IRC Log for #openid on 2007-09-04

Timestamps are in UTC.

  1. [00:07:48] * jrbot ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  2. [00:08:40] * jrbot ( has joined #openid
  3. [00:13:43] * markjones ( Quit ()
  4. [00:15:11] * tommorris_ ( has joined #openid
  5. [00:16:16] * tommorris ( Quit (Nick collision from services.)
  6. [00:16:40] * tommorris_ is now known as tommorris
  7. [00:36:08] * michelp ( has joined #openid
  8. [00:38:25] <tommorris> Cody`: Are you the same Cody of, by any chance?
  9. [00:40:33] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
  10. [00:40:47] <Cody`> tommorris: Aye
  11. [00:40:58] <tommorris> Cool. I'm using your EasyOpenID package
  12. [00:41:10] <Cody`> :) cool
  13. [00:41:16] <Cody`> Any issues?
  14. [00:41:29] <tommorris> Yes, it works for most OpenIDs, but not for my own.
  15. [00:41:58] <tommorris> It may just be my server not working or something similar.
  16. [00:42:04] <tommorris> My OpenID is
  17. [00:42:10] <Cody`> that's interesting. Mind emailing me the details? I don't have time to talk about it tonight, but I'll have some time tomorrow most likely. If you want to, I'll pm you the email
  18. [00:42:24] <tommorris> okay, cool - thanks
  19. [00:42:46] <Cody`> Get it?
  20. [00:42:56] <tommorris> Yep, thanks
  21. [00:55:48] * markjones ( has joined #openid
  22. [01:06:01] * jrbot ( Quit (Nick collision from services.)
  23. [01:06:10] * jrbot ( has joined #openid
  24. [01:17:14] * slitzferrari ( has joined #openid
  25. [01:17:47] * jeremyb_ is now known as jeremyb
  26. [01:18:39] <slitzferrari> could someone tell me if it's normal that the janrain example consumer just works with IDs ?
  27. [01:31:15] * omgID ( has joined #openid
  28. [01:32:23] <keturn> slitzferrari: no, that would be bad
  29. [01:32:35] <keturn> Very Bad, actually
  30. [01:36:16] * slitzferrari ( Quit (Nick collision from services.)
  31. [01:36:23] * omgID is now known as slitzferrari
  32. [01:36:39] <slitzferrari> humm but that's what's happening
  33. [01:36:56] <slitzferrari> what's the reason for this?
  34. [01:37:49] <slitzferrari> i mean, i just untar the php-openid moved the examples/consumer and Auth to my localhost web dir
  35. [01:37:59] <slitzferrari> and pointed the browser to the dir
  36. [01:40:01] <slitzferrari> keturn what am i getting wrong here?
  37. [01:41:21] <keturn> not sure, I don't have a lot of experience with PHP.
  38. [01:42:22] * markjones ( Quit (Client Quit)
  39. [01:43:56] <slitzferrari> okay thnkx anyway
  40. [01:55:17] <keturn> I recommend leaving a note in the mailing list or the bug tracker
  41. [01:55:40] <slitzferrari> yes, i've just joined the mailing list :)
  42. [02:15:45] * a|noccy ( has joined #openid
  43. [02:16:12] <a|noccy> hi :) quick question: is there an ASP module to support OpenID for a website?
  44. [02:20:20] <keturn> maybe? there's this which seems to have been updated recently:
  45. [02:20:52] <a|noccy> that's for :/
  46. [02:21:07] <a|noccy> i've found a bunch of them for, but nothing for plain vanilla asp.
  47. [02:22:56] <keturn> so that would need to be written in vbscript or jscript?
  48. [02:23:05] <a|noccy> exactly :)
  49. [02:24:10] <keturn> hmm. I don't think I've heard about anyone working in those languages, no.
  50. [02:25:02] <a|noccy> uh, that means i'm gonna have to write one myself *sic* lol
  51. [02:27:10] <keturn> no other choice in platform, huh.
  52. [02:27:40] <a|noccy> i have used .net a lot, and i strongly dislike it :)
  53. [02:28:17] * stub ( has joined #openid
  54. [02:28:19] * jrbot ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  55. [02:31:08] <a|noccy> oh well, i'll have a go at it tomorrow :) thanks
  56. [02:31:38] <a|noccy> bedtime now :) nn
  57. [02:32:30] * jrbot ( has joined #openid
  58. [02:33:23] * slitzferrari ( Quit ("Quitting!")
  59. [03:25:17] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  60. [03:25:39] * stub ( has joined #openid
  61. [03:58:35] * martin-t ( has joined #openid
  62. [04:28:06] * idnar (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) Quit (Nick collision from services.)
