IRC Log for #openid on 2009-02-03
Timestamps are in UTC.
- [00:06:01] * xpo ( has joined #openid
- [00:27:54] * devlindaley ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
- [00:52:48] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
- [01:09:06] * xpo ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
- [01:16:03] * xpo ( has joined #openid
- [01:49:37] * metadaddy (n=metadadd@nat/sun/x-fb8501ab416f3c0c) Quit ()
- [01:54:31] * TedThibodeauJr ( has joined #openid
- [01:56:03] * MacTed ( Quit (Nick collision from services.)
- [01:56:27] * TedThibodeauJr is now known as MacTed
- [02:18:59] * jcrosby (n=jon@ Quit ()
- [02:22:52] * daleolds (n=daleolds@ has left #openid
- [03:01:02] * devlindaley ( has joined #openid
- [03:06:05] * shigeta_ (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
- [03:14:09] * metadaddy ( has joined #openid
- [03:24:05] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [03:42:30] * mosites ( Quit ("Streamy (")
- [03:56:40] * devlindaley ( Quit ()
- [04:04:27] * tjohns|Zzz is now known as tjohns
- [04:13:31] * devlindaley ( has joined #openid
- [04:18:40] * devlindaley ( Quit ()
- [04:43:26] * metadaddy ( Quit ()
- [04:59:54] * stub ( has joined #openid
- [05:39:14] * jcrosby ( has joined #openid
- [06:08:33] * devlindaley ( has joined #openid
- [06:12:26] * devlindaley ( Quit (Client Quit)
- [06:26:53] * metadaddy ( has joined #openid
- [06:52:19] * metadaddy ( Quit ()
- [07:28:55] * jcrosby ( Quit ()
- [07:49:49] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit ("Leaving.")
- [07:49:59] * stub ( has joined #openid
- [08:36:44] * hillsy ( has joined #openid
- [08:57:12] * thesmith ( Quit ()
- [09:14:20] * thesmith ( has joined #openid
- [09:18:56] * tjohns ( Quit ()
- [09:41:07] * shigeta_ (n=shigeta@ Quit ("Leaving...")
- [10:47:36] * idnar (i=tristan@unaffiliated/idnar) Quit (
- [10:47:37] * shawn_ ( Quit (
- [10:47:37] * zigorou_ ( Quit (
- [10:47:37] * keturn ( Quit (
- [10:47:59] * idnar (i=tristan@unaffiliated/idnar) has joined #openid
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- [10:47:59] * keturn ( has joined #openid
- [11:18:00] * hillsy ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
- [11:18:41] * hillsy ( has joined #openid
- [12:01:57] * xpo ( Quit ()
- [12:52:32] * MacTed ( Quit ()
- [13:04:14] * xpo (n=xpo@nat/af83/x-f4e71c235cff2786) has joined #openid
- [13:34:24] * thesmith ( Quit ()
- [13:46:24] * thesmith ( has joined #openid
- [14:06:33] * MacTed (n=Thud@ has joined #openid
- [14:10:50] * xpo_air ( has joined #openid
- [14:19:04] * xpo (n=xpo@nat/af83/x-f4e71c235cff2786) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [14:19:07] * jpwatts ( has joined #openid
- [14:46:48] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit ("Leaving.")
- [14:47:42] * MrTopf ( has joined #openid
- [14:49:12] * xpo_air is now known as xpo
- [15:03:58] * metadaddy ( has joined #openid
- [15:07:10] * metadaddy ( Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
- [15:14:46] * jpwatts ( Quit ()
- [15:14:56] * metadaddy (n=metadadd@nat/sun/x-32c8c91b3b925f77) has joined #openid
- [15:54:38] * Aikar ( has joined #openid
- [15:54:46] <Aikar>
anyone around?
- [15:55:17] <Aikar>
well ill ask and stick around till someone is
- [15:58:03] <Aikar>
i loaded up phpMyID on my site and i can login just fine with other sites like and, however when i try to use this openid in my wordpress blog, its looking for /consumer?janrain=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx after logging in and doesnt redirect me back. what is going on with this? is my openid enabled domain which i have server and delegate set to go to in which index.php is the server. like i said, other
- [15:58:43] * metadaddy (n=metadadd@nat/sun/x-32c8c91b3b925f77) Quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
- [15:58:55] <Aikar>
is this script openid v1 and wordpress is using 2.0 by chance or something?
