IRC Log for #microformats on 2006-07-12
Timestamps are in UTC.
- [00:01:30] <chucker_>
so, basically, the trick is contains(concat(' ',normalize-space(@class),' '),' someClass ')
- [00:01:39] <kingryan>
- [00:08:23] * sreynen ( has joined #microformats
- [00:10:00] * KevinMarks (n=Snak@pdpc/supporter/active/kevinmarks) Quit ("bye")
- [00:11:27] * KevinMarks ( has joined #microformats
- [00:11:53] * ChanServ sets mode +o KevinMarks
- [00:20:33] * cgriego (n=cgriego@ has joined #Microformats
- [00:20:33] <jibot>
cgriego is Chris Griego (-06:00) and a front-end developer at RD2, Inc.
- [00:20:44] * cgriego (n=cgriego@ has left #Microformats
- [00:31:56] <sreynen>
?def sreynen is Scott Reynen, who makes things at
- [00:31:57] <jibot>
sreynen is Scott Reynen, who makes things at
- [00:33:04] * pnhChris ( Quit ()
- [00:52:02] * bookwyrm ( Quit ()
- [01:04:14] * dc__ ( Quit ()
- [01:14:07] * briansuda ( has joined #microformats
- [01:14:08] <jibot>
briansuda is brian suda of and in his freetime he works on the X2V microformats parser (-0600 CST)
- [01:19:10] * briansuda saw all the activity around XPath!
- [01:20:03] <briansuda>
i emailed the author of the IBM article with pretty much all the points kingryan made.
- [01:20:35] <briansuda>
those really are "Gotcha's!" along with detecting the local-name() and parsing depending on that.
- [01:21:00] <briansuda>
i know it is just an introduction article, so i'm not too nit-picky.
- [01:21:34] * ChanServ sets mode +o briansuda
- [01:21:39] <kingryan>
yeah, but people will copy and past that stuff
- [01:21:44] <kingryan>
- [01:21:51] <AdamCraven>
nice cheat sheet suda
- [01:21:57] <briansuda>
true, true - i did email him
- [01:22:09] <AdamCraven>
did you produce it yourself?
- [01:22:13] <briansuda>
AdamCraven, thanks, keep checking back, i update it every once and awhile
- [01:22:27] <AdamCraven>
lovely, it's great
- [01:22:46] <briansuda>
i did make it all, i try to keep it up to date, and with all the a.include talk it will need some updating soon
- [01:22:59] <briansuda>
Thanks, i'm glad you find it helpful.
- [01:23:15] <briansuda>
it made it to the site and i have been getting loads of traffic
- [01:23:17] * jakedahn ( has joined #microformats
- [01:23:18] <AdamCraven>
indeed, the emails are rather interesting at the moment
- [01:23:26] <briansuda>
it even made
- [01:23:49] <AdamCraven>
nothing like a bit of publicity
- [01:24:01] <AdamCraven>
have you put it on digg yet?
- [01:24:27] <briansuda>
it was unexpected, i made that PDF a few months ago and it only seems to have taken off after @media - something must have been said/linked
- [01:24:44] <briansuda>
no i haven't put it on digg
- [01:25:23] <AdamCraven>
Let me know if you do, I'm sure we'll all give it a digg if you do
- [01:25:24] <briansuda>
ever since they made you login for stories i lost interest, my bugmenot was removed and i kinda gave-up
- [01:25:39] <AdamCraven>
ah I see
- [01:25:51] <briansuda>
well, anyone can add it if they want. hint hint
- [01:25:54] <AdamCraven>
- [01:26:17] <AdamCraven>
was planning to post and article or two up there soon, so I'll try to include it
- [01:26:43] <AdamCraven>
on another subject, one microformat I'm wondering about that hasn't been developed yet
- [01:27:22] <AdamCraven>
hProducts, a standard set for all types of products, such as perfume, aftershave, footballs, computer components
- [01:27:36] <AdamCraven>
although it would be massive
- [01:27:40] * ajturner ( has joined #microformats
- [01:27:54] <briansuda>
there is an hListing which might cover some of that
- [01:28:09] <briansuda>
it is more for classified, but it has to describe a product
- [01:29:04] <AdamCraven>
just having a read now
- [01:29:55] <AdamCraven>
- [01:30:04] <AdamCraven>
it's sort of the thing I was thinking about
- [01:30:10] * kingryan has gone back to read more slashdot comments...
- [01:30:28] <kingryan>
there's actually some good understanding from a few people - troll smackdown and all
- [01:31:24] <AdamCraven>
Fields such as delivery costs, international shipping, may not be too amiss
- [01:32:06] <AdamCraven>
- [01:32:44] <AdamCraven>
There would be a real demand for something so big and uniformed
- [01:33:50] <briansuda> (sp?) is working on hListings for all their products, you should see what they are doing and/or add to the hListing-brainstorming page
- [01:36:05] <briansuda>
Are there any German Spearkers in the house? This is a recent S5 presentation in German, anyone care to translate and/or give feedback?
- [01:36:32] <kingryan>
I can speak some german
- [01:36:38] <briansuda>
Mikroformate! german for microformats
- [01:37:17] <briansuda>
kingryan, have a go then, i'm just curious, it is only 15 slides, i have no idea what this was for? (obviously a microformats presentation)
- [01:37:32] <kingryan>
a thing called 'web monday'
- [01:38:28] <ajturner>
What are microformats? - Microformats are...
- [01:38:43] <ajturner>
Design principles for fomat
- [01:38:46] <kingryan>
"a method to think about data"
- [01:38:54] <kingryan>
"design principles for formats"
- [01:39:02] <kingryan>
"closely related to XHTML"
- [01:39:10] <kingryan>
sounds familiar :D
- [01:39:40] <kingryan>
"what do microformats do"?
- [01:39:42] <briansuda>
yeah :) i found that through my referrers
- [01:39:48] <kingryan>
- [01:39:54] <kingryan>
"solve a specific problem"
- [01:40:02] <kingryan>
"begin as small as possible"
- [01:40:15] <kingryan>
"are build first for people and second for machines"
- [01:40:30] <ajturner>
I like how the Examples "build" in the xhtml into the existing content (#6)
- [01:40:38] <kingryan>
"reuse existing standards"
- [01:41:01] <kingryan>
yeah, that's nice
- [01:41:38] <briansuda>
ajturner, it is a nice effect, the different colours are effective in point out what is coming in and where data "lives"
- [01:41:43] <kingryan>
nested incrementals
- [01:42:15] <kingryan>
its one of the prettiest designs for source code I've seen
- [01:42:16] <ajturner>
yeah, I think that is a really good technique for illustrating to people - so wait, what do I have to do to put in microformats?
- [01:42:32] <chucker_> is well-done
- [01:43:08] <ajturner>
ah, there is a german microformats wiki
- [01:43:09] <briansuda>
can/how should we add this to the wiki presentations? with a translation or just a link or both?
