IRC Log for #openid on 2007-10-03

Timestamps are in UTC.

  1. [00:00:38] * freakerz ( Quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
  2. [00:00:52] * ichigo ( Quit (Client Quit)
  3. [00:02:51] * freakerz ( has joined #openid
  4. [00:10:43] * cote ( has joined #openid
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  7. [00:13:48] * cote ( Quit (Client Quit)
  8. [00:15:37] * cote ( has joined #openid
  9. [00:39:14] * AaronF ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  10. [00:40:29] * SvenDowideit (n=SvenDowi@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  11. [00:42:38] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
  12. [01:07:49] * cote ( Quit ()
  13. [01:28:02] * cote (n=cote@ has joined #openid
  14. [01:36:46] * melvster_ ( has joined #openid
  15. [01:46:15] * AaronF ( has joined #openid
  16. [01:52:22] <hachi> mmmmmmmmm, bother
  17. [01:52:34] <melvster_> wassup?
  18. [01:52:47] <hachi> does this 'jibot' thing introduce people or something?
  19. [01:53:09] <hachi> ?help
  20. [01:53:13] <melvster_> yeah
  21. [01:54:42] <hachi> ?learn hachi is hachi (Perl Pirate) of Six Apart
  22. [01:54:42] <jibot> hachi is hachi (Perl Pirate) of Six Apart
  23. [01:54:44] <melvster_> does more than that too
  24. [01:54:51] <hachi> yeah, I read that now finally :)
  25. [01:55:02] * melvster ( Quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
  26. [01:55:38] <melvster_> ?karma
  27. [01:55:38] <jibot> Karma Dump available at:
  28. [01:56:10] <melvster_> ? karma hachi
  29. [01:56:10] <jibot> hachi has 0 points
  30. [01:56:12] <hachi> heh, 404
  31. [01:56:26] <melvster_> hachi++
  32. [01:56:29] <melvster_> ? karma hachi
  33. [01:56:29] <jibot> hachi has 1 point
  34. [01:56:33] <melvster_> ta da
  35. [01:56:42] <melvster_> you got karma now
  36. [01:56:47] <hachi> that's enough points for me
  37. [01:57:38] <melvster_> ?help
  38. [01:59:06] <melvster_> hmm didnt know there was a microformats channel
  39. [01:59:08] <melvster_> cool
  40. [01:59:35] <hachi> there are too many standards for me to follow... bleh
  41. [01:59:57] <melvster_> lots going on
  42. [02:00:21] <melvster_> but microformats is pretty easy
  43. [02:03:52] <melvster_> the web sort of runs on microformats already but most people just dont realise it
  44. [02:05:08] <don-o> then that ontology group came along and said bam! this spec makes microformats obsolete
  45. [02:05:47] <melvster_> which ontology group?
  46. [02:06:06] <don-o> i knew you'd ask that. im poking around. cant remember
  47. [02:06:14] <melvster_> hehe
  48. [02:06:26] <don-o> it was a blog post that said hey yeah, microformats has an achile's heel
  49. [02:06:44] <melvster_> only insofar as html is an achilles heal
  50. [02:07:02] <melvster_> but we're stuck with one, so why not the other?
  51. [02:07:02] <don-o> heh. i think its too ambigious to use the class attribute the way microformats does
  52. [02:07:35] <hachi> I think I need to ignore this conversation and worry about openid, oauth, and atom for the moment
  53. [02:07:36] <don-o> this other spec was more specific, oh the blog was also about an HTML 5 attribute and how it helps
  54. [02:07:54] <don-o> that should help my googling :)
  55. [02:09:55] * SignpostMarv joins in on the jibot goodness
  56. [02:09:57] <SignpostMarv> ?forgetme
  57. [02:09:57] <jibot> I have expunged SignpostMarv from my mind
  58. [02:10:24] <SignpostMarv> ?learn SignpostMarv is a WordPress, Second Life & OpenID geek
  59. [02:10:24] <jibot> SignpostMarv is a WordPress, Second Life and OpenID geek
  60. [02:10:46] <don-o> melvster_: RDFa. the article is here:
  61. [02:12:30] <hachi> I'm gonna talk down about David Recordon here... it'll be funny :)
  62. [02:14:16] <melvster_> interesting article, i love the way the piece is all about markup but doesnt render properly in firefox :)
  63. [02:14:19] <don-o> adoption of this stuff is so hit and miss. i exported my contacts list from gmail and the only format it supports is CSV. ha.
