IRC Log for #openid on 2007-09-26

Timestamps are in UTC.

  1. [00:30:09] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
  2. [00:30:59] * evanpro (n=evanpro@pdpc/supporter/silver/evanpro) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  3. [01:00:46] * AaronF ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  4. [01:21:37] * evanpro (n=evanpro@pdpc/supporter/silver/evanpro) has joined #openid
  5. [01:23:22] <noccy> could someone just point me to the proper workflow for writing a openid 1.1 consumer? the docs are pretty vague on that :) my aim is a dumb (stateless) consumer
  6. [01:26:55] * freakerz ( Quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
  7. [01:28:04] <melvster>
  8. [01:28:08] <melvster> does that help?
  9. [01:28:36] * freakerz ( has joined #openid
  10. [01:29:23] <noccy> not really, trying to build a library to act as a consumer that my web pages in turn use
  11. [01:30:15] <noccy> there is not a single library written for COM, ASP, or JSP. hopefully i will be able to change that :)
  12. [01:30:42] <noccy> (i know there are libs for, but i refuse to use that language lol)
  13. [01:30:47] * freakerz ( Quit (Client Quit)
  14. [01:31:31] <melvster> oic
  15. [01:32:18] <melvster> suprising
  16. [01:32:20] <melvster>
  17. [01:32:37] <noccy> yeah, not a single one for any com-related language :(
  18. [01:33:59] <melvster> could you use the java library with jsp?
  19. [01:34:53] <noccy> probably, but that doesn't sort out the ASP issue :)
  20. [01:35:18] <noccy> and most of the pages i work with or maintain is ASP. i still haven't ported my framework to JSP so
  21. [01:35:26] <melvster> so you want some pseudocode?
  22. [01:35:40] <noccy> exactly, for a stateless client
  23. [01:36:44] * melvster_ ( has joined #openid
  24. [01:37:09] <melvster_> how about this
  25. [01:37:11] <melvster_>
  26. [01:41:42] <noccy> hm, that looks very tiny compared to the "Simple PHP OpenID consumer" i looked at before and tried to ported, but which didn't quite work as intended
  27. [01:42:22] <noccy> and i don't know much about perl, looks like it's using a separate library
  28. [01:43:51] <noccy> implementing openid seems to be a pain. the docs are pretty cryptic unless you spend a month reading them from top to bottom :)
  29. [01:45:08] <melvster_> yes it's using a seperate class
  30. [01:46:19] <melvster_> hmmm i guess you need to read through the code, have you looked at the spec 1.1?
  31. [01:46:31] <noccy> yeah, for about an hour
  32. [01:46:45] <noccy> nothing in there clearly specifies how to do it
  33. [01:46:51] <noccy> only how the various calls work
  34. [01:47:42] <melvster_>
  35. [01:48:11] <melvster_> might be helpful ... i guess it's a case of looking through the code
  36. [01:49:11] <noccy> that gives a couple of hints at least :)
  37. [01:49:21] <melvster_>
  38. [01:49:24] <melvster_> here's another diagram
  39. [01:49:52] <melvster_> i assume you saw that already?
  40. [01:50:06] <noccy> nopes, haven't found that one on the site tbh :o
  41. [01:50:17] <noccy> "checkid" i assume is "checkid_immediately"?
  42. [01:53:14] <noccy> i'm gonna have a go at that tomorrow :) thanks for the help
  43. [01:54:35] * melvster ( Quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
  44. [01:55:35] <melvster_> np, good luck
  45. [01:56:35] <noccy> thanks :)
  46. [01:56:38] <noccy> nn :)
  47. [01:57:29] * freakerz ( has joined #openid
  48. [02:04:47] * AaronF ( has joined #openid
  49. [02:06:35] * freakerz ( Quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
  50. [02:07:37] * evanpro (n=evanpro@pdpc/supporter/silver/evanpro) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  51. [02:14:06] <melvster_> has anyone got clamshell 0.6.1 working?
