IRC Log for #openid on 2007-09-03
Timestamps are in UTC.
- [00:21:23] * marclaport1 ( has joined #openid
- [00:56:51] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
- [01:00:36] * stub ( has joined #openid
- [01:53:15] * melvster ( Quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
- [02:40:24] * martin-t ( has joined #openid
- [02:48:22] * jwang ( has joined #openid
- [02:56:44] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [02:57:20] * stub ( has joined #openid
- [03:18:24] * jwang_ ( has joined #openid
- [03:34:21] * jwang ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [03:49:34] * marclaport2 ( has joined #openid
- [03:51:30] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [04:07:28] * marclaport1 ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [04:25:47] * idnar (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) Quit (Nick collision from services.)
- [04:25:49] * idnar_ (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) has joined #openid
- [04:32:32] * marclaport2 ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- [04:37:37] * marclaport1 ( has joined #openid
- [05:22:56] * stub ( has joined #openid
- [05:45:06] * SunWuKung ( Quit ("Ex-Chat")
- [05:57:51] * jwang_ ( Quit ("Leaving")
- [06:47:23] * pvandewyngaerde ( has joined #openid
- [07:00:52] * martin-t ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [08:42:51] * SunWuKung ( has joined #openid
- [09:31:58] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ Quit ("Leaving...")
- [10:39:42] * SunWuKung ( Quit ("Never look down on someone unless you're helping them up.")
- [12:01:54] * idnar_ is now known as idnar
- [12:07:20] * id768 ( has joined #openid
- [12:07:43] * id768 is now known as melvster
- [12:35:01] <melvster>
- [12:37:10] <openid_pibb>
<Blueberry> Hi melvster
- [13:38:37] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit ("Leaving.")
- [13:50:25] * melvster ( Quit ()
- [14:33:36] * pvandewyngaerde ( Quit ("")
- [14:35:43] * jettero (n=lulz@pdpc/supporter/active/jettero) has left #openid
- [14:40:45] * Mitsurugi ( has joined #openID
- [15:21:05] * markjones ( has joined #openid
- [15:50:07] * Mitsurugi ( Quit (" · tecnologia lliure per a un món lliure")
- [16:53:47] * peace-keeper ( has joined #openid
- [17:59:56] * martin-t ( has joined #openid
- [18:00:15] * martin-t ( Quit (Client Quit)
- [18:01:25] * martin-t ( has joined #openid
- [18:22:24] * martin-t ( Quit ()
- [18:25:14] * jeremyb_ (n=jeremy@unaffiliated/jeremyb) has joined #openid
- [18:34:19] * jettero (n=lulz@pdpc/supporter/active/jettero) has joined #openid
- [18:34:40] <jettero>
I just spent the last 3 hours debugging something that would have been solved instantly by right clicking noscript and selecting unsafe reload
- [18:34:52] <jettero>
xss sanitizing my butt. all it did was ruin the sig
- [18:38:43] * jeremyb (n=jeremy@unaffiliated/jeremyb) Quit (Connection timed out)
- [18:45:37] * SunWuKung ( has joined #openid
- [18:46:40] * Mitsurugi ( has joined #openID
- [18:47:50] * martin-t ( has joined #openid
- [18:49:48] * SunWuKung ( Quit (Client Quit)
- [18:50:24] <keturn>
jettero: owch. I've been there myself, I'm afraid. I put a message in the noscript forum about it (which appears to be a terrible single never-ending mozillazine thread), but got no response.
- [19:02:06] * etnt ( has joined #openid
- [19:03:47] * peace-keeper ( Quit (Success)
- [19:21:39] * johill_ ( has joined #openid
- [19:35:28] * johill ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [20:12:37] * martin-t ( Quit ()
- [20:24:59] <jettero>
keturn that's about what I'd expect. It's an obscure problem at best...
- [20:25:32] <jettero>
I discovered that I could detect when it happened because my openid lib returns a nonsense error. The code is invalid sig, but the verbose message is blank, so I replace that with "if you have noscript, do an unsafe reload" done.
- [20:26:07] <jettero>
also, you can put "openid.mode" in the list of allowed regular expressions and you're all set.
- [20:26:09] <keturn>
hmm. I don't suppose you can detect noscript from the server-side?
- [20:37:53] <jettero>
- [20:37:56] <jettero>
that's what I meant
- [20:38:19] <jettero>
the failure is distinct because most of the arguments are there, but they're adulturated by the "sanitizing" noscript does
- [20:38:26] <jettero>
so the signature fails...
- [20:39:32] <jettero>
happily, it only seems to fail during a delayed checkid_setup where the user POSTs a password and from there is redirected back to your site
- [20:39:45] <jettero>
that literally is an xss, so noscript is correct...
- [20:39:52] <jettero>
if a tad misguided maybe
- [20:41:21] <jettero>
- [20:48:09] * pvandewyngaerde ( has joined #openid
- [20:59:32] * markjones ( Quit ()
- [21:02:43] <openid_pibb>
<nicerobot> Appears to be a problem with using MySQLStore.php. FileStore.php works fine.
- [21:03:46] <openid_pibb>
<> hello, where may i check all the existing field names for use with Auth_OpenID_SRegRequest::build ?
- [21:05:22] * slitzferrari ( has joined #openid
- [21:05:26] * slitzferrari ( Quit (Client Quit)
- [21:08:34] * slitzferrari ( has joined #openid
- [21:09:36] <slitzferrari>
hello, i need a list of all available fields to use with Auth_OpenID_SRegRequest::build
- [21:09:44] <slitzferrari>
where can i see it?
- [21:11:21] <keturn>
if that's just a matter of the defined sreg fields, you can look in the spec at
- [21:12:41] <slitzferrari>
thank you :) that's just what i needed !
- [21:13:42] <slitzferrari>
if i need anything that's not in that list i need to ask in my own site right?
- [21:13:49] <slitzferrari>
like an address
- [21:16:20] <openid_pibb>
<Matt Nordhoff> nicerobot: It seems your multi-line message didn't get through to the IRC channel.
- [21:16:45] <keturn>
slitzferrari: yep
- [21:18:46] <openid_pibb>
<nicerobot> Strange. No worries. I've discovered the problem anyway. A database connection issue. There was no error handling when a connection fails.
- [21:19:59] <openid_pibb>
<Matt Nordhoff> Oh, okay.
- [21:26:14] <openid_pibb>
<Matt Nordhoff> test<br><br>test<br>
- [21:59:03] * pvandewyngaerde ( Quit ("")
- [22:31:33] * etnt ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
- [22:47:48] <slitzferrari>
i'm trying to use openid2 client, it works on but it doen's work at and verisign
- [22:47:55] <slitzferrari>
is this normal?
- [22:48:03] <slitzferrari>
i mean, should i use v1 ?
- [22:49:11] * martin-t ( has joined #openid
- [22:51:10] * martin-t ( Quit (Client Quit)
- [22:56:40] * markjones ( has joined #openid
- [23:06:03] <slitzferrari>
err i just found out that if i try the same signon openid with the given example that came with the openid lib it doen't work either
- [23:06:07] <slitzferrari>
any idea?
- [23:09:06] * slitzferrari ( Quit ("Computer goes to sleep!")
- [23:36:46] * elliottcable ( Quit ("leaving")
- [23:55:07] * tommorris ( has joined #openid
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