IRC Log for #openid on 2007-09-14

Timestamps are in UTC.

  1. [00:09:36] * Skwid_ ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  2. [00:10:11] * fajro ( has joined #openid
  3. [00:11:50] * Skwid_ ( has joined #openid
  4. [00:20:09] * Flenser (n=Miranda@twiki/developer/SamHasler) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  5. [00:21:18] * tbbrown ( has joined #openid
  6. [00:24:51] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
  7. [00:48:58] * Skwid_ ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  8. [01:02:54] * m3nt0r ( has joined #openid
  9. [01:21:55] * shigeta_ (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
  10. [01:29:19] * martin-t ( Quit ()
  11. [01:38:21] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  12. [01:42:08] * michelp ( has joined #openid
  13. [01:42:35] * melvster__ ( has joined #openid
  14. [01:42:38] * melvster__ is now known as melvster
  15. [01:51:17] * melvster__ ( has joined #openid
  16. [01:51:24] * AaronF ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  17. [01:52:12] * melvster_ ( Quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
  18. [02:04:18] * melvster ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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  21. [02:25:53] * martin-t ( has joined #openid
  22. [02:32:53] <melvster__> hi all - what's the easiest library to run a multi user openid server?
  23. [02:33:15] * m3nt0r_ ( has joined #openid
  24. [02:34:50] <melvster__> im guessing it's the janrain PHP server
  25. [02:36:46] * ichigo ( Quit (Client Quit)
  26. [02:39:09] * m3nt0r ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  27. [02:39:47] <melvster__> will try and build this tomorrow...
  28. [02:40:03] * melvster__ ( Quit ("ChatZilla [Firefox]")
  29. [02:56:40] * tbbrown ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  30. [02:59:31] * tbbrown ( has joined #openid
  31. [03:10:39] * SamRose ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
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  33. [03:26:39] * freakerz ( Quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
  34. [03:27:25] * aconbere ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
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  37. [03:32:47] * fajro ( Quit ("Ex-Chat")
  38. [03:34:55] * martin-t ( Quit ()
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  45. [04:28:40] * _keturn (n=acapnoti@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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  47. [05:12:29] * ozamosi ( Quit (Success)
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  51. [05:35:05] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
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  55. [06:45:05] * SunWuKung ( has joined #openid
  56. [06:57:34] * digitalspaghetti ( has joined #openid
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  59. [07:05:50] * digitalspaghetti ( Quit ("bbl")
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  63. [07:30:58] * illustir ( Quit ()
  64. [07:32:12] * SunWuKung ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  65. [07:41:43] * SunWuKung ( has joined #openid
  66. [08:08:56] * martin-t ( Quit ()
  67. [08:19:55] * AaronF ( Quit ("Leaving")
  68. [08:42:02] * digitalspaghetti ( has joined #openid
  69. [09:25:27] * tbbrown ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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  72. [10:28:08] * melvster ( has joined #openid
  73. [10:32:12] <digitalspaghetti> is the OPenID 2 spec pretty stable?
  74. [10:46:33] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ Quit ("Leaving...")
  75. [10:53:14] * digitalspaghetti ( Quit ()
  76. [10:56:03] * digitalspaghetti ( has joined #openid
  77. [11:50:51] * pvandewyngaerde ( has joined #openid
  78. [11:52:39] * freakerz ( has joined #openid
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  80. [12:17:14] <melvster> openid2 is still in draft
  81. [12:17:33] <melvster> draft 12 is hoped to be the last
  82. [12:19:17] <digitalspaghetti> cool, so i can build my server around spec 2 then
  83. [12:19:27] <melvster> not sure about that
  84. [12:19:35] <melvster> it's something i wondered myself
  85. [12:20:13] <melvster> personally im going to wait a bit
  86. [12:20:32] <melvster> what server do you run at the moment?
  87. [12:23:23] <digitalspaghetti> the PHP-Server on 1.1
  88. [12:24:09] <digitalspaghetti> i'm wanting to write a server app for my own site, but it'll be open source, in cakephp
  89. [12:35:13] <melvster> cool!