  52. [02:26:12] * stub ( has joined #openid
  53. [02:27:42] * marclaporte (n=Marc_Lap@tikiwiki/marclaporte) has joined #openid
  54. [02:27:42] <jibot> marclaporte is Marc Laporte from Tiki CMS/Groupware
  55. [02:34:52] * cote_ (n=cote@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  56. [02:41:23] * _keturn ( has joined #openid
  57. [02:43:23] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) has left #openid
  58. [02:52:17] * marclaporte (n=Marc_Lap@tikiwiki/marclaporte) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  59. [02:53:32] * freakerz ( has joined #openid
  60. [03:03:01] * Loolyan (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-9b935e5824d7f6b0) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  61. [03:03:56] * _keturn ( Quit ("zzz")
  62. [03:11:36] * tbbrown__ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  63. [03:15:28] * Loolyan (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-f5009bd96733935d) has joined #openid
  64. [03:23:52] * SignpostMarv ( has joined #openid
  65. [03:24:05] * martin-t ( Quit ()
  66. [03:24:53] * melvster_ ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  67. [03:25:29] * stub ( has joined #openid
  68. [03:26:34] * tbbrown__ ( has joined #openid
  69. [03:28:08] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  70. [03:28:39] * samsm ( has joined #openid
  71. [03:31:05] * stub ( has joined #openid
  72. [04:17:27] * martin-t ( has joined #openid
  73. [04:25:17] * l0gic (n=l0gic@ Quit (Nick collision from services.)
  74. [04:25:56] * l0gic (n=l0gic@ has joined #openid
  75. [04:26:17] * SignpostMarv ( Quit ("Leaving")
  76. [04:32:45] * shigeta_ (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
  77. [04:35:52] * shigeta__ (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
  78. [04:54:08] * shigeta_ (n=shigeta@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  79. [05:01:03] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  80. [05:08:16] * samsm ( has left #openid
  81. [05:37:33] * AaronF ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  82. [06:04:49] * Mitsurugi ( has joined #openID
  83. [06:14:41] * tbbrown__ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  84. [06:42:01] * freakerz ( Quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
  85. [06:59:46] * dhofstet ( has joined #openid
  86. [08:13:36] * martin-t ( Quit ()
  87. [08:24:26] * NASA ( has joined #openid
  88. [08:26:31] * NASA is now known as NA5A
  89. [08:32:05] * marclaporte (n=Marc_Lap@tikiwiki/marclaporte) has joined #openid
  90. [08:32:05] <jibot> marclaporte is Marc Laporte from Tiki CMS/Groupware
  91. [08:41:37] * Loolyan (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-f5009bd96733935d) Quit ("using sirc version 2.211")
  92. [09:00:37] * digitalspaghetti ( has joined #openid
  93. [09:01:29] * bortzmeyer ( has joined #openid
  94. [09:11:16] * digitalspaghetti ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  95. [09:11:29] * digitalspaghetti ( has joined #openid
  96. [09:21:21] * Mitsurugi ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  97. [09:37:10] * Mitsurugi ( has joined #openID
  98. [09:37:28] * JoeSniff (n=joe@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  99. [09:37:38] * JoeSniff (n=joe@ has joined #openid
  100. [09:49:11] * shigeta__ (n=shigeta@ Quit ("Leaving...")
  101. [09:50:53] * dhofstet ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  102. [10:17:52] * Loolyan (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-e1c47e1aed8376b1) has joined #openid
  103. [10:43:46] * AlexLatchford ( has joined #openid
  104. [11:01:41] * SunWuKung ( has joined #openid
  105. [11:02:05] * SunWuKung ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  106. [11:43:20] * Loolyan (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-e1c47e1aed8376b1) Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  107. [11:54:33] * cote (n=cote@ has joined #openid
  108. [11:54:33] * NA5A ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  109. [12:15:55] * cote (n=cote@ Quit ()
  110. [12:24:34] * fajro_ ( has joined #openid
  111. [12:25:16] * melvster ( has joined #openid
  112. [12:31:41] * cote (n=cote@ has joined #openid
  113. [12:38:10] * melvster_ ( has joined #openid
  114. [12:54:59] * freakerz ( has joined #openid
  115. [13:04:46] <bortzmeyer> Anyone knows where to find papers / discussions about OpenID and repudiation?
  116. [13:05:14] <bortzmeyer> My ID is If I lose the domain name, for whatever reason, how can I assert that this identifier is no longer mine?
