IRC Log for #openid on 2007-04-05
Timestamps are in UTC.
- [00:01:18] * fajro_at_work ( Quit (Connection timed out)
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- [00:08:38] * PatF (i=Patrick@nat/novell/x-96e34797a4f9dc8f) has left #openid
- [00:25:49] * factoryjoe (n=factoryj@ has joined #openid
- [00:28:20] * cygnus ( Quit ("Leaving.")
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- [00:42:59] * rgl (n=Rui@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [01:00:22] * m3nt0r ( Quit (Success)
- [01:05:56] * m3nt0r^ ( Quit ("( :: NoNameScript 4.02 :: )")
- [01:25:25] * timphnode ( has joined #openid
- [01:28:11] * KevinMarks (i=KevinMar@nat/google/x-95ff6ec940187c28) Quit ("The computer fell asleep")
- [01:34:06] * j31 ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
- [01:37:52] * cote ( Quit ()
- [01:39:48] <VxJasonxV>
how interesting
- [01:39:50] <VxJasonxV>
some civility
- [01:39:54] <VxJasonxV>
trel1023, *poke*
- [01:45:03] <VxJasonxV>
Someone needs to be here to laugh with me :)
- [01:52:32] * cote ( has joined #openid
- [03:38:43] * fajro_at_work is now known as fajro_at_home
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- [05:40:04] * ianloic_ ( has joined #openid
- [05:43:33] <ianloic_>
hey, I'm looking for a more detailed description of openID than without having to read the specs?
- [05:46:37] <GabeW>
there's stuff here:
- [05:48:05] <ianloic_>
GabeW, thanks!
- [05:55:35] <ianloic_>
GabeW, should all servers be able to handle smart mode clients? do clients need to be able to degrade to dumb mode?
- [05:55:57] <GabeW>
i don't know off the top of my head
- [05:57:41] * Prometheus^ ( has joined #openid
- [06:12:30] <ianloic_>
I *so* can't keep all of openid in my head
- [06:27:35] * fajro is now known as fajro_z_z_z
- [06:31:13] * aconbere|mobile ( Quit (Read error: 148 (No route to host))
- [06:50:36] * terrell ( has joined #openid
- [06:58:32] * trel1023 ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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- [07:48:44] * ianloic_ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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- [08:21:32] * rgl (n=Rui@ has joined #openid
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- [11:08:42] * Prometheus^ ( Quit ()
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- [12:34:48] * AdamPilorz ( has joined #openid
- [12:56:01] * __chris (n=chris@unaffiliated/redlined) has joined #openid
- [13:05:20] <AdamPilorz>
Hello, I've got another question about using OpenID as authenticating method - is it better to create my own session system, and treat OpenID just as login and password in conventional script, or rather use OpenID as session system and use it to identify user every time he opens a subpage? I believe that the second solution would be more secure (it depends on security of OpenID library),...
- [13:05:22] <AdamPilorz>
...however it can be slower (OpenID server would have to answer every time) and probably annoying, while user won't give OpenID provider acceptance for lifetime authentication. What is your suggestion?
- [13:05:58] * shigeta_ (n=shigeta@ Quit ("Leaving...")
- [13:22:58] <terrell>
- [13:23:08] <terrell>
perhaps with a relatively short timeout
- [13:23:16] <terrell>
if you feel the need
- [13:25:19] * fajro_z_z_z is now known as fajro_ar_work
- [13:34:31] * cote ( has joined #openid
- [13:51:34] <AdamPilorz>
It's no exactly that my service is super important and needs improved security, just another mechanism is potentially another place, where the mistake can be made :).
