IRC Log for #openid on 2007-10-17

Timestamps are in UTC.

  1. [00:14:10] * factoryjoe ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  2. [00:31:54] * jeffmcneill (n=jeffmcne@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  3. [00:33:10] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
  4. [01:06:40] * ianloic ( has joined #openid
  5. [01:28:33] * Roebot ( has joined #openid
  6. [02:10:47] * marclaporte (n=Marc_Lap@tikiwiki/marclaporte) has joined #openid
  7. [02:10:47] <jibot> marclaporte is Marc Laporte from Tiki CMS/Groupware
  8. [02:26:57] * cote (n=cote@ has joined #openid
  9. [02:58:12] * cote (n=cote@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  10. [03:08:41] * Loolyan87 (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-0400e9d24ebbc86a) Quit (Excess Flood)
  11. [04:34:39] * Loolyan87 (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-f52c89b934a5a8d4) has joined #openid
  12. [05:54:27] * michelp ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  13. [06:27:44] <Peng> Pibb: ping
  14. [06:28:08] * Peng reloads Pibb.
  15. [07:28:09] * Roebot ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  16. [07:44:54] * pisi ( has joined #openid
  17. [07:45:28] <pisi> Hi. life here? I'm again stuck with provider aided ID selection, something i once got to work but have now forgotten what was needed for it...
  18. [07:47:45] <pisi> It possibly requires a specially crafted yadis file _
  19. [07:47:46] <pisi> ?
  20. [07:53:55] <pisi> ah, ok, wrong type in xrds
  21. [08:02:37] * SvenDowideit_ (n=SvenDowi@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  22. [08:18:03] * lopnor (n=lopnor@ Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  23. [08:37:24] * pvandewyngaerde ( has joined #openid
  24. [08:59:37] * digitalspaghetti ( has joined #openid
  25. [09:22:24] * idnar (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) Quit (Nick collision from services.)
  26. [09:22:26] * idnar_ (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) has joined #openid
  27. [09:34:10] * SvenDowideit (n=SvenDowi@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) has joined #openid
  28. [10:36:56] * digitalspaghetti ( Quit ()
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  30. [10:37:41] * claudio (n=claudioc@pdpc/supporter/active/flexer) has joined #openid
  31. [11:12:49] * claudio is now known as claudio\out
  32. [11:37:56] * Loolyan87 (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-f52c89b934a5a8d4) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  33. [11:48:37] * dcorbin ( has left #openid
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  35. [12:16:07] * Loolyan87 (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-a41654cba25b7db5) has joined #openid
  36. [12:24:29] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ Quit ("Leaving...")
  37. [12:48:40] * claudio\out is now known as claudio
  38. [12:50:54] * SvenDowideit_ (n=SvenDowi@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) has joined #openid
  39. [12:51:36] * Flenser (n=Miranda@twiki/developer/SamHasler) has joined #openid
  40. [13:00:35] * Flenser (n=Miranda@twiki/developer/SamHasler) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  41. [13:07:25] * SvenDowideit (n=SvenDowi@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) Quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
  42. [13:09:13] * idnar_ is now known as idnar
  43. [13:13:23] * nainu (n=nainu@ Quit ("한시간마다 보고싶다고 감정없이 말하지 마라")
  44. [13:15:31] * cote (n=cote@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  45. [13:18:52] * Melvster ( has joined #openid
  46. [14:15:43] * benj3one ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
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  48. [14:19:51] * Mitsurugi ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  49. [14:37:03] * Mitsurugi ( has joined #openID
  50. [14:49:48] * SamRose ( has joined #openid
  51. [14:59:07] * marclaporte (n=Marc_Lap@tikiwiki/marclaporte) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  52. [15:02:42] * Flenser ( has joined #openid
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  56. [15:26:37] * SvenDowideit_ (n=SvenDowi@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) Quit ("Leaving")
  57. [15:40:19] * peacekeeper ( has joined #openid
  58. [15:49:35] * peace-keeper ( Quit (Success)
  59. [15:54:20] * cote (n=cote@ has joined #openid
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  61. [16:03:30] * Loolyan87 (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-a41654cba25b7db5) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  62. [16:18:27] * ArlequinNoir ( has joined #openid
  63. [16:32:08] * Loolyan87 (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-825fcc42101c0653) has joined #openid
  64. [16:39:47] * cote (n=cote@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  65. [16:51:27] * ArlequinNoir ( Quit ("Verlassend")
  66. [17:07:41] * SamRose ( Quit (Connection timed out)
  67. [17:12:24] * digitalspaghetti ( Quit ()
  68. [17:17:54] * marclaporte (n=Marc_Lap@tikiwiki/marclaporte) has joined #openid
  69. [17:17:54] <jibot> marclaporte is Marc Laporte from Tiki CMS/Groupware
  70. [17:18:47] * claudio is now known as claudio\out
  71. [17:21:52] * peacekeeper ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  72. [17:22:07] * cote (n=cote@ has joined #openid
  73. [17:27:25] * SamRose ( has joined #openid
  74. [17:59:04] * Flenser (n=Miranda@twiki/developer/SamHasler) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  75. [18:05:29] * cote (n=cote@ Quit (Connection timed out)
  76. [18:07:19] * Loolyan87 (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-825fcc42101c0653) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  77. [18:19:57] * claudio\out is now known as claudio
  78. [18:23:16] * karstensrage (n=karstens@ has joined #openid
  79. [18:23:43] * peace-iphone ( has joined #openid
  80. [18:24:52] * benbangert ( has joined #openid
  81. [18:27:13] * stu1 (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  82. [18:28:29] <benbangert> I believe OpenID 2.0 makes directed identity possible, are there any docs fleshing out how to do directed identity?