  117. [13:07:52] * melvster ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  118. [13:09:33] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit ("Leaving.")
  119. [13:09:53] * stub ( has joined #openid
  120. [13:21:16] * SignpostMarv ( has joined #openid
  121. [13:21:35] * cote (n=cote@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  122. [13:46:06] * samsm ( has joined #openid
  123. [13:47:03] <openid_pibb> <samsm> bortzmeyer: It isn't and you can't. :)
  124. [13:49:38] <bortzmeyer> openid_pibb: OK, that's a clear answer :-)
  125. [13:49:38] <openid_pibb> bortzmeyer: Error: "OK," is not a valid command.
  126. [13:50:06] <samsm> Hmm, pibbbot spits out some ugly errors. :)
  127. [13:50:21] <samsm> My reasoning is that with openid, the url is the nexus of your identity ... "you" the real person is attached to that url solely because you can go through the procedure to assert that it is yours.
  128. [13:50:53] * Loolyan (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-dfcfbebfc3fce09b) has joined #openid
  129. [14:00:52] * _keturn ( has joined #openid
  130. [14:09:46] * cote (n=cote@ has joined #openid
  131. [14:16:56] <melvster_> oh can you do that?
  132. [14:17:02] <melvster_> <link href="" rel="openid.server"/>
  133. [14:17:04] <melvster_> <link href="" rel="openid.delegate"/>
  134. [14:17:21] <samsm> Yes, and it is recommended!
  135. [14:17:38] <melvster_> but on a different URI?
  136. [14:17:54] <melvster_> on
  137. [14:18:19] <samsm> Yes, and it is recommended!
  138. [14:18:22] <melvster_> lol
  139. [14:18:23] <samsm> :)
  140. [14:18:24] <melvster_> wow, cool!
  141. [14:18:30] <melvster_> didnt realise that
  142. [14:19:00] <samsm> That way if your fancy shmancy openid verification application goes down, you can just switch two lines of html and be using another provider.
  143. [14:19:13] <melvster_> awesome
  144. [14:19:30] <bortzmeyer> melvster_: download and check the source code...
  145. [14:19:48] <melvster_> i see it
  146. [14:19:52] <melvster_> got it open
  147. [14:20:08] <melvster_> but what will be your openid then?
  148. [14:20:19] <melvster_>
  149. [14:20:27] <bortzmeyer> No,
  150. [14:20:32] <melvster_> or ?
  151. [14:20:50] <bortzmeyer> because I do not want to depend on my OpenID provider
  152. [14:21:11] <melvster_> so when you redirect to the server
  153. [14:21:16] <melvster_> what do you enter for your username?
  154. [14:21:30] <samsm> If you haven't tried out the delegation, you should sign up for myopenid or whatever and give it a try.
  155. [14:21:36] <samsm> Two lines of html.
  156. [14:21:43] <melvster_> i use my own server
  157. [14:21:50] <melvster_> but i guess i can try this yes
  158. [14:21:54] <melvster_> sounds cool
  159. [14:21:57] <samsm> Heck, delegate to your own server.
  160. [14:22:01] <melvster_> i do
  161. [14:22:13] <samsm> Ah, I see. :)
  162. [14:22:20] <melvster_>
  163. [14:23:06] <melvster_> so i could sign up with and delegate auth to them, while keeping my openid?
  164. [14:23:12] <melvster_>
  165. [14:23:14] <samsm> Yeah.
  166. [14:23:20] <melvster_> wow, got to try this
  167. [14:23:43] <melvster_> i was trying to implement clamshell openid server
  168. [14:24:19] <samsm> Openid clients, per the standard, look at those tags and then move along to the delegate without informing the delegate that there is any delegation at play.
