IRC Log for #openid on 2008-01-31

Timestamps are in UTC.

  1. [00:16:13] * flaccid__ ( has joined #openid
  2. [00:25:58] * flaccid_ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  3. [00:49:31] <dynamo> test
  4. [00:50:03] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
  5. [01:17:48] * flaccid_ ( has joined #openid
  6. [01:31:52] * flaccid__ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  7. [01:34:45] * flaccid__ ( has joined #openid
  8. [01:39:56] * flaccid_ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  9. [01:41:08] * flaccid_ ( has joined #openid
  10. [01:57:12] * flaccid__ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  11. [02:07:34] * flaccid__ ( has joined #openid
  12. [02:21:38] * flaccid_ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  13. [02:28:01] * flaccid__ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  14. [02:33:24] * tjohns ( Quit ()
  15. [02:33:42] * tjohns ( has joined #openid
  16. [02:41:34] * flaccid ( has joined #openid
  17. [02:56:09] * flaccid ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  18. [03:00:08] * flaccid ( has joined #openid
  19. [03:10:56] * forsaken ( has joined #openid
  20. [03:16:43] * flaccid_ ( has joined #openid
  21. [03:24:56] * flaccid ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  22. [03:27:58] * dkelson ( has joined #openid
  23. [03:28:10] * dkelson ( Quit (Client Quit)
  24. [03:33:03] * vegpuff (n=vegpuff@nat/yahoo/x-a0b66f144c831028) Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  25. [03:33:05] * flaccid__ ( has joined #openid
  26. [03:42:06] * dkelson ( has joined #openid
  27. [03:46:33] * flaccid_ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  28. [03:54:21] * flaccid__ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  29. [04:20:05] * _keturn (n=acapnoti@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  30. [04:22:15] * rorek ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  31. [04:22:32] * jrbot ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  32. [04:25:48] * tokyoahead ( has joined #openid
  33. [04:27:44] * dazjorz_ ( has joined #openid
  34. [04:27:57] <tokyoahead> i guys, i have a general question .. if someone else knows my openid, would he be not able to log in as my self in all other sites ?
  35. [04:28:23] * dazjorz ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  36. [04:34:07] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) has joined #openid
  37. [04:35:55] * flaccid ( has joined #openid
  38. [04:40:53] * flaccid_ ( has joined #openid
  39. [04:45:29] <tjohns> No, they wouldn't, because they'd also have to know the password that goes along with your OpenID
  40. [04:46:34] * flaccid__ ( has joined #openid
  41. [04:51:10] <tokyoahead> tjohns but since the page where I log in does not ask for a password, why would thye need that?
  42. [04:52:41] <tjohns> After you enter your OpenID URL, you get momentarily redirected to your OpenID provider. If you're not already logged into your provider, it will ask you for your password.
  43. [04:53:03] <tokyoahead> ahhh now I get it thanks :-)
  44. [04:53:33] * flaccid ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  45. [05:01:12] * flaccid_ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  46. [05:01:55] * rorek ( has joined #openid
  47. [05:01:57] * jrbot ( has joined #openid
  48. [05:02:28] * _keturn (n=acapnoti@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn) has joined #openid
  49. [05:07:23] * tokyoahead ( has left #openid
  50. [05:24:49] * dazjorz ( has joined #openid
  51. [05:25:49] * dazjorz_ ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  52. [05:40:37] <flaccid__> a server endpoing can simply be the root of your domain, right?
  53. [06:29:11] <tjohns> It can if you have OpenID provider software installed there
  54. [06:29:51] <tjohns> However, usually it's in a separate directory, like /server
  55. [06:30:06] <tjohns> The endpoint doesn't have to be the same as the claimed identifier.
  56. [06:32:01] * flaccid__ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  57. [07:20:17] * forsaken ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  58. [07:21:19] * polyonymous ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  59. [07:22:44] * polyonymous ( has joined #openid