- [01:43:13] <kingryan>
and since he re-used our design with is creative commons share alike, I will have to use that design next time :D
- [01:43:33] <kingryan>
um, does it matter?
- [01:43:42] <ajturner>
is content released under CC which is put into a presentation template released under CC
- [01:43:43] <ajturner>
- [01:43:45] <kingryan>
add a link, if someone wants to translate they can
- [01:43:50] <chucker_>
briansuda: it's an overview giving various examples of how you can easily apply microformats to your existing markup, and why it's useful
- [01:44:09] <chucker_>
briansuda: it's rather brief, but explained in very simple terms
- [01:44:11] <kingryan>
ajturner: I'm talking about the slide designs (the css files themselves)
- [01:44:37] <ajturner>
kingryan - ah, but I was curious about how content putinto a CC form was handled
- [01:44:43] <AdamCraven>
briansuda: Cheers, will have a play through
- [01:44:44] <briansuda>
i figured as much, it looks familiar to the ones kingryan and i have presented. I was just curios about who put this on
- [01:44:48] <kingryan>
ask a lawyer
- [01:44:56] <chucker_>
I suppose I could translate it some time this week
- [01:45:14] <ajturner>
well, based on the examples - it referred to standard "Web Monday" talks
- [01:45:37] <briansuda>
we have a french version of our wiki and now a Japanese version has been started, we should enlist some german speakers, there is obviously interest
- [01:45:47] <chucker_>
I'm a native German speaker
- [01:46:18] <briansuda>
chucker_ you might have just volunteered yourself!
- [01:46:22] <chucker_>
- [01:46:33] <chucker_>
- [01:46:36] <ajturner>
briansuda - there is already a german mf wiki -
- [01:46:57] <ajturner>
not quite as much info - not a full translation
- [01:47:11] <chucker_>
ajturner: it would be beneficial, though, to have German pages matching those at; this one has its own structure
- [01:47:13] <ajturner>
hrm, a german mf google group :)
- [01:47:18] <ajturner>
chucker_ agreed
- [01:47:32] <ajturner>
I was just pointing out briansuda's pondering that there "might" be interest
- [01:47:37] <ajturner>
I think there is definite interest
- [01:47:38] <chucker_>
- [01:47:39] <ajturner>
- [01:47:58] <ajturner>
that's a nice thing about terms like addr - it's also 'addresse' ;)
- [01:48:09] <ajturner>
though not hKart
- [01:48:14] <chucker_>
one d, actually
- [01:48:19] <briansuda>
you guys should lead the charge and start something, email the discuss list, i bet there are more german speakers on the list than you think
- [01:48:36] <chucker_>
ajturner: well, "hKarte" :D
- [01:48:40] <ajturner>
chucker_ - oh, I guess I usually mispell it then :/
- [01:48:57] <chucker_>
it's two ds in English but one in German; quite confusing :)
- [01:49:34] <ajturner>
Ich kann besser sprechen als schreiben - schade :p
- [01:49:48] <chucker_>
that was flawless ;)
- [01:50:04] <ajturner>
vielen dank
- [01:50:05] <mfbot>
[[profile-uris]] * ScottReynen * (+181) Resolved multiple profile URI issue from, added issue of lack of profiles
- [01:50:23] * chucker_ shall reboot
- [01:50:33] * chucker_ ( Quit ()
- [01:51:01] <mfbot>
[[presentations]] * Brian * (+200) added link to German presentation, translation needed
- [01:53:45] <kingryan>
gotta run, later.
- [01:53:47] * kingryan ( Quit ()
- [01:55:04] * chucker ( has joined #microformats
- [01:57:42] <mfbot>
[[hlisting-feedback]] * Adam Craven * (+469)
- [02:00:38] <mfbot>
[[irc]] * Adam Craven * (+42) People on irc -
- [02:01:26] * mlinksva (n=mlinksva@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/mlinksva) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [02:02:44] <mfbot>
[[irc]] M * Adam Craven * (+0) People on irc -
- [02:03:31] <jibot>
Promit is a Microsoft spy.
- [02:04:50] <mfbot>
[[User:Adam Craven]] N * Adam Craven * (+78)
- [02:05:26] <mfbot>
[[User:Adam Craven]] M * Adam Craven * (+0)
- [02:08:02] * edsu (n=esummers@ has joined #microformats
- [02:08:03] <jibot>
edsu is Ed Summers from the Library of Congress <>
- [02:09:58] <mfbot>
[[implementations]] * ScottReynen * (+185) added Profiler proxy
- [02:17:04] * AdamCraven ( Quit ("nn")
- [02:28:57] * briansuda ( Quit ()
- [02:32:37] * pnhChris ( has joined #microformats
- [02:32:37] <jibot>
pnhChris is Chris Casciano, blogs at , and a member of the Web Standards Project.
- [02:33:18] * ajturner ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [02:33:38] * jakedahn ( Quit ()
- [02:35:00] <pnhChris>
- [02:35:05] * pnhChris ( has left #microformats
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- [02:35:15] <pnhChris>
- [02:35:20] <pnhChris>
dats better
- [02:35:49] <pnhChris>
and hmmm.... <span style="display: none"><vevent:event>
- [02:35:52] <pnhChris>
- [02:37:51] * remi ( Quit ()
- [02:39:31] * valmont (n=chrishol@pdpc/supporter/silver/valmont) Quit (No route to host)
- [03:01:00] <pnhChris>
anyone besides eventful have hcard or hcalendar in their feed?
- [03:02:55] <pnhChris>
- [03:16:35] * ryanlowe ( Quit ("Chatzilla 0.9.73 [Firefox]")
- [03:19:51] <pnhChris>
gah... why does NNW thinks it knows what to do with webcal:// feeds
- [03:25:31] * ichigo ( has joined #microformats
- [03:25:56] * ichigo ( has left #microformats
- [03:32:08] <pnhChris>
some small updates tonight... though clearly from my grumbling a few minutes ago the NNW is stealing the subscribe url for itself...
- [03:32:19] <pnhChris>
still no writeup
- [03:34:00] <pnhChris>
(if you weren't here earlier, css theme+applescript to work with microformats in feed items... )
- [03:34:55] * ichigo_ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [03:37:53] * Zeo (n=zeo@ has joined #microformats
- [03:44:31] * pnhChris ( Quit ()
- [03:45:12] * tantek ( has joined #microformats
- [03:45:13] <jibot>
tantek is Tantek <> and works on Technorati and develops microformats <>
- [03:45:16] * ChanServ sets mode +o tantek
- [03:46:28] * vant ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [03:49:23] * amette ( Quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
- [03:50:19] * amette ( has joined #microformats
- [03:53:54] * vant ( has joined #microformats
- [04:04:56] * KevinMarks (n=Snak@pdpc/supporter/active/kevinmarks) Quit (Connection timed out)
- [04:29:22] * bookwyrm ( has joined #microformats
- [04:55:08] * Atamido ( has joined #microformats
- [04:55:09] <jibot>
Atamido is Paul Bryson,
- [05:01:21] * csarven ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- [05:15:53] * evanpro (n=evanpro@pdpc/supporter/silver/evanpro) Quit ("Ex-Chat")
- [05:24:31] * sreynen ( Quit ()
- [05:29:28] * Zeo (n=zeo@ Quit ("What the ...")
