IRC Log for #openid on 2007-10-11

Timestamps are in UTC.

  1. [00:00:00] * Roebot_ ( has joined #openid
  2. [00:11:03] * Roebot ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  3. [00:16:21] * marclaporte (n=Marc_Lap@tikiwiki/marclaporte) has joined #openid
  4. [00:16:21] <jibot> marclaporte is Marc Laporte from Tiki CMS/Groupware
  5. [00:27:27] * marclaport1 ( has joined #openid
  6. [00:38:19] * Melvster ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  7. [00:41:52] * Melvster ( has joined #openid
  8. [00:42:13] * Roebot_ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  9. [00:44:44] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
  10. [00:55:12] * marclaporte (n=Marc_Lap@tikiwiki/marclaporte) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  11. [01:06:03] * Loolyan87 (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-7d2d75ec6f65e7d2) Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  12. [01:06:52] <Melvster> ok my MOD for phpbb3 is released: it's here if anyone wants it:
  13. [01:07:11] <Melvster> hopefully this can help bring openID to another ~30 million uses :)
  14. [01:19:20] * SvenDowideit_ (n=SvenDowi@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) Quit ("Leaving")
  15. [01:23:56] <Melvster> !help
  16. [01:23:57] <XRIBot> Available commands: !hi !bye !join !help !inspect !ping !traceroute !resolve !openid !contact !forwarding. More information is available at
  17. [01:24:13] <GabeW> !openid =gmw
  18. [01:24:17] <XRIBot> OpenID: OpenID endpoint(s) for =gmw:,
  19. [01:24:25] <Melvster> :)
  20. [01:24:49] <Melvster> !openid
  21. [01:24:50] <XRIBot> Problem while executing command: Invalid argument(s). Type '!help openid' for more information.
  22. [01:24:57] <Melvster> !help openid
  23. [01:24:58] <XRIBot> !openid displays OpenID endpoints of an i-name. Example: !openid =peacekeeper
  24. [01:25:05] * GabeW wanders off
  25. [01:36:50] * Melvster_ ( has joined #openid
  26. [01:37:23] * marclaport1 ( Quit (Connection timed out)
  27. [01:54:11] * Melvster ( Quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
  28. [02:06:11] * Roebot_ ( has joined #openid
  29. [02:07:01] * Melvster_ ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  30. [02:15:59] * Roebot ( has joined #openid
  31. [02:17:20] * Roebot ( Quit (Client Quit)
  32. [02:23:58] * evanpro (n=evanpro@pdpc/supporter/silver/evanpro) Quit ("Ex-Chat")
  33. [02:24:48] * marclaporte (n=Marc_Lap@tikiwiki/marclaporte) has joined #openid
  34. [02:24:48] <jibot> marclaporte is Marc Laporte from Tiki CMS/Groupware
  35. [02:55:21] * Roebot__ ( has joined #openid
  36. [02:57:08] * Roebot_ ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  37. [02:58:48] * SvenDowideit (n=SvenDowi@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) has joined #openid
  38. [03:00:57] * moshe_work ( has left #openid
  39. [03:16:55] * Roebot__ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  40. [03:40:56] * Roebot__ ( has joined #openid
  41. [03:46:34] * SvenDowideit_ (n=SvenDowi@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) has joined #openid
  42. [04:03:42] * SvenDowideit (n=SvenDowi@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) Quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
  43. [04:07:41] * Roebot__ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  44. [04:17:16] * NASA ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  45. [04:56:11] * Roebot__ ( has joined #openid
  46. [05:01:26] * johnjosephbachir ( Quit ()
  47. [05:15:27] * johnjosephbachir ( has joined #openid
  48. [05:15:27] <jibot> johnjosephbachir is the developer of Lyceum [] and spends most of his IRC time in #lyceum. Learn more about him at
  49. [05:47:37] * _johnjosephbachi ( has joined #openid
  50. [05:54:22] * johnjosephbachir ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  51. [06:16:24] * Roebot__ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  52. [06:48:11] * _johnjosephbachi ( Quit ()
  53. [06:52:23] * Loolyan87 (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-0c3c5c273a4cebe7) has joined #openid
  54. [06:55:32] * NASA ( has joined #openid
  55. [06:56:15] * NASA ( Quit (Client Quit)
  56. [07:14:24] * pvandewyngaerde ( has joined #openid
  57. [07:44:22] * SvenDowideit__ ( has joined #openid
  58. [07:54:28] * claudio\out is now known as claudio
  59. [07:57:44] * SvenDowideit (n=SvenDowi@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) has joined #openid
  60. [08:01:29] * SvenDowideit_ (n=SvenDowi@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) Quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
  61. [08:14:20] * SvenDowideit__ ( Quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
  62. [09:12:06] * Melvster ( has joined #openid
  63. [09:16:46] * idnar (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) Quit (Nick collision from services.)
