IRC Log for #openid on 2009-09-29
Timestamps are in UTC.
- [00:09:37] * singpolyma (n=singpoly@ Quit ("Lost terminal")
- [00:20:45] * karstensrage (n=chatzill@ Quit ("ChatZilla 0.8.31 [Mozilla rv:1.4.3/20040924]")
- [00:27:51] * samsm ( Quit ()
- [00:49:53] * samsm ( has joined #openid
- [02:08:26] <openstandards>
flaccid, no opends is a ldap server written in java suppose to be quite fast
- [02:12:27] <flaccid>
so that is a yes
- [02:12:47] <flaccid>
it is an ldap server - which was my question
- [02:30:13] * samsm ( Quit ()
- [02:37:08] <openstandards>
sorry its late in the uk wasn't reading properly
- [03:03:49] * karstensrage ( has joined #openid
- [03:06:13] <flaccid>
- [03:09:32] <karstensrage>
what :)?
- [03:17:43] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) has joined #openid
- [04:02:49] * Shurane (i=82f5d2ab@gateway/web/freenode/x-cdfydzgwvvlexree) has joined #openid
- [04:19:36] <Shurane>
Is implementing OpenID in php as simple as specifying a form?
- [04:30:20] <flaccid>
- [04:32:07] <Shurane>
a lot more to it? I don't know where to start...
- [04:35:59] <flaccid>
there is for info, there is the openid specification and there is software like php-openid that provides and example server
- [04:39:06] * Kaliya ( has joined #openid
- [05:28:48] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit ("Leaving.")
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- [06:15:17] <Shurane>
I'm not using php-openid since I'd have to recompile php with gmp (or get bcmath)
- [06:15:41] <Shurane>
I'm looking at the kohana module right now
- [06:25:03] <flaccid>
well you can use whatever you want..
- [06:33:36] * Kaliya ( has joined #openid
- [07:16:38] <Brend>
I'm guessing there's a reason php-openid needs the math stuff
- [07:16:51] <Brend>
Like that it does a bunch of math (for DH key exchange) that will be ridiculously inefficient without it.
- [07:16:52] <flaccid>
openid uses crypto
- [07:17:00] <flaccid>
- [07:17:11] <Brend>
So just recompiling PHP with that stuff seems like a better plan
- [07:17:44] <flaccid>
yeah thats what i did. you should be able to add a mod for gmp
- [07:30:24] * jochen_ (n=jochen@ has joined #openid
- [08:18:35] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit ("Leaving.")
- [08:18:37] <Shurane>
I guess recompiling would be the better thing, but... I'm not very fond of compiling things on Windows
- [08:21:51] * MrTopf (n=cs@ has joined #openid
- [08:44:26] * thesmith ( has joined #openid
- [08:53:03] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) has joined #openid
- [09:00:03] * asciant ( has joined #openid
- [09:15:06] * asciant ( Quit ()
- [09:22:48] <Shurane>
JanRain's RPX sure looks like a simple solution to implementing OpenID
- [09:31:28] * hillsy ( has joined #openid
- [10:00:56] * nkilzer ( has joined #openid
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- [10:39:14] <flaccid>
Shurane: i wouldn't use windows. rpx is good but free version is limited
- [10:41:03] <Shurane>
Yeah, I figured as much
- [10:41:15] <Shurane>
I'm kind of stuck with windows for the time being (at least until I get past the coming deadline)
- [10:41:44] <flaccid>
sounds like a hard situation :o
- [10:41:46] <Shurane>
I'm going to use rpx as a temporary solution
- [10:41:59] <flaccid>
just make sure the limitations of rpx if you are using free you are aware about
- [10:42:16] <Shurane>
oh like the privacy policy or whatever I agree to?
- [10:42:29] <flaccid>
no, what rpx actually provides
- [10:43:16] <Shurane>
Well right now, I'm just giving a demonstration that I can implement OpenID
- [10:43:52] <Shurane>
You could say it's a crash course in php, javascript, and sql.
- [10:44:02] <flaccid>
well if implementing in your case is using a turnkey solution, then cool
- [10:44:07] <Shurane>
I've not done web programming before.
- [10:44:11] <flaccid>
- [10:44:26] <flaccid>
and this is your job ?
- [10:44:39] <Shurane>
haha, maybe if I can pick this up
- [10:45:17] <flaccid>
- [10:46:26] <Shurane>
Oh hey look, xampp's got bcmath in it
- [10:50:36] <flaccid>
i don't see the issue with gmp
- [11:05:20] <Shurane>
Say, I've got a PHP question. If I use include or require on another file, do I end up running that file or importing its functions?