  83. [18:29:26] <benbangert> ie, I'm mainly looking to be able to have an OpenID consumer always assume the user is '', and the server then asks the user to signin and sends back the appropriate OpenID URL valid for that user.
  84. [18:35:54] * marclaporte (n=Marc_Lap@tikiwiki/marclaporte) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  85. [18:39:31] * pvandewyngaerde ( Quit ("")
  86. [18:39:51] <openid_pibb> <cygnus> are you implementing an OpenID library, or are you using an existing (OpenID 2) library to implement an RP?
  87. [18:40:53] <claudio> benbangert, with directed identities, is up to the OP to make the person choose which local_id send to the RP
  88. [18:41:30] <benbangert> claudio: right, I didn't see it documented anywhere how to actually do that
  89. [18:42:16] <benbangert> claudio: I see that other servers are doing it, ie, I can enter as my URL to a server, and asks me to login and sends the appropriate openid URL back to the RP
  90. [18:43:18] <claudio> cygnus' question is appropriate, then :)
  91. [18:43:49] <benbangert> openid_pibb: I'm using the Janrain OpenID 2.0 library
  92. [18:43:50] <openid_pibb> benbangert: Error: "I'm" is not a valid command.
  93. [18:43:55] <benbangert> sigh
  94. [18:44:15] <claudio> as an OP or a RP?
  95. [18:44:35] <benbangert> both
  96. [18:44:39] <benbangert> I'm implementing both sides
  97. [18:44:58] * Loolyan87 (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-368cd8ab5f4ab80f) has joined #openid
  98. [18:45:18] <benbangert> I already have the RP stuff working fine, now I'm doing the OP portion
  99. [18:45:23] * peace-iphone ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  100. [18:45:41] <claudio> I see, so it could be a lack of documentation in the lib... can't help :)
  101. [18:45:44] <benbangert> thus my question on how to setup the Yadis file appropriately
  102. [18:46:23] <benbangert> claudio: I'm assuming my question is likely answered by constructing the appropriate Yadis file in response to the RP request, I've been unable to parse the spec on what I need to do in that regard.
  103. [18:48:30] <claudio> benbangert, maybe you should check if the RP request "identity" field is (wait)
  104. [18:49:14] <claudio> ""
  105. [18:49:28] <claudio> benbangert, check 7.3.1 of the specs
  106. [18:49:54] <benbangert> So are only RP's using OpenID 2.0 capable of processing a OpenID signin where the URL sent back is not the same as the one provided by the user to the RP?
  107. [18:50:40] <claudio> well, the local_id is anyway returned in the response
  108. [18:50:57] <claudio> but I can't asnwer precisely there
  109. [18:51:35] <benbangert> I guess I can go find a few sites that are likely using OpenID 1.X and just try. :)
  110. [18:53:06] <benbangert> claudio: the answer apparently is no
  111. [18:53:30] <claudio> mmh... ok
  112. [18:53:31] <benbangert> my OpenID 2.0 RP works fine, but this other OpenID 1.0 RP app throws me a "OpenID server not found" error
  113. [18:54:21] <claudio> strange.. the Yadis discovery should anyway return the XRDS with the OP endpoint
  114. [18:54:41] <claudio> that RP _could_ use only the HTML discovery
  115. [18:54:48] <benbangert> hmm, welp, try it out a few places, just use as your URL
  116. [18:55:15] <claudio> no, I trust you :)
  117. [18:55:27] <claudio> I'm just trying to imagine what could be gone wrong
  118. [18:55:48] <benbangert> not sure, I tried using in this case, which I'm rather certain is using the JanRain OpenID 1.0 Ruby library
  119. [18:55:50] <benbangert> as its a Rails app
  120. [19:03:04] * cote (n=cote@ has joined #openid
  121. [19:19:28] * stub ( has joined #openid
  122. [19:21:48] * ArlequinNoir ( has joined #openid
  123. [19:39:56] * cote (n=cote@ Quit (Connection timed out)
  124. [19:43:24] * cote (n=cote@ has joined #openid
  125. [19:50:42] * marclaporte (n=Marc_Lap@tikiwiki/marclaporte) has joined #openid
  126. [19:50:42] <jibot> marclaporte is Marc Laporte from Tiki CMS/Groupware
  127. [19:55:13] * forsaken ( has joined #openid
  128. [19:55:36] <forsaken> how hard would it be to write my own openID server? (presumably using libraries, I want to use perl preferable, and support SReg)
  129. [20:05:59] <benbangert> forsaken: well, its really trivial with the Python library, I'd imagine the Perl one is comparable, having a good web framework makes it even easier
  130. [20:08:12] <forsaken> benbangert: would django be a good choice for python?