  64. [09:16:48] * idnar_ (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) has joined #openid
  65. [09:40:29] * Flenser ( has joined #openid
  66. [09:43:48] * nostromo ( has joined #openid
  67. [09:43:48] <jibot> nostromo is Santiago Gala & in Madrid, Spain & sexy & blogs in & not a bot
  68. [09:49:17] * digitalspaghetti ( has joined #openid
  69. [10:23:37] * peace-keeper (n=peace-ke@ has joined #openid
  70. [11:00:46] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) has left #openid
  71. [11:34:49] <Melvster> anyone know how i can get an i-name?
  72. [11:48:02] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ Quit ("Leaving...")
  73. [11:57:30] <Melvster> woo hoo - got the first forum to switch to OpenID :)
  74. [12:12:36] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> :)
  75. [13:10:41] * Mitsu ( Quit (" · tecnologia lliure per a un món lliure")
  76. [13:18:22] * Mitsurugi ( has joined #openID
  77. [13:20:20] * marclaporte (n=Marc_Lap@tikiwiki/marclaporte) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  78. [13:21:23] <Melvster> i think i need to set the default website to your openid too
  79. [13:24:13] * nostromo ( has left #openid
  80. [13:28:06] * marclaporte (n=Marc_Lap@tikiwiki/marclaporte) has joined #openid
  81. [13:42:22] * stub ( has joined #openid
  82. [13:44:25] * idnar_ is now known as idnar
  83. [13:52:28] * _cote ( Quit ()
  84. [14:04:23] * pvandewyngaerde ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  85. [14:11:18] * mether (i=ask@fedora/mether) has joined #openid
  86. [14:12:10] <mether> hey guys, Core and Extras repository has merged for Fedora 7 but the website here uses the old name
  87. [14:12:12] <mether> I noticed that in
  88. [14:12:20] <mether> but possibly other places have the same old name too
  89. [14:38:29] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit ("Leaving.")
  90. [15:03:14] * cote (n=cote@ has joined #openid
  91. [15:04:38] * cote (n=cote@ Quit (Client Quit)
  92. [15:31:25] * cote (n=cote@ has joined #openid
  93. [15:40:52] * Roebot ( has joined #openid
  94. [15:45:17] * rkerr ( has joined #openid
  95. [15:46:01] * Flenser (n=Miranda@twiki/developer/SamHasler) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  96. [15:56:51] * ArlequinNoir ( has joined #openid
  97. [15:58:29] * cote (n=cote@ Quit ()
  98. [16:01:38] * cote (n=cote@ has joined #openid
  99. [16:09:36] * ArlequinNoir ( Quit ("Verlassend")
  100. [16:10:52] * marclaport1 ( has joined #openid
  101. [16:38:48] * marclaporte (n=Marc_Lap@tikiwiki/marclaporte) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  102. [17:01:51] * cote (n=cote@ Quit ()
  103. [17:14:48] * digitalspaghetti ( Quit ()
  104. [17:30:59] <openid_pibb> <cygnus> alright mether, I'll update it
  105. [17:31:22] <mether> openid_pibb: thanks
  106. [17:31:22] <openid_pibb> mether: Error: "thanks" is not a valid command.
  107. [17:31:46] <mether> ugh. a bot
  108. [17:32:02] <openid_pibb> <cygnus> ** cygnus nods, relay bot
  109. [17:32:24] <openid_pibb> <cygnus> ok, the page is updated.