- [11:07:30] <Shurane>
Well... recompiling php seems like I need... Microsoft VC6 or above, Visual Studio .NET or whatever it may be, some Platform SDK tools... etc
- [11:07:54] <Shurane>
It just seemed too much to recompile php
- [11:08:13] <Shurane>
that's what the win32 readme in the php tarball says...
- [11:08:52] <Shurane>
I guess this isn't the right place to ask for php, but I hope you don't mind.
- [11:14:59] * hillsy ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
- [11:15:23] <Shurane>
Ah, I see what a turnkey solution is.
- [11:17:37] * hillsy ( has joined #openid
- [11:20:24] <Shurane>
Nevermind, getting this done one step at a time.
- [11:20:36] <flaccid>
Shurane: both
- [11:20:56] <flaccid>
don't see what microsoft has to do with compiling php
- [11:21:29] <Shurane>
Well, to use it with the windows xampp, I'd figure you need to do that?
- [11:22:00] <flaccid>
you should be able to get a pecl extension or something
- [11:22:07] * MacTed ( Quit ()
- [11:22:52] <Shurane>
What makes pecl different from pear? I couldn't find gmp (but I did find a biginteger extension) in pear.
- [11:23:00] <flaccid>
actually who knows. if someone doesn't compile it on windows, then you have to. doesn't mean you need to use microsoft compilation
- [11:23:07] <Shurane>
- [11:23:30] <flaccid>
can't even remember what pecl stands for sorry
- [11:23:41] <Shurane>
- [11:24:00] <flaccid>
why dont you just boot a linux or something
- [11:25:47] <Shurane>
I guess I don't feel like restarting at the moment and thought I could get by with xampp
- [11:28:37] <flaccid>
yeah, python doesn't have this problem :o
- [11:29:31] <Shurane>
Psht, Python doesn't count =o
- [11:29:41] <flaccid>
why ?
- [11:29:43] <Shurane>
It has the unfair advantage of being fun and intuitive.
- [11:29:59] <flaccid>
yes and thats part of the reason why i stopped doing php
- [11:30:55] <Shurane>
There's a project that I want to do in Python/RubyOnRails, but I don't know if I'll pull that off
- [11:31:50] <Shurane>
this OOP php looks a lot like java, though.
- [11:35:20] <flaccid>
thats only because both php and c are derived languages and php copied a lot from c
- [11:35:30] <flaccid>
i mean there is lots of similarities between a lot of languages
- [11:35:49] <flaccid>
oop php is a waste of time. in python everything is an object, natively.
- [11:36:14] <Shurane>
I know! Gosh, if only I were learning python.
- [11:36:33] <Shurane>
er, *more* python.
- [11:36:41] <flaccid>
its faster to learn python than to screw around with xampp
- [11:37:18] <Shurane>
What do you do when someone wants php, though?
- [11:37:49] <Shurane>
Say, by any one-in-a-million chance, do you use vim/emacs? Just curious.
- [11:37:58] <flaccid>
you use a real mvc framework and make sure they understand the environment is available. if you don't have root or have windows, thats not acceptable
- [11:38:08] <flaccid>
no i don't use vim or emacs
- [12:00:15] * OpenIDlogbot (n=PircBot@ has joined #openid
- [12:00:15] * Topic is ' || Got OpenID library questions? Check'
- [12:00:15] * Set by keturn on Fri Jun 26 02:48:11 CEST 2009
- [12:00:31] <flaccid>
yes and i am partially drunk
- [12:00:56] <Shurane>
Haha, what time of night/morning is it where you are?
- [12:01:42] <flaccid>
- [12:02:41] <Shurane>
Too early in the morning over here, 8am more or less.
- [12:03:03] <flaccid>
central time ?
- [12:04:26] <Shurane>
close, eastern time
- [12:04:36] <Shurane>
gmt -5
- [12:04:41] <flaccid>
thats where i am
- [12:04:49] <flaccid>
ah sorry ET
- [12:05:47] <flaccid>
- [12:08:57] <Shurane>
a question: with javascript or php, how do I ensure one action before I go on to the next action?
- [12:09:38] <Shurane>
Or rather... with the rpx thing, I want it to pop up, and after signing in, I'd like to go ahead and collect and parse the data
- [12:09:42] <Shurane>
I'm not sure on how to go about it.
- [12:22:54] * xpo (n=xpo@bearstech/xpo) has joined #openid
- [12:38:34] * thesmith ( Quit ()
- [13:08:06] * samsm ( has joined #openid
- [13:35:05] * MacTed (n=Thud@ has joined #openid
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- [14:59:25] * PupenoG (n=pupeno@ has joined #openid
- [14:59:33] <PupenoG>
- [14:59:49] <PupenoG>
Anyone using Rails to build OpenID consumers/relying parties apps?
