IRC Log for #openid on 2007-09-15

Timestamps are in UTC.

  1. [00:19:05] <_keturn> bcmath is so slow. a full test run (on 12 different instances of PHP) still takes at least eleven minutes. :-(
  2. [00:19:40] <_keturn> but, the good news is, php 5.2 probably didn't break our libs. hoorj.
  3. [00:20:46] <_keturn> I should find another builder to offload some of those tests on
  4. [00:36:10] * markjones ( Quit ()
  5. [00:50:50] * Loolyan65 (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-446d0a792e3525ad) has joined #openid
  6. [01:29:26] * cote ( Quit ()
  7. [01:36:59] * martin-t ( Quit ()
  8. [01:37:41] * melvster_ ( has joined #openid
  9. [01:55:42] * melvster ( Quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
  10. [02:35:42] * martin-t ( has joined #openid
  11. [03:24:25] * melvster_ ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  12. [03:24:34] * freakerz ( has joined #openid
  13. [04:15:01] * OLhome ( Quit (Client Quit)
  14. [04:19:33] * freakerz ( Quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
  15. [04:20:22] * freakerz ( has joined #openid
  16. [04:38:43] * idnar (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) Quit (Nick collision from services.)
  17. [04:38:46] * idnar_ (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) has joined #openid
  18. [04:55:37] * fajro is now known as fajro-inkscape
  19. [05:06:44] * fajro-inkscape is now known as fajro-Zzzz
  20. [05:22:59] * freakerz ( Quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
  21. [05:38:55] * pvandewyngaerde ( has joined #openid
  22. [06:20:14] * SunWuKung ( has joined #openid
  23. [06:59:41] * Mitsurugi ( Quit (" · tecnologia lliure per a un món lliure")
  24. [07:14:59] * pvandewyngaerde ( Quit ("")
  25. [07:18:29] * SunWuKung ( Quit ("There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.")
  26. [08:03:03] * martin-t ( Quit ()
  27. [08:43:30] * Peng ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  28. [08:43:56] * Peng ( has joined #openid
  29. [08:58:22] * OLhome ( has joined #OpenID
  30. [09:00:56] * Loolyan65 (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-446d0a792e3525ad) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  31. [09:03:50] * Loolyan65 (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-6e7fa381b7849594) has joined #openid
  32. [09:25:06] * SignpostMarv ( has joined #openid
  33. [09:25:20] * SignpostMarv pokes his head in to see if there any BotBouncer devs in the room
  34. [09:28:16] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> Hi SignpostMarv
  35. [09:28:28] <SignpostMarv> boo
  36. [09:28:36] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> There are a lot of JanRain staff around these parts :)
  37. [09:28:47] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> Though they look to be somewhat idle at the moment
  38. [09:28:50] <SignpostMarv> heh
  39. [09:29:45] * SignpostMarv wanted to know what the likelihood of JanRain releasing a mod of wpopenid that used the botbouncer API was so he wouldn't have to mod it himself
  40. [09:31:03] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> Is that even JanRain's product?
  41. [09:31:08] <SignpostMarv> nope
  42. [09:31:18] <SignpostMarv> :P
  43. [09:31:35] <SignpostMarv>
  44. [09:31:52] <SignpostMarv> ^allows local account creation on wp blogs via OpenID
  45. [09:32:07] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> I think you'll have to mod it, then you can release it!
  46. [09:32:10] <SignpostMarv> would be nice to route stuff through botbouncer, but that may be a bit beyond me :-P
  47. [09:32:18] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> Yes, I use it on my own website :)
  48. [09:33:02] * SignpostMarv pokes his head in #wordpress
  49. [09:34:24] <SignpostMarv> come to think of it, a SpamKarma 2 plugin using botbouncer would rawk as well
  50. [09:35:06] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> unfortunatly for you, like most of freenode, we're here to help each other, not do free work
  51. [09:35:15] <SignpostMarv> lol :-P
  52. [09:35:35] <SignpostMarv> the phrase "point me in the right direction for modding wpopenid" had come to mind
  53. [09:35:54] <SignpostMarv> but if JanRain are working on that already, I'd rather wait for them to finish it :-D
  54. [09:36:19] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> I strongly expect they aren't
  55. [09:36:54] * SignpostMarv goes back to poking around Sandbox v0.9.7 wondering where the hell the skins menu went
  56. [09:38:20] <SignpostMarv> odd. seems to have gone backwards from having a menu to making peeps change the files
  57. [10:23:19] * OLhome ( Quit (Client Quit)
  58. [10:23:56] * OLhome ( has joined #OpenID
  59. [10:25:27] * OLhome ( Quit (Client Quit)
  60. [10:37:52] <SignpostMarv> you still there Blueberry ?