  64. [02:14:31] <don-o> melvster_: lol. why not?
  65. [02:14:32] <melvster_> csv is great
  66. [02:14:44] <melvster_> dunno i got text going all accross my page
  67. [02:14:48] <melvster_> bumping into the menus
  68. [02:15:13] <melvster_> still can just about read it though, it's just ironic that the article is about the best way to mark up your xhtml :)
  69. [02:15:26] <don-o> oh the article itself? i thought you meant the RDFa examples that you made a new file out of.
  70. [02:15:42] <don-o> that is funny although it renders fine on my FF 2.0
  71. [02:18:32] <melvster_> wierd im running
  72. [02:18:50] <melvster_> speaking of which i noticed today openid is "at risk" in firefox 3?
  73. [02:19:20] <GabeW> really?
  74. [02:22:27] <melvster_> yep
  75. [02:22:43] <melvster_> don-o: very good article, thanks i enjoyed that
  76. [02:22:47] <melvster_> lemme find the link
  77. [02:23:09] <GabeW> would be nice to know why
  78. [02:23:26] <don-o> melvster_: yup. i think its more than at risk. :(
  79. [02:23:54] <don-o> there was a good comment somewhere about the FF devs probably didnt know what the heck to implement.
  80. [02:24:13] <GabeW> heh
  81. [02:24:15] <GabeW> hmm
  82. [02:24:17] <don-o> i mean i think that original request was really asking for an identity selector.
  83. [02:24:24] <GabeW> ?
  84. [02:24:34] <GabeW> is there a URL for this question/conclusion?
  85. [02:24:35] <don-o> a cardspace thingy
  86. [02:24:42] <melvster_> well the guy who's doing it does the password manager and a few other things
  87. [02:24:49] <melvster_> yes cardspace is at risk too
  88. [02:24:58] <GabeW> *that* is kinda unfortunate
  89. [02:25:02] <melvster_> sorry just getting the url
  90. [02:25:06] <GabeW> ok
  91. [02:25:09] <don-o> heh. the first thing i do with any new firefox install is turn off the password manager.
  92. [02:25:15] <GabeW> really?
  93. [02:25:16] <GabeW> i use it
  94. [02:27:03] <don-o> melvster_: what does that mean?
  95. [02:27:15] <don-o> melvster_: whoops sorry out of context comment
  96. [02:27:29] <don-o> my backscroll was up.. uh what does cardspace is at risk mean
  97. [02:28:19] <melvster_>
  98. [02:28:39] * melvster_ is now known as Melvster
  99. [02:28:53] <Melvster> Justin Dolske
  100. [02:28:55] <GabeW> hm
  101. [02:28:56] <Melvster> that's the guy
  102. [02:28:58] <GabeW> thats not very helpful
  103. [02:29:32] <Melvster> PASS-002a At risk Support Microsoft CardSpace on Windows Justin Dolske
  104. [02:29:34] <Melvster> PASS-002b At risk Support OpenID Justin Dolske
  105. [02:29:42] <GabeW> yah
  106. [02:29:47] <GabeW> i mean, it doesn't say what the thinking is
  107. [02:29:54] <Melvster> im guessing the reason is time constraint
  108. [02:29:57] <don-o> Melvster: ohhh i didnt know cardspace was its own lineitem.
  109. [02:29:59] <GabeW> where is factoryjoe!!
  110. [02:30:00] <Melvster> look at all the other stuff he has to do
  111. [02:30:21] <don-o> Justin!
  112. [02:30:35] <don-o> someone needs to get that guy on the phone :)
  113. [02:30:49] <Melvster> or send him some code :)
  114. [02:31:40] <GabeW> yah, I mean, it has to be pretty clear whats needed to be implemented
  115. [02:32:21] <Melvster> im not even sure how openid would 'intetegrate' into firefox?
  116. [02:32:22] <don-o> yeah. i would think FF3 would want to be able to recieve, store, and select infocards
  117. [02:34:16] <don-o> what standards to follow in order to do that is very fuzzy, to me anyways.
  118. [02:34:18] <Melvster>
  119. [02:34:38] <Melvster> ah openid not in there :(
  120. [02:35:55] <GabeW> don-o: well information card specs are pretty obvious I think
  121. [02:36:14] <GabeW> but - not clear where openid would be implemented since its designed *not* to require client support
  122. [02:36:46] <Melvster> cant openid be implemented between client and server?
  123. [02:36:53] <Melvster> ie 2 machines instead of 3?