- [06:14:46] * lisppaste4 ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
- [06:16:56] * lisppaste4 ( has joined #microformats
- [06:43:43] * bookwyrm ( Quit ()
- [06:48:39] * chucker ( Quit ()
- [07:13:54] * schepers ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- [07:14:29] * boneill ( has joined #microformats
- [07:14:30] <jibot>
boneill is Ben O'Neill, a 3rd year Software Engineering student -
- [07:17:23] <mfbot>
[[Main Page-jp]] * Tantek * (+6352) Main Page-jp moved to Main Page-ja
- [07:18:14] <mfbot>
[[Main Page]] M * Tantek * (+0) use language codes, not country codes
- [07:18:30] <mfbot>
[[Main Page-sp]] * Tantek * (+6606) Main Page-sp moved to Main Page-es
- [07:31:01] <mfbot>
[[Main Page-ja]] * IwaiMasaharu * (-6) 他の言語に翻訳するのをお手伝いください! - フランス語の例を日本語の場合に直した
- [07:31:55] * izo_ ( Quit ()
- [07:34:12] <mfbot>
[[introduction-jp]] * IwaiMasaharu * (+9896) introduction-jp moved to introduction-ja
- [07:34:17] * izo_ ( has joined #microformats
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[[press-jp]] * IwaiMasaharu * (+1911) press-jp moved to press-ja
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[[presentation-jp]] * IwaiMasaharu * (+6203) presentation-jp moved to presentation-ja
- [07:36:00] <mfbot>
[[Main Page-ja]] M * IwaiMasaharu * (+0) はじめに - use language codes, not country codes
- [07:38:12] <mfbot>
[[microformats-jp]] * IwaiMasaharu * (-4958)
- [07:38:43] <mfbot>
[[xoxo-jp]] * IwaiMasaharu * (+14089) xoxo-jp moved to xoxo-ja
- [07:39:09] <mfbot>
[[rel-tag-jp]] * IwaiMasaharu * (+6029) rel-tag-jp moved to rel-tag-ja
- [07:39:50] <tantek>
Thanks IwaiMasaharu!
- [07:40:10] <mfbot>
[[Main Page-ja]] M * IwaiMasaharu * (+0) スペック - use language codes, not country codes
- [07:41:46] * chucker ( has joined #microformats
- [07:45:41] <mfbot>
[[how-to-play-ja]] * Vant * (+32) #8が残っていたので翻訳。
- [07:50:01] * Ciaran ( has joined #microformats
- [07:59:03] * trovster ( has joined #microformats
- [07:59:03] <jibot>
trovster is a web developer from the UK who writes on and helps with
- [08:07:43] <mfbot>
[[press-ja]] * Vant * (+3769) press(-en)の最新版と同期。翻訳開始。(Update in sync w/ the latest press-en info, now start translating.)
- [08:13:49] <mfbot>
[[User:Vant]] N * Vant * (+174)
- [08:14:09] <Ciaran>
Is it just me who finds it hard to refer to tags in sentences
- [08:14:29] <Ciaran>
with attributes I can stick @ in front of them to make it clear what I'm talking about
- [08:14:43] <Ciaran>
But things like 'It's better to use an a in there' look too weird
- [08:21:54] <boneill>
It's better to use an <a> in there?
- [08:23:49] <Ciaran>
they might think I don't want them to put any @s in
- [08:24:12] <Ciaran>
I decided on capitalising it in the end, but now I'm worried I'll get capitalised HTML back from them
- [08:25:40] <mfbot>
[[Main Page-ja]] * IwaiMasaharu * (+3543) sync: english: 07:18, 12 Jul 2006
- [08:34:26] <mfbot>
[[Main Page-ja]] M * IwaiMasaharu * (+1) 他言語でのmicroformats wiki - fixed syntax
- [08:36:37] <mfbot>
[[Main Page-ja]] * IwaiMasaharu * (+1) はじめに - fixed: link to english page
- [08:39:04] <mfbot>
[[introduction-ja]] * IwaiMasaharu * (+0) using language code for page name
- [08:41:30] <mfbot>
[[User:IwaiMasaharu]] N * IwaiMasaharu * (+195)
- [08:44:46] <mfbot>
[[User:IwaiMasaharu]] * IwaiMasaharu * (+123)
- [08:52:02] <mfbot>
[[User:IwaiMasaharu/english-to-japanese-map]] N * IwaiMasaharu * (+230)
- [08:56:39] * drewinthehead ( Quit ()
- [08:56:48] <mfbot>
[[press-ja]] * Vant * (+91)
- [09:01:21] * Jonna1 ( has joined #microformats
- [09:11:14] * KevinMarks ( has joined #microformats
- [09:11:30] * ChanServ sets mode +o KevinMarks
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[[Main Page-ja]] M * IwaiMasaharu * (+49) 日本語の言い回しを変更
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[[User:IwaiMasaharu]] * IwaiMasaharu * (+18)
- [09:17:27] * izo_ ( Quit ()
- [09:17:37] <mfbot>
[[User:IwaiMasaharu/english-to-japanese-map]] * Vant * (+180)
- [09:18:38] * Jonnay ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [09:28:23] <mfbot>
[[User:IwaiMasaharu/english-to-japanese-map]] * IwaiMasaharu * (+0) sort
- [09:38:44] * drewinthehead ( has joined #microformats
- [09:38:45] <jibot>
drewinthehead is Drew McLellan - watch him, he's tricky.
- [09:39:40] <Ciaran>
is this channel archived anywhere?
- [09:41:07] <trovster>
Channel is logged:'
- [09:44:48] * Atamido ( Quit (Excess Flood)
- [09:45:12] * Atamido ( has joined #microformats
- [09:50:28] <Ciaran>
thanks trovster
- [10:06:43] <drewinthehead>
the /. crowd are unbelievable, aren't they?
- [10:06:55] <Ciaran>
hah, I was reading though it earlier
- [10:07:10] <Ciaran>
There is about 0.01% interesting comment and the rest is just idiots
- [10:09:26] <drewinthehead>
i like the fact that totally misinformed replies are marked '3: Informative'
- [10:10:55] <drewinthehead>
it's totally valid to disagree with what we're doing here, or to advocate a different approach, but these guys just lash out with the blind assumption that what you're doing is stupid and can be done better with {the first thing that pops into their head}
- [10:11:48] <Ciaran>
I didn't think the linked article from IBM was that clear on what the aims of microformats were
- [10:12:14] <Ciaran>
And most /. posters will have only read that (if they even RTFA)
- [10:14:02] <drewinthehead>
they can't entertain the thought that technically competent people might have spent time researching this
- [10:14:51] <drewinthehead>
<sarcasm>Of course! The META element! Why didn't WE think of that?! Doh!</sarcasm>
- [10:14:56] <drewinthehead>
- [10:14:57] <Ciaran>
The OP should have at least linked to in the article.