  63. [04:28:09] * idnar_ (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) has joined #openid
  64. [05:03:30] * shigeta_ (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
  65. [05:17:01] * AaronF ( has joined #openid
  66. [05:21:10] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  67. [05:26:22] * wmt ( has joined #openid
  68. [05:37:08] * SunWuKung ( has joined #openid
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  71. [06:12:21] * SunWuKung ( Quit ("There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.")
  72. [06:15:07] * marclaport2 ( has joined #openid
  73. [06:15:26] * pvandewyngaerde ( has joined #openid
  74. [06:15:51] * etnt ( has joined #openid
  75. [06:16:59] * marclaport2 ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  76. [06:21:42] * marclaport2 ( has joined #openid
  77. [06:31:01] * marclaport1 ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  78. [06:35:34] * marclaporte (n=Marc_Lap@tikiwiki/marclaporte) has joined #openid
  79. [06:35:34] <jibot> marclaporte is Marc Laporte from Tiki CMS/Groupware
  80. [06:38:59] * marclaporte (n=Marc_Lap@tikiwiki/marclaporte) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  81. [06:43:02] * marclaporte (n=Marc_Lap@tikiwiki/marclaporte) has joined #openid
  82. [06:51:39] * marclaport2 ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  83. [07:04:07] * pvandewyngaerde ( Quit ("")
  84. [07:16:53] * martin-t ( Quit ()
  85. [07:35:56] * SunWuKung ( has joined #openid
  86. [07:38:36] * AaronF ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  87. [09:28:27] * bortzmeyer ( has joined #openid
  88. [09:51:52] * etnt ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  89. [10:09:16] * etnt ( has joined #openid
  90. [10:58:30] * etnt ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  91. [11:03:32] * etnt ( has joined #openid
  92. [11:04:22] * etnt ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  93. [11:18:17] * shigeta_ (n=shigeta@ Quit ("Leaving...")
  94. [11:45:35] * Cody` ( Quit (Connection timed out)
  95. [12:17:18] * Liquid_Ic ( has joined #openid
  96. [12:18:45] <Liquid_Ic> I have google apps on my domain. Is it possible to mashup the google auth login with an open id server to provide my users with openid names. I saw the version that uses yahoo's auth api, and was hoping it was possible to do the same with google. Has anyone tried this yet?
  97. [12:19:59] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> it should be possible, but i know nothing about googles 'all your base are belong to us' login system
  98. [12:25:51] <tommorris> Liquid_lc: Simon Willison (who built IDProxy - the Yahoo service) says that it is possible, but he decided against it because you have to login via some application like Spreadsheets or something, which he said would have a bad user experience.
  99. [12:39:41] * lordgun` ( has joined #openid
  100. [13:05:08] * dhofstet ( has joined #openid
  101. [13:06:34] * idnar_ is now known as idnar
  102. [13:16:18] <a|noccy> what is the proper term for a OpenID client? the client that requests identification from the server?
  103. [13:16:25] * a|noccy is now known as noccy
  104. [13:28:27] <tommorris> The JanRain PHP library seems to be coughing up on my server when I try to logon with my delegated MyOpenID account.
  105. [13:29:15] <tommorris> All other OpenIDs I try work, and the OpenIDs I'm using which are failing work everywhere else.
  106. [13:29:35] <tommorris> a|noccy: OpenID consumer
  107. [13:34:47] <tommorris> I've switched it to YADIS XRDF and it still doesn't work.
  108. [13:45:23] * dhofstet ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  109. [13:50:04] * ichigo ( has joined #openid
  110. [14:08:57] * johill_ is now known as johill
  111. [14:43:06] * id938 ( has joined #openid
  112. [14:43:13] * id938 is now known as melvster
  113. [14:43:15] <melvster> hi all
  114. [14:48:53] <openid_pibb> <wizardwatson> hi melvster, did you figure that out yet?
  115. [14:49:53] <melvster> hi, figure what out?
  116. [14:50:37] <openid_pibb> <wizardwatson> guess not.
  117. [14:50:41] <melvster> :)
  118. [14:50:47] <melvster> what's the question?
  119. [14:51:50] <openid_pibb> <wizardwatson> The question is what you are trying to find the answer to.
  120. [14:51:56] <melvster> oh, i see
  121. [14:52:02] <melvster> well im just learning really
  122. [14:52:11] <melvster> quite new to openid, but eager to learn
  123. [14:52:25] <melvster> im looking for good openid resources other than the basic ones ive found
  124. [14:53:04] <openid_pibb> <wizardwatson> for a consumer or to make your own server or what
  125. [14:53:05] <openid_pibb> <wizardwatson> ?
  126. [14:54:27] <melvster> i'd like to understand more about openid, where it's going, and what associated services will come along with it, i think it's a pretty exciting area and id like to get up to speed
  127. [14:56:04] <openid_pibb> <wizardwatson> I use and pibb and that's about it for me. I used to use toodledo, but not so much anymore. I've got a CFML OpenID consumer on my website that I'm integrating into my codebase. It's currently working just haven't thought of any cool service to provide to people.