  124. [02:37:02] <GabeW> uh
  125. [02:37:09] <GabeW> not really
  126. [02:37:17] <SignpostMarv> wouldn't FF3 Implementation of OpenID just be a combination of the password manager & form username autocomplete ?
  127. [02:37:17] <GabeW> i mean, if the client machine happens to be advertised at the OP
  128. [02:37:34] <GabeW> i mean, if the client machine happens to be advertised *as* the OP
  129. [02:37:41] <don-o> SignpostMarv: a lame implementation, yes :)
  130. [02:38:03] * cote (n=cote@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  131. [02:38:04] <don-o> SignpostMarv: i would think it would do as least as much as the seatbelt extension
  132. [02:38:59] <GabeW> hmm
  133. [02:39:00] <GabeW> yah
  134. [02:39:11] <SignpostMarv> seatbelt extension ?
  135. [02:40:41] <don-o> SignpostMarv:
  136. [02:41:51] <SignpostMarv> "SeatBelt detects that you have clicked on an OpenID sign in field while not signed into your PIP account and prompts you to sign in."
  137. [02:42:07] <SignpostMarv> if the information is in the password manager, FF should probably attempt to log you in itself :-P
  138. [02:44:10] <Melvster> so what about things like the proovme certificates, does that allow you to login without with redirecting?
  139. [02:44:19] <don-o> SignpostMarv: they're being modest :) it does phishing detection and has a neat status icon showing logged in/out to your Id provider
  140. [02:45:16] <GabeW> i think it would be prudent to have users to log into their OP's when they first launch their browsers
  141. [02:45:22] <GabeW> having firefox support that would be nice
  142. [02:49:11] <Melvster> i guess that works
  143. [02:49:19] <Melvster> maybe a list of openids
  144. [02:49:27] <Melvster> and click if you want to login on startup
  145. [02:49:37] <Melvster> but that expires, right?
  146. [02:49:48] <GabeW> depends on the OP
  147. [02:50:38] <Melvster> i think this makes sense
  148. [02:51:19] <Melvster> just like you sign in to messenger or skype when you start it up
  149. [02:51:26] <GabeW> well yajh
  150. [02:51:32] <GabeW> i sign into my password manager on startup
  151. [02:51:40] <GabeW> or usually early on
  152. [02:52:01] <don-o> id like to see the openid signon be automatic. if its a site ive logged into before, auto-login when i visit it next.
  153. [02:52:14] <GabeW> well, thats something the site has to do with cookies
  154. [02:52:41] <Melvster> yes many sites do this already
  155. [02:52:46] <Melvster> i think jyte is one
  156. [02:53:02] <don-o> ff or an extension could look for the openid login field and in addition to populating the field, it submits the field.
  157. [02:53:03] <GabeW> actually, you could mark a form input with a attribute marking it as the openid input form
  158. [02:53:13] <GabeW> but
  159. [02:53:20] <GabeW> that prevents the user from choosing which identity?
  160. [02:53:28] <GabeW> or would ff prompt the user to select an identity?
  161. [02:53:42] <don-o> GabeW: true, but im thinking this is for sites where ive logged in before. so it'd use the same identity.
  162. [02:53:43] <GabeW> symantec has something like this
  163. [02:53:44] * stub ( has joined #openid
  164. [02:54:14] <don-o> i meant to say 'submits the form'.
  165. [02:54:27] <Melvster> it cant submit the form
  166. [02:54:45] <Melvster> because you will be redirected
  167. [02:55:41] <GabeW> thats not really a problem - it *is* a jarring user experience
  168. [02:55:50] <GabeW> imagine typing in and getting your OP to show up
  169. [02:57:23] <don-o> if you were logged in, the ID provider would send you back right away.
  170. [02:57:40] <don-o> assuming the 'which profile do you want' stuff was out ofthe way :)
  171. [02:57:52] <don-o> but again this is for sites where ive done that dance once.
  172. [02:58:09] <GabeW> you know whats really disturbing
  173. [02:58:30] <GabeW> openid is far from the "softest point" of vulnerability
  174. [02:59:15] <GabeW> many (most) of these sites use session cookies that are trivial to sniff - cookie-based session hijacking
  175. [02:59:47] <don-o> to sniff? or to guess at?
  176. [02:59:54] <GabeW> sniff
  177. [02:59:57] <GabeW> like at starbucks
  178. [03:00:13] <GabeW> or mountain view
  179. [03:00:44] <don-o> oh, the wifi angle.