- [10:15:18] <Ciaran>
Yeah did no-one tell you about RDF? You've been throwing your time away!
- [10:15:35] <trovster>
- [10:16:11] <Ciaran>
- [10:16:36] <Ciaran>
oh wait no that's not right
- [10:16:55] <Ciaran> sorry
- [10:17:36] <Ciaran>
"I'm sure the LISP community would love to hear about this brand-new idea of embedding specialy, or domain-specific if you will, languages and data." is moderated as 5:Insightful
- [10:17:43] <Ciaran>
- [10:19:25] <Ciaran>
The main portal we develop has property listings on it... is there a relevant microformat?
- [10:20:07] <Ciaran>
hReview probably seems closest
- [10:22:04] <drewinthehead>
there's some stuff with listings in development
- [10:22:47] <drewinthehead>
- [10:22:53] <Ciaran>
how can I help? ;-)
- [10:24:25] <drewinthehead>
good question .. i'm not sure who's working on it, but it doesn't seem to have moved forward in a little while
- [10:24:36] <drewinthehead>
at least, not that i've seen
- [10:25:19] <Ciaran>
We have two major bits of our portal: property listings and a product catalogue
- [10:25:52] <Ciaran>
I'll read up on the wiki I guess
- [10:26:20] <drewinthehead>
yeah, it looks like it'd be quite well suited to property listings
- [10:31:13] * tantek ( Quit ()
- [10:32:00] <Ciaran>
uh, if I have a point I'd like to make on the feedback page, do I just jump in and edit?
- [10:33:39] <Ciaran>
or is that rude?
- [10:39:27] <Ciaran>
Are any of the hListing people on at the moment?
- [10:39:57] <Ciaran>
There's some reference to retail product listings being out of scope, but I really can't see what the difference between listings and a catalogue of products is
- [10:41:37] <drewinthehead>
i think you're ok to dump feedback onto that feedback page
- [10:41:55] <drewinthehead>
probably best to post to mf-discuss and link to your comments too
- [10:46:06] <Ciaran>
- [11:01:47] * Ciaran ( Quit (Nick collision from services.)
- [11:01:49] * Ciaran ( has joined #microformats
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- [12:02:46] <jibot>
sreynen is Scott Reynen, who makes things at
- [12:08:42] * schepers ( has joined #microformats
- [12:40:38] <drewinthehead>
JSON interface for best-guess is now better polished
- [12:40:50] <drewinthehead>
(caution: served as application/json)
- [12:42:46] <mfbot>
[[stable-pages-ja]] N * IwaiMasaharu * (+652) english: 00:33, 28 Oct 2005
- [12:42:49] <trovster>
Based off your PHP drewinthehead?
- [12:43:17] <drewinthehead>
yes, trovster
- [12:43:39] <drewinthehead>
the normal xhtml output is here:
- [12:44:07] <mfbot>
[[stable-pages-ja]] * IwaiMasaharu * (+36) link to *-ja pages
- [12:45:58] <Ciaran_>
drewinthehead - why does it sometimes produce an XHTML fragment and sometimes plaintext?
- [12:46:40] <drewinthehead>
it's always an xhtml fragment - just sometimes extra elements are not required :)
- [12:46:56] <drewinthehead>
the goal is to take a name and output a valid value for FN
- [12:47:25] <drewinthehead>
so if it meets the rules for implied-n or implied-nickname optimisation, then no processing is required
- [12:47:34] <Ciaran_>
- [12:48:07] <Ciaran_>
so the output is what the content of the fn element should be?
- [12:48:13] <drewinthehead>
- [12:48:36] <drewinthehead>
do you think that's a good approach?
- [12:48:49] <Ciaran_>
- [12:48:57] <Ciaran_>
It's a shame that you have to nest the n inside the fn
- [12:49:06] <Ciaran_>
but I can't think of a better approach
- [12:49:29] <drewinthehead>
i figured that was a reliable approach, and one which keeps things simple
- [12:49:55] <Ciaran_>
is the source published anywhere?
- [12:50:02] <drewinthehead>
not yet
- [12:50:42] <drewinthehead>
it's not too pretty ... i'm going to clean it up
- [12:52:19] <drewinthehead>
there's nothing fancy in there, it's just a codified version of
- [12:54:57] <drewinthehead>
the json is using Services_JSON from PEAR
- [12:57:14] * bookwyrm ( has joined #microformats
- [12:57:25] <Ciaran_>
The n optimisation assumes firstname-lastname?
- [12:58:07] <Ciaran_>
it's a shame you can't guess it from charset or something
- [12:59:22] <trovster>
If the page has lang="jp" or something, then you might have to reverse the first-last name syntax?
- [12:59:37] <Ciaran_>
Not very practical I guess
- [13:00:15] * sreynen ( Quit ()
- [13:01:23] <mfbot>
[[stable-pages-ja]] * IwaiMasaharu * (+131) ほとんどを翻訳
- [13:01:28] <drewinthehead>
implied-n optimization has about 5 different name formats
- [13:01:36] <drewinthehead>
all of them 'western' I guess
- [13:02:24] <drewinthehead>
not as in clint eastwood
- [13:02:56] <Ciaran_>
He'd be <span class="fn"/>
- [13:03:03] * Ciaran_ wonders if anyone gets that
- [13:03:24] <mfbot>
[[User:IwaiMasaharu/english-to-japanese-map]] * IwaiMasaharu * (+34) add Community
- [13:03:53] <drewinthehead>
Ciaran_: the man with no name, right? :)
- [13:03:57] <Ciaran_>
- [13:04:20] <drewinthehead>
now with serialised PHP:
- [13:06:14] <Ciaran_>
I'm not convinced I'm going to start loading arbitrary objects from remote URLs, but nice ;-)
- [13:06:55] <drewinthehead>
seems to be popular with the folks at Y!
- [13:07:45] <Ciaran_>
I guess you have to *really* trust the server not to send you an object with rm -rf / in
- [13:08:03] <drewinthehead>
i'm not sure that you can, can you?
- [13:08:25] <Ciaran_>
TBH I'm not sure
- [13:08:31] <mfbot>
[[Main Page-ja]] M * IwaiMasaharu * (+8) 他言語でのmicroformats wiki -
- [13:09:17] <Ciaran_>
I don't see why not though...
- [13:10:22] <drewinthehead>
- [13:11:03] <drewinthehead>
are you thinking of a serialised object with a wake method?