  128. [14:56:43] <melvster> sounds cool! ive been on pibb, but im using an applet to connect here
  129. [14:56:55] <openid_pibb> <wizardwatson> I'm thinking of offering an OpenID map service where you can assign locations like on google map tied to your openid, mostly for the jyters over at
  130. [14:57:13] <melvster> great idea!
  131. [14:57:26] <openid_pibb> <wizardwatson> Plus that kind of fits in with what I'm doing with my own project anyway.
  132. [14:57:36] <melvster> even better!
  133. [14:58:01] <melvster> yes, this is the kind of thing im interested in, ive been on jyte a bit, but not delved deeply
  134. [14:58:35] <melvster> toodledo i dont know about
  135. [14:58:40] <melvster> ill check it out now
  136. [14:58:43] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit ("Leaving.")
  137. [14:59:01] * bortzmeyer ( has left #openid
  138. [14:59:40] <melvster> looks pretty cool
  139. [15:00:29] <melvster> i guess id like to run a server on my site so that i can turn my homepage ( into an openID
  140. [15:00:44] <melvster> or maybe delegate it out
  141. [15:00:52] <melvster> but it still means running a server somewhere
  142. [15:01:01] <melvster> not sure what the easiest way to get started is?
  143. [15:18:46] * cote ( has joined #openid
  144. [15:26:18] <tommorris> I've been having an odd problem. Apparently, my webserver doesn't know it's own domain name, so I can't log in to my own application using my OpenID - because it won't recognise it.
  145. [15:26:30] <tommorris> It can't request any page on it's own site see...
  146. [15:27:08] <melvster> apache?
  147. [15:27:14] <tommorris> yep
  148. [15:27:34] <tommorris> but it's not limited to apache. if I SSH in and type curl http://[local_url] it'll just time out
  149. [15:27:43] <tommorris> It's a DNS issue, most likely
  150. [15:28:09] <tommorris> Someday I'll move to a good web host
  151. [15:28:14] <melvster> :)
  152. [15:28:26] <melvster> who do you use?
  153. [15:29:41] <openid_pibb> <VxJasonxV> melvster, if you already have an OpenID account (LiveJournal, TypeKey, Vox, AIM, MyOpenID, etc.) delegation is by far the easiest way to start and continue.
  154. [15:29:42] <openid_pibb> <VxJasonxV> Not to mention you can jump hosts at any time
  155. [15:30:02] <melvster> thanks jason, but i'd rather run my own server
  156. [15:30:12] <openid_pibb> <VxJasonxV> (while keeping your domain name as your ID)
  157. [15:30:22] <openid_pibb> <VxJasonxV> phpMyID is probably going to be the quickest way, then.
  158. [15:30:33] <openid_pibb> <VxJasonxV> nobody that I'm personally aware of ships a dead simple OpenID IdP/Server package other than phpMyID
  159. [15:30:35] <melvster> oh ok, ill give that a try, thanks for the tip
  160. [15:30:54] <openid_pibb> <VxJasonxV> You're Welcome
  161. [15:31:00] <melvster> i was looking at the janrain library, the examples look ok?
  162. [15:31:07] <melvster> maybe i could use that as a server?
  163. [15:31:33] <tommorris>
  164. [15:32:13] <tommorris> I'm using MyOpenID with SSL certificate.
  165. [15:33:53] <openid_pibb> <VxJasonxV> melvster: Of course you can.
  166. [15:34:03] <openid_pibb> <VxJasonxV> If you have the ability to do so, by all means.
  167. [15:34:17] <melvster> well if i dont, i can learn :)
  168. [15:34:34] <melvster> ok im going to try an use phpmyid
  169. [16:10:38] * cote ( Quit ()
  170. [16:10:59] <keturn> openid_pibb: can't use your OpenID because your host can't look up that one domain name? yeah, that's a pretty weird problem. Glad you managed to track it down.
  171. [16:10:59] <openid_pibb> keturn: Error: "can't" is not a valid command.
  172. [16:11:24] <keturn> err... I wasn't talking to you, bot.
  173. [16:12:52] <melvster> heh - woo hoo got phpmyid working
  174. [16:13:07] <melvster> now to test it
  175. [16:15:07] <melvster> first test failed :( OpenID login failed.
  176. [16:17:04] <melvster> ahh - needed to fix <link>
  177. [16:17:07] <melvster> works now!
  178. [16:25:38] * martin-t ( has joined #openid
  179. [16:25:56] <melvster> i think it should be one file instead of 2
  180. [16:33:27] <VxJasonxV> wow. jibot jrbot OpenIDlogbot XRIBot ... (I know nicerobot is a person), why do we have so many bots in here :/
  181. [16:33:33] <VxJasonxV> I'm glad they're not all noisy.