  90. [12:42:24] <melvster> i wrote a standalone server in one file
  91. [12:42:29] <melvster> from existing glp code
  92. [12:42:33] <melvster> it's pretty easy
  93. [12:43:24] <digitalspaghetti> yea, i've started looking over the code. I'm gonna keep it pretty simplistic, but at the same time customisable
  94. [12:43:55] <melvster> the simplest is phpmyid i think
  95. [12:46:28] <melvster> this is my version:
  96. [12:46:42] <melvster> i want to make it multi user though
  97. [12:46:56] <melvster> not quite sure of the best way
  98. [12:47:11] <melvster> i was thinking of making the password check into a function
  99. [12:47:50] <melvster> or i might try the janrain php library, im not sure which is best?
  100. [12:47:52] <digitalspaghetti> is that all your running at that url?
  101. [12:48:10] <melvster> yeah, for the moment, it's just a homepage and my openid of course
  102. [12:48:20] <melvster> only set it up last week
  103. [12:48:27] <digitalspaghetti> :)
  104. [12:48:30] <digitalspaghetti> me to
  105. [12:48:43] <melvster> pastebin is great
  106. [12:49:19] <digitalspaghetti> too :)
  107. [12:49:47] <melvster> wow - nice site!
  108. [12:50:22] <digitalspaghetti> i might have to download your code and look at it :)
  109. [12:51:00] <melvster> it's just a concat of the myphpid files
  110. [12:51:22] <melvster> but it works out of the box with just one file, which i havent seen anywhere else
  111. [12:51:48] <melvster> ok lets see if i can log in to your site
  112. [12:53:06] <melvster> worked!
  113. [12:53:19] <melvster> i think you should strip off http:// in the username for new users
  114. [12:53:35] <melvster> i signed in as but the suggested username contained http://
  115. [12:54:38] <digitalspaghetti> thats the module, not myself
  116. [12:54:58] <digitalspaghetti> also an openid should be conatinated (i.e - notice the trailing slash too
  117. [12:55:14] <melvster> i see
  118. [12:55:34] <melvster> but in a login box you dont need to put in the http:// i think according to the spec
  119. [12:56:00] <digitalspaghetti> true, thats up to the client to handle
  120. [12:56:06] <melvster> btw the username/password if test/test but you can change that at the top of the file
  121. [12:56:32] <melvster> for the file i showed you
  122. [12:56:52] <melvster> it's a pretty nice site you've got there!
  123. [12:57:02] <melvster> you're from the uk?
  124. [12:58:06] <digitalspaghetti> yea
  125. [12:59:12] <melvster> me too
  126. [12:59:34] <melvster> love your login box on your front page
  127. [12:59:43] <melvster> reminds me of
  128. [13:00:40] <melvster> is that a standard library, the fadeout effect is awesome
  129. [13:00:40] <digitalspaghetti> it's a drupal module, i never coded it :)
  130. [13:00:45] <melvster> ahhh
  131. [13:00:51] <digitalspaghetti> that'll be jQuery
  132. [13:00:51] * Loolyan65 (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-05aeca1b6a2b5eb8) has joined #openid
  133. [13:01:41] <melvster> drupal seems to be so ahead of other projects
  134. [13:01:52] <melvster> i wish they'd hurry up and finish the openid mod for phpbb
  135. [13:02:21] * freakerz ( Quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
  136. [13:04:13] <digitalspaghetti> That module is 3rd party, but Drupal 6 has it in the core
  137. [13:04:23] <melvster> awesome
  138. [13:04:24] <digitalspaghetti> also supports more than one openid per user
  139. [13:04:51] <melvster> that's a good feature
  140. [13:05:05] <melvster> i think it will become common
  141. [13:16:13] <digitalspaghetti> Intersting:
  142. [13:18:27] <melvster> interesting, hadnt seen that before
  143. [13:19:47] <digitalspaghetti> me neither
  144. [13:26:52] <melvster> video is pretty good
  145. [13:55:28] * digitalspaghetti ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  146. [13:55:36] * digitalspaghetti ( has joined #openid