- [13:51:37] <AdamPilorz>
So, if I'
- [13:52:25] <AdamPilorz>
I'm creating sessions system, I don't need to authenticate every 5 minutes with OpenID :)
- [13:58:21] * Prometheus^ ( Quit ()
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- [14:04:23] * idnar (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
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- [14:09:56] * vmlemon (n=vmlemon@unaffiliated/vmlemon) has joined #openid
- [14:10:40] <vmlemon>
Hi, when I try and sign into the OpenID login form at with my OpenID server installation, it always returns AssertionError,
- [14:11:17] <vmlemon>
I am using latest version of the PHP OpenID module
- [14:48:17] * aconbere|mobile ( has joined #openid
- [15:11:24] * j3h ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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- [17:23:54] * rgl (n=Rui@ has joined #openid
- [17:23:57] <rgl>
- [17:53:16] * epeus (i=KevinMar@nat/google/x-d3ac7bd27e71218b) has joined #openid
- [18:04:20] * KevinMarks (n=Snak@pdpc/supporter/active/kevinmarks) Quit (Nick collision from services.)
- [18:04:38] * epeus is now known as KevinMarks
- [18:16:10] * tylerr ( has joined #openid
- [18:16:44] <tylerr>
Hi folks. Just found out about this stuff and interested in getting myself one. Any top recommended OpenID servers?
- [18:22:25] * KevinMarks (i=KevinMar@pdpc/supporter/active/kevinmarks) Quit ("The computer fell asleep")
- [18:28:37] <terrell>
well, mostly, the ones who made them are here in the room - so you're going to get biased answers
- [18:28:53] <chowells79>
Can I give a biased answer anyway?
- [18:29:14] <chowells79>
Actually, there's one non-biased answer I can give...
- [18:29:15] <terrell>
as long as you delegate - you can change your mind later :)
- [18:29:34] <chowells79>
If you own your own domain, you can delegate, and... terrell beat me to the punch. :)
- [18:29:40] <terrell>
- [18:30:56] <chowells79>
Here's a fairly significant list of existing providers:
- [18:31:13] <chowells79>
Err.. significant isn't what I meant... How about "long"?
- [18:31:43] <chowells79>
And here's a description of the delegation business:
- [18:34:29] <_keturn>
terrell: will you recommend MyOpenID if I recommend ClaimID? ;)
- [18:34:46] * _keturn has no problems with recommending ClaimID in any case
- [18:34:53] <terrell>
that's kind of like reverse payola or something
- [18:35:36] <terrell>
i recommend - they are writing the libraries themselves you know....
- [18:35:59] <terrell>
but definitely add it to your account
- [18:36:08] <tylerr>
Lovely thank you. Sorry was busy with a task.
- [18:37:57] <tylerr>
Okay so we have myopenid for the actual registering and claimid for the managing?
- [18:38:13] <chowells79>
Well, the services have different overall goals, I think.
- [18:39:02] <terrell>
claimid is about presenting yourself online - managing the links out there about you
- [18:39:10] <terrell>
openid is part of that goal
- [18:39:11] <tylerr>
Ah lovely.
- [18:43:17] <tylerr>
What would be the purpose of having multiple OpenIDs?
- [18:44:05] <_keturn>
well, some RPs will let you log in to one account using either one, just in case one of your providers goes up in smoke
- [18:44:35] <_keturn>
otherwise having multiple OpenIDs tends to lead from exactly the same sort of too-many-account confusion that many of us want OpenID to help us get away from ;)
- [18:44:36] <tylerr>
Ah righto.
- [18:45:08] <_keturn>
(this is why I am not-a-fan of all the wikis and things that want to have built-in OpenID providers)
- [18:45:23] <tylerr>
So in theory, having two would be enough, one primary and the other as backup.
- [18:45:49] <terrell>
again, with the delegation - if you decide you like one more than another - switching doesn't 'cost' you anything in terms of the breadcrumbs you've already left around
- [18:46:05] <terrell>
because the openid you've used is actually you're own URL
- [18:46:24] <tylerr>
- [18:46:26] <terrell>
which masks the 'provider' account you used to authenticate
- [18:49:44] <tylerr>
Perfect, thanks for the help everyone!
- [18:54:03] <terrell>
make us sound smart when you share :)
- [18:54:31] <ianloic>
_keturn, seriously! the last thing I want is another identity provider
- [18:55:22] <ianloic>
hey, can someone explain how the non-recommended stateless mode works? I've been reading the 2.0 draft 11 doc and I'm confused
- [18:56:51] <_keturn>
do you understand what the check_authentication method does?
