IRC Log for #openid on 2009-06-24

Timestamps are in UTC.

  1. [00:01:28] <MasterZ> you have the same problem?
  2. [00:02:29] <flaccid_> works for me and i use the same libs on one project
  3. [00:02:35] <MasterZ> hmmm
  4. [00:02:36] * xpo (n=xpo@bearstech/xpo) has joined #openid
  5. [00:02:45] <DanG> I have been having the same problem, yeah
  6. [00:03:12] <MasterZ> Yeah, a few others are too, I found a post on it on stck overflow
  7. [00:03:12] <DanG> originally I couldn't get either the example or my version to work with google/yahoo but now the example works so I know I did something wrong, haha
  8. [00:03:26] <DanG> might have been mine
  9. [00:03:42] <MasterZ> StackOverflow is a cool site, just found it
  10. [00:03:50] <flaccid_> considering mine works, the demo works etc. it is most likely what you did
  11. [00:04:19] <MasterZ> hmmmm
  12. [00:04:19] <DanG> Yeah, the problem is, I can't find anything I did that could cause that...
  13. [00:05:19] * mosites ( has joined #openid
  14. [00:05:26] <MasterZ> ssame here
  15. [00:05:31] <MasterZ> I followed all of the tutorials
  16. [00:05:51] <flaccid_> go and learn the spec and try again
  17. [00:06:41] <MasterZ> the spec doesn't tell you how to do it
  18. [00:09:08] <MasterZ> I downloaded the janrain libs and tried the example, still fails
  19. [00:09:11] <flaccid_> yes it does
  20. [00:09:34] <flaccid_> how can i help you without access to your responses and crap
  21. [00:09:34] <MasterZ> so obviously it isn't anything I did wrong
  22. [00:09:46] <flaccid_> really lol
  23. [00:10:23] <MasterZ> the spec say what you have to do, doesn't tell you how to do it, doesn't show me the PHP I need to make it work
  24. [00:10:35] <flaccid_> exactly
  25. [00:10:55] <MasterZ> so like i said, the spec doesn't tell me how to do it
  26. [00:10:57] <flaccid_> i cannot help you with the lax information you have provided
  27. [00:11:14] <DanG> What's the error you're getting, MasterZ?
  28. [00:11:18] <flaccid_> MasterZ let me ask you this, who do you expect to hold your hand to tell you how to do it ?
  29. [00:11:44] <flaccid_> because you are clearly not a programmer
  30. [00:12:20] <MasterZ> ... so because I don't know something which I've never done before means I'm not a programmer?
  31. [00:13:06] <MasterZ> ha, that fix I used the other day seems to have fixed this problem too! Nice, but still dont' know why the janrain examples failed
  32. [00:13:30] <MasterZ> hmm, but I never changed anything else that would have fixed this.... weird
  33. [00:14:52] * flaccid_ yawns
  34. [00:17:48] <flaccid_> a lib is a lib what people do with the libs is up to them
  35. [00:19:00] <MasterZ> yeah but there is usually directions on how to use the lib
  36. [00:19:21] <MasterZ> If I gave you any of the classes I have made and said go use it, would you be able to or would you like some documentation with it?
  37. [00:19:26] <MasterZ> :-/
  38. [00:20:03] <flaccid_> 1. there is the whole API for you
  39. [00:20:22] <flaccid_> 2. we don't support your classes which is likely the problem
  40. [00:22:14] <MasterZ> sigh... you didn't get the point of what I'm saying lol
  41. [00:22:55] <MasterZ> a lib should have good documentation to tell me how to use it
  42. [00:23:15] <MasterZ> I don't see those for the janrain, but there are several good tutorials, but those tutorials are missing info
  43. [00:23:21] <flaccid_> it does.
  44. [00:24:32] <MasterZ> the docs tell you what methods there are, but doesn't say how to use each one, just gives a basic description
  45. [00:25:11] <flaccid_> MasterZ
  46. [00:25:11] <MasterZ> you couldn't even find in their docs how to return the normalized URL...
  47. [00:25:29] <flaccid_> MasterZ thats how it is for real programmers.
  48. [00:25:48] <flaccid_> once again, i am not from Janrain. i did not set the method names.
  49. [00:25:54] <flaccid_> you are complaining to the wrong person.