  61. [10:42:14] * SignpostMarv is about to test the wpopenid mod
  62. [10:50:07] <SignpostMarv> okay, it kinda worked but not
  63. [10:50:27] <SignpostMarv> $this->start_login( $_POST['openid_url'], '' . urlencode($redirect_to) . '&openid=' . $_POST['openid_url'] );
  64. [10:50:33] <SignpostMarv> line 257, openid-registration.php
  65. [10:50:42] <SignpostMarv> ends up going to botbouncer.comwp-admin
  66. [10:51:06] * SignpostMarv thinx it needs an absolute url for $redirect_to
  67. [10:51:48] * ichigo ( has joined #openid
  68. [10:56:59] <Getty> still not started playing around with it
  69. [10:57:05] <Getty> still interested how that sso stuff works :)
  70. [10:57:11] <SignpostMarv> ??
  71. [10:57:53] <Getty> you kn0w
  72. [10:57:56] <Getty> ?
  73. [10:58:28] <Getty> in some of this lots and lots of readmes i found something that openid also is able of SSO
  74. [10:58:37] <Getty> but i cant think about the concept how that is supposed to work
  75. [10:59:07] * SignpostMarv wonders if Getty means single sign-on
  76. [10:59:17] <Getty> yeah thats SSO :)
  77. [10:59:26] <Getty> is there something else it means?
  78. [10:59:39] <SignpostMarv> Sanitary swere overflow
  79. [10:59:43] <SignpostMarv> senior scientific officier
  80. [10:59:44] <Getty> LOL
  81. [10:59:48] <SignpostMarv>
  82. [10:59:48] <Getty> yeah
  83. [10:59:49] <SignpostMarv> :-P
  84. [10:59:52] <Getty> hehe
  85. [10:59:54] <Getty> so you know?
  86. [10:59:56] <SignpostMarv> sewer*
  87. [11:00:04] <SignpostMarv> basically,
  88. [11:00:09] <SignpostMarv> using OpenID,
  89. [11:00:18] <SignpostMarv> you don't have to create an account on a 3rd party service
  90. [11:00:21] <SignpostMarv> you use your own
  91. [11:00:25] <SignpostMarv> to sign into theirs
  92. [11:00:26] <Getty> yeah clear
  93. [11:00:29] <Getty> yeah clear
  94. [11:00:32] <Getty> but how that SSO works?
  95. [11:01:03] <Getty> technical the only thought i can have about it, is some parameter you give to the site you want to SSO to
  96. [11:01:06] <SignpostMarv> single sign-on would be you using the same (your) OpenID for all sites
  97. [11:01:19] <Getty> yeah but SSO means also: one time password enter
  98. [11:01:34] <Getty> i give the pw on site one, and being logged in on site 2, 3, 4...
  99. [11:01:36] <SignpostMarv> you don't need to use passwords with OpenID :-P
  100. [11:02:01] <Getty> the regular stupid user got a pw, or?
  101. [11:02:11] <Getty> i mean we will just use openid as layer, the user got his username/password field
  102. [11:02:23] <Getty> my point is just that i need to link now 3-4 sites to be a SSO
  103. [11:02:24] <SignpostMarv> the only password you'd ever need is the password to log into your OpenID
  104. [11:02:39] <Getty> but how does the site 2 know that its me?
  105. [11:02:47] <SignpostMarv> the only reason you need a password is to prove that you own the username you're putting in
  106. [11:02:54] <Getty> yeah clear
  107. [11:02:56] <SignpostMarv> but the OpenID protocol takes care of that step
  108. [11:02:58] <Getty> forget about "your openid"
  109. [11:03:07] <Getty> its abstracted through the interface of us
  110. [11:03:10] <SignpostMarv> so you don't need to add another password into the mix
  111. [11:03:14] <Getty> yeah whatever
  112. [11:03:18] <Getty> still the question is open
  113. [11:03:24] <Getty> the user logons on site 1
  114. [11:03:30] <Getty> and now changes the url to site 2
  115. [11:03:37] <Getty> how does site 2 know he is logged in? TECHNICAL
  116. [11:03:57] <SignpostMarv> runs through the OpenID protocol.