- [13:13:36] <drewinthehead>
__wakeup() was the one i was thinking of. gets called when the object is unserialized
- [13:15:02] <Ciaran_>
- [13:15:09] <drewinthehead>
back in a while .. lunch :)
- [13:15:12] <Ciaran_>
what's to stop that doing something... bad?
- [13:22:03] * pnhChris ( has joined #microformats
- [13:22:03] <jibot>
pnhChris is Chris Casciano, blogs at , and a member of the Web Standards Project.
- [13:26:41] * sreynen (n=sreynen@ has joined #microformats
- [13:26:42] <jibot>
sreynen is Scott Reynen, who makes things at
- [13:30:40] * drewinthehead is back
- [13:31:21] <drewinthehead>
Ciaran_: that's a valid point, and worth testing
- [13:32:42] <Ciaran_>
drewinthehead - Certainly in local testing I can request an object from a remote page that does an echo on __wakeup
- [13:32:49] <Ciaran_>
I'm not going to test the rm -rf thing ;-)
- [13:33:07] <boneill>
well most PHP configs won't allow you to run system commmands
- [13:33:48] <Ciaran_>
sure but you still shouldn't include('http://remotehost') willy-nilly right?
- [13:34:12] <drewinthehead>
or mail() $_SESSION back to base
- [13:34:55] <Ciaran_>
aaah wait it's ok
- [13:35:10] <boneill>
oh indeed, including some data from somewhere else is mad
- [13:35:13] <Ciaran_>
If the class isn't defined, it'll be cast to stdClass and lose its functions
- [13:35:17] <boneill>
unless you really really *really* trust the source
- [13:35:38] <drewinthehead>
- [13:35:47] <Ciaran_>
the methods don't appear to be in the serialised code... I was just being over-cautious
- [13:35:57] * Ciaran_ shuts up again
- [13:36:05] <drewinthehead>
the best approach. Ciaran_
- [13:37:57] * Ciaran wonders what's going on in this channel
- [13:42:29] * markp ( has joined #microformats
- [13:45:59] * chucker ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- [13:46:00] <Ciaran_>
drewinthehead - There seems to be some usage of application/vnd.php.serialized for serialised PHP, but it's not massively widespread
- [13:46:06] * evanpro (n=evanpro@pdpc/supporter/silver/evanpro) has joined #microformats
- [13:46:06] <jibot>
evanpro is Evan Prodromou, info at
- [13:46:46] * drewinthehead wishes someone would maintain a list of what to serve as what
- [13:47:51] <drewinthehead>
i'm still not sure what to serve atom as
- [13:48:31] <boneill>
application/atom+xml ?
- [13:48:43] <evanpro>
to serve man
- [13:49:19] <Ciaran_>
boneill - problem is browsers tend to download it
- [13:49:27] <Ciaran_>
mind you that'll change I'd presume
- [13:49:36] <boneill>
hopefully :)
- [13:49:38] <drewinthehead>
is that necessarily incorrect?
- [13:49:43] <evanpro>
"Don't get on the ship. The book, To Serve Atom, IT'S A COOKBOOK!"
- [13:49:58] <evanpro>
The other thing you can do is some content negotiation
- [13:50:10] <Ciaran_>
drewinthehead - it's only incorrect if you think non-atom-savvy browsers should render the XML
- [13:50:29] <Ciaran_>
drewinthehead - interesting comprimise here:
- [13:51:49] <drewinthehead>
sod it, i'll serve as application/atom+xml if that's the ideal
- [13:52:33] <drewinthehead>
this is for a web service, so someone hitting it with a browser is a secondary concern
- [13:53:04] <Ciaran_>
You could argue the Atom feed should be the same URL as the HTML equivalent and just use content-negotiation
- [13:53:35] <Ciaran_>
rather the (X)HTML with hAtom equivalent
- [13:55:22] <Ciaran>
yay my PEAR account got activated \o/
- [14:02:53] <drewinthehead>
my hAtom2Atom implementation is now here:
- [14:03:15] * drewinthehead wonders if query should be transcode
- [14:04:23] <drewinthehead>
it's now transcode.
- [14:04:59] <drewinthehead>
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- [14:32:55] * ChanServ sets mode +o briansuda
- [14:32:56] <jibot>
briansuda is brian suda of and in his freetime he works on the X2V microformats parser (-0600 CST)
- [14:34:52] * bookwyrm ( has joined #microformats
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[[stable-pages-fr]] N * ChristopheDucamp * (+945)
- [14:40:37] * Ciaran_ is now known as CiaranMc
- [14:40:48] * CiaranMc is now known as CMcNulty
- [14:41:39] * CMcNulty is now known as CiaranMc
- [14:46:50] * bookwyrm ( Quit ()
- [14:53:25] * CiaranMc ( Quit ("i <3 pork (")
- [14:53:51] * CiaranMc ( has joined #microformats
- [14:58:26] * cdevroe ( has joined #microformats
- [14:58:27] <jibot>
cdevroe is Colin D. Devroe, blogs at, lives in Clifford, PA, USA and helps run the 9rules Network
- [15:05:41] <mfbot>
[[relpayment-research-fr]] MN * ChristopheDucamp * (+15109)
- [15:06:12] <drewinthehead>
hi cdevroe
- [15:07:14] <cdevroe>
Hello Mr. McLellan.
- [15:08:01] * boneill ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
- [15:08:17] * cgriego ( has joined #Microformats
- [15:08:17] <jibot>
cgriego is Chris Griego (-06:00) and a front-end developer at RD2, Inc.
- [15:08:24] * CiaranMc is now known as McNulty
- [15:09:30] <McNulty>
Hi Ciaran.
- [15:09:44] <McNulty>
I think I've been masquerading as you for a couple of days.
- [15:11:58] <mfbot>
[[relpayment-research-fr]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (+268) RelPayment - translation in progress
- [15:12:35] <drewinthehead>
i've actually put some instructions up now .. wonders will never cease:
- [15:13:56] <McNulty>
drewinthehead - very nice
- [15:14:18] <McNulty>
"hCard n buest guess"
- [15:14:21] <McNulty>
- [15:14:29] <mfbot>
[[relpayment-research-fr]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (+63) Métadonnée Visible -
- [15:14:34] <drewinthehead>
gah .. *always* typing that!
- [15:14:35] <Ciaran>
McNulty: then I believe I've killed you twice :P
- [15:14:51] <McNulty>
Could well be, sorry didn't realise the nick was taken ;-)
- [15:15:49] * drewinthehead is thankful it wasn't "bust guess" - that would make for an interesting web service
- [15:16:07] <jibot>
MacDome is a WebKit hacker emeritus and working 17 hour days trying to get this damn website out the door...
- [15:16:35] <Ciaran>
jibot: what am I?
- [15:17:33] <McNulty>
How would I register with jibot?