- [18:58:05] <ianloic>
_keturn, only sort of
- [18:58:15] <_keturn>
- [18:58:36] <_keturn>
so, in stateless mode, you have no association, no shared secret with the provider beforehand
- [18:59:14] <_keturn>
so when you receive the id_res response, it comes with a signature and an assoc_handle, but you can't do anything with that assoc_handle locally
- [18:59:37] * ianloic nods.
- [19:00:07] <_keturn>
so you echo the entire message to the provider -- only this time, over a direct request from the RP to the Provider, not through the user agent, and ask them if that message is valid or not
- [19:00:28] <_keturn>
(with the check_authentication request)
- [19:00:49] <ianloic>
aha, and the Provider says "yeah, that was me"
- [19:01:03] <_keturn>
- [19:01:59] <_keturn>
(and hopefully, in addition to "yeah, that was me", the assertion also implies that "yes, this is the first time that message has been validated and you are not subject to a replay attack")
- [19:02:14] <ianloic>
- [19:02:26] <_keturn>
that second bit was sort of implementation-dependent in OpenID 1.x, the 2.0 spec is stricter about saying what servers should do with replayed messages there.
- [19:02:49] <ianloic>
what's the state of 2.0 implementation? Is everyone still using 1.x?
- [19:03:01] <ianloic>
(ie: if I'm building something is it valid to assume 2.0 everywhere)
- [19:04:33] * cygnus ( has joined #openid
- [19:04:33] <jibot>
cygnus is WorkerBee(name="Jonathan Daugherty", company="JanRain, Inc.")
- [19:05:58] <_keturn>
you'll want to stay 1.x compatible for a while to come, I think
- [19:06:13] * bricas ( Quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.78 [Firefox]")
- [19:06:30] <_keturn>
2.0 libs are showing up in a few languages now, but I'm not sure anything's actually using them in production yet
- [19:07:00] <ianloic>
- [19:07:41] <ianloic>
how different are they? Should I go back and read the 1.x specs or if I'm thinking in terms of 2.0 will I just need to make a few adjustments for 1.x
- [19:08:15] <_keturn>
there's a big "compatibility notes for 1.1" toward the end of the OpenID 2.0 spec
- [19:08:23] <ianloic>
ahh nice!
- [19:08:28] <ianloic>
I'll read through that
- [19:08:32] <_keturn>
the spec authors' intent is that is sufficient
- [19:09:04] <_keturn>
are you implementing from scratch, or working with an existing implementation?
- [19:09:07] <ianloic>
who are the spec authors anyway?
- [19:09:09] <rgl>
cygnus, so how will you workaround PHP dot-to-underscore quirk? will you parse the query string by "hand"?
- [19:09:30] <ianloic>
I'm thinking about bastarized reuse of aspects of the protocol
- [19:09:53] <cygnus>
rgl: more or less. I'm going to bypass the standard $_GET/$_POST machinery.
- [19:10:02] <cygnus>
rgl: but that will be transparent to the library user.
- [19:10:32] <_keturn>
ianloic: is that what we usually call an "extension", or ... ?
- [19:10:48] <ianloic>
_keturn, it may take the form of an extension
- [19:11:22] <ianloic>
_keturn, I'm thinking about how to use OpenID identities beyond the scope of web apps
- [19:11:50] <rgl>
cygnus, you will do it by hand, or use an existing lib for the parsing?
- [19:12:10] <cygnus>
rgl: by hand, because there is no "existing lib" for parsing (and indeed it's trivial)
- [19:12:49] <ianloic>
_keturn, if I wanted to screw around on talking to openID servers is my best bet grabbing the python library and messing about in the python shell?
- [19:13:05] <rgl>
cygnus, OK. I think the HTTP extension does it.
- [19:13:09] <cygnus>
rgl: in particular, I can't use PHP's parse_str() because it, too, is affected by the same insanity that renders $_GET and $_POST useless
- [19:13:19] <cygnus>
HTTP extension? you mean PEAR?