  50. [00:26:14] <MasterZ> i'm not complaining :p
  51. [00:26:44] <MasterZ> just telling you that because I don't understand how to use a lib that I first looked at 4 days ago doesn't mean I'm not a programmer :-/
  52. [00:27:50] <flaccid_> whatever man
  53. [00:27:59] <flaccid_> you aint getting anywhere with your approach
  54. [00:28:12] <flaccid_> i don't need to be told the obvious
  55. [00:48:14] * MacTed (n=Thud@ has joined #openid
  56. [00:58:38] * shigeta ( has joined #openid
  57. [02:10:23] * singpolyma ( Quit ("Lost terminal")
  58. [02:27:09] * singpolyma ( has joined #openid
  59. [03:00:58] * mosites ( Quit ("Streamy (")
  60. [03:03:51] <juri_> wow. activity.
  61. [03:04:19] <MasterZ> yes
  62. [03:04:26] <MasterZ> you are too active juri_
  63. [03:04:37] <MasterZ> please be quiet while in this channel...
  64. [03:05:42] <juri_> for once, someone used the term 'real programmer', and itwasn't me.
  65. [03:06:08] <juri_> 'Real Programmer' is a proper term, not just a slur. you should look up the definition sometime.
  66. [03:06:57] <MasterZ> The term Real Programmer is a term used by computer programmers to describe the archetypical "hardcore" programmer.
  67. [03:07:05] <MasterZ> okay.. i'm not a real programmer.. i don't know machine language
  68. [03:12:03] * singpolyma ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  69. [03:24:04] * singpolyma ( has joined #openid
  70. [03:33:42] * singpolyma ( Quit (
  71. [03:33:42] * Tykling ( Quit (
  72. [03:34:10] * singpolyma ( has joined #openid
  73. [03:34:10] * Tykling ( has joined #openid
  74. [03:34:37] <MasterZ> :( The phpBB OpenID mod got marked as abandoned because I brought up a security error with it
  75. [03:34:45] * xpo (n=xpo@bearstech/xpo) Quit (
  76. [03:34:46] * flaccid_ ( Quit (
  77. [03:34:46] * Politoed (i=hpeixoto@ Quit (
  78. [03:34:46] * NetersLandreau ( Quit (
  79. [03:35:07] * flaccid_ ( has joined #openid
  80. [03:35:07] * Politoed (i=hpeixoto@ has joined #openid
  81. [03:35:07] * NetersLandreau ( has joined #openid
  82. [03:35:08] * xpo (n=xpo@bearstech/xpo) has joined #openid
  83. [03:38:21] <keturn> MasterZ: sucks.
  84. [03:38:29] <MasterZ> yeah
  85. [03:41:49] * mosites ( has joined #openid
  86. [03:45:18] <keturn> is there any forum software that isn't sucking these days?
  87. [03:45:27] * keturn checks in on OpenID support in SMF
  88. [03:45:51] <keturn> "I'm not sure whether it will possible to add OpenId 2.0 support though."
  89. [03:48:12] <MasterZ> if the mod author doesn't fix the security error then I'll take it over
  90. [03:48:17] <MasterZ> phpBB needs OpenID :D
  91. [03:55:54] <singpolyma> keturn: drupal has good forums and OpenID
  92. [03:57:17] <MasterZ> drupal has forums?
  93. [03:57:23] <MasterZ> I'll need to mess with that program some day
  94. [04:19:13] <keturn> for as much as I like to hate on PHP, I gotta admit that drupal runs a lot of the world
  95. [04:19:30] * mosites ( Quit ()
  96. [04:23:32] * MasterZ ( Quit ()
  97. [04:34:58] * stub ( has joined #openid
  98. [06:01:24] * stub1 ( has joined #openid
  99. [06:01:24] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit (Nick collision from services.)
  100. [06:01:45] * stub1 is now known as stub
  101. [06:40:51] * jonny_ ( has joined #openid
  102. [06:41:10] <jonny_> hello
  103. [06:43:00] <jonny_> I'm trying out the consumer library
  104. [06:43:13] <jonny_> anyone read this?
  105. [06:43:30] <jonny_> guess I have to reg at freenode ..