  180. [03:00:56] <don-o> so, non-https sites
  181. [03:00:56] <GabeW> heh
  182. [03:00:57] <GabeW> yah
  183. [03:01:11] <GabeW> which is most of them
  184. [03:03:41] <Melvster> isnt the data encrypted?
  185. [03:03:48] <Melvster> WPA for example
  186. [03:03:58] <GabeW> sure, if it is
  187. [03:04:00] <GabeW> not in starbucks
  188. [03:04:02] <GabeW> not in muni wifi
  189. [03:07:33] <Melvster> people will have to protect their digital idenities
  190. [03:07:47] <Melvster> just like you keep your passport safe when you go out
  191. [03:09:59] <GabeW> its like going to a hotel and having to present your credit card and ID to the front desk and then them unlocking the hotel room for anyone to walk in to
  192. [03:10:13] <GabeW> officially, its your room, according to the hotel
  193. [03:10:17] <GabeW> but anyone can walk in and use it
  194. [03:10:25] <GabeW> nobody is really "stealing" your identity
  195. [03:10:34] <GabeW> except as with respect to that hotel room
  196. [03:13:05] <Melvster> depends if they clear out the mini bar :)
  197. [03:14:30] * cote ( has joined #openid
  198. [03:17:15] <GabeW> then they are just stealing booze
  199. [03:18:27] <Melvster> depends on the site i guess, but sites of the future will be more closely connected than today
  200. [03:20:43] <Melvster> people are going to have to start taking seriously protecting their identities
  201. [03:21:44] <Melvster> i think there will be a number of services that spring up to help with this
  202. [03:27:48] <GabeW> woops
  203. [03:27:55] <GabeW> what would those do exactly?
  204. [03:28:10] <Melvster> too early to say
  205. [03:28:38] <Melvster> but where there's a need, normally a solution will spring up :)
  206. [03:29:05] <Melvster> maybe helping to protect your communications, or your pc, or your signon with tokens etc.
  207. [03:29:16] <GabeW> yah
  208. [03:35:12] * AaronF ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  209. [04:01:51] * cote ( Quit ()
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  214. [04:37:35] <SignpostMarv> Has everyone listened to the interview Simon Willison did with the BBC ?
  215. [04:45:26] * SvenDowideit (n=SvenDowi@twiki/developer/SvenDowideit) has joined #openid
  216. [04:53:15] * idnar (n=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) Quit (Nick collision from services.)
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  219. [04:57:50] * Loolyan87 (i=Al@gateway/tor/x-c329be1d02948428) has joined #openid
  220. [04:59:14] <Melvster> what interview?
  221. [05:06:54] <SignpostMarv>
  222. [05:15:18] * cote ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  223. [05:20:31] * Melvster ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  224. [05:46:34] * cote ( has joined #openid
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  226. [06:01:44] * SignpostMarv ( Quit ("Leaving")
  227. [06:52:07] * cote ( Quit ()
  228. [07:18:59] * KevinMarks ( has joined #openid
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  238. [09:09:38] * digitalspaghetti ( has joined #openid
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  243. [11:47:36] * peace-keeper ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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  249. [12:22:08] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ Quit ("Leaving...")
  250. [12:26:45] * chowells79 ( has joined #openid
  251. [12:26:45] <jibot> chowells79 is yet another Janrain idler.
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  257. [13:29:26] * pvandewyngaerde ( has joined #openid
  258. [13:45:13] * idnar_ is now known as idnar
  259. [13:48:33] * Melvster ( has joined #openid
  260. [13:54:37] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  261. [13:56:08] <trel1023> bloglines announces openid support
  262. [13:57:09] <idnar> ooooh
  263. [13:57:21] <idnar> got a URL?
  264. [13:57:41] <trel1023>
  265. [13:58:10] <trel1023> investigating oauth as well
  266. [14:18:08] <Melvster> cool
  267. [14:19:31] <Melvster> a freind of mine was asking for a blog site, which big ones are fully openid enabled?
  268. [14:22:18] * ichigo ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  269. [14:27:15] * peace-keeper ( has joined #openid
  270. [14:32:10] * ichigo ( has joined #openid
  271. [14:50:41] * bortzmeyer ( has left #openid
  272. [14:54:10] <Melvster> couldnt load the bbc page, but screencast is here:
  273. [14:54:34] <trel1023> seeing openid based spam comments on your blog?
