IRC Log for #openid on 2009-02-01

Timestamps are in UTC.

  1. [00:01:16] <nor3> do yahoo and google generally respect the request?
  2. [00:05:36] * metadaddy ( has joined #openid
  3. [00:18:50] * devlindaley ( Quit ()
  4. [00:57:25] * flaccid ( has joined #openid
  5. [00:57:39] * flaccid ( Quit (Client Quit)
  6. [01:36:15] * MrTopf ( Quit ("deconstructing...")
  7. [02:18:12] * devlindaley ( has joined #openid
  8. [02:21:53] * devlindaley ( Quit (Client Quit)
  9. [02:24:02] * devlindaley ( has joined #openid
  10. [02:28:15] * devlindaley ( Quit (Client Quit)
  11. [02:31:20] * TedThibodeauJr ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  12. [03:09:47] * kiamo ( has joined #openID
  13. [03:09:52] <kiamo> yo
  14. [03:22:50] <nor3> hi
  15. [03:27:22] <kiamo> im totally to openID
  16. [03:27:27] <kiamo> i dont get how it works...
  17. [03:28:23] <kiamo> iv enabled my site as my openID blog, iv used openID to comment on livejournal and blogger... but how does it know its me...
  18. [03:28:41] <kiamo> iv logged out of my site yet livejournal still knows its me...
  19. [03:29:48] <Chaz6> kiamo: openid is just used at authentication time, once you are logged into your livejournal account, you have a cookie from the site which is unrelated to your openid
  20. [03:30:03] <Chaz6> This is why openid is not sso
  21. [03:30:16] <Chaz6> Single sign-on also means single sign-out
  22. [03:31:08] <kiamo> ah right, so when my livejournal cookie expires ill hvae to sign on again?
  23. [03:31:18] <kiamo> unless im already signed in at (my site)
  24. [03:31:42] <Chaz6> When your cookie expires you will have to sign-in again, albeit through your openid provider
  25. [03:32:01] <kiamo> that all seems horrible insecure :S
  26. [03:33:54] <kiamo> a) 1 username and pass to theoretically access everything... and b) leaving cookies around from lotsa sites on various computers all with the same details...
  27. [03:38:41] <Chaz6> Some browsers have a private browsing mode so once you finish all your personal data is wiped (in theory)
  28. [03:42:01] <kiamo> yea and I guess the benefits outway the risk...
  29. [03:42:22] <kiamo> itd really be so nice if i only ever had to remember 1 account
  30. [03:44:11] <kiamo> although there are accounts id rather not use on public computers, ie: online banking, so it would suck if they where my openID provider... but thats not a problem, as they dont have to be.
  31. [03:44:24] <kiamo> lol
  32. [04:43:29] * devlindaley ( has joined #openid
  33. [04:43:31] <nor3> should there be fragments in an openid claimed id?
  34. [05:31:58] * metadaddy ( Quit ()
  35. [05:41:01] * kiamo ( Quit ("-=SysReset 2.55=-")
  36. [05:41:58] * devlindaley ( Quit ()
  37. [05:53:14] * mosites ( has joined #openid
  38. [07:02:01] <nor3> so does anyone know if google and yahoo do simple registration (sreg) requests?
  39. [07:02:36] <nor3> because my request seems well formatted, but neither the prompt nor the response seem to acknowledge it
  40. [07:50:26] * mosites ( Quit ("Streamy (")
  41. [12:22:06] * trbs ( has joined #openid
  42. [13:09:50] * xpo ( has joined #openid
  43. [13:33:39] * MrTopf ( has joined #openid
  44. [14:05:50] * t325 (n=t325_@ has joined #openid
  45. [14:08:48] <t325> Hello, I am interested in implementing OpenID both as 'provider' and 'consumer' on a client's website. I have found plenty of information for the 'consumer' part, but nothing regarding how to become an OpenID provider. Where can I find such information?
  46. [14:16:03] <trbs> "The specified ID provider has not yet been implemented in Scrapplet. Current supported providers include: Facebook, Google, Yahoo, AOL, MyOpenId, LiveJournal, Verisign, and WordPress" i thought the point of OpenID was to be provider agnostic :(
  47. [14:19:27] <t325> Hi trbs, do you know how to apply for becoming an OpenID provider and what are the requirements?
  48. [14:20:38] <Chaz6> t325: easiest way is to use a branded service e.g. from myopenid
  49. [14:20:55] <Chaz6> You can run your iDP if you really want to, but there's not much reason to
  50. [14:22:27] <t325> Does myopenid provide the possibility of acting as a 'provider' and 'consumer'?