- [19:13:19] <rgl>
cygnus, yeah :D
- [19:13:28] <_keturn>
ianloic: that sounds like a pretty reasonable thing to do, yeah
- [19:14:11] <rgl>
cygnus, its a pecl extension. I never used it, but read about it on the php manual at:
- [19:14:18] <cygnus>
- [19:14:33] <cygnus>
well, that's basically out of the question unless it's integrated without fail into every PHP starting with 4.3.0. :)
- [19:14:46] <_keturn>
ianloic: have you seen GabeW's post on "OpenID for Desktop Clients"?
- [19:15:02] <rgl>
cygnus, ah no. I think its a PHP5 thing.
- [19:15:17] <cygnus>
ah, even more out of the question, then. :(
- [19:16:30] <cygnus>
rgl: are you on the dev list?
- [19:16:36] <rgl>
cygnus, ok. I'm very interesting in having this parsing thing working. do you have some initial code/test cases?
- [19:16:59] <rgl>
cygnus, As of today I am. :D
- [19:17:21] <rgl>
cygnus, I've read you email from the archive, like, 10 mins ago. :D
- [19:17:49] <cygnus>
rgl: I have code, but have not written test cases. are you writing your own library? (the code is only useful for the OpenID 2 library; the OpenID 1 library uses a different hack that works well enough.)
- [19:18:05] <cygnus>
although *technically* it is useful for both.
- [19:18:29] * PatF ( has left #openid
- [19:18:38] <rgl>
cygnus, I'k writting my own provider (and I don't want to look at any of existing providers codes, at least, not at this point *G*)
- [19:19:02] <rgl>
cygnus, yes. I'm writting my lib.
- [19:19:19] <cygnus>
- [19:19:44] <rgl>
cygnus, the first thing I noticed when I started to implement the code, I noticed this lame PHP quirck :/
- [19:20:08] * cygnus grumbles
- [19:20:09] <cygnus>
get used to it. :)
- [19:20:45] <_keturn>
oh yeah
- [19:20:59] * j3h ( has joined #openid
- [19:20:59] <_keturn>
rgl: you explained already why you are writing your own lib
- [19:21:26] <_keturn>
have you explained yet about the PHP? ;)
- [19:22:29] <rgl>
_keturn, I'm "stuck" with it, because this is for integrating in a existing codebase that uses php.
- [19:23:27] <_keturn>
ah, hadn't heard about the integration
- [19:25:27] <rgl>
can you explain why there is a need for "encrypting" the mac_key instead of using the DH shared secret as a mac_key?
- [19:29:34] * cweiske ( has joined #openid
- [19:31:31] <cweiske>
I am trying to use the openid server example that is shipped with the PHP OpenID library from and having massive problems (redirected to a previously authenticated site and such). is that normal?
- [19:32:33] <_keturn>
rgl: something to do with the different properties of DH and HMAC-SHA... unfortunately I can't explain it well myself
- [19:32:53] <ianloic>
_keturn, I have not, but I'd better go google it
- [19:34:07] <rgl>
_keturn, you known if this was discussed in some of the lists? or better, how can explain it? :)
- [19:34:18] <rgl>
err s,how,who,
- [19:38:23] <j3h>
rgl: chowells79 might know more
- [19:43:23] <rgl>
I'll nag him :D
- [19:43:57] <rgl>
chowells79, do you want to be nagged? :D
- [19:44:38] * veeliam (n=veeliam@ has joined #openid
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- [19:54:52] <chowells79>
I honestly don't know
- [19:54:59] <chowells79>
that came from ciphergoth
- [19:55:03] <chowells79>
Uhh... paul... uh...
- [19:55:23] <chowells79>
Paul Crowly
- [19:55:29] <chowells79>
- [19:55:39] <chowells79>
He said it had something to do with the random oracle test
- [19:57:25] * j3h ( Quit (Excess Flood)
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- [20:04:59] <chowells79>
- [20:05:05] <chowells79>
this thread mentions is..