- [15:21:32] <pnhChris>
- [15:21:40] * Harry_Slaughter ( Quit ("")
- [15:22:33] * mlinksva (n=mlinksva@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/mlinksva) has joined #microformats
- [15:22:34] <jibot>
mlinksva is Mike Linksvayer and from Creative Commons
- [15:22:44] <pnhChris>
so drew.. don't know if you caught it but i updated that applescript last night... need to figure out ho to not make NNW think it knows what webcal:// is though before it gets "released"
- [15:24:19] <drewinthehead>
parse error
- [15:24:33] <drewinthehead>
how to not make NNW think? i'm lost!
- [15:24:42] <pnhChris>
- [15:24:59] <pnhChris>
this thing:
- [15:25:55] <drewinthehead>
- [15:26:01] <cdevroe>
Is webcal:// something that will invoke iCal?
- [15:26:03] <pnhChris>
i'm just using apple script to open the right technorati urls based on the choice.. NNW does fine handing off http:// to another app (based on its settings)
- [15:26:16] <drewinthehead>
- [15:26:27] <pnhChris>
but it trys to subscribe to webcal itself
- [15:26:34] * schepers ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [15:26:37] <pnhChris>
and doesn't do a good job of it :P
- [15:26:44] <drewinthehead>
rather than handing it off to iCal?
- [15:27:01] <pnhChris>
or whatever the system defaults to , yeah
- [15:27:23] <cdevroe>
That could be the fault of the system preferences. iCal should be the default calendar application for that to be invoked properly.
- [15:27:30] <pnhChris>
no.. its a NNW
- [15:27:31] <pnhChris>
- [15:27:37] <pnhChris>
and a script thing
- [15:27:57] <drewinthehead>
so what does NNW think it can do with a calendar file?
- [15:28:11] <pnhChris>
subscribe to it
- [15:28:26] <cdevroe>
That doesn't make sene.
- [15:28:28] <cdevroe>
- [15:28:39] <pnhChris>
its a nww/applescript thing basically
- [15:28:43] <cdevroe>
The protocol itself will force OS X to choose an application to launch.
- [15:29:02] <pnhChris>
because its the active app my "dumb" "open location blah" call gets caught by NNW and not let through
- [15:29:18] <cdevroe>
Whether it be FTP:// HTTP:// WEBCAL:// or FEED:// OS X will choose the right appliction.
- [15:29:35] <pnhChris>
right cdevroe, kinda
- [15:29:42] <pnhChris>
the call doesn't get to OS X
- [15:29:45] <cdevroe>
I see. So, rather than that, have the AppleScript open iCal?
- [15:29:46] <pnhChris>
if NNW is the active app
- [15:30:03] <pnhChris>
i'd rather get around NNW
- [15:30:10] <pnhChris>
rather then be explicit
- [15:30:25] <pnhChris>
but I haven't really spent enough time looking at it to know what i can do
- [15:30:58] <pnhChris>
(not really much of an applescript hacker.. just poking at it to get some stuff done)
- [15:31:31] <ajturner>
pnhChris - if you want a reference, the Rosenthal Applescript book is great
- [15:31:36] <cdevroe>
Yeah, I'm like a monkey f*cking a coconut in AppleScript.
- [15:31:42] <cdevroe>
But this might do the trick.
- [15:31:43] <cdevroe>
tell application "iCal"
- [15:31:43] <cdevroe>
- [15:31:43] <cdevroe>
- [15:31:43] <cdevroe>
open file URL here
- [15:31:44] <cdevroe>
end tell
- [15:32:13] <pnhChris>
it would cdevroe ... but then i'm using ical explicitly
- [15:32:31] <pnhChris>
which is probably ok most of the time.. but i'd rather be better then that if i can figure it out
- [15:32:55] <pnhChris>
i'll probably just try telling finder or something
- [15:33:01] <pnhChris>
and see what happens :P
- [15:33:05] <cdevroe>
Well, as a start I suppose. Maybe a preference could be added down the road, or a drop down box with a list of compatible applications (Sunbird or whatever it is called)
- [15:33:37] <cdevroe>
Yeah, perhaps telling the Finder might do it.
- [15:34:35] <drewinthehead>
sounds sensible ...
- [15:36:11] <pnhChris>
and i do need to pick up that book.. its just every time i look to do one of these little scripts i'm done with it before I actually get to ordering it
- [15:37:42] <cdevroe>
pnhChris: I definitely need to brush up on AppleScript. I've never done anything hefty with it, but I've begun efforts to export Address Book contacts to an XHTML file with the hCard spec (and possible XFN using custom fields). But I've only begun to make any type of progress.
- [15:38:25] * boneill ( has joined #microformats
- [15:38:26] <jibot>
boneill is Ben O'Neill, a 3rd year Software Engineering student -
- [15:39:35] * KevinMarks (n=Snak@pdpc/supporter/active/kevinmarks) Quit ("The computer fell asleep")
- [15:45:34] <pnhChris>
here's the script / stlesheet for NNW if you want to poke around at it... seems to work ok besides the webcal thing... need to make the microformat "discovery" inside the script a bit smarter too:
- [15:45:55] <pnhChris>
still need to write it up.. but its basically bookmarlet-ish
- [15:46:27] <pnhChris>
add some css to identify that a card or event is in the post.. then run the script to sent the permalink to technorati
- [15:47:24] <pnhChris>
just a simple short term kinda solution
- [15:47:33] * deadcow ( has joined #microformats
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[[relpayment-research-fr]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (+65) typo
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[[relpayment-research-fr]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (+162) Application pour addition vers l'enregistrement Atom des relations de liens -
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[[start-simple]] * JumpAssociates * (+88)
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[[relpayment-research-fr]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (+204) Art Inital -
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[[User talk:BenWest]] N * JumpAssociates * (+85)
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- [16:14:28] <McNulty>
?def McNulty is Ciaran McNulty who works for and is present at
- [16:14:30] <jibot>
McNulty is Ciaran McNulty who works for and is present at
- [16:14:49] * deadcow ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [16:16:09] <mfbot>
[[relpayment-research-fr]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (+198) Exemples dans la jungle -
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- [16:18:41] <McNulty>
?def McNulty is Ciaran McNulty from who lives in London and works for
- [16:18:42] <jibot>
McNulty is Ciaran McNulty who works for and is present at and Ciaran McNulty from who lives in London and works for
- [16:19:50] <mfbot>
[[relpayment-research-fr]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (+142) Outils qui supportent actuellement RelPayment -
- [16:23:03] * Ciaran (n=ciawal@ Quit (Success)
- [16:23:08] * jakedahn ( Quit ()
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clockin' off.