  147. [14:00:00] * digitalspaghetti ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
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  149. [14:08:06] * freakerz ( has joined #openid
  150. [14:17:57] * marclaport2 ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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  152. [14:41:38] * marclaport1 (n=Marc_Lap@ has joined #openid
  153. [15:37:37] * martin-t ( has joined #openid
  154. [15:46:27] * SamRose ( has joined #openid
  155. [15:52:08] * fajro ( has joined #openid
  156. [15:52:41] * martin-t ( Quit ()
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  158. [16:11:19] * SamRose ( Quit ("ChatZilla [Firefox]")
  159. [16:20:54] * freakerz ( Quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
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  161. [16:36:52] * marclaport1 (n=Marc_Lap@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  162. [17:08:08] * evanpro (n=evanpro@pdpc/supporter/silver/evanpro) has joined #openid
  163. [17:08:08] <jibot> evanpro is Evan Prodromou, info at
  164. [17:08:41] * digitalspaghetti ( Quit ()
  165. [17:10:06] <don-o> im using PIP's seatbelt and its cool.
  166. [17:10:18] <don-o> its not open source though.
  167. [17:10:34] <don-o> im thinking of taking a whack at an open source equivalent.
  168. [17:10:53] <don-o> has it already been done? is that even a good idea?
  169. [17:17:03] * SunWuKung ( Quit ("Never look down on someone unless you're helping them up.")
  170. [17:19:53] <melvster> theres definitely some firefox openid talk
  171. [17:20:00] <melvster> not sure if it's been done already OS
  172. [17:20:27] <melvster> havent tried pip, what do you like about it?
  173. [17:20:53] <melvster> might give it a go - how do you get one?
  174. [17:21:35] * freakerz ( Quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
  175. [17:25:35] * martin-t ( has joined #openid
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  177. [17:33:29] <don-o> melvster: the firefox 3 status page shows the built-in single signon stuff is 'in danger of being cut'
  178. [17:33:57] <don-o> melvster: which is what got me interested in openid again. (i had ignored it for about 6 months)
  179. [17:34:23] <don-o> melvster: see for the FF extension
  180. [17:35:12] <don-o> melvster: what i like is that its one way to solve the achille's heel of openid which is trusting the identity consumer to redirect you to the identity provided and not a spoofed identity provider.
  181. [17:35:41] <don-o> melvster: i think it can be even more though. id like to pretty much auto-login to openid sites that ive logged into before.
  182. [17:36:02] <keturn> don-o: I was just going to say "oh, I was just talking to someone about that last week"
  183. [17:36:09] <keturn> and then I realized it was you ;-)
  184. [17:36:37] <don-o> keturn: ah you were talking at the web inovator's meeting?
  185. [17:36:50] <keturn> yeah
  186. [17:37:00] <don-o> cool. now i can match the face to the nick.
  187. [17:38:14] * keturn is one of those Kevins.
  188. [17:43:57] * don-o is trying to get the oauth guys to fix their wiki.
  189. [17:45:56] <don-o> why does the PHP and Python openid libs have version 2 editions and not the ruby lib?
  190. [17:46:05] <don-o> (from
  191. [17:46:50] <keturn> because there are, on a good day, two of us working on the libs right now, and neither of us is exactly fluent in ruby. I'll get to it, but it's going to take a little bit.
  192. [17:47:17] * don-o nods
  193. [17:47:37] <don-o> am i right in assuming the v2.x number signifies support for the openid spec v2?
  194. [17:48:22] <keturn> roughly. I mean, we released 2.x libs before the 2.x spec was final, so it's a little fuzzy.
  195. [17:50:00] <keturn> We believe the latest python snapshot implements draft 12, but I'm hoping for a little feedback from other draft 12 implementations before I cut a release. And we're working on getting PHP to that point now.