  117. [11:04:08] <SignpostMarv> if they've set the trust root for site 2 to "always allow"
  118. [11:04:10] <Getty> mh?!
  119. [11:04:18] <SignpostMarv> then they'll get redirected back to site 2 and be "logged in"
  120. [11:04:32] <Getty> so the user still must to push "login"?
  121. [11:04:39] <SignpostMarv> nope
  122. [11:04:44] <Getty> but technical not entering a username/password cause ....
  123. [11:04:53] <Getty> ok what he needs todo then? what the server does to check?
  124. [11:04:58] <Getty> i mean i got "nothing" of the user beside the IP
  125. [11:05:03] <Getty> do i send the IP to the OpenID root?
  126. [11:05:47] <SignpostMarv> if you've got nothing to relate the visitor to an OpenID, they'd have to click a login button
  127. [11:05:58] <Getty> AAHHHH!!!
  128. [11:06:13] <Getty> thats not the SSO i need
  129. [11:06:16] <Getty> bad
  130. [11:06:36] <SignpostMarv> OpenID is distributed, not centralised
  131. [11:06:57] <Getty> yeah hey, i just read it, and SSO regulary means exact this in any other system, so i hoped about some cool trick
  132. [11:09:25] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> The user needs to tell their openid name to a site before it can recognise them
  133. [11:10:00] <Getty> but thats all then...
  134. [11:10:02] <SignpostMarv> then you'd just store a cookie, and each subsequent visit would be auto-magical :-P
  135. [11:10:17] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> from then on, that site can ask their identity provider "Is this guy really", their provider checks by having that site redirect this user to them, then it instantly redirects them back and lets that site know, thus, authenticating the user
  136. [11:10:31] <Getty> yeah clear
  137. [11:10:49] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> god you have such a jerk way of talking, getty
  138. [11:10:52] <Getty> so i just need for example add openid id to the links to the "partnersites"
  139. [11:10:59] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> are you really in such a rush/that lazy?
  140. [11:11:19] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> ... no
  141. [11:11:21] <Getty> no i'm just a professional how wanted to know one detail without getting into openid totally
  142. [11:11:30] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> who you tell people your partners are has nothing to do with anything
  143. [11:11:34] <Getty> Blueberry: if i made some code at the partnersite that checks that? ;)
  144. [11:11:46] <Getty> (i am the partnersites)
  145. [11:11:52] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> what?
  146. [11:12:02] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> what is 'the partnersites'?
  147. [11:12:07] * SignpostMarv doesn't think Getty groks OpenID
  148. [11:12:12] <Getty> the sites that all want to have together one SSO
  149. [11:12:30] <SignpostMarv> Getty has a bunch of non-integrated websites he's wanting to do a single sign-on for
  150. [11:12:34] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> OpenID is not at all about that
  151. [11:12:34] <SignpostMarv> is what i'm hearing
  152. [11:12:34] <Getty> i get what openID means, i need that feature anyway, but i think about if i could make my SSO also on OpenID beside doing something on my own
  153. [11:12:44] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> OpenID is about having one username for the whole of the internet
  154. [11:12:48] <Getty> yeah of course
  155. [11:12:52] <Getty> thats why i implement it anyway
  156. [11:12:53] <Getty> thats clear
  157. [11:12:54] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> not having one username for just a few partnered sites
  158. [11:12:57] <Getty> thats understandable and all
  159. [11:13:02] <Getty> i dont talk about if i use openid or not
  160. [11:13:10] <Getty> i just talk how much openid helps me on my SSO problem
  161. [11:13:12] <Getty> nothing more
  162. [11:13:15] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> Getty, just make your own sign on system if thats what you want
  163. [11:13:33] <Getty> i guess what you told me is enugh hint for making OpenID a bit support on that problem for me
  164. [11:13:44] <Getty> i even could handle that directly in the apache
  165. [11:13:48] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> your sso problem is stupid, it's exactly what openid is here to avoid
  166. [11:13:57] <Getty> so that its native doesnt care what site the user access (and what system stands behind it)
  167. [11:14:05] <Getty> mh???