  60. [08:33:20] * idnar (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  61. [08:59:23] * dkelson ( Quit ("Leaving")
  62. [09:15:29] * SvenDowideit__ ( has joined #openid
  63. [09:31:59] * SvenDowideit_ (n=SvenDowi@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) Quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
  64. [10:11:08] * hillsy ( has joined #openid
  65. [10:33:05] * Tobsn ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  66. [10:33:20] * Tobsn ( has joined #openid
  67. [11:17:36] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ Quit ("Leaving...")
  68. [11:28:07] * SvenDowideit_ (n=SvenDowi@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) has joined #openid
  69. [11:31:47] * idnar (n=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) has joined #openid
  70. [11:44:53] * SvenDowideit__ ( Quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
  71. [12:21:51] * flaccid ( has joined #openid
  72. [12:22:32] <flaccid> hey guys im a bit confused in the 2.0 specification on what the server endpoint URl should be for my server and for it to also be backwards compatible to 1.x
  73. [12:23:15] <tjohns> You'll need to list the server endpoint twice, once for 1.0 and once for 2.0
  74. [12:23:44] <tjohns> For example:
  75. [12:23:44] <tjohns> <link rel="openid.server" href="http://domain.tld/server" />
  76. [12:23:44] <tjohns> <link rel="openid2.provider" href="http://domain.tld/server" />
  77. [12:25:40] <flaccid> thanks tjohns. im referring to the URI for the http://domain.tld/server itself
  78. [12:25:56] <flaccid> can it be handled by http://domain.tld/ ?
  79. [12:26:07] <flaccid> why the need for /server ?
  80. [12:27:57] <tjohns> Just to keep it separate. It could be /.
  81. [12:29:20] <flaccid> sweet. i'll do that i think, makes it easy for people to put in there html headers
  82. [12:42:50] * SteveA_ is now known as SteveA
  83. [12:54:13] * tjohns ( Quit ()
  84. [14:09:11] * MrTopf ( has joined #openid
  85. [14:16:57] <flaccid> where is the best place to read about the requirements a server endpoint requires for auth?
  86. [14:27:12] * MrTopf ( Quit ()
  87. [15:01:44] * MrTopf ( has joined #openid
  88. [15:22:43] * a9913 (n=a9913@unaffiliated/a9913) has joined #openid
  89. [15:49:40] * MrTopf ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  90. [15:51:09] * MrTopf ( has joined #openid
  91. [15:53:20] * MrTopf ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  92. [15:53:42] * MrTopf ( has joined #openid
  93. [15:54:21] * MrTopf ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  94. [15:55:26] * MrTopf ( has joined #openid
  95. [16:10:33] * a9913_ (n=a9913@unaffiliated/a9913) has joined #openid
  96. [16:11:03] <flaccid> is it true to say that openid server endpoints handle both POST and GET http requests?
  97. [16:12:00] * a9913 (n=a9913@unaffiliated/a9913) Quit (Nick collision from services.)
  98. [16:12:02] * a9913_ is now known as a9913
  99. [16:15:31] * a9913 (n=a9913@unaffiliated/a9913) Quit ("Leaving")
  100. [16:19:18] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit (Nick collision from services.)
  101. [16:19:18] * stu1 ( has joined #openid
  102. [16:19:28] * stu1 is now known as stub
  103. [16:44:11] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit ("Leaving.")
  104. [16:56:55] <keturn> flaccid: that's correct
  105. [17:02:18] <flaccid> im just trying to work out what to initially send a server for discovery or auth and so forth
  106. [17:03:23] <flaccid> where can i read on what a relying party sends a provider for logging in?
  107. [17:03:58] <flaccid> the authentication requests
  108. [17:09:04] <keturn> the spec may be the best thing for that. under the developers section of
  109. [17:11:29] <flaccid> would mind something a bit easier to understand
  110. [18:48:21] * Roebot ( has joined #openid
  111. [19:04:12] * hillsy ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  112. [19:35:30] * wzph ( has joined #openid
  113. [19:45:34] * PibbRelay (n=supybot@nat/janrain/x-a005b534ac38f046) Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  114. [19:49:40] * PibbRelay (n=supybot@nat/janrain/x-03ff40af8ff368d8) has joined #openid
  115. [20:08:31] * MrTopf ( Quit ()
  116. [22:05:11] * wzph ( Quit ()
  117. [22:23:27] * MrTopf ( has joined #openid
  118. [22:57:19] * wzph ( has joined #openid

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