  51. [14:23:06] <Chaz6> t325: as provider yes, but consumer you need to integrate into your application
  52. [14:23:21] <trbs> myopenid limits you to 10 openid's if you want to do something like :(, that could be a reason to setup your own iDP
  53. [14:24:53] <t325> where can I find documentation about setting up my own iDP?
  54. [14:25:36] <Chaz6>
  55. [14:25:48] <Chaz6> Oh no wrong one
  56. [14:28:31] <Chaz6> trbs: for free
  57. [14:28:52] <Chaz6> Myopenid has an affiliate program
  58. [14:29:03] <trbs> sure.... and don't get me wrong i like myopenid :)
  59. [14:31:10] <t325> I see that they propose another solution for companies, without the 10 users limit ( But it is described as a solution for managing the identities of an enterprise's employees - not quite what I need..
  60. [14:32:26] <Chaz6> t325: you probably want opx:asp
  61. [14:33:00] <t325> asp like microsoft's web language?
  62. [14:33:17] <trbs> i think asp as in application service provider
  63. [14:33:26] <trbs> or at least i hope so :)
  64. [14:34:30] <t325> ok; yes I'm looking at it right now - you're right
  65. [14:37:56] <t325> looks like an interesting option; besides this, I suppose becoming a 'real' OpenID provider is something of the same order of magnitude than becoming an SSL CA root? (If possible, my client would like to do all 'in-house', without depending on another company)
  66. [14:39:19] <trbs> nah think implementing a basic iDP with sreg is quite simple... and there are a bucketload of opensource/free-code solutions out there (buy maybe not all of them up to decent code quality standards)
  67. [14:40:43] <trbs> (but surely using a ready made solution is likely to be easier then writing it yourself)
  68. [14:40:44] <trbs> t325, what kind of platform/language are you implementing on ?
  69. [14:41:48] <t325> java & php, and mysql for the databases
  70. [14:42:03] * xpo ( Quit ()
  71. [14:43:19] <t325> Is there a mature iDP opensource (not necessarily 'free as in beer') project?
  72. [14:44:25] <trbs> there is quite a list on the openid site
  73. [14:44:52] <trbs> but most of them won't quality as mature (not in my book anyways)
  74. [14:46:11] <trbs> it costs me about two evening to implement a iDP on Python with JanRains python library
  75. [14:46:24] <trbs> *evenings
  76. [14:50:01] <t325> ok thanks! I suppose this library isn't opensource? (If it comes with a licence where you get the source code but cannot distribute it would be ok as well)
  77. [14:50:15] <t325> besides this I've found the page you speak of:
  78. [14:50:35] <trbs> yup
  79. [14:51:18] <trbs> has python, php and ruby lib's voor openid
  80. [14:51:34] <trbs> and it links to some libs for dotnet and java
  81. [14:51:58] <trbs> anyways got to go
  82. [14:52:08] <trbs> good luck
  83. [14:52:09] * trbs ( has left #openid
  84. [14:53:23] <t325> thanks for your help!
  85. [14:54:09] <nor3> so does anyone know if google and yahoo do simple registration (sreg) requests?
  86. [14:54:11] <nor3> because my request seems well formatted, but neither the prompt nor the response seem to acknowledge it
  87. [14:55:42] * t325 (n=t325_@ Quit ("Bye!")
  88. [15:11:21] * MacTed ( has joined #openid
  89. [15:36:22] * MacTed ( Quit ()
  90. [15:36:46] * MacTed ( has joined #openid
  91. [17:03:21] <nor3> D:
  92. [17:03:24] <nor3> the horror!
  93. [17:25:29] * MrTopf ( Quit ("deconstructing...")
  94. [17:50:35] * metadaddy ( has joined #openid
  95. [17:52:25] * Chaz6 ( Quit ("WeeChat 0.2.7-dev")
  96. [17:54:42] * metadaddy ( Quit (Client Quit)
  97. [18:45:13] * nor3 (n=mm@ Quit ("Leaving")
  98. [18:50:02] * xpo ( has joined #openid
  99. [19:13:06] * xHans ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  100. [19:31:36] * metadaddy ( has joined #openid
  101. [20:29:55] * xpo ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
  102. [22:08:58] * metadaddy ( Quit ()
  103. [22:21:54] * xpo ( has joined #openid
  104. [22:53:15] * devlindaley ( has joined #openid
  105. [22:59:13] * devlindaley ( Quit ()
  106. [23:33:45] * devlindaley ( has joined #openid

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