  168. [11:14:11] <Getty> i dont get what your problem is about that solution
  169. [11:14:18] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> just use the same database table for all your websites to handle logins, its not that hard..
  170. [11:14:19] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> sql can run over a network
  171. [11:14:25] <Getty> thats not possible
  172. [11:14:34] <Getty> we talk about.... "different companies" inside one company
  173. [11:14:38] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> why not?
  174. [11:14:39] <Getty> big papers
  175. [11:14:46] <SignpostMarv> Blueberry: I've got the wpopenid mod working
  176. [11:14:49] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> fine, make a web service for it
  177. [11:14:59] <SignpostMarv> $this->start_login( $_POST['openid_url'], '' . urlencode(get_settings('home') . '/' . $redirect_to) . '&openid=' . $_POST['openid_url'] );
  178. [11:15:10] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> signpost: Funky!
  179. [11:15:17] <Getty> Blueberry: that will also be added yes, but actually i dont need todo that much if i make the openid concept into it :-P
  180. [11:15:19] * SignpostMarv blogs it
  181. [11:15:42] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> Give us the link when you've hit Publish!
  182. [11:15:44] <Getty> if we are at the theme right now
  183. [11:15:45] <Getty> wp
  184. [11:15:57] <Getty> if the user logins into the site, he should also be loggined to the wp :)
  185. [11:16:03] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> OpenID is an incredibly overcomplicated and supurflous protocol for what you want
  186. [11:16:08] <Getty> but i guess THIS is still my totally own problem :)
  187. [11:16:20] <Getty> Blueberry: think abou it: i already use openid in that case then
  188. [11:16:30] <Getty> Blueberry: i dont do it with openid cause i want todo it with openid
  189. [11:16:38] <Getty> Blueberry: but why add something more, if what i already got can help me???
  190. [11:16:47] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> you'd be better off trying in #php or whatever your server side language of choice is on this issue of website integration
  191. [11:16:51] <Getty> Blueberry: OpenID is _fixed_ in the project
  192. [11:16:59] <Getty> i dont have problems on the integration thx
  193. [11:17:04] <Getty> i know what i'm doing thx
  194. [11:17:15] <Getty> i just need some technical concept details i now know
  195. [11:17:30] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> Then what are you doing here? just clearing your lungs?
  196. [11:17:41] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> the openid website has all the specs you need
  197. [11:18:08] <Getty> no it hasnt
  198. [11:18:16] <Getty> there is not one technical documentation about how the SSO is "thought"
  199. [11:18:18] <Getty> thats why i was here
  200. [11:18:32] <Getty> there is just one sentence that says: SSO is possible with it
  201. [11:18:35] <Getty> and i just thought how they make it
  202. [11:18:50] <Getty> and now you both told me that what i thought: its not really SSO, so i have to trick
  203. [11:18:54] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> OpenID is a system of global single sign on
  204. [11:19:04] <Getty> and then i stayed here cause we was talking, and i'm regulary that friendly to answer people
  205. [11:19:04] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> you use one sign on, globally
  206. [11:19:14] <Getty> yeah... oh man ok again for you:
  207. [11:19:15] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> it is exactly what openid is
  208. [11:19:19] <Getty> i ANYWAY MUST use OpenID
  209. [11:19:25] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> what you want seems more like kind of sort of single sign on, but only if you only ever use my sites!
  210. [11:19:30] <Getty> and if the pages of OpenID tells me: YOU CAN DO SSO
  211. [11:19:40] <Getty> could it be that i'm interested in how, if i need to implement SSO?
  212. [11:19:44] <Getty> is that so unlogical?
  213. [11:19:46] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> which openid can surely do
  214. [11:19:56] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> but the whole point of openid is to avoid situations like that
  215. [11:20:06] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> SSO is just a buzzword
  216. [11:20:06] <Getty> that is not mentioned in the pages of openid
  217. [11:20:10] <Getty> yeah but its in the page
  218. [11:20:11] <Getty> sorry :)
  219. [11:20:17] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> its no magic technology
  220. [11:20:18] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> it comes for free
  221. [11:20:19] <Getty> i would not asked for that if it wasnt mentioned
  222. [11:20:24] <Getty> got it?