  106. [06:47:15] <jonny_> no info on how to register with nickserv in the MOTD as stated so I'll just ignore that
  107. [06:48:34] <jonny_> the lives demos linked from are 503
  108. [06:55:04] * qwp0 ( has joined #openid
  109. [06:55:08] <jonny_> echo
  110. [06:56:35] <keturn> oh bother
  111. [06:57:26] <keturn> if you tell about the broken demos they'll fix it, but it's midnight for them at the moment, so maybe not right away
  112. [06:58:34] <jonny_> ok
  113. [06:58:42] <jonny_> I set up the consumer using the php lib
  114. [06:59:02] <jonny_> it seems to work okay, as far as saying that my myspace, yahoo and yahoo japan openids gets authed
  115. [06:59:16] <jonny_> however no nicknames or emails are retrieved
  116. [06:59:32] <jonny_> I wonder what button to push from thee
  117. [06:59:35] <jonny_> *there
  118. [07:00:45] <keturn> last time I checked yahoo did not release emails. so, unless that's changed...
  119. [07:01:09] <jonny_> ah.. oh.. well
  120. [07:01:25] <jonny_> and myspace doesn't either? is there any party that does?
  121. [07:04:35] <jonny_> oh
  122. [07:04:38] <jonny_> turns out Mixi does
  123. [07:04:40] <jonny_> great
  124. [07:04:55] <jonny_> that's really great \o/
  125. [07:05:52] <jonny_> actually Mixi released my nickname. enough for me anyway
  126. [07:05:56] <jonny_> not the email
  127. [07:12:26] * singpolyma ( Quit ("Lost terminal")
  128. [07:12:26] * DanG ( Quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
  129. [07:12:35] * DanG ( has joined #openid
  130. [07:23:01] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit ("Leaving.")
  131. [07:25:39] * jochen_ ( has joined #openid
  132. [07:25:41] * jochen_ ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  133. [07:26:03] * jochen_ ( has joined #openid
  134. [07:28:27] <jonny_> by the example garbles the japanese text by using escape around the nickname
  135. [08:15:36] <flaccid_> the demo servers have been down for days :(
  136. [08:28:36] * ponchopilate ( has joined #openid
  137. [08:38:19] * stub ( has joined #openid
  138. [08:42:48] * hillsy ( has joined #openid
  139. [08:45:34] * Orango (n=s-e@wikimedia/Orango) Quit ("Leaving")
  140. [08:56:21] * flaccid_ is now known as flaccid
  141. [09:08:51] * flaccid_ ( has joined #openid
  142. [09:11:02] * flaccid0s ( has joined #openid
  143. [09:13:38] <jonny_> So, what's the next step after getting an OK for the openid in the consumer example?
  144. [09:14:00] <jonny_> I'd like to keep the user logged in
  145. [09:15:33] <flaccid0s> it uses a session/cookie iirc
  146. [09:16:04] <flaccid0s> i gotta go do something i'll be back in half to check it out
  147. [09:18:37] <jonny_> ah hm, is that linked to the temp directory
  148. [09:29:43] * flaccid ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
  149. [09:30:47] * flaccid_ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  150. [09:34:34] <jonny_> I got the session values once, but not anymore. after I deleted all files in the temp dir
  151. [09:38:57] * qwp0 ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  152. [09:50:02] * flaccid0s is now known as flaccid
  153. [09:51:17] <flaccid> have not got the example rp set up, i'll do it after dinner and check it out
  154. [09:56:09] <flaccid> actually i can do that while eating dinner :p
  155. [09:58:23] <jonny_> hors d'Ĺ“uvre?
  156. [09:58:55] <jonny_> like some openid cookies
  157. [10:00:12] <flaccid> huh
  158. [10:02:30] <jonny_> what's on the menu tonight?
  159. [10:03:01] * MrTopf ( has joined #openid
  160. [10:04:02] <flaccid> oh
  161. [10:04:38] <flaccid> nothing special, just had a home made chicken pie for a snack and now im going to cook a stir fry with a vegetable i have no idea what it is
  162. [10:07:18] <jonny_> I'm guessing there's something wrong with my store
  163. [10:13:15] <jonny_> I'm gonna try replacing it with an sqlite one
  164. [10:15:37] * MacTed (n=Thud@ Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
  165. [10:15:58] * MacTed (n=Thud@ has joined #openid
  166. [10:31:28] <jonny_> oh noes that needed Pear
  167. [10:36:36] * qwp0 ( has joined #openid
  168. [10:44:17] * Orango (n=s-e@wikimedia/Orango) has joined #openid
  169. [11:18:13] * Orango (n=s-e@wikimedia/Orango) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  170. [11:19:26] <flaccid> jonny_ still compiling darcs heh
  171. [11:20:01] <jonny_> who?