  274. [14:54:35] <trel1023> read this
  275. [14:54:36] <trel1023>
  276. [14:54:43] <trel1023> whitelist based FOAF solution
  277. [14:55:19] <keturn> neat.
  278. [14:55:23] <Melvster> smart
  279. [14:55:39] <Melvster> but i think we're going to have to go the spamassasin route
  280. [14:55:45] <Melvster> ... eventually
  281. [15:02:23] <Melvster> i would if we could write an extension for spam assassin for openid?
  282. [15:02:43] <Melvster> e.g. for blog spam forum spam etc.
  283. [15:02:52] <Melvster> but based on openid as the indent
  284. [15:03:11] <trel1023> should just be a parallel check
  285. [15:03:14] <keturn> what is the spamassasin route, exactly?
  286. [15:03:19] <trel1023> one for the content of the message - spamassassin
  287. [15:03:27] <trel1023> and one for the author/openid
  288. [15:03:54] <trel1023> solve small problems in one place - combine them later
  289. [15:04:23] <Melvster> it does an analysis of the text and the sender and gives it a score based on a number of factors such as bayseian analysis, it can also be trained and can learn, its open source and extensible
  290. [15:05:25] <Melvster> (bayesian)
  291. [15:05:41] <keturn> right, but as trel1023 says, most of that is not at all openid-specific
  292. [15:07:02] <Melvster> but spam is an issue for any digital identity system
  293. [15:07:49] <Melvster> given you can create open ids en masse, and what you can do with them, it's going to become something that openid consumers have to deal with
  294. [15:08:50] <trel1023> and anonymous, never-auth'd openids
  295. [15:09:15] <trel1023> you create a magic privileged door into your app - and the spammers will walk right through
  296. [15:09:20] <trel1023> privileged :)
  297. [15:10:20] <digitalspaghetti> hey trel1023, how's it going?
  298. [15:10:41] <trel1023> rolling along...
  299. [15:10:52] <trel1023> always working on the list that's never done
  300. [15:11:00] <keturn> but this is not any different than the situation before OpenID. all the same problems and solutions apply. OpenID just gives you an identifier you can build more whitelists with. (i.e. you could query LJ and whitelist all your friends-of-friends)
  301. [15:11:28] <digitalspaghetti> i know how it feels :) I'm thinking how I can implement OpenID, and then MicroID into my new app (shamess plug:
  302. [15:11:42] <digitalspaghetti> although thats low on the list just now
  303. [15:12:57] <Melvster> cute, you've improved the pastebin i see
  304. [15:15:35] <Melvster> i guess use the php consumer?
  305. [15:15:41] <digitalspaghetti> GeSHi, yea
  306. [15:17:11] <Melvster>
  307. [15:17:14] <Melvster> how about that?
  308. [15:17:42] <Melvster> or maybe the book?
  309. [15:17:45] <Melvster>
  310. [15:17:45] <trel1023> it's good - joseph is a good guy - helped him get that ready at IIW last year
  311. [15:17:58] <trel1023> er, earlier this year
  312. [15:18:06] <Melvster> cool
  313. [15:18:30] <digitalspaghetti> ooh, nice tutorial there. I haven't implemented user accounts yet, but that looks like a good tutorial to follow
  314. [15:19:00] <trel1023> and it covers some of the basics with regards to multiple openids per account
  315. [15:19:01] * cote ( has joined #openid
  316. [15:19:15] <Melvster> true that's tricky
  317. [15:19:43] <Melvster> im wanted to try and implement it for phpbb but some other guys are doing it already, but not yet released
  318. [15:20:04] <Melvster> hard to know whether to wait or just try it yourself
  319. [15:20:21] <Melvster> oh make sure you get that latest janrain library too 1.2.3
  320. [15:20:42] <Melvster> make sure you get a fresh copy of the tarball
  321. [15:22:29] <digitalspaghetti> should i not start suppoting 2.x.x?
  322. [15:22:48] <Melvster> oh yes, i guess
  323. [15:22:51] <Melvster> but it's only RC
  324. [15:23:22] <Melvster> i used 1.2.3 as it is relatively stable
  325. [15:23:45] <Melvster> will try and get 2 working at some stage
  326. [15:26:15] <Melvster> another option is to use WPMU and to give all of your users a blog
  327. [15:26:24] <Melvster> then add the openid plugin
  328. [15:26:41] <digitalspaghetti> WPMU?