  169. [14:24:36] * SignpostMarv is using the WordPress OpenID server plugin
  170. [14:24:43] <SignpostMarv> much easier to manage :-3
  171. [14:24:49] <melvster_> wordpress openid wow
  172. [14:25:08] <melvster_> with wp 2.3 out that could rock
  173. [14:25:17] <melvster_> looks like ive got some installing to do
  174. [14:25:28] <melvster_> im a bit confused about one thing though
  175. [14:25:29] * SignpostMarv fetches the link to the server plugin
  176. [14:25:41] <melvster_> if my openid is
  177. [14:25:50] <melvster_> and i want to delegate it to myopenid
  178. [14:25:57] <melvster_> what is my openid on myopenid
  179. [14:26:08] <SignpostMarv> whatever you sign up for
  180. [14:26:15] <melvster_> is it now or is it still
  181. [14:26:30] <melvster_> i seee, so i can delegate the username AND provider!
  182. [14:26:51] <SignpostMarv> on, you'd set the delegate as the account
  183. [14:26:59] <samsm>
  184. [14:26:59] <melvster_> got it, thanks
  185. [14:27:03] * Mitsurugi ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  186. [14:27:07] <samsm> I think that link explains it pretty well.
  187. [14:28:14] <SignpostMarv>
  188. [14:28:26] <melvster_> brilliant thanks
  189. [14:28:30] * NASA ( has joined #openid
  190. [14:29:23] <melvster_> re: wordpress, do you know if it works with 2.3?
  191. [14:30:17] <melvster_> let me try it
  192. [14:32:20] <SignpostMarv> the plugin is designed for wpmu, not wordpress, so your mileage may vary
  193. [14:33:29] <melvster_> right
  194. [14:33:34] <melvster_> ill d/w mu version
  195. [14:33:43] <melvster_> d/l
  196. [14:33:55] <SignpostMarv> you'll probably be better off routing stuff through myopenid
  197. [14:34:16] <samsm> ^ seriously
  198. [14:34:34] <melvster_> why's that?
  199. [14:34:44] <SignpostMarv> wpmu is what runs
  200. [14:34:51] <melvster_> sure
  201. [14:34:57] <SignpostMarv> it's designed for multiple users with seperate blogs, not a single user with a single blog
  202. [14:34:58] <melvster_> i think i got disk
  203. [14:35:28] <melvster_> well it's good to be flexible
  204. [14:35:29] <samsm> Do you have special needs that aren't addressed by existing openid providers? Then why not delegate to a third party provider?
  205. [14:35:43] <melvster_> ive got another site with 2000 users, and ive been meaning to set up a wp system
  206. [14:35:51] <samsm> Fair enough. :)
  207. [14:36:01] <melvster_> the main site is a forum
  208. [14:36:05] <melvster_> phpbb
  209. [14:36:18] <melvster_> but they are taking their time in writing the plugin for phpbb3
  210. [14:36:37] <melvster_> id like to use openid on all the apps
  211. [14:36:45] <melvster_> phpbb3 mediawiki wordpress
  212. [14:36:58] <melvster_> and also to be a server
  213. [14:37:14] <SignpostMarv> ah, well there's a solution to waiting for openid support in phpbb
  214. [14:37:16] <SignpostMarv> don't use it
  215. [14:37:22] <SignpostMarv> use bbPress instead :-P
  216. [14:37:22] <melvster_> lol
  217. [14:37:28] <melvster_> i was thinking the same thing myself
  218. [14:37:29] <SignpostMarv> install wordpress
  219. [14:37:35] <SignpostMarv> install bbPress, set it to share the user tables
  220. [14:37:39] <SignpostMarv> install the wpopenid plugin
  221. [14:37:46] <SignpostMarv> (optionally using my tweak :-P )
  222. [14:38:18] <SignpostMarv> then you've got yourself a bbs that uses openid logins
  223. [14:38:29] <melvster_> awesome
  224. [14:38:37] <melvster_> doing it now ...
  225. [14:39:01] <SignpostMarv>
  226. [14:40:49] <melvster_> thanks!
  227. [14:41:23] * AaronF ( has joined #openid
  228. [14:41:25] <melvster_> so openid.delegate is basically your username on the remote server?
  229. [14:42:23] <SignpostMarv> openid.delegate is another OpenID you own
  230. [14:42:33] <melvster_> got it
  231. [14:42:34] <SignpostMarv> for instance,
  232. [14:42:39] <SignpostMarv> (when i get around to it)
  233. [14:43:01] <SignpostMarv> i'd put as the openid.delegate on
  234. [14:43:31] <melvster_> right
  235. [14:43:43] <SignpostMarv> then I'd be able to use as my openid
  236. [14:43:54] <melvster_> or even ?