  172. [11:20:05] <flaccid> me
  173. [11:20:24] <jonny_> oh I have an underscore
  174. [11:20:52] <flaccid> dang
  175. [11:21:26] <jonny_> I'm thinking the example should work as it is, but Im just not seeing anything in php's session variable after the authorization roundtrip
  176. [11:23:08] <flaccid> not sure if thats how it works
  177. [11:23:14] <flaccid> i really can't remember but i know it works
  178. [11:34:56] * qwp0 ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  179. [11:37:08] * shigeta ( Quit ("Leaving...")
  180. [11:58:50] * MacTed (n=Thud@ Quit (
  181. [11:58:50] * xpo (n=xpo@bearstech/xpo) Quit (
  182. [11:59:08] * MacTed (n=Thud@ has joined #openid
  183. [11:59:08] * xpo (n=xpo@bearstech/xpo) has joined #openid
  184. [12:09:05] * qwp0 ( has joined #openid
  185. [12:12:24] * xpo (n=xpo@bearstech/xpo) Quit (
  186. [12:12:24] * MacTed (n=Thud@ Quit (
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  189. [12:15:18] * MacTed (n=Thud@ Quit ()
  190. [12:17:30] <jonny_> then how does it work? I don't wanna have the user relogin all the time...
  191. [12:18:11] <flaccid> i'm sure it does work with a session. check your cookies..
  192. [12:18:24] <flaccid> even better look at the code
  193. [12:19:06] <flaccid> i'll get there soon.. just going to be another hour or so
  194. [12:19:49] <jonny_> i'm checking both session and cookies all the time
  195. [12:20:24] <flaccid> perhaps something is not working i guess
  196. [12:29:33] <jonny_> oh, the consumer class has a session member
  197. [12:29:44] <jonny_> I'll dig there
  198. [12:29:51] <flaccid> im sure its detailed in the api too
  199. [12:41:11] * qwp0 ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  200. [12:41:33] * qwp0 ( has joined #openid
  201. [12:42:46] <jonny_> I'm guessing the session member is only used up until the auth goes through, and then not anymore, because it's just plain blank
  202. [12:44:07] <flaccid> thats not how i remember it. but yeah hopefully not too much longer then i can look. just busy
  203. [12:46:02] <jonny_> ok
  204. [13:08:40] * MacTed (n=Thud@ has joined #openid
  205. [13:17:41] * flaccid (n=chris@unaffiliated/flaccid) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  206. [13:24:15] * Elmaron ( has joined #openid
  207. [13:24:18] <Elmaron> hi
  208. [13:24:40] <Elmaron> where are the openid accounts saved?
  209. [13:24:47] <Elmaron> on the server/website where I register them or at some central place?
  210. [13:28:37] * qwp0 ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  211. [13:29:23] * qwp0 ( has joined #openid
  212. [13:30:15] <Elmaron> hm
  213. [13:31:56] <jonny_> Elmaron, what are you trying to do?
  214. [13:32:09] <jonny_> Myself am trying to set up a consumer but well
  215. [13:32:12] <Elmaron> oh um nothing, just wondering how it works. and where I should signup
  216. [13:32:23] <Elmaron> so..... if it's decentralized
  217. [13:32:37] <Elmaron> does that mean when i attempt to login somewhere, the server will ask around everywhere if any other provider knows the ID?
  218. [13:33:05] <Elmaron> and what happens if two providers claim the same ID as being registered at them?
  219. [13:33:06] <jonny_> No
  220. [13:33:19] <jonny_> I mean thats impossible?
  221. [13:33:34] <jonny_> my openid at would be (its really something else)
  222. [13:33:42] <jonny_> theres no way myspace could claim that?
  223. [13:33:52] <Elmaron> ahhh
  224. [13:33:59] <Elmaron> an ID contains a link with it... very interesting
  225. [13:34:06] <Elmaron> so can I setup my ID at my own web space?
  226. [13:34:17] <jonny_> yes that's possible....