  110. [17:32:25] <openid_pibb> <cygnus> thanks
  111. [17:33:19] <mether> it still says fedora core 7
  112. [17:36:27] <openid_pibb> <cygnus> Did you not say that extras merged with core?
  113. [17:36:37] <openid_pibb> <cygnus> Is there no longer a "core" either, then?
  114. [17:37:03] <mether> no. It is called just Fedora
  115. [17:37:09] <mether> no core or extras anymore
  116. [17:37:09] <openid_pibb> <cygnus> ** cygnus fixes
  117. [17:37:13] <mether> it is just a single repository
  118. [17:37:30] <openid_pibb> <cygnus> done
  119. [17:37:49] <mether> great. thanks
  120. [17:39:58] <mether> we dont have a good user front end for packages yet but if you want a link, would be better than the koji link
  121. [17:42:22] <openid_pibb> <cygnus> Cool. Are you affiliated with Fedora, then?
  122. [17:42:26] * peace-keeper (n=peace-ke@ Quit (Connection timed out)
  123. [17:49:05] <keturn> thanks for the links. I had a great deal of trouble figuring out how to find out what version of which package was in a particular release, and whatever I had been linking to before went away... koji was the best I could find at the time.
  124. [17:51:39] * marclaport1 ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  125. [17:52:34] <mether> yes. I am a Fedora developer
  126. [17:54:03] * claudio is now known as claudio\out
  127. [17:55:22] <keturn> is koji still the best place to find out which version the package is? I can't find that information on the admin.fedoraproject page.
  128. [17:56:07] <mether> ah yes
  129. [17:56:12] <mether> if you need version info
  130. [17:56:15] <mether> either repoview
  131. [17:56:22] <mether> or koji would be the best places
  132. [17:57:43] <mether> repoview would look like this
  133. [17:57:44] <mether>
  134. [17:57:47] <mether> it is per release
  135. [17:57:50] <mether> not a static url
  136. [17:58:06] <mether> maybe just telling them to yum install foo is the best option for now
  137. [17:58:42] <mether> yum info foo if you need package info
  138. [17:59:02] <mether> that is if you are running Fedora already
  139. [18:01:17] <keturn> okay. that makes it a little more complicated for me as an upstream maintainer to figure out who is shipping old versions of the package, but it's reasonable enough for those who want to install it.
  140. [18:04:35] * keturn can't find the openid package in that 7.92 repoview :-/
  141. [18:07:42] <mether> oh thats only a subset
  142. [18:08:42] <mether> was just showing that as an example
  143. [18:08:56] <mether> that repoview is only the set of packages we include in the media
  144. [18:09:39] <mether> if you need a static link, repoview wont be helpful anyway
  145. [18:10:51] <mether> if your purpose is to find out what the fedora version of your package is, koji which you are already using might be the best option for now
  146. [18:11:02] <mether> if you are instructing users, tell them to use yum
  147. [18:15:59] * ArlequinNoir ( has joined #openid
  148. [18:19:06] * jeffmcneill (n=jeffmcne@ has joined #openid
  149. [18:49:20] * ianloic ( has joined #openid
  150. [18:59:59] * michelp ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  151. [19:22:14] * cote (n=cote@ has joined #openid
  152. [19:28:48] * cote (n=cote@ Quit ()
  153. [19:30:07] * michelp (n=michelp@ has joined #openid
  154. [19:32:01] * cote (n=cote@ has joined #openid
  155. [19:57:45] * ArlequinNoir ( Quit ("Verlassend")
  156. [20:31:26] * cote (n=cote@ Quit ()
  157. [20:34:47] * digitalspaghetti ( has joined #openid
  158. [20:57:42] * l0gic (n=l0gic@ Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  159. [20:58:27] * l0gic (n=l0gic@ has joined #openid
  160. [21:11:53] * digitalspaghetti ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  161. [21:11:55] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> ^_^
  162. [21:12:40] <Melvster> saw that
  163. [21:12:51] * ArlequinNoir ( has joined #openid
  164. [21:13:06] * marclaporte (n=Marc_Lap@tikiwiki/marclaporte) has joined #openid
  165. [21:13:06] <jibot> marclaporte is Marc Laporte from Tiki CMS/Groupware
  166. [21:13:07] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> hehe
  167. [21:13:35] <Melvster> it's sad but people still get done with those sploits
  168. [21:14:19] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> Yup! ^_^
  169. [21:14:23] <Melvster> script kiddies should be learning assembler!