- [20:05:11] <chowells79>
But there's never a direct discussion
- [20:05:13] <rgl>
random oracle test? whats that? :D
- [20:05:23] <chowells79>
it's my poor memory. :)
- [20:05:44] <chowells79>
The full phrase had something to do with the proof of security working in the random oracle model
- [20:08:01] <rgl>
chowells79, oh, I never heard of that before *G*
- [20:08:13] <rgl>
chowells79, I supposed its something ilke this ?
- [20:08:20] <chowells79>
- [20:08:55] <rgl>
you known how can I reach Paul Crowley?
- [20:09:03] <chowells79>
- [20:09:09] <chowells79>
- [20:09:11] <chowells79>
- [20:09:15] <chowells79>
- [20:11:14] <chowells79>
I *think*, reading between the lines, that he wanted to minimize the number of assumptions being made
- [20:11:53] <chowells79>
and hashing the DH results allows him to prove security without any assumptions about the DH process itself.
- [20:13:00] <chowells79>
The only necessary assumption is, instead, the quality of the hash function
- [20:13:30] <chowells79>
... Of course, while there are known problems with sha-1, it's still the best widely available option, and the protocol flow allows for other options when they become available.
- [20:18:19] <rgl>
I've asked this to my teacher too. And he responded something like: if both parties don't generate a new DH key-pair on each association, that is, they reuse the same key-pair, there could be some problems. and that was the reason for always generating a random mac_key and xor with it. I though it made sense.
- [20:18:41] <rgl>
err and xor with the DH shared secret.
- [20:19:47] <rgl>
thou, your explanation doesn't seem to be inline with that *G*
- [20:21:03] <chowells79>
err.. "doesn't ... inline"...
- [20:21:14] <chowells79>
Is that actually what you meant? :)
- [20:22:20] <rgl>
I mean, the teacher explanation doesn't seem to be the same has the one you are talking about
- [20:22:29] <chowells79>
Ah, no they're not.
- [20:22:57] <chowells79>
I suspect the teacher misunderstood the application, though, as the same secret should never be re-transmitted.
- [20:25:48] <rgl>
humm, maybe I'm not getting the english right :(
- [20:26:19] <chowells79>
I think you're communicating fine.. I may not be making perfect sense, though. :)
- [20:27:54] <rgl>
the teacher want do infer that with the same key-pairs, the shared secret woul be the same. which is bad, so there is a random mac_key generation to add entropy.
- [20:28:17] <chowells79>
Hmm. That much is true...
- [20:28:30] <chowells79>
However, choosing the same key pairs should be *hard*
- [20:28:58] <chowells79>
As each party chooses one of the two values, the space is quite large, and they *should* be using a good random source.
- [20:29:11] <rgl>
this leads to another question. both parties should always generate a new key-pair for each association?
- [20:29:21] <chowells79>
yes, absolutely.
- [20:29:37] <chowells79>
Re-use is very dangerous, in this case.
- [20:30:46] <rgl>
so, his explanation doesn't make much sense, since I'm always generating new keys for new associations. this leaves the original question unanwsered :/
- [20:31:48] <rgl>
I'll ask Paul Crowley :D
- [20:32:05] * bricas ( has joined #openid
- [20:32:23] <rgl>
I guess he was the one that participated on the "security" part of OpenID?
- [20:42:58] <chowells79>
Yeah, very early on, he was the only trained cryptographer consulting on the project. :)
- [20:45:15] <rgl>
there were more? or the security remained the same as os OID 1.1?
- [20:45:24] <ianloic>
I'm not a cryptologist but I play one on television!
- [20:47:40] <rgl>
so, you are an actor? :D
- [21:03:12] <chowells79>
And what tv show features a cryptologist? 'cause... I'd watch it. :)
- [21:27:21] <VxJasonxV>
- [21:30:28] <VxJasonxV>
there was that X-Files spin off
- [21:30:42] <VxJasonxV>
I don't remember what it was called, but it was a show about computer geeks
- [21:37:13] <chowells79>
Lone Gunmen
- [21:37:21] <chowells79>
I watched the first episode... It was pretty bad.
- [21:56:21] * KevinMarks (i=KevinMar@nat/google/x-9106e59314d7153e) has joined #openid
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