  227. [13:34:34] <Elmaron> and how can another website make sure the password is right without sending it plain text? :o
  228. [13:34:39] <Elmaron> hashes? is that safe enough?
  229. [13:34:53] <jonny_> well
  230. [13:34:55] <Elmaron> what happens if any openID website just phishes my password instead of asking my server?
  231. [13:35:06] <jonny_> you dont send password anywhere but to the provider
  232. [13:35:09] <Elmaron> how would I know it's a phishing website and not a trustable one?
  233. [13:35:15] <Elmaron> hm
  234. [13:35:20] <Elmaron> interesting...
  235. [13:35:29] <Elmaron> but I'm entering it at a website into a form
  236. [13:35:37] <Elmaron> so basically that website is having that information in the first place, right?
  237. [13:35:37] <jonny_> yeah phishing is probably the biggest Q i have too, but I've seen some sites use signatures
  238. [13:35:56] <Elmaron> is there a list of trusted sites that will not do phishing?
  239. [13:36:11] <Elmaron> I mean a really trusted list, not just a directory where everyone can enter himself
  240. [13:36:40] <Elmaron> or can I just set a cookie which claims I am registered at so every site will look it up?
  241. [13:36:43] <jonny_> i mean if geocities allowed php stuf,f you could basically set up your own server that afaik
  242. [13:36:45] <Elmaron> without me needing entering the password anywhere?
  243. [13:37:14] <Elmaron> I am just wondering if I can stay logged in everywhere without needing to explicitely enter my password on any website except my own
  244. [13:37:40] <jonny_> yes you dont enter passwords, only at the provider
  245. [13:37:54] <Elmaron> "You'll use this password to sign in to myOpenID, but you won't have to give it to any other site."
  246. [13:37:55] <Elmaron> ah nice
  247. [13:37:59] <Elmaron> that's interesting indeed
  248. [13:38:01] <jonny_> there are many steps however and is far from simple imho :-P
  249. [13:38:18] <Elmaron> I want to know how it works *starts-reading-the-API*
  250. [13:38:21] <jonny_> in the background, if you want to implement it
  251. [13:38:24] <Elmaron> and then I want to host my ID on my own web server :3
  252. [13:38:39] <jonny_> yes
  253. [13:38:51] <jonny_> and then bill gates comes around and buys your ISP
  254. [13:38:55] <jonny_> then logs in as you everywhere
  255. [13:39:06] <jonny_> no? :)
  256. [13:39:18] <qwp0> Elmaron: you don't have to run your own OpenID server in order to have your site OpenID enabled
  257. [13:39:46] <Elmaron> hm
  258. [13:39:53] <Elmaron> is there a way to mark an account as deprecated?
  259. [13:40:05] <Elmaron> given goes bankrupt or whatever might happen
  260. [13:40:18] <Elmaron> so they can tell everyone "hey, all accounts from this domain in the future are now new ones"
  261. [13:40:18] <jonny_> domain takeovers
  262. [13:40:23] <jonny_> some people forget to pay the bills?
  263. [13:41:00] <Elmaron> well some domains are unexpirable (automatic cash transfer by the domain registrar company)
  264. [13:41:12] <Elmaron> but you still might want to sell it one day
  265. [13:41:31] <Elmaron> so it would make sense to tell everyone that your account expired and if it gets used in the future it should be treated as a new, different account
  266. [13:41:56] <Elmaron> also an openid provider where I signed up might go down forever and someone else might get the domain
  267. [13:42:03] <Elmaron> so what is supposed to happen in this case?
  268. [13:42:31] <jonny_> my plan is to use this as a consumer in my web service
  269. [13:42:36] <qwp0> Elmaron: it is not possible, you shouldn't use accounts on OPs which you don't trust
  270. [13:42:44] <qwp0> delegation is a kind of protection in this case
  271. [13:42:50] <jonny_> i will only allow a few providers however. or that's the current plan
  272. [13:42:57] <jonny_> yahoo, myspace, etc....
  273. [13:43:11] <jonny_> it's not really how openid is meant to be used with federation etc i guess but
  274. [13:43:36] <Elmaron> jonny_, but that would be odd
  275. [13:43:42] <Elmaron> it would defeat the open concept of it
  276. [13:43:53] <jonny_> yes right
  277. [13:44:12] <Elmaron> and if others do it your own identify will be useless
  278. [13:44:17] <jonny_> but companies pay to have services only work with "their" logins
  279. [13:44:17] <Elmaron> and mine will be at your site. pretty odd
  280. [13:44:49] <Elmaron> it's still odd
  281. [13:44:55] <Elmaron> you can do it ofc if you want to get rich
  282. [13:45:05] <qwp0> jonny_: which companies?