  170. [21:14:40] <Melvster> :)
  171. [21:14:40] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> Why?
  172. [21:15:36] <Melvster> was a joke, these poorly secured website make life very easy for those inclined that way
  173. [21:19:11] <Melvster> in previous generations they had to learn assembler, some of these people went on to become the great programmers
  174. [21:19:58] * digitalspaghetti ( has joined #openid
  175. [21:21:36] * mether (i=ask@fedora/mether) Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
  176. [21:21:36] * l0gic (n=l0gic@ Quit (Nick collision from services.)
  177. [21:22:18] * l0gic (n=l0gic@ has joined #openid
  178. [21:29:24] * claudio\out is now known as claudio
  179. [21:29:41] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> imagine all the amazing things a modern computer could do if it wasn't spending most of it's time processing layers upon layers of abstractions
  180. [21:30:06] <Melvster> yes, very true
  181. [21:30:45] <Melvster> but it still can
  182. [21:30:51] <Melvster> people just need to build it out
  183. [21:30:55] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> yep
  184. [21:31:02] <Melvster> takes time
  185. [21:31:16] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> especially with assembler :P
  186. [21:31:43] <Melvster> not the assembler programmers i know :P
  187. [21:32:56] <Melvster> wouldnt be suprised if google had some in there too
  188. [21:33:13] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> what do they enter their programs in raw hexidecimal?
  189. [21:33:44] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> The only way i can imagine programming being any slower than assembler is.. java *shudder!*
  190. [21:34:22] <Melvster> never thought of java as slow
  191. [21:34:31] <Melvster> not for dev
  192. [21:34:35] <Melvster> maybe front end yes
  193. [21:34:45] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> it was last time i tried to learn it
  194. [21:34:55] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> admittedly a long time ago
  195. [21:35:16] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> i have a hatred of all strongly typed languages though
  196. [21:35:28] <Melvster> :)
  197. [21:35:36] <Melvster> they save you in the long run
  198. [21:35:48] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> especially nazi strongly typed languages
  199. [21:36:18] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> like java, the official language of beurocracy
  200. [21:36:29] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> no fun stuff allowed
  201. [21:36:51] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> you have paperwork to do (strong typing included!)
  202. [21:37:01] <Melvster> lots of fun stuff in java
  203. [21:37:12] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> name one thing
  204. [21:37:17] <Melvster> someone from lab programmed a game in it
  205. [21:37:29] <Melvster> runescape
  206. [21:37:31] <Melvster> jake2
  207. [21:37:44] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> that doesn't make java fun.. you can make a game in nearly any programming language
  208. [21:37:52] <Melvster> true
  209. [21:38:14] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> people regularly make games in c++, i don't see many people talking about how much fun the experience is
  210. [21:38:31] <Melvster> well these guys are normally pretty intense
  211. [21:38:40] <Melvster> they have a different kind of fun
  212. [21:38:56] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> still, language wars are kinda dumb so I guess i'll stop and get back to making another useless webapp :P
  213. [21:39:44] <Melvster> language wars are pretty dumb
  214. [21:39:55] <Melvster> i learnt at uni that all languages are pretty much the same
  215. [21:40:10] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> well, all the popular ones
  216. [21:40:20] <Melvster> no ALL languages
  217. [21:40:31] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> javascript is quite the rebel with that prototype oop model
  218. [21:40:31] <Melvster> it's provable
  219. [21:41:02] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> if by pretty much the same you just mean "they all have loops and conditionals" then yes indeedy
  220. [21:41:13] <Melvster> exactly
  221. [21:41:39] <Melvster> the rest is as you say abstraction
  222. [21:41:44] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> I have a tighter definition of 'pretty much the same' myself :)
  223. [21:41:51] <Melvster> sure
  224. [21:42:03] <Melvster> i did a very theoretical course
  225. [21:43:17] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> uhuh
  226. [21:43:39] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> still, the fact that php has if's too doesn't make me love ruby any less!