  196. [17:53:17] * evanpro (n=evanpro@pdpc/supporter/silver/evanpro) Quit ("Ex-Chat")
  197. [17:56:22] <pfak> Anyone know of a simple PHp script that would let me test to see if an OpenID provider is working properly? =\
  198. [18:00:41] * digitalspaghetti ( has joined #openid
  199. [18:01:33] * digitalspaghetti is reading over draught 12 so he can start designing his app
  200. [18:02:25] <openid_pibb> <cygnus>
  201. [18:03:10] <digitalspaghetti> oh, I'm mobile just now so I can't read it, jMirc won't let me click links :(
  202. [18:03:54] * Loolyan65 (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-05aeca1b6a2b5eb8) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  203. [18:03:55] * marclaport1 ( has joined #openid
  204. [18:04:00] <keturn> oh, shucks, I missed evan. I was going to poke him about a new release.
  205. [18:04:22] <digitalspaghetti> its a bit dry, these specs :)
  206. [18:04:47] <digitalspaghetti> I need to have a poke about in the example code with v2 library
  207. [18:06:13] <melvster> hi pfak
  208. [18:06:15] <melvster> i have one
  209. [18:06:37] * Loolyan65 (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-f36e834a853a956e) has joined #openid
  210. [18:06:49] <digitalspaghetti> hey melvster
  211. [18:06:52] <melvster> hi!
  212. [18:07:08] <melvster> openid being cut from firefox3? oh no!
  213. [18:07:15] <melvster> why did they decide to do that?
  214. [18:07:59] <digitalspaghetti> maybe it's not finished in time for the release?
  215. [18:12:14] <openid_pibb> <cygnus> or maybe it's totally unclear what OpenID support in FF actually means.
  216. [18:15:17] <digitalspaghetti> an open version of verisign's PIP would be nice
  217. [18:26:11] <pfak> We were looking to implement PIP on our IDP and never saw a real reason ..
  218. [18:26:20] <melvster> i just signed up to pip
  219. [18:26:49] <melvster> it seems to have an openid server sreg and this seatbelt thingy
  220. [18:27:05] <pfak> Yeah, we didn't feel like implement it into the OpenSSO OpenID extension ..
  221. [18:27:08] <pfak> maybe in the future.
  222. [18:27:23] <digitalspaghetti> its pretty easy to support, I'm building support into my server app
  223. [18:27:38] <pfak> Haha, yeah but you don't have to run through a bunch of testing before implementing it :-)
  224. [18:28:26] <digitalspaghetti> what do you think of the name SwearBy for an openid server app?
  225. [18:28:34] <pfak> We're not a public IDP anyways, so ..
  226. [18:30:35] <don-o> digitalspaghetti: sounds like you'd have to put your right hand on a bible in order to sign up.
  227. [18:31:32] * digitalspaghetti bible is The God Delusion
  228. [18:31:43] <melvster> lol
  229. [18:31:57] <melvster> isnt that a book?
  230. [18:31:57] <digitalspaghetti> I put "trust" into a thesorus and that's a suggestion it came up with
  231. [18:31:59] <don-o> cygnus: i think you're right. the FF team probably got confused and frustrated as to what FF actually has to do to support SSO.
  232. [18:32:25] <melvster> arg - that's a pity
  233. [18:32:46] <don-o> the seatbelt plugin and those that follow are where the experimentation will happen
  234. [18:33:00] <digitalspaghetti> melvster, yea richard dawkins book. I'm a humanist :)
  235. [18:33:06] <melvster> i see
  236. [18:33:21] <melvster> dawkins the mad professor from oxford
  237. [18:33:38] <melvster> i was going to write to him with my proof of the existence of god - but i never got round to it :)
  238. [18:33:44] * don-o takes his first drinks of the cardspace spec
  239. [18:33:49] <digitalspaghetti> he's not mad! He is the professor for the advancment of Sciences :p
  240. [18:34:43] <melvster> sorry didnt mean to offend
  241. [18:34:50] <digitalspaghetti> that SSO app I posted earlier or looked good. Provided a link between LDAP and OpenID
  242. [18:35:05] <digitalspaghetti> melvster: just winding you up :p
  243. [18:36:10] <digitalspaghetti> don-o, I agree - I think an extention for it would be fine for now
  244. [18:36:25] <melvster> looking at my PIP acct. i see VIP credential and Information Card - is one of them part of seatbelt?