  283. [13:45:09] <qwp0> you won't get rich this way
  284. [13:45:20] <Elmaron> but if there is one day a list of people who only want to get rich and block others while getting paid for it, I'll make sure YOU are on it
  285. [13:45:20] <qwp0> even FB found out that Facebook Connect isn't the way to go
  286. [13:46:59] <jonny_> no but I don't think many people know about OpenID yet
  287. [13:47:42] <qwp0> and that's the reason to support only well-known providers?
  288. [13:47:50] <jonny_> but would you trust a provider like etc?
  289. [13:48:34] <jonny_> no but of course it would be easy to adjust it to support any provider in the future
  290. [13:48:55] <jonny_> right now I think a few wellknown ones would be enough for starters
  291. [13:49:37] <Elmaron> ??
  292. [13:49:54] <Elmaron> then choose a well-known one for YOU
  293. [13:50:06] <Elmaron> but don't enforce them for others so your website works for them
  294. [13:50:09] <Elmaron> that's just plain odd
  295. [13:50:28] <qwp0> IMO, majority of people who actually know about OpenID doesn't use Google/Yahoo/etc.
  296. [13:51:13] <jonny_> so what do they use?
  297. [13:51:29] <qwp0> they delegate to their own web sites
  298. [13:51:39] <jonny_> ...
  299. [13:51:46] <jonny_> so everyone has to make his own website?
  300. [13:51:49] <qwp0> well, it needn't to be majority, but a considerable amount of people
  301. [13:52:03] <jonny_> 6 billion people have their own website
  302. [13:52:22] * juri_ ( Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
  303. [13:52:29] <qwp0> you misunderstand
  304. [13:52:47] <qwp0> no one *has* to make their own website, it's just pretty common between OpenID users right now
  305. [13:54:54] <jonny_> so in the next step, most people will use their myspace/facebook/whatever account?
  306. [13:55:02] <qwp0> yeah, probably
  307. [13:55:59] <Elmaron> or their account powered by their own website
  308. [13:56:02] <Elmaron> as I want to do it aswell
  309. [13:58:36] <jonny_> I did implement FB Connect, but when I get this running I'll throw that out
  310. [14:05:30] <jonny_> time for sleep, probably back another day
  311. [14:05:35] * jonny_ ( Quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.0.11/2009060215]")
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  318. [14:50:01] <flaccid> me is back
  319. [14:50:09] <flaccid> just about everything crashed on me :/
  320. [14:50:39] <Politoed> that sounds bad.
  321. [14:50:55] <flaccid> yeah it did it straight on 11:00pm as well which flipped me out a bit
  322. [14:51:54] <flaccid> i assume jonny left as a result ?
  323. [14:54:23] <Politoed> he went to bed
  324. [14:54:43] <Politoed> a couple of hours later.
  325. [14:54:53] <Politoed> (actually, 1 hour ago)
  326. [14:55:32] <flaccid> dang ok thanks. maybe he'll come back and by then i've checked that rp out heh
  327. [14:56:11] * qwp0 ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
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  340. [16:20:02] * xpo_air is now known as xpo
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  350. [18:11:18] <flaccid> wb singpolyma
  351. [18:11:25] <singpolyma> :)
  352. [18:11:51] <flaccid> stiill a 403 on
  353. [18:12:08] <flaccid> time to send an email i think, its been out at least over a week
  354. [18:13:03] <flaccid> email sent.
  355. [18:13:15] <flaccid> sorry 503
  356. [18:26:12] * juri_ ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
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  364. [19:07:17] <flaccid>
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  368. [19:29:14] <flaccid>
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  370. [19:47:27] <flaccid>
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  373. [20:14:56] <flaccid> cygnus at Janrain has restarted the demo php openid servers and Rps
  374. [20:17:48] <flaccid> there is also an update on
  375. [20:23:52] * mosites ( has left #openid
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  389. [23:04:13] <flaccid> wb
  390. [23:06:11] * singpolyma (n=singpoly@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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