  237. [14:44:00] <melvster_> if you did that too?
  238. [14:44:07] <SignpostMarv> well yes, but it just redirects to :-P
  239. [14:44:39] <melvster_> interesting so i could set up millions of openids by delegating
  240. [14:44:51] <melvster_> simply add the tags to each web page
  241. [14:45:05] <melvster_> and all delegate to the same endpoint
  242. [14:45:15] <SignpostMarv> any OpenID client I pass to would read the page, see the url, go fetch that and start the process of "check for delegate" all over again
  243. [14:45:30] <SignpostMarv> you could, but there wouldn't be much point :-P
  244. [14:45:37] <melvster_> so it chains, but that only happens once, right?
  245. [14:45:43] <melvster_> or can you chain multiple times?
  246. [14:45:49] <SignpostMarv> try it and see what happens :-P
  247. [14:45:55] <melvster_> lol, will do!
  248. [14:46:47] * markjones ( has joined #openid
  249. [14:46:49] <melvster_> cool wpmu was very easy to setup
  250. [14:46:59] * Mitsurugi ( has joined #openID
  251. [14:49:08] <melvster_> did you know that a new version of wordpress came out yesterday?
  252. [14:52:50] * samsm ( has left #openid
  253. [14:54:26] <SignpostMarv> yus
  254. [14:54:38] <SignpostMarv> I was in #wordpress camping it out with the rest :-P
  255. [14:57:29] <melvster_> ah ok
  256. [15:01:14] <melvster_> ok trying it now
  257. [15:02:23] <melvster_> worked!
  258. [15:02:39] <melvster_> really really good
  259. [15:02:50] <melvster_> ive now got a multi user openid server and blog
  260. [15:03:16] * hos001_ ( has joined #openid
  261. [15:06:36] <NASA> hello everyone
  262. [15:06:59] <NASA> could somebody help me out with OpenID server installation?
  263. [15:07:03] <NASA> PHP based
  264. [15:07:31] <melvster_> what's up?
  265. [15:07:33] <SignpostMarv> cygnus' standalone server ?
  266. [15:08:30] <NASA> cygnus, no i think it is from openidenabled
  267. [15:08:35] <NASA> php openid library
  268. [15:08:44] <NASA> i'm playing with server example there
  269. [15:08:57] <melvster_> which version 1.2.3?
  270. [15:09:05] <SignpostMarv> I've worked with the standalone server based around the library
  271. [15:09:08] <SignpostMarv> pain in the ass to work with
  272. [15:09:18] <NASA> 2.0.0 rc2
  273. [15:09:18] * SignpostMarv switched to a wordpress:MU-based server :-3
  274. [15:09:38] <NASA> ok, from this point on
  275. [15:09:51] <NASA> i'm just starting to play with it
  276. [15:10:02] <NASA> so recommendations are welcome
  277. [15:10:11] <NASA> as to which server to try/run
  278. [15:10:14] * SignpostMarv recommends switching to wpmu :-P
  279. [15:10:17] <SignpostMarv> lol
  280. [15:10:32] <SignpostMarv> I've used the standalone server, it worked, but customising it was a pain in the ass
  281. [15:10:57] <NASA> is wordpress server fully functional openid server?
  282. [15:11:24] <SignpostMarv> the openid server plugin for wordpress mu is developed by Automattic,
  283. [15:11:26] <NASA> coz I want to host like at least few hundred users
  284. [15:11:55] <SignpostMarv> so if you go the wpmu + plugin route, you'll basically end up with your own version of to mess with :-P
  285. [15:11:57] <NASA> aha, so not suitable for further development
  286. [15:12:15] <SignpostMarv> what would the "further development" be ?
  287. [15:12:16] <NASA> that is not what I want to achieve
  288. [15:12:36] <NASA> my idea is to create a OpenID server for my university
  289. [15:13:00] <SignpostMarv> right.....
  290. [15:13:01] <NASA> so any student cuold create his identity and use it anywhere he wants
  291. [15:13:31] <NASA> further dev means authentification via tokens and sms messages
  292. [15:13:53] <SignpostMarv> authentication via tokens and sms o_O ?