  329. [15:26:48] <Melvster> wordpress multi user
  330. [15:27:01] <Melvster> its what runs
  331. [15:28:15] <trel1023> a variant of it
  332. [15:28:49] <digitalspaghetti> aww, i'm not gonna bother with wordpress
  333. [15:29:30] * cote ( Quit ()
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  335. [15:52:38] <keturn> digitalspaghetti: I'd say if you're writing new stuff now, go ahead and grab the 2.x lib.
  336. [15:52:55] <don-o> i got a response from Justin Dolske, FF3 dev.
  337. [15:53:24] <don-o> "it wasn't clear exactly what this
  338. [15:53:26] <don-o> should entail, and if it was really something needed in Firefox 3 now"
  339. [15:55:37] <Melvster> cool
  340. [15:56:23] <Melvster> pity google dont use openid or i think they could add some influence
  341. [15:57:14] <don-o> i think single signon isnt ready yet for there to be an obvious path for the FF3 devs.
  342. [15:57:35] <idnar> I don't really see what FF3 would do with OpenID
  343. [15:57:36] <don-o> especially when they were first thinking about SSO. openid 2.0 wasnt near completion
  344. [15:57:43] * cote ( has joined #openid
  345. [15:57:57] <don-o> cardspace was still obscure (IMHO)
  346. [15:58:19] <digitalspaghetti> thx keturn, i've grabbed both anyway
  347. [15:58:22] <don-o> idnar: well at the least id like it to manage a list of my openIDs and know when a website was presenting an openid login form
  348. [15:58:59] <don-o> i think FF plugins will go a long way towards experimenting with what functionality is actually useful
  349. [15:59:42] <Melvster> i think one of the most important aspect of ff3 supporting openid is that it brings extra awareness to openstandards
  350. [15:59:48] <don-o> personally, i want a linux-app that does cardspace identity selection. (assuming cardspace is a non-patent encumbered standard)
  351. [16:00:01] <Melvster> i guess people can write an openid addon
  352. [16:00:06] <Melvster> but it would be nice if it was core
  353. [16:00:15] <don-o> Melvster: yeah that would have been huge.
  354. [16:00:56] * cote ( Quit (Client Quit)
  355. [16:02:29] <trel1023> cardspace has been implemented in linux
  356. [16:02:30] * cote ( has joined #openid
  357. [16:02:37] <trel1023> bandit i think has something
  358. [16:03:54] <trel1023> ah, higgins
  359. [16:03:54] <trel1023>
  360. [16:04:19] <trel1023>
  361. [16:05:34] <Melvster> re: firefox, has anyone used this?
  362. [16:05:41] <trel1023> i have
  363. [16:05:52] <trel1023> works as advertised,
  364. [16:06:16] <trel1023> more of a discovery tool though - limited in what it helps you actually do
  365. [16:08:15] * marclaporte (n=Marc_Lap@tikiwiki/marclaporte) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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  368. [16:12:18] <Melvster> doesnt seem to work for me
  369. [16:12:28] <Melvster> i click on manage open ids and it doesnt do anything...
  370. [16:13:05] <Melvster> add openid has no function it seems
  371. [16:15:43] * Melvster (n=chatzill@ Quit (Remote closed the connection)
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  374. [16:18:16] <Melvster> how about sxipper?
  375. [16:20:22] <Melvster> hmm just tried it ...
  376. [16:20:59] * cote ( Quit ()
  377. [16:22:24] <Melvster> seemed pretty heavily linked to but manages your openids reasonably well, maybe firefox needs something like this?
  378. [16:27:01] <trel1023> sxipper derives its power from user-created mappings being sent back to central site at sxipper
  379. [16:29:19] <Melvster> yeah i kind of was a bit concerned about privacy
  380. [16:34:09] <Melvster> nice interface tho'
  381. [16:34:52] <don-o> trel1023: yeah i was looking at that yesterday. its hard to determine just how far along it is, what standards its using, how active the project is, etc.
  382. [16:35:57] <trel1023> sxipper?
  383. [16:36:01] <trel1023> it's run by sxip
  384. [16:37:23] * don-o tries Appalachain
  385. [16:39:09] <don-o> i got the same result that Melvster got. It looks like its 25% implemented. Nice website though.
  386. [16:39:43] <don-o> control-alt-shift-A lol
  387. [16:53:28] * freakerz ( Quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
  388. [16:53:28] <_keturn> I'm a little regretful that I didn't make it to "sxip's hour of charm" while I was out in Boston
  389. [16:54:29] <openid_pibb> <cygnus> yikes
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