  245. [18:36:27] <don-o> digitalspaghetti: have you used seatbelt?
  246. [18:36:31] <digitalspaghetti> look at Operator, it was an extention for uf's, now its core FF3
  247. [18:36:34] * tbbrown ( has joined #openid
  248. [18:36:44] <don-o> digitalspaghetti: uf?
  249. [18:36:47] <digitalspaghetti> don-o, yep added it to my server
  250. [18:36:56] <digitalspaghetti> microformats
  251. [18:37:06] <don-o> ah. 'u' :)
  252. [18:37:06] <pfak> Firefox is getting more and more bloated =\
  253. [18:37:08] <digitalspaghetti> I dunno how to do the mu symbol :)
  254. [18:37:45] <digitalspaghetti> today it was sitting at 640mb in my res memory :(
  255. [18:37:49] <don-o> melvster: VIP credential is the real-world keychain fob. InfoCard is support for CardSpace
  256. [18:38:06] <don-o> melvster: seatbelt just plugs into FF. you dont even need a PIP account.
  257. [18:38:13] <melvster> thanks don!
  258. [18:38:45] <openid_pibb> <cygnus> ** cygnus idly wonders if digitalspaghetti is a disciple of the FSM.
  259. [18:38:45] <digitalspaghetti> I'm gonna write a blog about it, as verisign don't publicly have the seatbelt.xml file online
  260. [18:38:46] <don-o> digitalspaghetti: added seatbelt 'to your server'? i dont know what you mean since its a FF plugin
  261. [18:38:55] <pfak> don-o: there's server side support for seatbelt.
  262. [18:39:05] <pfak> Your identity information and your login state.
  263. [18:39:15] <don-o> pfak: interesting
  264. [18:39:26] <pfak> Which is why I never bothered to implement it on Sun OpenID.
  265. [18:39:32] <digitalspaghetti> they basically send you a zip file with a sample one and a textfile and you need to figure it out yourself
  266. [18:39:37] <digitalspaghetti> don-o, the config file so PIP will ue my server
  267. [18:39:42] <pfak> Yeah, the documentation is lacking ..
  268. [18:40:32] <digitalspaghetti> at the moment, my file is hardcoded because the php-server 1.1 needs a re-write to support it properly
  269. [18:40:50] <pfak> I should bother Paul Bryan to write PIP support into the OpenID extension for OpenSSO ..
  270. [18:41:00] <digitalspaghetti> I couldn't get the server to generate the proper output
  271. [18:43:20] <digitalspaghetti> and I didn't see a point fixing it, I'll just write it into my own server implementation
  272. [18:43:30] <don-o> is opensso another SSO standard? i cant tell from the web page or FAQ
  273. [18:44:46] <don-o> where is there docs on server-side support for seatbelt? i dont see anything about it on
  274. [18:45:15] <digitalspaghetti> don-o they don't have them online, I'll email then to you if you like
  275. [18:45:23] <don-o> digitalspaghetti: please do. don.park at gmail
  276. [18:45:36] <digitalspaghetti> k, brb
  277. [18:45:43] <don-o> digitalspaghetti: unless they come with some horrible NDA or something
  278. [18:45:43] * digitalspaghetti ( Quit ("jmIrc destroyed by the OS")
  279. [18:46:22] <don-o> seatbelt is a cute name for the plugin. what is an equally cute name for a similar opensource project?
