarks> CSS2 selectors for single rev matches here:
  505. [23:15:04] <SimonW> got a good example of JQuery code that parses microformats anywhere?
  506. [23:15:18] <SimonW> I've ported the JQuery CSS selector test suite to Python, implementing it is a bit daunting though
  507. [23:15:32] <SimonW> more than an hour long hack at any rate
  508. [23:15:56] <KevinMarks> hm, ask in #microformats, I'm pretty sure ryan has been using it
  509. [23:16:52] <KevinMarks>
  510. [23:18:22] * j3h ( has joined #openid
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  512. [23:22:38] <KevinMarks> SimonW: pm
  513. [23:25:37] * trel1023 ( Quit ()
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  515. [23:27:01] * cygnus|laptop ( Quit ("Leaving.")
  516. [23:28:14] <_keturn> SimonW: for the benefit of the archives, can you post a quick follow-up message to the openid dev list saying how you resolved the problem?
  517. [23:31:45] * robertj ( has joined #openid
  518. [23:34:19] <SimonW> _keturn: shall do
  519. [23:35:15] <_keturn> thanks
  520. [23:55:30] <Simon-> should user_setup_url include return_to somewhere, or should the user have to manually go back and try to login again after visiting the setup page?

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