  293. [15:13:54] <NASA> plus additional info exchange
  294. [15:13:55] <melvster_> you know that's openid2, yes?
  295. [15:13:55] <SignpostMarv> for what purposes ?
  296. [15:14:28] <NASA> I do know, maybe I'm not saying it right
  297. [15:14:35] * cote (n=cote@ Quit ()
  298. [15:14:44] <NASA> sms and tokens are not part of OpenID specs
  299. [15:15:17] <NASA> ok, I'll just say by example
  300. [15:15:23] <NASA> Verisign's PIP
  301. [15:15:45] <NASA> I'm thinking of similar service, for campus guys
  302. [15:15:50] <SignpostMarv> is this something that could be done just by writing a plugin for wordpress:MU ?
  303. [15:16:09] <NASA> why wordpress? why plugin
  304. [15:16:23] <NASA> isn't out there any pure OpenID server?
  305. [15:16:28] <SignpostMarv> <SignpostMarv> so if you go the wpmu + plugin route, you'll basically end up with your own version of to mess with :-P
  306. [15:16:28] <SignpostMarv> <NASA> aha, so not suitable for further development
  307. [15:16:38] <SignpostMarv> yes there is, but i found them to be a pain to customise
  308. [15:17:06] <NASA> well, pain is temporary, if it actually works, I'd like to try it
  309. [15:17:09] <NASA> ;]
  310. [15:17:24] <NASA> I got customer mode working
  311. [15:17:27] <SignpostMarv> aside from tokens & sms, what other features would you want ?
  312. [15:17:30] <NASA> that was simple
  313. [15:17:39] <melvster_> consumer you mean
  314. [15:17:48] <melvster_> you need to alter your config file
  315. [15:17:52] * cote (n=cote@ has joined #openid
  316. [15:17:52] <melvster_> in the server
  317. [15:18:03] <melvster_> i think i did the 2.0 example
  318. [15:18:15] <NASA> additional info exchange via Yadis and such
  319. [15:18:18] <melvster_> you need to fiddle with the config file that you d/l iirc
  320. [15:18:27] <NASA> like address book
  321. [15:18:39] <NASA> melvster_-> I did that
  322. [15:18:47] <NASA> but I got stuck on one thing
  323. [15:18:52] <melvster_> usernames?
  324. [15:19:04] <NASA> I get an error: Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'DB.php'
  325. [15:19:09] <NASA> ...etc.
  326. [15:19:30] <melvster_> do you need to change your include path?
  327. [15:19:31] <NASA> this DB comes from automatically generates config.php file
  328. [15:19:36] <NASA> I might be
  329. [15:19:38] <NASA> but
  330. [15:19:41] <NASA> to what
  331. [15:19:51] <NASA> I don't see this DB.php file anywhere
  332. [15:20:01] <NASA> it is not included in the package
  333. [15:20:05] <NASA> 2.0.0rc2
  334. [15:20:32] * _keturn ( Quit ("Leaving")
  335. [15:20:41] <NASA> that is in config.php:
  336. [15:20:43] <NASA> function getOpenIDStore()
  337. [15:20:43] <NASA> {
  338. [15:20:43] <NASA> require_once 'Auth/OpenID/MySQLStore.php';
  339. [15:20:43] <NASA> require_once 'DB.php';
  340. [15:20:46] <NASA> ...
  341. [15:21:02] <NASA> MySQLStore is there
  342. [15:21:05] <NASA> DB.php?
  343. [15:21:13] <melvster_> you could try using file store, but im not sure that is the solution you want
  344. [15:21:15] <melvster_> let me see
  345. [15:21:36] <NASA> yep, filestore is ok, but I'd like to run it on mysql
  346. [15:22:23] <NASA> having thousand id's on filesystem doesn't look nice
  347. [15:22:40] <melvster_> :)
  348. [15:23:23] <NASA> any ideas?
  349. [15:23:28] <melvster_> thinking
  350. [15:23:39] <melvster_> cant find my old install, maybe i deleted it
  351. [15:24:18] <melvster_> i havent really used the 2.0 RC2
  352. [15:24:29] <melvster_> did you think about trying the version 1.2.3?