  280. [18:46:55] * digitalspaghetti ( has joined #openid
  281. [18:47:07] <digitalspaghetti> k, don-o, sent
  282. [18:48:25] <don-o> digitalspaghetti: got it thx
  283. [18:49:53] <don-o> sigh. whatever is in that config file is probably important enough to be in the openid spec
  284. [18:50:42] <don-o> there are no synonyms for seatbelt, according to
  285. [18:51:06] <digitalspaghetti> I've set mine up at
  286. [18:51:21] <digitalspaghetti> if you want to see a live example
  287. [18:52:44] <don-o> digitalspaghetti: just looked at the website. what are your plans?
  288. [18:53:10] * Digispag ( has joined #openid
  289. [18:53:28] * digitalspaghetti ( Quit (Nick collision from services.)
  290. [18:53:44] * Digispag is now known as digitalspaghetti
  291. [18:54:50] <digitalspaghetti> the problem I have is my deligation alias
  292. [18:56:04] <digitalspaghetti> my openid id is which is my site url, and I deligate to, its the secone one that the server outputs in the xml file for seatbelt
  293. [18:56:11] <don-o> helmet probably wouldnt be a good project name
  294. [18:56:51] <digitalspaghetti> I somehow need the server to hold the alias and use that
  295. [18:57:47] <don-o> digitalspaghetti: is your id provider open to the public? do you expect to make $ from it?
  296. [18:58:01] * Loolyan65 (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-f36e834a853a956e) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  297. [18:58:05] <digitalspaghetti> no, its my own private one for now
  298. [18:58:43] <digitalspaghetti> I'm writing a new server using cakephp, and I might run a service using that, but not to make $
  299. [18:59:06] <digitalspaghetti> I'd just have some adsense to cover any server costs
  300. [18:59:52] <don-o> cake? my apologies.
  301. [19:00:09] <digitalspaghetti> cakephp, its a mvc framework
  302. [19:00:13] <don-o> i used it once for a project and am quite jaded about the experience.
  303. [19:00:30] <digitalspaghetti> oh, did you use 1.1?
  304. [19:00:46] <don-o> yes.
  305. [19:00:56] <don-o> i guess that should say my condolences rather than my apologies
  306. [19:01:01] <digitalspaghetti> its improved A LOT since then
  307. [19:01:38] <don-o> some other project seems to be popular, i think its this one
  308. [19:02:05] <digitalspaghetti> yea, I looked at that, but I'm happy to stick with what I know
  309. [19:02:13] * don-o nods
  310. [19:02:28] * peace-keeper ( has joined #openid
  311. [19:02:40] <digitalspaghetti> and I know where your coming from 1.1 was incomplete and a bitch to work with
  312. [19:04:30] * digitalspaghetti ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  313. [19:20:28] * Loolyan65 (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-c4cc52aa13be3f96) has joined #openid
  314. [19:23:52] <melvster> thought of a cool name for your OS project
  315. [19:25:10] <melvster> darn he's gone
  316. [19:25:57] <don-o> melvster: yeah but i come back. :)
  317. [19:27:45] <melvster> heh - here's my idea for an OS project name
  318. [19:27:52] <melvster>
  319. [19:27:58] <melvster> it's a play on words
  320. [19:28:18] <melvster> PROX (proxy) ID (ID) proxide (PEROXIDE)
  321. [19:28:36] <melvster> and the domain is available
  322. [19:28:43] <melvster> .orgs are real cheap
  323. [19:33:03] <don-o> ha. thats cute except peroxide burns your skin
  324. [19:33:08] <don-o> not really a friendly word
  325. [19:33:27] <johill> and it makes your hair blonde too ;)
  326. [19:33:39] <johill> or yellow if you have dark hear..
  327. [19:34:58] <don-o>
  328. [19:35:07] * digitalspaghetti (n=digitals@ has joined #openid
  329. [19:35:07] <don-o> i have dark hair :)
  330. [19:36:39] <johill> I see you know of the effects :)
  331. [19:37:03] <don-o> seatbelt is really good because people do it every day and it means security
  332. [19:37:08] <don-o> lapbelt perhaps
  333. [19:37:43] <don-o> then again seatbelt implies an accident.:)
  334. [19:37:49] <johill> heh
  335. [19:39:38] <digitalspaghetti> yea, the name sucks
  336. [19:39:42] <don-o> idbelt
  337. [19:40:08] <digitalspaghetti> holy crap!