- [15:02:08] <samsm>
I've done that, but I'm super-rusty.
- [15:02:42] <samsm>
Working on one right now, having to start from scratch. :P
- [15:30:35] * marclaporte ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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- [16:36:43] * Shurane (i=82f5d2ab@gateway/web/freenode/x-cdfydzgwvvlexree) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
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- [21:06:05] * dxtr ( has joined #openid
- [21:07:59] <dxtr>
This might be the wrong channel, but I'll go ahead and ask anyway (Flame me if I'm totally off) - I'm kinda new to openid and I am wondering how one is using it effectively
- [21:08:37] <dxtr>
I mean, I got an openid through - but it don't seem to work as it should. I got a certificate I installed in my browser (Opera 10) but when I'm trying it on, for example, Facebook it won't log me in
- [21:08:47] <dxtr>
Wether or not I'm logged in at or not
- [21:11:16] <yangman>
facebook has a very quirky (and, frankly broken) way of using openid
- [21:12:36] <dxtr>
I figured
- [21:13:32] <dxtr>
I noticed that I have the ability to write my.. ehm.. name (What's the url called?) and it just registers and/or logs me in
- [21:13:45] <yangman>
- [21:14:49] <yangman>
facebook only operates in immediate mode, and forbids the user from actually interacting with the openid server when authenticating against facebook
- [21:15:27] <yangman>
so, the server has to support sessions, and you need to make a 3rd-party cookie exception for your identity provider if blocking them is something you use
- [21:15:51] <yangman>
on top of that, facebook always requests in identity_select mode, which makes no sense at all
- [21:16:26] <yangman>
depending on the openid server, immediate + identity_select will always fail
- [21:17:48] * samsm_ ( has joined #openid
- [21:21:08] <dxtr>
- [21:21:53] <dxtr>
I've always gotten this "wtf?"-feeling over Facebooks openid implementation
- [21:21:55] <yangman>
and it only works from the main facebook page. not any of the subdomains, nor the loging page specifically
- [21:22:00] <yangman>
so, yeah, broken
- [21:22:09] <dxtr>
Hehe, so it's not me then :)
- [21:22:23] <dxtr>
I thought I was the broken part of the chain
- [21:22:27] <dxtr>
- [21:22:44] <yangman>
there's tons of other ones to try
- [21:23:03] <dxtr>
openid providers you mean?
- [21:24:02] <yangman>
- [21:24:23] <yangman>
stackoverflow is, afaict, one of the few with good implementations
- [21:24:48] <yangman>
there's also,, livejournal
- [21:25:17] <yangman>
a handful of openid server testers
- [21:25:59] <dxtr>
I'm quite happy with to be honest :)
- [21:26:14] <yangman>
none of those are identity providers ;)
- [21:26:23] <yangman>
well, maybe livejournal is. I don't recall
- [21:26:48] <dxtr>
Yeah, I know they aren't :P
- [21:26:55] <dxtr>
Just a random comment
- [21:27:31] <yangman>
- [21:28:12] <dxtr>
I was testing to see what the reactions would be. Often when I find something I like I get reactions like "DON'T USE THAT FOR HEAVENS SAKE!" and people list every possible thing that's broken with it that I haven't noticed yet
- [21:28:22] * samsm_ ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- [21:28:59] <yangman>
yeah, I don't understand why so many are broken
- [21:29:21] <yangman>
the specs can be better, sure, but it's not exactly ambiguous
- [21:30:40] <dxtr>
- [21:32:20] * samsm ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
- [21:32:20] * Ideal (n=Ideal@2002:50f9:5c2f:0:0:0:0:1) Quit (Client Quit)
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- [23:36:07] * jaquer ( has joined #openid
- [23:37:59] <jaquer>
Is there an alternative site to check an OpenID setup? The pages on openidenabled are giving me a 503 error.
- [23:39:13] <jaquer>
I tried this one: and it's failing. All it's telling me is "OpenID authentication failed: No matching endpoint found after discovering"
- [23:39:28] <jaquer>
I'm trying to figure out where the error lies.
- [23:44:05] * marclaporte ( has joined #openid
- [23:45:34] <yangman>
jaquer: works fine with my local test consumer
- [23:48:45] <jaquer>
I got a more detailed error when trying to stackoverflow:
- [23:49:07] <jaquer>
I think th error lies in the ProviderEndpoint mismatch, one has a trailing slash and the other doesn't.
- [23:49:20] <jaquer>
* trying to login into stackoverflow
- [23:54:37] <yangman>
- [23:56:42] * karstensrage (n=chatzill@ Quit ("ChatZilla 0.8.31 [Mozilla rv:1.4.3/20040924]")
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