  353. [15:25:21] <NASA> not yet
  354. [15:25:38] <NASA> I wanted to go most recent one just because of new features
  355. [15:25:59] <NASA> Yadis and that additional fnctionality with info exchange
  356. [15:26:12] <NASA> for addressbook purposes
  357. [15:26:32] * SignpostMarv ( Quit ("Leaving")
  358. [15:27:04] <melvster_> ah ok
  359. [15:27:23] <NASA> ok, I got a step further
  360. [15:27:34] <NASA> it seems DB.php is a part of pear
  361. [15:27:36] <NASA> php-pear
  362. [15:27:41] <melvster_> oh yes
  363. [15:27:42] <NASA> i have it installed
  364. [15:27:57] <NASA> i have php5, but php-pear is also installed
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  368. [15:43:49] <melvster_> you need DB.php in your install path
  369. [15:44:23] * ArlequinNoir ( has joined #openid
  370. [15:44:37] <melvster_> either php.ini
  371. [15:44:52] <melvster_> or ini_set('include_path', ...
  372. [15:44:53] * ArlequinNoir ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  373. [15:50:26] <NASA> that is what I'm doing
  374. [15:50:36] <NASA> now I'm stuck with other errors
  375. [15:50:37] <NASA> Failed opening required 'Auth/ID/Server.php'(include_path='.:/usr/share/php')
  376. [15:51:00] <melvster_> you need the whole include path
  377. [15:51:15] <melvster_> colon seperated :
  378. [15:51:27] <melvster_> so you need to put in all your paths
  379. [15:53:32] <NASA> hmm, what would be other paths?
  380. [15:53:47] <NASA> full filesystem path to hosting dir/examples....
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  383. [15:59:44] <melvster_> well normally php is pretty good about including the right things
  384. [15:59:55] <melvster_> can you find out what the original include path was?
  385. [16:00:10] * cote (n=cote@ Quit ()
  386. [16:00:46] <melvster_> etc/php.ini
  387. [16:01:07] <melvster_> .
  388. [16:01:11] <melvster_> include
  389. [16:01:27] <melvster_> user/local/lib/php
  390. [16:01:30] <NASA> yep, looking now at that
  391. [16:01:35] <NASA> give me a sec
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  397. [16:19:11] <NA5A> melvster_->
  398. [16:19:14] <NA5A> solved
  399. [16:19:19] <NA5A> and you know what
  400. [16:19:29] <NA5A> the only thing I had to do was...
  401. [16:19:32] <NA5A> pear install DB
  402. [16:19:40] <NA5A> dam'n me
  403. [16:21:17] <melvster_> heh heh
  404. [16:21:24] <melvster_> nice work
  405. [16:21:30] <melvster_> so does your server work?
  406. [16:21:38] <melvster_> is the rc2 2.0 backwards compatible?
  407. [16:22:04] <NA5A> yes, it should be backwards compatible
  408. [16:25:46] * NASA ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  409. [16:26:15] <NA5A> ok, got to go
  410. [16:26:38] <NA5A> I'll come back tomorrow, if everything is ok, i'll demo my server
  411. [16:26:54] <NA5A> thanx for help
  412. [16:27:02] * NA5A ( Quit ("Ate")
  413. [16:32:21] <melvster_> np
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  433. [19:32:18] <jibot> marclaporte is Marc Laporte from Tiki CMS/Groupware
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  445. [20:40:50] <openid_pibb> <VxJasonxV> Pibb bot is back \o/
  446. [20:41:01] <openid_pibb> <VxJasonxV> Hello Freenode IRC!
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  455. [22:01:38] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> Hey guys!
  456. [22:01:46] <melvster_> hi
  457. [22:01:59] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> I'm having some trouble with the ruby openid library by JanRain :(
  458. [22:02:22] <melvster_> which one?