  223. [11:20:28] <Getty> so dont blame me
  224. [11:21:09] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> I'm not blaming you for anything except making unnecessary noise and wanting us to personally explain a buzzword to you
  225. [11:21:19] <Getty> NO
  226. [11:21:24] <Getty> i dotn wanted to get a buzzword explained
  227. [11:21:27] <Getty> sorry you totally misget me
  228. [11:21:41] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> SSO is like AJAX, its not an actual thing, just a buzzword for a bunch of other stuff that already exists
  229. [11:21:41] <Getty> i just wanted to know what SSO means in OpenID context, what OpenID offers on the concept which could help me
  230. [11:21:44] <Getty> I KNOW SSO
  231. [11:21:49] <SignpostMarv>
  232. [11:21:51] <Getty> i already implemented SSO in several server sites
  233. [11:21:59] <Getty> in several contextes in several situations
  234. [11:22:03] <Getty> but i never implemented OpeNID
  235. [11:22:08] <Getty> but i need to make a plan
  236. [11:22:12] <Getty> you know, planing, long time
  237. [11:22:23] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> It's rather easy with your terrible spelling and overuse of abbreviations and occasional complete lack of any grammar at all
  238. [11:22:28] <Getty> if openid helps me on SSO, i implement first OpenID and than SSO
  239. [11:22:33] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> Thanks SignpostMarv
  240. [11:22:39] <Getty> if it not helps me, i will go straight forward to SSO
  241. [11:22:46] <Getty> LOL
  242. [11:22:55] <Getty> sorry that i'm not a native english speaking guy
  243. [11:23:07] <Getty> oh please please big god of english grammar, shame on me
  244. [11:23:37] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> not being a native english speaker doesn't force you to use nonexistant words like 'thx'
  245. [11:23:43] <Getty> ????????
  246. [11:23:51] <Getty> what an asshole you are?
  247. [11:24:05] <Getty> its one of the most used shortage even of native english speaking people
  248. [11:24:11] <Getty> oh man
  249. [11:24:19] <Getty> bad that i cant ignore you ;) you would now be on
  250. [11:24:28] <SignpostMarv> it's annoying even from native english users Getty
  251. [11:24:30] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> Only really among kids..
  252. [11:24:38] <Getty> SignpostMarv: yeah could be
  253. [11:24:38] <SignpostMarv> ZOMGWTFBBQKTHXBAI
  254. [11:24:39] <SignpostMarv> :-P
  255. [11:24:48] <Getty> SignpostMarv: any channel has another policy about that
  256. [11:25:08] <Getty> SignpostMarv: and since my 12 years of IRC, i can say, that most channel really doesnt care about it
  257. [11:25:23] <Getty> SignpostMarv: its even accepted in non-english channels just as regular word
  258. [11:25:44] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> Look getty, if you want free support from people who have absolutely no motivation to give it aside from pure kindness, you should show some respect and try to be as polite as possible
  259. [11:25:45] <Getty> SignpostMarv: but hey, you guys talk all aggressive and attacking, so have fun on that ;)
  260. [11:25:55] <Getty> yeah whatever you say idiot
  261. [11:25:58] <Getty> i dont care about you
  262. [11:26:02] <SignpostMarv> corruption of the english language doesn't help you communicate when english isn't your first language Getty
  263. [11:26:13] <Getty> LOL
  264. [11:26:24] <Getty> you are crazy guys ;) ok i hope for you you never need jquery support
  265. [11:26:31] <Getty> you will get my package :)
  266. [11:26:34] * Getty (i=torsten@ has left #openid
  267. [11:26:40] <SignpostMarv> o_O
  268. [11:27:17] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> what, you're going to get the whole jquery community to boycott anyone with a relation to OpenID?