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[[robots-exclusion-fr]] MN * ChristopheDucamp * (+9782)
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[[robots-exclusion-fr]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (-1) Profil URI -
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[[robots-exclusion-fr]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (+1) Profil URI -
- [17:56:50] * boneill ( has joined #microformats
- [17:56:51] <jibot>
boneill is Ben O'Neill, a 3rd year Software Engineering student -
- [17:57:07] <mfbot>
[[robots-exclusion-fr]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (+60) XMDP Profile -
- [18:02:03] <mfbot>
[[robots-exclusion-fr]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (+117) Examples -
- [18:03:14] <mfbot>
[[robots-exclusion-fr]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (+30) References -
- [18:03:57] <bewest>
there are one or two comments from the slashdot posting of IBM's uformats article
- [18:04:20] <bewest>
that I believe are representative of the objections many have of microformats
- [18:04:40] <bewest>
it boils down to namespace scoping and abuse of class as CDATA
- [18:08:38] <bewest>
and as a tertiary objection, the UI trouble that may result from agents getting clever with the title attribute
- [18:17:04] * KevinMarks ( has joined #microformats
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[[robots-exclusion-fr]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (+506) Issues -
- [18:17:18] * ChanServ sets mode +o KevinMarks
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[[robots-exclusion-fr]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (+1) Exemples -
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[[robots-exclusion-fr]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (+1) Exemples -
- [18:18:07] * markp ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[[robots-exclusion-fr]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (+2) Précédence -
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[[robots-exclusion-fr]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (+1) Appropriation en tant que microformat -
- [18:26:11] <mfbot>
[[examples-fr]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (+83) Bons Exemples d'Exemples -
- [18:27:33] * mraichelson ( has joined #microformats
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[[media-info-examples-fr]] N * ChristopheDucamp * (+15819) Structure translated
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- [18:38:57] <jibot>
briansuda is brian suda of and in his freetime he works on the X2V microformats parser (-0600 CST)
- [18:40:21] * mlinksva (n=mlinksva@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/mlinksva) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [18:44:45] <mraichelson>
for those keeping score: had a client meeting yesterday with some people who were very receptive to the idea of microformatting a lot of stuff on their site. ;)
- [18:46:34] <pnhChris>
ever find a resolution to the table issue, or just fall back to divs?
- [18:46:54] <mfbot>
[[media-info-examples-fr]] M * ChristopheDucamp * (+32)
- [18:47:28] <mraichelson>
switched to DIVs instead. it really made more sense in teh markup anyway, i was just being sorta lazy when i did it in tables to begin with.
- [18:47:57] <mraichelson>
it was more a repeated structure on the page, then part of one block of stuff, really.
- [18:48:00] <pnhChris>
guess you could have merged the name cell too.. if you wanted
- [18:48:38] <pnhChris>
still an interesting markup issue
- [18:48:49] <pnhChris>
if you really had a table of contacts
- [18:49:42] * mraichelson nods
- [18:59:37] * mlinksva (n=mlinksva@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/mlinksva) has joined #microformats
- [18:59:38] <jibot>
mlinksva is Mike Linksvayer and from Creative Commons
- [19:05:58] * drewinthehead ( has joined #microformats
- [19:05:58] <jibot>
drewinthehead is Drew McLellan - watch him, he's tricky.
- [19:08:15] <drewinthehead>
evenin' all
- [19:08:40] <mraichelson>
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[[irc]] * RobertBachmann * (+39) People on irc -
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- [20:55:01] * McNulty_ ( has joined #microformats
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- [21:09:13] * DanC ( has joined #microformats
- [21:09:15] <jibot>
DanC is Dan Connolly
- [21:09:41] * tantek ( has joined #microformats
- [21:09:41] <jibot>
tantek is Tantek <> and works on Technorati and develops microformats <>
- [21:10:06] * ChanServ sets mode +o tantek
- [21:11:39] * DanC tunes in for office hours, swaps in
- [21:11:48] <DanC>
hmm... include-pattern...
- [21:11:59] * DanC looks around to see if that got resolved
- [21:12:34] <DanC>
calsify IETF meeting was today; I wonder if the jabber logs show anything interesting/relevant
- [21:14:03] <drewinthehead>
DanC: are you talking about the a.include variation on the include-pattern?
- [21:14:16] * DanC finds
- [21:14:39] <tantek>
DanC, we made some good progress on include-pattern
- [21:14:42] <qid>
there was some more activity on the mailing list about include, I think using <a> has been accepted as a kludgier but better-supported alternative
- [21:14:56] <tantek>
<a href="..." class="include">
- [21:15:01] <tantek>
no type attribute
- [21:15:12] <drewinthehead>
concerns were raised over problems with screen readers
- [21:15:18] <tantek>
there are unresolved accessibiilty issues
- [21:15:18] * valmont ( has joined #microformats
- [21:15:19] <qid>
it does kinda still make sense, if you think of it as a pointer
- [21:15:25] <tantek>
but I'm pretty sure they are resolvable
- [21:15:28] <DanC>
I'm talking about whether (a) include-pattern works on the referenced element and its children or (b) include-pattern works only on children of the referenced element
- [21:15:40] * tantek vaguely remembers that tabindex="0" takes an element out of the tab-navigation
- [21:15:58] <tantek>
DanC, referenced element
- [21:15:59] <qid>
tantek: there may be CSS for that
- [21:16:26] <tantek>
for what?
- [21:16:34] <DanC>
tantek, do you know if the tests and x2v have been updated to do (a) ?
- [21:16:54] <tantek>
I think Brian coded support for a.include
- [21:16:58] <tantek>
into x2v
- [21:17:03] * ryanlowe ( has joined #microformats
- [21:17:03] <jibot>
ryanlowe is Ryan Lowe,
- [21:17:04] <tantek>
and drew was working on it in his parser
- [21:17:15] <drewinthehead>
yup, i'm done
- [21:17:38] <qid>
"Those elements that do not support the tabindex attribute or support it and assign it a value of "0" are navigated next."
- [21:18:36] * DanC reviews hg changes since Jun 29 or so
- [21:18:52] <qid>
so if you follow the spec, tabindex="0" doesn't remove it from the tab order, just sticks it at the end
- [21:19:23] <tantek>
maybe it was -1
- [21:19:26] <tantek>
i need to check
- [21:19:56] <qid>
yeah, negative values aren't mentioned, so that might do the trick
- [21:20:18] <tantek>
DanC, did you get any conclusions from that IRC log you cited?
- [21:21:14] <DanC>
no, just started looking at CALSIFY IRC log. I saw some hints that they're not going to do the "shave off the corners and go to DRAFT Standard" but go right into "redesign it an go back to Proposed Standard" :-/
- [21:21:40] <DanC>
I argued pretty hard for going to DRAFT back in March, I think
- [21:21:42] <McNulty_>
I think HTML4.01 tab indexes have to be non-negative
- [21:22:21] <qid>
oh, whoops
- [21:22:30] <qid>
"This value must be a number between 0 and 32767. User agents should ignore leading zeros."