  459. [22:02:30] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> I'm trying to integrate it with a ruby cgi script, but i'm getting an exception and not sure where to go next
  460. [22:02:31] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> the one janrain makes
  461. [22:02:52] <melvster_> not used the ruby
  462. [22:02:57] <melvster_> i think they're still developing it
  463. [22:03:22] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> no, it's stable
  464. [22:03:32] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> I've used it more than a year ago and it was stable then too
  465. [22:03:55] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> consumer.begin("") causes an exception: ../../library/yadis/xri.rb:11:in `identifier_scheme': undefined method `chr' for "":String (NoMethodError)
  466. [22:03:55] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> When the heck does that mean?
  467. [22:05:26] <melvster_> not sure
  468. [22:05:30] <melvster_>
  469. [22:05:38] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> the .chr method is only available in ruby on Integers, not Strings..
  470. [22:05:39] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> So I'm very lost
  471. [22:05:40] <melvster_> people been chatting about the ruby stuff here latesly
  472. [22:05:55] <melvster_> hmm
  473. [22:06:00] <melvster_> i guess that's older stuff
  474. [22:06:31] * tbbrown__ ( has joined #openid
  475. [22:07:38] <melvster_> # [16:41:37] <stainless> any body knows what's wrong with openid2.0 on ruby?
  476. [22:07:40] <melvster_> # [16:42:33] <stainless> 404
  477. [22:07:52] <melvster_> guess that doesnt help
  478. [22:08:05] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> openid 2.0 doesn't exist yet for a start
  479. [22:08:25] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> and the drafts for when it will exist aren't implemented yet in the ruby library
  480. [22:09:37] <melvster_> oh lol
  481. [22:09:39] <melvster_> it was you!
  482. [22:09:41] <melvster_> 22:19:32] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> If they were JanRail they'd not have such a hard time with ruby :P
  483. [22:10:01] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> O_o
  484. [22:10:53] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> I don't especially care about openid 2.0 right now, i just want regular 1.0 openid to work in my app
  485. [22:11:14] <melvster_> but it has to be ruby, yes?
  486. [22:12:28] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> um, yes
  487. [22:12:29] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> it's a ruby app..
  488. [22:15:02] <melvster_> not sure about ruby, think ill give it a try though, maybe one of the authors will be on soon, though
  489. [22:16:41] * AaronF (n=AaronF@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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  492. [22:20:20] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> I think i'm making progress now..
  493. [22:20:42] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> I've gotten past that exception, I'm just needing to figure out why my sessions aren't working
  494. [22:20:53] * freakerz ( Quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
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  496. [22:38:31] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> aww man, keeps giving me a setup needed response :(
  497. [22:38:42] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> argh, why do I keep putting .net?!
  498. [22:38:53] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry>!
  499. [22:39:03] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> JanRain! if you're listening, please make an alias!
  500. [22:40:44] * digitalspaghetti (n=digitals@ Quit ("night folks")
  501. [22:48:19] * tbbrown__ ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
  502. [22:49:07] <openid_pibb> <VxJasonxV> lol
  503. [22:54:58] * SvenDowideit (n=SvenDowi@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  504. [22:56:23] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> If you guys don't grab that domain soon some asshole will get it and be spoofing your website!
  505. [22:56:34] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> SPOOFING!
  506. [23:00:09] <melvster_> heh heh
  507. [23:01:19] <melvster_> .net is taken
  508. [23:01:48] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> Oh?
  509. [23:02:07] * Aks (n=chatzill@ has joined #openid
  510. [23:02:10] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> it doesn't resolve for me..
  511. [23:02:18] <melvster_> dns not set up probably
  512. [23:02:32] <melvster_>
  513. [23:02:49] <melvster_> created 8/2006
  514. [23:02:52] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> O_o
  515. [23:03:22] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> JanRain! Sue that guy!
  516. [23:03:33] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> :)
  517. [23:08:44] * markjones ( Quit (Client Quit)
  518. [23:13:51] * noccy is now known as a|noccy
  519. [23:26:12] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> ruby-openid is very cgi unfriendly :/
  520. [23:29:30] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> I don't know if i'm bumping in to a bug in ruby-openid or in :/
  521. [23:30:23] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> no, its a bug in ruby-openid
  522. [23:30:25] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> damnit!
  523. [23:30:27] <openid_pibb> <Blueberry> this is so frustrating
  524. [23:57:46] * freakerz ( has joined #openid

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