  338. [19:40:35] <digitalspaghetti> my website traffic is the highest it's ever been
  339. [19:41:43] <digitalspaghetti> i have to say, seatbelt's anti-phishing is a bit overzelious
  340. [19:42:41] <melvster> hey digitalspaghetti
  341. [19:43:33] <melvster> i thought of a name for an open source project
  342. [19:44:34] <melvster>
  343. [19:44:35] <melvster> it's a play on words
  344. [19:44:37] <melvster> PROX (proxy) ID (ID) proxide (PEROXIDE)
  345. [19:44:38] <melvster> and the domain is available
  346. [19:45:06] <melvster> what's the project going to be?
  347. [19:45:06] <digitalspaghetti> ooh, cool
  348. [19:45:54] <digitalspaghetti> well my project is a OpenID2 server thats pretty customisable
  349. [19:46:05] <melvster> sounds neat
  350. [19:46:20] <digitalspaghetti> also gives a user a page that contains a MicroID, so it can be validated against services such as ClaimID
  351. [19:47:55] <melvster> what exactly is a microid?
  352. [19:48:11] <_keturn> we've had requests for that feature too, but I don't quite get it, since claimID validates OpenIDs too
  353. [19:48:39] <melvster> oh from the jabber guy
  354. [19:49:28] <melvster> i see you put in a meta tag
  355. [19:49:34] <melvster> pretty smart
  356. [19:50:22] <digitalspaghetti> yea, my module for drupal generates a microid for users with their content, comments and profile
  357. [19:50:44] <melvster> sha1?
  358. [19:51:21] <melvster> i guess it doesnt matter
  359. [19:51:31] <digitalspaghetti> supports sha1 and sha256
  360. [19:51:54] <digitalspaghetti> but it only generates based on email at the moment, i need to wait for Drupal 6 for openid support
  361. [19:55:21] <melvster> you know there are some openid2 libraries already out there, yes?
  362. [19:55:27] <melvster> rcs
  363. [19:56:43] <melvster> im going to try and implement a 1.1 server now
  364. [19:57:13] <melvster> im guessing janrain is the easiest multi user php library?
  365. [19:58:41] <digitalspaghetti> yea, i have the JanRail 2-rc2
  366. [19:58:49] <melvster> ah ok
  367. [20:06:02] * marclaport1 ( Quit (Connection timed out)
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  373. [20:38:52] <chowells79> haha. It's a common typo, but the name of our company is still not JanRail. :)
  374. [20:40:29] * Loolyan65 (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-c4cc52aa13be3f96) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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  383. [22:19:32] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> If they were JanRail they'd not have such a hard time with ruby :P
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  386. [22:26:44] * digispag|afk (n=digitals@ Quit (Connection timed out)
  387. [22:27:00] <openid_pibb> <cygnus> Do we have a hard time with ruby? :)
  388. [22:49:25] * marclaport1 ( has joined #openid
  389. [23:03:06] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> Well, earlier in this thread there was talk of how nobody at janrain is especially good at ruby and thats why the ruby libraries didn't implement the draft 12 proposal
  390. [23:04:09] <openid_pibb> <keturn> I wasn't speaking for everyone, just for the two of us working on libs right now
  391. [23:09:26] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> Ooh
  392. [23:09:27] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> Sorry other kevin :)
  393. [23:16:47] <openid_pibb> <cygnus> The other reason ruby is lagging behind, relatively speaking, is because the python and PHP libraries have long been up-to-date with whatever the recent draft was, and *many* months of labor went into making them that way. so ruby has a *lot* of catching up to do, and not just with the recent draft.
  394. [23:17:49] <openid_pibb> <cygnus> well, recent draft being d11.
  395. [23:27:11] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> Fun fun
  396. [23:39:25] * Loolyan65 (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-b8fbcdb72386d234) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))

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