  182. [16:33:42] <VxJasonxV> openid_pibb being the most, jibot in second.
  183. [16:33:42] <openid_pibb> VxJasonxV: Error: "being" is not a valid command.
  184. [16:33:50] <VxJasonxV> shut up pibb bot *flick*
  185. [16:37:14] <melvster> wow got my first openid working
  186. [16:37:31] <melvster> it was a bit more complicated than it could have been
  187. [16:38:15] <melvster> but still < 30 minutes, which is great
  188. [16:39:36] <keturn> jrbot... we just forgot to turn off.
  189. [16:39:36] <jrbot> keturn: Error: "we" is not a valid command.
  190. [16:40:21] * peace-keeper ( has joined #openid
  191. [16:48:59] <melvster> darn bots
  192. [16:49:13] <melvster> so ive reduced the openid server to a single file
  193. [16:49:17] <melvster> works great
  194. [16:52:31] * markjones ( has joined #openid
  195. [16:53:21] * rkerr ( has joined #openid
  196. [17:18:09] * Mitsurugi ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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  198. [17:19:09] <melvster> now to make it multi user ...
  199. [17:19:16] <melvster> hmmm wonder how to do that?
  200. [17:19:36] * AaronF ( has joined #openid
  201. [17:25:33] * wmt ( has left #openid
  202. [17:27:30] <keturn> melvster: iirc, that software is designed to support a single user
  203. [17:28:37] * peacekeeper ( has joined #openid
  204. [17:30:25] * peace-keeper ( Quit (Nick collision from services.)
  205. [17:30:45] * peacekeeper is now known as peace-keeper
  206. [17:36:45] * bitsweat ( has joined #openid
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  208. [17:47:09] <melvster> right it was
  209. [17:47:19] <melvster> and it does it very nicely too
  210. [17:47:33] * cote ( has joined #openid
  211. [17:48:07] <melvster> "phpMyID is a single user (though, if you were so inclined, you could easily turn it into a multi-user setup) IdP, or "Identity Provider" for the OpenID framework. "
  212. [17:51:28] <melvster>
  213. [18:06:56] * daleolds (n=daleolds@ has joined #openid
  214. [18:57:52] * rkerr ( Quit ()
  215. [19:11:33] * cote ( Quit ()
  216. [19:14:10] * tommorris ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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  218. [19:39:54] * marclaporte (n=Marc_Lap@tikiwiki/marclaporte) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  219. [19:50:46] * marclaporte (n=Marc_Lap@tikiwiki/marclaporte) has joined #openid
  220. [19:50:46] <jibot> marclaporte is Marc Laporte from Tiki CMS/Groupware
  221. [20:06:39] * markjones ( Quit (Client Quit)
  222. [20:41:41] * slitzferrari ( has joined #openid
  223. [20:46:48] * AaronF ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  224. [21:13:34] * slitzferrari ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  225. [21:21:24] * tbbrown ( has joined #openid
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  228. [21:58:08] * slitz is now known as slitzferrari
  229. [22:00:28] * markjones ( has joined #openid
  230. [22:18:12] * daleolds (i=daleolds@nat/novell/x-cac58298ff453335) has joined #openid
  231. [22:43:19] <slitzferrari> hello, why does openid accounts fail this test
  232. [22:43:21] <slitzferrari> ?
  233. [22:55:31] <openid_pibb> <cygnus> because they redirect to HTTPS, which won't work with RPs that can't fetch SSL URLs.
  234. [22:57:20] * marclaporte (n=Marc_Lap@tikiwiki/marclaporte) has left #openid
  235. [23:04:36] <melvster> can you login to with an openid?
  236. [23:05:12] <melvster> i like the directory!
  237. [23:07:07] <openid_pibb> <cygnus> You can use a OpenID only where SSL is supported. is one example of a place that works with, but I suspect a majority of RPs will not work with
  238. [23:18:14] <slitzferrari> that can explain my difficulties using that openID as trial to my own site supporting openID... bad luck. but at least now i know that i'm doing all fine :)
  239. [23:23:22] * marclaport1 ( has joined #openid
  240. [23:29:32] * jettero (n=lulz@pdpc/supporter/active/jettero) has left #openid
  241. [23:32:39] * markjones ( Quit (Client Quit)
  242. [23:41:06] <noccy> anyone that knows a lot about the technical stuff? doing some bashing on my code here :)
  243. [23:42:05] * bitsweat_ ( has joined #openid
  244. [23:42:49] * bitsweat_ ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  245. [23:57:17] * lmorchard ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
  246. [23:58:18] <noccy> for some reason, all i get back is "is_vaild:false"

These logs were automatically created by OpenIDlogbot on using a modified version of the Java IRC LogBot.