  269. [11:27:21] * SignpostMarv thinks Getty subscribes to
  270. [11:27:49] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> ** Blueberry thinks many things she would not say
  271. [11:28:33] <SignpostMarv> now all I needs to do is figure out how to add whitelisting to wpopenid :-3
  272. [11:30:46] * saamy ( has joined #openid
  273. [11:30:53] <saamy> i don't believe in openid
  274. [11:31:16] <saamy> i don't see how it can be feasible
  275. [11:31:18] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> saamy: Fair enough :)
  276. [11:31:51] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> Well, at the moment it seems there are plenty of companies happy to be an id server and not so many wanting to be consumers
  277. [11:31:51] <saamy> sorta attempting to do the impossible. give people an online fingerprint
  278. [11:32:01] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> unfortunately its just too good for business to not own your idea
  279. [11:32:02] * SignpostMarv pokes saamy in the direction of
  280. [11:32:11] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> identity*
  281. [11:32:23] <saamy> ah wel
  282. [11:32:33] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> but for small groups, forums, blogs, its a great thing and getting wide adoption
  283. [11:32:50] <saamy> how does openid choose which sites they want to affiliate with
  284. [11:33:00] <saamy> or is it the sites that choose affiliation with openid
  285. [11:33:05] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> it really doesn't matter if you need a login to get in to something bit like myspace if openid can help you cut through all the little things demanding your logins in between
  286. [11:33:15] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> openid is not a group, its a protocol
  287. [11:33:15] <SignpostMarv> "affiliation" is the incorrect term to use here I believe
  288. [11:33:25] <saamy> where is the username/pass etc stored then
  289. [11:33:26] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> like http, anyone is free to implement it and it cannot be controlled
  290. [11:33:37] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> you choose who you want to store it
  291. [11:33:42] <saamy> how so
  292. [11:33:47] * SignpostMarv has
  293. [11:33:58] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> if you like aol, your aol account can be used..
  294. [11:33:58] <SignpostMarv> it's an OpenID server based around WordPress:MU
  295. [11:34:15] <saamy> hm
  296. [11:34:19] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> then you enter that to sites, and it asks aol if you're really you, aol says yay or nay
  297. [11:34:23] <SignpostMarv> i can log into live journal with
  298. [11:34:29] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> much like email
  299. [11:34:31] <SignpostMarv> or my own blog
  300. [11:34:39] <SignpostMarv> or my friends blogs
  301. [11:34:41] <saamy> so similar to IRC?
  302. [11:34:47] <saamy> various nodes supporting the same network
  303. [11:34:48] <SignpostMarv> ^because my friends use WordPress w/ wpopenid
  304. [11:34:51] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> Not at all
  305. [11:35:01] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> IRC has no authentication
  306. [11:35:45] <SignpostMarv> OpenID is decentralised
  307. [11:36:04] <saamy> ah well
  308. [11:36:04] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> if I go to for example, I can login by entering, which is my openid
  309. [11:36:05] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> I use that like a username
  310. [11:36:09] <SignpostMarv> your OpenID server of choice doesn't touch your OpenID supporting website of choice until you try to use one with the other
  311. [11:36:22] <saamy> so if i want to make an openid now where do i go
  312. [11:36:25] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> jyte looks at the source to, then see's I use to handle my identity
  313. [11:36:28] <saamy> and what sites / list of sites is there that i can use it on
  314. [11:36:46] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> jyte then has a quick chat with myopenid for a moment
  315. [11:36:48] <SignpostMarv> saamy: you can go to one of the many OpenID providers,
  316. [11:36:51] <SignpostMarv> or you can make your own :-P
  317. [11:36:58] <SignpostMarv> like I have X-D
  318. [11:37:07] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> then it knows if it was me that entered it or someone trying to impersonate me, thanks to the magic of cookies or ssl, pick your poison :)
  319. [11:37:25] <saamy>
  320. [11:37:38] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> sorry, yes
  321. [11:37:49] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> is one such list
  322. [11:37:58] <saamy> oh yeah
  323. [11:37:59] <saamy> not bad
  324. [11:38:00] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> there can't really ever be a complete list though
  325. [11:38:05] <saamy> what bigname sites use myopenid
  326. [11:38:07] <saamy> i mean openid
  327. [11:38:25] <SignpostMarv>
  328. [11:38:25] <saamy> and whats the openid provider with shortest url lol
  329. [11:38:27] <SignpostMarv> AOL
  330. [11:38:31] <SignpostMarv> LiveJournal
  331. [11:38:32] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> aol, microsoft, yahoo soon, livejournal, sun microsystems
  332. [11:38:42] * SignpostMarv is poking Linden Lab
  333. [11:39:56] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> just about any journal software these days support it, a lot of forums are working on it (phpbb for instance)
  334. [11:40:24] <SignpostMarv> since WordPress can support OpenID logins via WPOpenID,
  335. [11:40:27] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> Digg is planning support just as soon as version 2.0 of openid gets out of draft (which is a bit like beta, but for protocols)
  336. [11:40:32] <SignpostMarv> you can use bbPress with OpenID via WordPress :-P
  337. [11:41:02] <saamy> oy :p
  338. [11:41:06] <saamy> whats an openid provider with short url
  339. [11:41:19] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> use your own domain
  340. [11:41:29] <saamy> ?