  227. [21:47:46] * ArlequinNoir ( Quit ("Verlassend")
  228. [21:50:16] <openid_pibb> <cygnus> ** cygnus tries (successfully) to refrain from saying vulgar things about PHP.
  229. [21:51:09] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> :)
  230. [21:51:20] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> So what do you do at the land of Rain, cygnus?
  231. [21:51:31] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> Meanwhile, I saw your name in Futurama last night
  232. [21:53:05] <openid_pibb> <cygnus> hah.
  233. [21:53:47] <openid_pibb> <cygnus> Well, I maintain the PHP OpenID library. :)
  234. [21:53:57] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> Ooh, okay
  235. [21:54:07] <openid_pibb> <cygnus> And various other things.
  236. [21:54:18] <openid_pibb> <cygnus> Janrainers wear many hats.
  237. [21:54:29] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> who does backend stuff on pibb? I'd love to be able to chat with someone in the know about stuff like this
  238. [21:54:30] <openid_pibb> <cygnus> (sometimes simultaneously.)
  239. [21:54:51] <openid_pibb> <cygnus> Several folks. Rorek, me, Grant, Brian, Carl, Larry.
  240. [21:55:11] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> I'm playing around with an adobe air app which will need info pushed to it, but me being an especially poor person, I think i'm going to have to use a polling engine
  241. [21:55:46] <Melvster> hey cygnus ive used your php library in a gpl release that i made, is that ok with you?
  242. [21:56:57] <openid_pibb> <cygnus> That's within the terms of the license, so it's okay with me. :)
  243. [21:57:07] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> But what with polling being such a crappy way to go, i'm thinking very hard about ways to make it faster. I'm thinking i'll in essence have the server portion of it just be a supertiny ruby script which would just open a file and lock it, read out it's contents to the client, truncate the file, then unlock and close it. then each user would have one outgoing messages file which would kinda act as a message queue
  244. [21:57:11] <Melvster> great, just thought it would be polite to let you know .. :)
  245. [21:57:29] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> I'm hoping that would be so lightweight it wouldnt strain the server too much and so on, but i'm really pulling that guess out of my butt
  246. [21:59:57] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> does anyone have any advice for me on this? would sql work better (keeping in mind i'm working with cgi scripts here so the connection to the server would be being opened for every request in that case)
  247. [22:00:17] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> or maybe there's some even better method i'm completely overlooking
  248. [22:01:28] * pvandewyngaerde ( has joined #openid
  249. [22:01:31] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> ooh.. I just realised.. while my host doesn't let me open up other ports to the web, nothing would stop me from using a custom server and setting apache to just proxy through to it.. then I could skip cgi all together
  250. [22:02:56] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> oh wait.. except that it's a grid system and my ssh account might not even be on the same system as the apache serving the client.. drat
  251. [22:09:23] <Melvster> or get a new host?
  252. [22:10:38] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> that wouldn't work because 1) I have no money, and 2) I have no money
  253. [22:10:48] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> this is just an account on a good friend's hosting account on mediatemple
  254. [22:27:54] * ArlequinNoir ( has joined #openid
  255. [22:31:35] * claudio is now known as claudio\out
  256. [22:32:44] * ArlequinNoir ( Quit (Client Quit)
  257. [22:45:14] <jeremyb> !ping
  258. [22:45:20] <XRIBot> Problem while executing command: Resolution did not complete successfully.
  259. [22:45:33] <jeremyb> no botsnack for you
  260. [22:49:53] <jeremyb> lastlog -clear
  261. [22:54:13] <Melvster> hey dont take down google, i was about to use it! :P
  262. [22:56:05] * pvandewyngaerde ( Quit ("")
  263. [23:18:37] * digitalspaghetti ( Quit ()
  264. [23:21:59] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> try, melv
  265. [23:22:19] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> it's hip, it's new
  266. [23:22:50] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> it's clusterific
  267. [23:23:10] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> and it sounds like a breakfast cereal!
  268. [23:50:08] * cote ( has joined #openid

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