- [21:22:55] <McNulty_>
there is an @disabled that takes an element out of the tabbing order, but doesn't apply to A
- [21:23:37] <McNulty_>
I don't know how to solve it without a scripted onfocus event
- [21:24:42] <qid>
a.include { display: none; } perhaps...
- [21:25:31] <drewinthehead>
but by that point you're regained the complexity we were trying to shed with object
- [21:26:08] <McNulty_>
display:none is a last resort hopefully
- [21:26:39] <McNulty_>
User stylesheets and all that
- [21:28:51] <DanC>
hmm... tests/hcard/35-include-pattern.html (a) referenced element and children... I don't see any relevant fixes to x2v yet...
- [21:29:21] <DanC>
FAIL hcard/35-include-pattern
- [21:29:30] <briansuda>
DanC, there hasn't been much discussion, so i haven't worked on that aspect yet
- [21:29:38] <tantek>
complexity wasn't the problem
- [21:29:42] <DanC>
so 35 fails for you too so far?
- [21:29:44] <tantek>
stupid browsers are the problem
- [21:30:27] * DanC thinks parser complexit is pretty relevant to the include-pattern issue I raised
- [21:30:37] <tantek>
does anyone know if any screen readers actually focus on empty a elements?
- [21:30:50] <tantek>
e.g. <a href=""></a>
- [21:31:28] * sreynen (n=sreynen@ Quit ()
- [21:31:29] <drewinthehead>
let me ask derek featherstone .. i have him here
- [21:32:15] <DanC>
briansuda, does tests/hcard/35-include-pattern FAIL for you too?
- [21:32:25] <McNulty_>
Are a.includes recommended to be empty then?
- [21:32:34] <briansuda>
yes, 35 fails for me
- [21:32:42] <DanC>
ok, so in some sense we're not resolved yet
- [21:32:53] <tantek>
I believe we know what is best for the author
- [21:32:58] <briansuda>
there is still debate about if the tests themselves are faulty
- [21:33:30] <DanC>
tools that work are part of what's best for the author
- [21:33:31] <briansuda>
I fail on 2 tests, 35 and one other one that has no contect (24, or 26 maybe?)
- [21:33:49] * markp__ ( Quit ("Chatzilla 0.9.70-rdmsoft [XULRunner]")
- [21:34:30] * ryanlowe ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- [21:35:04] * DanC pops back, trying to remember how I came across the include-pattern issue... oh yeah... my resume...
- [21:36:08] <DanC>
uh-oh... looks like I didn't check in that work I did on my resume... I wonder which machine I did it on...
- [21:39:04] * DanC found it on laptop... whew...
- [21:39:21] * sreynen (n=sreynen@ has joined #microformats
- [21:41:42] * chucker ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [21:42:11] * drewinthehead has feedback from derek featherstone
- [21:42:31] <drewinthehead>
derek says: with the href="#foo" it is likely to be read out as "this page link" and then nothing
- [21:42:46] <drewinthehead>
derek says: it would also likely show up in the links list, and be included in the link count when first announced when the page loads "this page has 3 headings and XX links"
- [21:43:18] <briansuda>
would the addition of a title attribute over-ride the default "this page link" ...
- [21:43:28] <drewinthehead>
if we can provide him with a test case, he'll happily run it through some screen readers for us
- [21:43:41] <briansuda> has an a.include example
- [21:44:24] <tantek>
yes, but not an empty one
- [21:44:31] <tantek>
I was starting to experiment even further
- [21:44:39] <tantek>
(and I think I confused Chris Messina in the process)
- [21:44:43] <briansuda>
i'll add an empty one to the HG tests now and check it in
- [21:45:17] * DanC happened across the other day... likes the style... might crib some...
- [21:45:20] <drewinthehead>
i think we'd need a fairly basic page so that test results are simple to follow
- [21:45:33] * minimalist ( Quit ()
- [21:48:11] <McNulty_>
as a brit, can we rename the microformat hCV? ;-)
- [21:48:20] * briansuda has updated tests in HG, be sure to pull/update
- [21:48:27] <briansuda>
ok drewinthehead, try this link;file=hcard/31-include.html;style=raw
- [21:49:07] <tantek>
McNulty, just as soon as you convince Håkon and Bert to change the "color" property to "colour"
- [21:49:16] <tantek>
- [21:49:18] <briansuda>
wait, you needed an empty A element... do you want me to change it?
- [21:49:24] <DanC>
hCV? I hadn't realized the brit/frog aspect of resume vs cv
- [21:49:55] <briansuda>
There are subtle differences
- [21:49:56] <drewinthehead>
if you could, briansuda
- [21:50:15] <briansuda>
empty as <a href></a> or <a href />
- [21:50:19] <DanC>
indeed. is the official language of W3C, for pretty much arbitrary reasons.
- [21:51:41] <drewinthehead>
hRésumé ?
- [21:53:37] <drewinthehead>
let's make the official language of microformats Welsh. that'd be great. would help with adoption ... in the valleys.
- [21:54:39] <briansuda>
ok, drewinthehead, same link now there are two "empty" 'a' elements to test
- [21:55:08] <briansuda>
actually, different link;file=hcard/31-include.html;style=raw
- [21:55:24] <drewinthehead>
ah, i thought that was me being an idiot ;)
- [21:55:48] <drewinthehead>
excellent, i'll get this over to derek
- [21:55:56] <briansuda>
that's the wonderful world of versioning! you have a URI for every instance
- [21:56:47] <briansuda>
if you can, have him play abit, maybe add an @title and see if that makes a difference, or maybe already knows it won't
- [22:01:46] * sreynen (n=sreynen@ Quit ()
- [22:05:19] * McNulty_ always reads resumé as 'resume'
- [22:06:18] <drewinthehead>
briansuda: sent to mr featherstone.
- [22:06:27] <briansuda>
- [22:07:06] <drewinthehead>
McNulty: i do too, although i'm trying to retrain myself.
- [22:14:18] * briansuda ( Quit ("quittin' time")
- [22:21:12] * remi ( has joined #microformats
- [22:21:12] <jibot>
remi is Remi Prevost, a web developper (yeah, that's how we spell "developer" in french) from Quebec and blogs about web stuff at <>
- [22:24:25] <AdamCraven>
*sigh* Another day, another client wanting a huge website, with huge fangled features; news feeds, forums, download sections, 34 pages... for �2.5k... Where are all the good clients?
- [22:25:20] * DanC tries to figure out what's current by way of citation microformats for his resume...
- [22:27:28] <DanC>
doesn't seem to be much convergence.
- [22:36:38] * McNulty_ ( Quit ()
- [22:43:12] * ajturner ( Quit ()
- [22:53:50] * tantek ( Quit ()
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- [23:18:49] * tantek ( has joined #microformats
- [23:18:49] <jibot>
tantek is Tantek <> and works on Technorati and develops microformats <>
- [23:19:16] * ChanServ sets mode +o tantek
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