  341. [11:41:41] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> then its as short as you can register :)
  342. [11:41:52] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> I have, my website, forward to myopenid for openid requests
  343. [11:42:02] <saamy> oh. my urls long
  344. [11:42:02] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> all you need to do is add some meta tags
  345. [11:42:10] <saamy>
  346. [11:42:13] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> aww
  347. [11:42:30] <saamy> is facebook a member
  348. [11:43:30] * SignpostMarv thinks saamy doesn't grok OpenID
  349. [11:43:53] * marclaport1 ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  350. [11:43:54] <SignpostMarv> an OpenID providers have bugger all to do with each other, beyond the protocol they use
  351. [11:44:07] <SignpostMarv> providers aren't "members" of OpenID
  352. [11:44:18] <saamy> k
  353. [11:44:25] <saamy> i mean does facebook support openid
  354. [11:44:36] <SignpostMarv> no ide
  355. [11:44:39] <SignpostMarv> idea*
  356. [11:44:44] * SignpostMarv doesn't use facebook
  357. [11:44:45] <SignpostMarv>
  358. [11:44:51] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> they don't yet
  359. [11:45:01] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> Yeah, just like all the different websites around the world who use http to send you files, lots can use openid too!
  360. [11:45:02] * freakerz ( has joined #openid
  361. [11:45:12] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> it doesn't make them at all related
  362. [11:45:29] <saamy> gutts
  363. [11:45:37] * Loolyan65 (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-6e7fa381b7849594) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  364. [11:45:50] * StevenTyler (n=steve@ has joined #openid
  365. [11:46:10] <StevenTyler> hai
  366. [11:48:07] <StevenTyler> bai bai 2 u
  367. [11:48:21] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> Bye o_o
  368. [11:48:30] * StevenTyler (n=steve@ has left #openid
  369. [11:52:17] * Loolyan65 (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-ebe20af4b8ac1e2e) has joined #openid
  370. [11:53:50] <saamy> cya
  371. [11:53:51] * saamy ( has left #openid
  372. [11:53:59] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> Bye!
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  402. [15:54:32] <keturn> wow. It certainly was busy here 4-5 hours ago. go go timezones.
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  422. [19:10:18] <openid_pibb> <Matt Nordhoff> Delegating to multiple OpenID providers For Dummies?
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  440. [22:44:46] <jibot> marclaporte is Marc Laporte from Tiki CMS/Groupware
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  443. [23:45:41] <VxJasonxV> Matt Nordhoff: Research XRDS
  444. [23:46:54] <VxJasonxV> There was some eSEO or eSSO (SSO for the enterprise) thing I saw in here, that supports OpenID for web signon services.
  445. [23:47:00] <VxJasonxV> Anyone know what I'm talking about? I swear I saw it in here...
  446. [23:47:18] <openid_pibb> <Matt Nordhoff> VxJasonxV: Yeah, I was hoping I could avoid a lot of thinking. There's already a huge pile of stuff I want to learn about OpenID and whatnot and I don't want to make it any larger.
  447. [23:47:38] <openid_pibb> <Matt Nordhoff> Also, I don't know a lot of the terminology and stuff, so I'd have to learn half of it just to understand XRDS enough/
  448. [23:47:39] <openid_pibb> <Matt Nordhoff> .
  449. [23:48:06] <VxJasonxV> start with OpenID, get signed on with a single identity, then start learning how to spread it out
  450. [23:49:12] <openid_pibb> <Matt Nordhoff> I've already started. Signed up at a provider or three, have the delegation &lt;link&gt; tag, but I'm only scraping the surface.
  451. [23:49:40] <VxJasonxV> you're working in the right direction
  452. [23:50:06] <openid_pibb> <Matt Nordhoff> Yeah.
  453. [23:51:09] <openid_pibb> <Matt Nordhoff> I mean, I get how OpenID works, but the details are incomprehensible to me, and I don't want to have to start at the beginning and spend a long time learning it all. :P
  454. [23:51:27] <VxJasonxV> just keep working with it, it'll come to you in time
  455. [23:52:12] <openid_pibb> <Matt Nordhoff> I'm impatient. :P
  456. [23:53:46] * SunWuKung ( has joined #openid
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