- [16:03:34] <Aikar>
and note wordpress openid plugin had a provider service in it that I disabled, since I was using simple 1 user one thats all I needed (and i like the setup of this one), so more asking about this consumer janrain url im getting sent to instead of returning to the site im trying to log in to
- [16:08:22] <Aikar>
oh hmm, the return path on the login is set back to even when i tested on another domain, is there another link rel needed to be set to specify consumer? seems its using the <link rel for my server/delegate as its consumer O.o
- [16:17:57] * xpo_air (n=xpo@ has joined #openid
- [16:22:36] <Aikar>
alright appears my problem is the consumer folder for this wp plugin isnt being hit as its in /wp-content/plugins/..../consumer and the xrds is returning /openid/consumer o.o, and theres no config option for that either ><
- [16:30:48] * xpo ( Quit (No route to host)
- [16:31:19] * xpo_air is now known as xpo
- [16:36:12] * cyberj (n=weechat@2a01:e0b:1:55:240:63ff:feea:9c1) Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
- [16:37:02] * cyberj (n=weechat@2a01:e0b:1:55:240:63ff:feea:9c1) has joined #openid
- [16:38:20] * cyberj (n=weechat@2a01:e0b:1:55:240:63ff:feea:9c1) Quit (Remote closed the connection)
- [16:46:34] * cyberj (n=weechat@2a01:e0b:1:55:240:63ff:feea:9c1) has joined #openid
- [16:48:13] * mosites ( has joined #openid
- [16:56:09] * ignaciogggg ( has joined #openid
- [16:58:53] <Aikar>
ok i fixed my problem, apparently was a bad programming choice for the openid plugin relying on /openid to not exists
- [17:03:43] * jcrosby (n=jon@ has joined #openid
- [17:06:26] * devlindaley ( has joined #openid
- [17:15:51] * hillsy ( Quit ("Leaving")
- [17:28:58] * jcrosby (n=jon@ Quit ()
- [17:41:11] * jcrosby (n=jon@ has joined #openid
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- [17:50:08] * thesmith ( Quit ()
- [18:01:08] * ignaciogggg ( Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
- [18:05:05] * jchris ( has joined #openid
- [18:06:32] <jchris>
- [18:06:47] <jchris>
I wonder if there are a few portlanders in here...
- [18:11:07] * ignaciogggg ( has joined #openid
- [18:13:34] * daleolds (n=daleolds@ has joined #openid
- [18:14:28] * xpo (n=xpo@ Quit ()
- [18:37:34] * daleolds (n=daleolds@ has left #openid
- [18:43:30] * metadaddy (n=metadadd@ has joined #openid
- [18:45:42] * thesmith ( has joined #openid
- [18:46:24] * jchris ( Quit ()
- [18:49:30] * metadaddy (n=metadadd@ Quit ()
- [19:03:50] * xpo (n=xpo@nat/af83/x-0947dd64d8214608) has joined #openid
- [19:03:57] * thesmith ( Quit ()
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- [19:27:30] * tjohns (n=trevorjo@ has joined #openid
- [19:39:43] * xpo (n=xpo@nat/af83/x-0947dd64d8214608) Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
- [19:40:07] * thesmith ( Quit ()
- [20:00:19] * xpo ( has joined #openid
- [20:03:38] * cyberj (n=weechat@2a01:e0b:1:55:240:63ff:feea:9c1) Quit (Connection refused)
- [20:04:17] * cyberj (n=weechat@2a01:e0b:1:55:240:63ff:feea:9c1) has joined #openid
- [20:57:23] * metadaddy (n=metadadd@ has joined #openid
- [21:05:25] * thesmith ( has joined #openid
- [21:16:08] * Aikar ( has left #openid
- [21:19:01] * jcrosby (n=jon@ has joined #openid
- [21:19:27] * metadaddy (n=metadadd@ Quit ()
- [21:23:05] * Banana (n=chatzill@ has joined #openid
- [21:23:30] * Banana is now known as BananaMaster
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- [21:28:25] * BananaMaster (n=chatzill@ Quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.5/2008120122]")
- [21:56:49] * MacTed (n=Thud@ Quit ()
- [22:20:37] * thesmith ( Quit ()
- [22:37:20] * MrTopf ( Quit ()
- [22:46:29] * jcrosby (n=jon@ has left #openid
- [23:05:48] * metadaddy (n=metadadd@ has joined #openid
- [23:20:10] * metadaddy (n=metadadd@ Quit ()
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using a modified version of the Java IRC LogBot.