  131. [20:08:32] <benbangert> I'm a bit biased, I wrote the Pylons framework
  132. [20:08:32] <forsaken> and does it allow for easy customization too I would assume? (I guess I could just hack the lib's)
  133. [20:08:40] <forsaken> heh, indeed :)
  134. [20:08:53] <forsaken> I don't know python too well, but would be interested in learning it
  135. [20:08:59] <benbangert> I'd consider it rather easy in either Pylons or Django, choose the framework depending on your needs.
  136. [20:09:00] <forsaken> I know perl better, but I hear good thigns about python
  137. [20:09:49] <benbangert> There's detailed examples for both, the Django one is documented a bit better, while there's 2 examples of OpenID Pylons controllers on the Pylons pastebin:
  138. [20:10:14] <benbangert> I don't think those examples, nor the Django one are using OpenID 2.0 specific functionality if you're interested in that.
  139. [20:10:54] <forsaken> hmm ok
  140. [20:10:59] <forsaken> I'm still trying to wrap my head around openID
  141. [20:11:14] <forsaken> there seems to be a lot going on with very little documented (or atleast easily discoverable from their site)
  142. [20:11:27] <benbangert> I rather like the Janrain libraries, they take a lot of the little details out of the equation
  143. [20:17:34] <forsaken> yea, there's a janrain lib for perl
  144. [20:18:11] <forsaken> isn't documented that I can see though
  145. [20:19:02] <openid_pibb> <cygnus> We no longer maintain a Perl implementation.
  146. [20:19:13] <openid_pibb> <cygnus> I believe Sxip maintains that library, now.
  147. [20:20:03] <forsaken> there's a google group w/ 1 msg :x
  148. [20:20:15] * cote (n=cote@ Quit (Connection timed out)
  149. [20:21:50] <forsaken> so what is the best maintained library would you all say? looks like there's a lot of php ones
  150. [20:23:55] * cote (n=cote@ has joined #openid
  151. [20:25:38] <openid_pibb> <cygnus> There are several. Most of them have various problems.
  152. [20:26:21] <openid_pibb> <cygnus> I strongly encourage the use of the JanRain Python library or the Sxip Java library. Otherwise, the JanRain PHP library (which is ported from the Python library and has the same design and test coverage).
  153. [20:37:40] * digitalspaghetti ( has joined #openid
  154. [20:38:05] * ArlequinNoir ( Quit ("Verlassend")
  155. [20:38:51] <benbangert> the Python-openid 2.0.1 link in the URL returns a 404
  156. [20:38:57] <benbangert> err, in the topic I mean
  157. [20:39:26] <openid_pibb> <cygnus> I'm not on IRC; what's the URL?
  158. [20:39:39] <benbangert> python-openid 2.0.1 @
  159. [20:40:12] <_keturn> oops, obsolete alnk
  160. [20:40:30] <openid_pibb> <cygnus>
  161. [20:40:50] <openid_pibb> <cygnus> ** cygnus shakes his fist at the URL mapper
  162. [20:41:38] * _keturn changes topic to ' - channel logged at || OpenID IPR proposal review: || JanRain dev list: || python-openid 2.0.1 @'
  163. [21:14:45] <forsaken> cygnus: you using a web irc client thru a irc bot?
  164. [21:15:26] <openid_pibb> <cygnus> I'm on at the moment.
  165. [21:15:36] <openid_pibb> <cygnus> the 'OpenID' channel here has an IRC relay set up.
  166. [21:17:54] * cote (n=cote@ Quit (Connection timed out)
  167. [21:18:36] * cote (n=cote@ has joined #openid
  168. [21:18:51] * pvandewyngaerde ( has joined #openid
  169. [21:24:53] * SamRose ( Quit (Connection timed out)
  170. [21:33:39] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit (Excess Flood)
  171. [21:34:00] * stub ( has joined #openid
  172. [21:39:49] * cote (n=cote@ Quit (Success)
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  174. [21:43:13] * SamRose ( has joined #openid
  175. [21:44:54] * SamRose ( Quit (Client Quit)
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  177. [22:02:22] * cote (n=cote@ Quit (Connection timed out)
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  179. [22:05:41] * cote (n=cote@ Quit (Client Quit)
  180. [22:28:12] <openid_pibb> <kevin fox>
  181. [22:42:58] * ArlequinNoir ( has joined #openid
  182. [22:45:39] * ArlequinNoir ( Quit (Client Quit)
  183. [22:51:00] * claudio is now known as claudio\out
  184. [22:58:09] * digitalspaghetti ( Quit ()
  185. [23:03:08] * forsaken ( has left #openid
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  187. [23:57:04] * Melvster ( Quit ("ChatZilla [Firefox]")
  188. [23:59:28] * michelp ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  189. [23:59:36] * michelp_ ( has joined #openid

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